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(Teaching Material)

Compiled by Bach Quoc Hung, M.A.


Department of Foreign Languages


English for Graphic Design 1 is designed to help graphic design majors with the
development of English proficiency through specialist environment. This book is primarily
aimed at developing students’ graphic design- related specialist vocabulary competence and
reading comprehension competence. In addition, knowledge of graphic design is also
implicitly developed to some extent to students through specialist reading materials. Finally,
the integrated skill of translating is included to enable students to present the understanding
of the reading materials in their mother tongue.

This book is organized based on themes (each corresponding to one module), namely
Graphics; Graphic Design; History of Graphic Design; Some Basic Elements of Graphic
Design; and Fields of Graphic Design and Its Applications. Each Module is largely
structured as follows:

 Lead-in Activity: In this section, some discussion questions or some picture-guessing

activities are given with the aim of generating students’ interest in and activating their
prior knowledge of the subject.

 Reading Comprehension: Graphic Design-related reading passages are initially

provided as the basis for developing specialist vocabulary, reading comprehension and
translating skills. Vocabulary development tasks include Multiple Choice Questions
and Matching. Reading skills development tasks include True/False Statements;
Matching, Gap-filling and Reading Comprehension Questions. Translation task is
translating a certain part of the reading passage into students’ mother tongue.

MODULE 1: GRAPHICS …………………………………………………….……………P.1

MODULE 2: GRAPHIC DESIGN………………………………………….……………...P.5




GLOSSARY ………………………………………………………………………………….P.33

REFERENCES …………………………………………………………………………..…..P.41

 Lead-in Questions

1. What do you think graphics mean?

2. Where can you see graphics?

3. What types of graphics do you know?

 Reading Passage:

A graphic is an image or visual representation of an object. Therefore, computer

graphics are simply images displayed on a computer screen. Graphics are often contrasted
with text, which is comprised of characters (e.g. numbers, letters, symbols and space) rather
than images.

Graphics are needed everywhere and are being made by millions of people all over the
world. The real art is not just in making
graphics but arranging them in
conjunction with other text and images to
produce a coherent and fascinating piece
of work, according to the end goal. This
is what is meant by graphic design. The
process of graphic design enhances the
look of a layout, is attractive to viewers, simplifies the message and helps communicate a
message effectively. As simple it may seem, it is lot of hard work.

Computer graphics can be either two

or three-dimensional. Early computers only
supported 2D monochrome graphics,
meaning they were black and white (or black
and green, depending on the monitor).
Eventually, computers began to support color
images. While the first machines only supported 16 or 256 colors, most computers can now
display graphics in millions of colors.

English for Graphic Design 1


2D graphics come in two types —

raster and vector. Raster graphics are the
most common and are used for digital
photos, Web graphics, icons, and other
types of images. They are composed of a
simple grid of pixels, which can each be a
different color. Vector graphics, on the other hand are made up of paths, which may be lines,
shapes, letters, or other scalable objects. They are often used for creating logos, signs, and
other types of drawings. Unlike raster graphics, vector graphics can be scaled to a larger size
without losing quality.

3D graphics started to become

popular in the 1990s, along with 3D
rendering software such as CAD and 3D
animation programs. By the year 2000,
many video games had begun incorporating
3D graphics, since computers had enough
processing power to support them. Now most computers now come with a 3D video card that
handles all the 3D processing. This allows even basic home systems to support advanced 3D
games and applications.

Task 1: Complete the following sentences using the information from the passage.
1. An image or visual representation of an object is referred to as a …………..
a. text b. symbol c. graphic
2. ………. including characters like numbers and letters, rather than images is contrasted
with graphics.
a. Text b. Computer graphic c. Image
3. The images displayed on a computer screen are …….graphics.
a. movie b. computer c. printer

English for Graphic Design 1


4. Organizing graphics in conjunction with other text and images to produce a coherent and
fascinating visual piece of work is the process of …………..

a. drawing b. graphic design c. using computer.

