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Department Punyam Manufacturing INC
Rev. No. 00
OHS Standard Operating Procedure Date 15.03.2018

Handling, Storage and Disposal

Handling and Disposal of Maintenance Waste
1.0 Mechanical Waste
1. All damaged / worn out spare parts i.e. mild steed, mild steel chips, aluminum chips, nylon, brass,
PVC, nylon flat belts, rubber belts, bakelite, bearings etc generated during the
maintenance are collected and sent to the scrap yard where the said waste are
segregated and stored.
2. Used grease / oil / kerosene which are used in the equipments are stored in the closed drums
outside the plant at identified area.
3. All the above mechanical waste materials are sold as a scrap, periodically.
2.0 Electrical Waste
1. All damaged fuse, bulbs, tube rods, wires, cables etc. are stored in the identified area in the
separate place.
2. Other electrical items i.e. used cables are collected and checked for their usability. If cables are
not usable, they are stored in the identified area.
3. All the electrical waste is also sold as a scrap, periodically.
Handling and Storage of Hazardous Chemicals
1. Take following precautions while handling hazardous materials as listed below.
2. Keep your mouth at safe distance from the materials and ensure that mask is weared during
their handling.
3. Do not smell, touch or eat the above materials.
4. Use always hand gloves and gumboots, while handling above materials.
5. Ensure that proper container is used for the handling of materials to avoid any hazard.
6. Do not light up a fire near to these materials.
7. In case any part of body gets affected from the hazardous materials, inform immediately to the
Works Head and arrange the first-aid treatment.
8. Ensure the necessary identification of the above materials at any places is properly done.
9. Ensure the adequate storage area is provided for storage of the above materials.
Sr. Sr.
Name Of Raw Materials Name Of Raw Materials
No. No.
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
Handling, Storage, Preservation, Segregation and Delivery of Fire / Safety Related materials
1.0 Instructions
This procedure covers handling, storage, preservation, segregation and delivery of
following Fire / Safety related materials

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Management Appointee 1 of 4

Copy # 90 copyright @ Global Manager Group 2013; E-mail:

No. SOP/OHS/01
Department Punyam Manufacturing INC
Rev. No. 00
OHS Standard Operating Procedure Date 15.03.2018

 Foam  Chemical Foam AFPP

 DCP  Sodium Based DCP
 Potassium Based DCP
 Carbon Dioxide Cylinders And Cartridges
 Delivery Hoses
1.1 Handling
All the foam compounds and other types of fire extinguishers are handled carefully so as
to avoid leak or damage to the container
Also, these are handled in dry condition during Re–Filling
All delivery hoses are handled for rolling and unrolling and are followed as per Manual.
1.2 Storage
Refills of DCP, Foam are stored in the Fire Extinguishers refilling and maintenance.
1.3 Preservation
All the fire related Materials are preserved in an ambient environment to avoid damage,
deterioration to materials.
1.4 Separation
Degraded / Damaged materials are segregated from the stored fire related item
1.5 Maintaining the Location List of Fire Extinguishers with details of Identification No., Type of
Extinguishers, Capacity, Location, Filling, Due for Re-Filling etc.
Sludge Transfer and Contractor
1. First of all, ensure that dry sludge is collected in sufficient quantity at sludge storage area and is
well packed in HDPE bags to avoid spillage during packing, transferring etc.
2. Inform sludge transporter and contractor for the disposal of sludge at landfill site.
3. Following care needs to be taken by the sludge transporter and contractor;
 Ensure that the vehicle to be used for sludge transportation is registered.
 Ensure that the vehicle arranged for sludge transportation is in good condition and is
not damaged to avoid causes of spillage during the transportation.
 Ensure that the sludge stored in sludge storage area is properly dried and is not in the
wet condition.
 First of all, check the vehicle, at security, which is received for sludge collection and
 Enter the vehicle in the plant and nearer to sludge storage area.
 Now, lift the sludge bags one-by-one and put in the vehicle properly.
 Ensure that no spillage should occur during loading of sludge.
 Load the vehicle properly by all sludge bags.
 Ensure that all sludge bags are loaded; also, no overloading is there.
 Collect the gate pass and necessary records for sludge disposal at site.
 Instruct transporter for disposal of solid waste at site and allow him to go outside the
factory premises.
 Ensure that the vehicle carrying solid waste is identified properly as per the
requirements of the State Pollution Control Board.
4. All sludge transporters and contractors have to ensure that all the above points are taken care of
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Management Appointee 2 of 4