5. The process of graphic design helps communicate a ……… to viewers effectively.

a. visual element b. message c. layout
6. …….monochrome graphics including black and white colors are supported by early
a. two-dimensional b. three-dimensional c. four-dimensional
7. ……….. are used for digital photos, Web graphics, icons, and other types of images.
a. Vector graphics b. Raster graphics c. Computer graphics
8. Unlike raster graphics, ……….. can be scaled to a larger size without losing quality.
a. vector graphics b. raster graphics c. computer graphics
Task 2. True/False Statements
Read the passage carefully and decide whether the following statements are True (T)
or False (F).

1. Graphics represent a visual form of an object.

2. Images and text including characters are referred to as graphics.

3. Graphic designers are to arrange graphics in conjunction with other text and images to
form a coherent and attractive visual work.

4. Computers only support two-dimensional graphics.

5. Raster and vector graphics used for creating logos, signs, and other types of drawings.

6. Vector graphics don’t lose their quality when they are scaled to a larger size.

7. By the year 2000, computers can support many three-dimensional video games.

English for Graphic Design 1


Task 3: Read the passage again and answer the following questions.
1. What is a graphic?
2. What are computer graphics?
3. What is Graphic Design meant?

4. What kind of graphics do early computers support?

5. How many graphic colors can a computer now display?
6. What applications use raster and vector graphics?
Task 4: Translate the following text into Vietnamese.
2D graphics come in two types — raster and vector. Raster graphics are the most
common and are used for digital photos, Web graphics, icons, and other types of images.
They are composed of a simple grid of pixels, which can each be a different color. Vector
graphics, on the other hand are made up of paths, which may be lines, shapes, letters, or
other scalable objects. They are often used for creating logos, signs, and other types of
drawings. Unlike raster graphics, vector graphics can be scaled to a larger size without
losing quality.

English for Graphic Design 1



 Lead-in Questions
1. What does Graphic Design involve?
2. What are the applications of Graphic Design (e.g. poster)?
3. What is a graphic design (e.g. a poster) used for?
 Reading Passage:
Graphic Design is a form of visual
communication used to convey a message or
information to an audience; it is a visual
representation of an idea relying on the
creation, selection, and organization of
visual elements. Powerful graphic design
contains a message with greater meaning.
Graphic design is therefore one of the ways in which creativity takes on a visual reality.

A graphic design application can persuade, inform, identify, motivate, enhance,

organize, brand, rouse, locate, engage, and carry or convey many levels of meaning. A design
application can be so effective that it influences behavior: you may choose a particular brand
because you are attracted to the design of its package, or you may donate blood after viewing
a public service advertisement.

The term "graphic design" refers to a

number of artistic and professional disciplines
that focus on visual communication and
presentation. Therefore, it is often referred to
as Visual Communication or Communication
Design. Various methods are used to create
and combine words, symbols, and images to create a visual representation of ideas and
messages. Thus, a graphic designer brings together the various elements of a page (words,
pictures, colors) to form a visually attractive page.

English for Graphic Design 1


Common applications of graphic design include identity (logos and branding), web
sites, publications (magazines, newspapers, and books), advertisements and product
packaging. For example, a product package might include a logo or other artwork, organized
text and pure design elements such as shapes and color which unify the piece. Composition is
one of the most important features of graphic design, especially when using pre-existing
materials or diverse elements.

Graphic designs also need to respect the principles of design like weigh, color, contrast,
emphasis, movement, pattern, ratio, proximity, repetition, rhythm, texture, unity, and white
space. All these concepts are not new and have been understood many years back. But, they
can be applied in many ways to make unique graphic designs.

Emphasis Contrast
The principle of graphic design has been existent since very long and is becoming more
and more flexible with the advent of new software and printing technologies. There are many
software packages like Macromedia, Adobe, Corel Draw, and Paint Shop that aid in high
quality and complexity of graphic design. Even the most qualified and experienced graphic
designers need to be well versed and expert in the use of graphic design software, as nearly

English for Graphic Design 1


all graphic designing is now being done on computers. One can easily print out drafts and
make modifications many eras, unlike the handmade stuff.

Task 1: Complete the following sentences using the words provided in the box.

elements – influence – applications- inform - design principles- visual communication

- software – Graphic Design - composition

1. Graphic Design is a form of………. used to convey a message or information to an


2. A graphic design application can persuade,……….., identify, motivate, enhance, organize,

brand, rouse, locate, engage, and carry or convey many levels of meaning.

3. An effective design application can……….. behavior.

4. Visual Communication or Communication Design is referred to as ………

5. Visual …………such as words, letter, symbols, lines, shapes and images are combined
together by a graphic designer to form an attractive design.

6. Logos and branding, web sites, publications (magazines, newspapers, and books),
advertisements and product packaging are some common ………….of graphic design.

7. ……… one of the most important features of graphic design.

8. When making a graphic design, ……… weigh, color, contrast, emphasis, movement,
pattern, ratio, proximity, repetition, rhythm, texture, unity, and white space are applied.

9. The discipline of graphic design is becoming more and more flexible with the advent of
new ……….such as Macromedia, Adobe, Corel Draw, and Paint Shop; and printing

English for Graphic Design 1


Task 2: Match items in column A with items in column B.


1. Graphic Design is …… a. the parts of graphic designer’s work.

2. An example of an effective design b. to put together the various visual elements

application that influences behavior is… of a page to form a visually attractive page.

3. The role of a graphic designer is …. c. can be applied in many ways to make

unique graphic designs.

4. Plotting and analyzing factors including d. a visual representation of a message by

audience, aim of the message, and medium creating, selecting and organizing visual
(such as print, online, book or poster) are …. elements, such as lines, shapes, text, and

5. Design principles such as weigh, color, e. that you may choose a particular brand
contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, ratio, because you are attracted to the design of its
proximity, repetition, rhythm, texture, unity,
and white space….

Task 3: Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions.

1. What is graphic design?

2. What does a graphic designer do?

3. What are the purposes of graphic design?


English for Graphic Design 1


4. What are some common applications of graphic design?

5. What need to be considered in making a graphic design?

Task 4: Illustrate some following terms by drawings or pictures from the internet.

1. Visual elements:

2. Any graphic design application shows a purpose:

3. A graphic design expresses one or more of the following design principles: weigh, color,
contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, ratio, proximity, repetition, rhythm, texture, unity,
and white space:

Task 5: Translate the following text into Vietnamese

Graphic Design is a form of visual communication used to convey a message or

information to an audience; it is a visual representation of an idea relying on the creation,
selection, and organization of visual elements. Powerful graphic design contains a message
with greater meaning. Graphic design is therefore one of the ways in which creativity takes
on a visual reality.
A graphic design application can persuade, inform, identify, motivate, enhance,
organize, brand, rouse, locate, engage, and carry or convey many levels of meaning. A
design application can be so effective that it influences behavior: you may choose a
particular brand because you are attracted to the design of its package, or you may donate
blood after viewing a public service advertisement.
The term "graphic design" refers to a number of artistic and professional disciplines
that focus on visual communication and presentation. Therefore, it is often referred to as
Visual Communication or Communication Design. Various methods are used to create and
combine words, symbols, and images to create a visual representation of ideas and
messages. Thus, a graphic designer brings together the various elements of a page (words,
pictures, colors) to form a visually attractive page.

English for Graphic Design 1



 Lead-in Activity:

Arrange the following pictures about forms of graphic design in the order of time.

1. 2.

3. 4.

 Follow-up question:

What created the development of these forms of graphic design?