Copy # 90 copyright @ Global Manager Group 2013; E-mail:

No. SOP/OHS/01
Department Punyam Manufacturing INC
Rev. No. 00
OHS Standard Operating Procedure Date 15.03.2018

during the disposal of sludge and no land contamination has happened.

General Waste Disposal
1. Ensure that the disposal of non–conforming Pesticides (Sample / Standard) is done properly,
which could not further create any pollutant. Especially for disposal of powder and liquid,
Pesticides are generated as a part of research and development. It should be allowed to
drain in waste water collection tank only.
2. Also, take proper care during disposal of broken glass, other waste etc. Ensure proper disposal,
which does not create any pollutant during disposal. It should be disposed off to the
municipal waste.
3. Also, identify scrap bins, specifically when glass scraps are mixed in such bins, to avoid hazards
to the human during handling and disposal of such scrap.
4. Drain out contaminated water sample in the waste water collection tank properly, which could not
affect the environment. Ensure that there should not be any spillage during the draining of
such waste water solution.
5. Ensure that residue after testing from the lab is drained out in the Collection tank only. From such
collection tank, the same is sent to the unit – 1 for incineration.
Control on Spillages / Dusting
1. Whenever any spillages of powder or liquid materials are notified, follow the below mentioned
steps for disposal ;
 If the quantity of spillages is high than, first of all sweep the materials / mop it with the
cloth and collect at a particular place
 Collect the powder materials in a suitable equipment through hand shovel
 Collect the liquid materials in a suitable equipment through tumbler
 Clean / filter the materials and charge in the process as identified
 Wash–out the balance spillage by spraying water on it and treat it as an effluent and
discharge in effluent collection tank for the further treatment.
 In case spillage is of too small quantity, wash–out the balance spillage by spraying
water on it and treat it as an effluent and discharge in effluent collection tank for the
further treatment.
2. Whenever any dusting of powder materials are notified, due to charging or any other reason,
follow the below mentioned steps ;
 First of all, stop the process and control dusting
 Take adequate measures to control dusting before further proceeding
 Once the dusting is controlled, then only start the process
 Collect the powder materials spilled on the floor due to dusting in a suitable equipment
through hand shovel
 Wash–out the balance spillage by spraying water on it and treat it as an effluent and
discharge in effluent collection tank for the further treatment
3. In case of major spillages / dusting where the recovery is not possible, dilute the mass with
suitable media and send it as a solid waste for the further disposal in the TSDF.
Method of disposal of raw materials / finished products
1. The raw materials / finished products are collected for the disposal at the following stages ;
 Decomposition of raw materials / finished products,

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Management Appointee 3 of 4

Copy # 90 copyright @ Global Manager Group 2013; E-mail:

No. SOP/OHS/01
Department Punyam Manufacturing INC
Rev. No. 00
OHS Standard Operating Procedure Date 15.03.2018

 Completion of working standards etc.

 Collection of spilled materials
 Collection of materials, due to any reason
2. First of all, accumulate such materials in the appropriate pan. Mix up of all such materials
3. Neutralize such materials by charging appropriate media in it and mixing of the same properly.
4. Check pH of 10 % solution. Once it is observed that the same is neutralized, collect and pack the
same materials in the HDPE bags.
5. Store such materials in the Hazardous waste storage room till it further disposal to the TSDF site.
6. Maintain records of all such hazardous waste in the sludge control and monitoring register.

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Copy # 90 copyright @ Global Manager Group 2013; E-mail:

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