 Reading Passage

 Prehistory

Graphic Design actually began

millennia earlier with the invention of
writing. With the creation of a written
language, people now had to combine both

English for Graphic Design 1


text and pictures for the first time. Taking ―sun‖, creating a new word, ―season‖. The
centuries to develop the techniques we Egyptians are also credited with creating
now take for granted. The Sumerian’s the first major advancement in writing
invented the first true written language surfaces from the papyrus plant. With
around 3000 B.C. Their civilization variety of grades, papyrus was used for
flourished thanks to their ability to write, everything from royal proclamations to
and while they were conquered many daily accounting. The next step occurred in
times each conqueror took the written 105 A.D. with the invention of paper by
word with them. So the ability and idea to Ts’ ai Lun in China, and then relief
preserve the spoken word for posterity printing around 770 A.D. In 1040 A.D. P.
began to travel through the world. And the Sheng invented the first movable type
need for someone with the skills to record
that information traveled with it. Due to
the complexity of early writing systems
scribes held a position of great honor
amongst societies. In some civilizations
they were even exempt from taxation! In
3100 B.C. the Egyptians began using
in Korea, 400 years before Gutenberg
written hieroglyphs - a pictorial language;
would use movable type in his presses.
each symbol was a representation of an
item. In order to create words that were not  Renaissance
described by a single symbol, scribes had The Renaissance brought about
great changes in European society, and
graphic design was one of those areas that
experienced a great revival. Illuminated
manuscripts are handwritten books that

to combine two or more symbols to get the

desired word, such as combining the
symbol for ―sea‖ with the symbol for

English for Graphic Design 1


were decorated and illustrated from the the fonts created during this time are still
late Roman Empire until around 1450. in regular use today.
These books were produced on parchment
or vellum, which was created by treating
the skins of animals. These books were in
such demand that the time it took a scribe
to write a simple two hundred page book
caused a great shortage in supply, with
four to five months of labor per book,
typography soon emerged. While the
concept of relief printing and movable type
had been known for some time, Johann  Industrial Age
Gutenberg is the first person credited with The Industrial Revolution brought
bringing together all the complex systems about his speed printing presses which
necessary to print a typographic book. initially doubled the output of a typical
hand press. With the invention of the
Linotype by Ottmar Mergenthaler in 1886,

Guttenberg was a goldsmith by trade and

this gave him the skill to create the metal
the second problem of having to manually
blocks of type used in his press. With the
typeset a page was also solved. A typeset
creation of Guttenberg’s press and the
could now simply punch a key and have
Renaissance’s demand for intellectual
the correct letter fall into place. With the
growth, the field of graphic design
invention of the photo-graphic camera,
exploded. With the printer, type designer,
graphic designers could now incorporate a
author, and artist working together in close
new level of reality into their work. The
collaboration, many written works were
war’s near the beginning of this century
created that are still admired today. The
brought out some of the most creative
1700’s brought about a stunning growth in
work in the graphic arts. With the
typography, with thousands of new fonts
conclusion of the Second World War, the
being developed for the needs of a wide
technological advancements developed for
variety of people. With graphic design
warfare were put to new uses in industries.
centers now in France and England, there
Graphic design tentatively began to adopt
were fonts for every need, from fanciful
some of the new technology available to
and delicate to strong and crisp. Many of
English for Graphic Design 1

them. In 1960’s pioneering work was of use and relatively inexpensive cost
being done at MIT and other institutions in allowed many users to become desktop
the realm of computer engineering. In the publishers. Producing newsletters and
early 1980’s that work came to fruition other printed material from their homes,
with the introduction of the Apple the revolution proved infectious to more
Macintosh. While not the first computer to traditional design houses. Until today
when one designer does the work that once
took dozens of skilled tradesmen to
accomplish. Perhaps in the near future that
one designer, working wherever is
convenient, will send a completed job to
be printed without the use of any plates,
and we will leave the last of Guttenberg’s
legacy behind us.
be used in the graphic design field, its ease

Task 1: Complete the following sentences using the information from the passage.

1. People had to combine both text and pictures for the first time thanks to the creation of …

a. spoken language b. written language c. body language

2. The Sumerian civilization flourished thanks to their ability to write.

a. developed b. declined c. survived

3. Due to the complexity of early writing systems …….. held a position of great honor
amongst societies.

a. inventors b. Egyptians c. scribes

4. The hieroglyphs Egyptians used for writing were pictorial language; each symbol was a
representation of an item.

a. language using pictures

b. language using words

c. language using sounds

5. Egyptians combined the symbol for ―sea‖ and the symbol for ―sun‖ to create a new word,

a. sky b. earth c. season

English for Graphic Design 1


6. ………… was invented around 770 A.D.

a. Paper b. Relief printing c. Computer

7. In 1040 A.D. P. Sheng invented the first ……. in Korea, 400 years before Gutenberg
would use movable type in his presses.

a. movable type b. typeset c. relief printing

8. Illuminated manuscripts- handwritten books that were decorated and illustrated from the
late Roman Empire until around 1450- represented ……….

A. Prehistory b. Renaissance c. Industrial Age

9. These books were produced on parchment or vellum.

a. skin of an animal b. leaf c. wood

10. Johann Gutenberg is the first person credited with bringing together all the complex
systems necessary to print a ……………..

a. graphic design book b. computer book c. typographic book

11 The Industrial Revolution invented his speed ………...

a. laptop computers b. printing presses c. planes

12. A …………was invented by Ottmar Mergenthaler in 1886.

a. printer b. linotype c. camera

Task 2: Complete the following table using the information from the passage.

Periods Inventions Inventors Times

Prehistory -First true written language. ………………. - Around 3000 B.C.

…………… - Hieroglyphs. ……………….. ……………………

- Egyptian ……………………………… -Egyptians …………………..

……………. ……………………………….. ………………… - In 105 A.D.

……………. - Relief printing. ………………. - Around 770 A.D.

…………….. ……………………………… - Shen …………………..

……………. - Illuminated manuscripts. ………………… …………………..

English for Graphic Design 1


- Roman ……………………………. ………………… …………………..

…………… ……………………………… Johann Gutenberg …………………..

…………… ……………………………… ………………… - In 1886

- The introduction of the Apple ………………….

…………… …………………..
Macintosh. .

Task 3: True/False Statements

Read the passage carefully and decide whether the following statements are True (T)
or False (F).

1. The appearance of written language brought about the beginning of graphic design.

2. With the creation of pictorial language, scribes used one single symbol to express many
desired words.

3. At the Renaissance, books were created on the skins of animals.

4. The field of graphic design exploded due to the creation of Guttenberg’s a typographic
book and press.

5. The speed printing presses as a result of the Industrial Revolution initially doubled the
output of a typical hand press.

6. In the near future, graphic designers will still prefer to use Guttenberg’s press.

Task 4: Read the passage again and answer the following questions.

1. What inventions promoted the development of graphic design field during the Prehistory?

2. Why did the society of Prehistory give scribes a great respect?

3. What evidence showed the revival of graphic design field during the Renaissance?

English for Graphic Design 1


4. What inventions changed the field of graphic design?

Task 5: Translate the following text into Vietnamese.

* Industrial Age

The Industrial Revolution brought about his speed printing presses which initially
doubled the output of a typical hand press. With the invention of the Linotype by Ottmar
Mergenthaler in 1886, the second problem of having to manually typeset a page was also
solved. A typeset could now simply punch a key and have the correct letter fall into place.
With the invention of the photo-graphic camera, graphic designers could now incorporate a
new level of reality into their work. The war’s near the beginning of this century brought out
some of the most creative work in the graphic arts. With the conclusion of the Second World
War, the technological advancements developed for warfare were put to new uses in
industries. Graphic design tentatively began to adopt some of the new technology available
to them. In 1960’s pioneering work was being done at MIT and other institutions in the realm
of computer engineering. In the early 1980’s that work came to fruition with the introduction
of the Apple Macintosh. While not the first computer to be used in the graphic design field,
its ease of use and relatively inexpensive cost allowed many users to become desktop
publishers. Producing newsletters and other printed material from their homes, the
revolution proved infectious to more traditional design houses. Until today when one
designer does the work that once took dozens of skilled tradesmen to accomplish. Perhaps in
the near future that one designer, working wherever is convenient, will send a completed job
to be printed without the use of any plates, and we will leave the last of Guttenberg’s legacy
behind us.

English for Graphic Design 1



 Lead-in Activity:
Label these pictures with the words available.

1. 2.

3. 4.

a. Type/Fonts b. Colors c. Lines d. Shapes

 Follow-up questions:

1. What are these fonts, lines, shapes, colors called?

2. What are these items used to do?

 Reading Passage

The elements of graphic design works. The most commonly used elements
such as colors, type and images are used, in graphic design are as follows:
and often combined, to create graphic

English for Graphic Design 1


Shapes most useful tool for shape creation and

From ancient pictographs to modern manipulation. Simple shapes such as
logos, shapes are at the root of design. circles, squares and triangles can be
They are used to establish layouts, create created with a click and drag of the mouse.
patterns, and build countless elements on Adjusting lines and curves using the tools
the page. With graphics software such as in Illustrator and similar programs can
Illustrator, creating and manipulating create more complex shapes, of limitless
shapes is easier than ever, giving designers dimensions. Colors, patterns, opacity and
the freedom to create them at will. other characteristics of shapes can easily
Shapes are at the root of graphic be altered. It is important for designers to
design. They are figures and forms that master the shape tools within their favorite
make up logos, illustrations and countless software, as almost any shape that can be
other elements in all types of designs. imagined can now be created.
Using Shapes Lines
Using shapes properly is one of the Lines are used to divide space,
keys to successful graphic design. The direct the eye, and create forms. At the
form, color, size and other characteristics most basic level, straight lines are found in
for the shapes in a layout can determine its layouts to separate content, such as in
mood and message. Soft, curved and magazine, newspaper, and website designs.
rounded shapes are perceived differently This can of course go much further, with
than sharp, angled shapes. The ―white curved, dotted, and zigzag lines used as the
space‖ or negative space left between defining elements on a page and as the
shapes will also significantly impact a basis for illustrations and graphics.
design. Experimentation and altering of Color
shapes within a design can ultimately lead Color is an interesting element of
to the desired result. graphic design because it can be applied to
Shape Creation in Modern Graphic any other element, changing it
Design dramatically. It can be used to make an
Current graphics software has image stand out, to show linked text on a
transformed the way graphic designers can website, and to evoke emotion. Graphic
deal with shapes. Adobe Illustrator is the designers should combine their experience

English for Graphic Design 1


with color with an understanding of color Italic

Type, of course, is all around us. In
graphic design, the goal is to not to just
Italic type is at an angle, generally
place some text on a page, but rather to
slanting to the right from bottom to top.
understand and use it effectively for
Italics are specifically designed within a
communication. Choice of fonts
typeface, meaning certain letters may be
(typefaces), size, alignment, color, and
significantly different than the roman
spacing all come into play. Type can be
version to improve appearance and
taken further by using it to create shapes
and images.
The different options available
within a typeface, such as roman, bold and
italic, make up a type family. Times New
Roman and Helvetica are examples of type
families. These families are extremely
useful because a designer can use just one Bold, or boldface, type is a heavier
or two within a project, but still have a weight than roman type. As there is no
wide variety of styles to choose from. This official standard for naming typeface style,
helps to achieve a consistent design. bold is often referred to as black or
Roman medium, or other names depending on the
weight and the preference of the typeface

Roman is the standard style of a

typeface, not altered by weight, width,
angle or any other characteristic. This is
often used for large blocks of text, such as Light type is thinner than the roman
the text of a book. option. Depending on how light the type

English for Graphic Design 1


weight is, it will often be used at large so on, but combinations of each. This
sizes so it is legible, or to achieve a gives the designer even more options to
specific style. As with bold, there are light work with. For example, Helvetica Neue is
varieties such as ultra-light. available in Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold
Extended Italic, Light, Light Italic, UltraLight,
UltraLight Italic, Condensed Bold and
Condensed Black. By using the options
with a type family, and the combinations
of each, designers can achieve a consistent
layout while using a variety of styles.
Extended type is wider than the
Art, Illustration & Photography
standard type of a family. It is useful for
A powerful image can make or
headlines and other large type areas, and
break a design. Photographs, illustrations
provides even greater flexibility within a
and artwork are used to tell stories, support
ideas, and grab the audience's attention, so
the selection is important. Graphic
designers can create this work on their
own; order an artist or photographer; or
purchase it at all price levels on many
Condensed type is a narrower face,
which can fit into small spaces. Like
Texture can refer to the actual
extended, it provides more style options
surface of a design or to the visual
while staying within the same family.
appearance of a design. In the first case,
Combined Styles
the audience can actually feel the texture,
making it unique from the other elements
of design. Selection of paper and materials
in package design can affect actual texture.
In the second case, texture is implied
Most type families will not just through the style of design. Rich, layered
provide bold, italic, condensed, light, and

English for Graphic Design 1


graphics can create visual texture that Texture is also a key element in
mirrors actual texture. packaging. The feel and weight of the
Actual Texture metal, plastic, glass and other materials
While most elements of design such that make up packages affect the
as color and type are simply seen by the consumer’s opinion of a product.
audience, people can actually feel texture. Visual Texture
The most common instance of this is with Texture can also be simulated
paper. The feel and weight of paper can through the style of a design. Layers of
significantly impact the perception of a text, shapes and lines can bring about the
design, making the designer’s selection a feeling of texture on a page or on screen.
crucial decision. Business cards or Photography, illustration, and fine art
brochures on a heavy weight paper may be combined with graphic elements can also
seen as more professional than those on a help to achieve the appearance of texture.
lighter weight. A promotional piece on Commonly, photographs of an actual
newsprint may cost less, but also bring surface such as paper are used as
about a desired feel of a grassroots backgrounds in a design. Modern design
campaign. Budget comes into play here as software such as Photoshop makes
high quality paper can greatly increase the experimenting with layers and visual
cost of a project, so it is important to find texture easy.
the balance between cost and the image
you are trying to achieve.
Task 1: Complete the following sentences using the words from the passage.
1. Lines, shapes, colors and type are referred to as …………
a. texture b. graphic design c. graphic design elements
2. Using ……… such as circles, squares and triangles properly is one of the keys to
successful graphic design.
a. lines b. shapes c. actual texture
3. The form, color, size and other characteristics for the shapes in a ………. can determine its
mood and message.
a. texture b. type c. layout

English for Graphic Design 1


4. Straight ……. are used in layouts to separate content, such as in magazine, newspaper, and
website designs.
a. lines b. illustration s c. colors
5. ………as an interesting graphic design element can be used to make an image stand out, to
show linked text on a website, and to evoke emotion.
a. Shapes b. Type c. Colors
6. Type has a variety of styles to choose in creating graphic work.
a. colors, shapes and lines
b. roman. Italics, bold, condensed, combined styles
c. actual and visual texture
7. …………..are used to tell stories, support ideas, and grab the audience's attention.
a. Styles of type
b. Colors, shapes, and lines
c. Photographs, illustrations and artwork
8. Texture has two types: actual texture and ……..texture.
A. graphic b. visual c. colorful
Task 2: True/False Statements
Read the passage carefully and decide whether the following statements are True (T)
or False (F).
1. Shapes are very important to design because they are used to establish layouts, create
patterns, and build countless elements on the page.

2. The mood and message of a graphic design cannot be determined by the shapes used with
form, color, size and other characteristics.

3. Lines are used to divide space, direct the eye, and create forms.

4. Color can change the effects of other elements of graphic design dramatically.

5. Texture only refers to the actual surface of a design.

6. Visual texture is the texture that people can feel and touch.

7. Actual texture refers to the appearance of a design or a style of a design.

English for Graphic Design 1


Task 3: Match type styles with their characteristics.

Type styles Characteristics

1. Roman a. The font with a narrower face used in small spaces.
2. Italic b. The wider font and useful for headlines and other large type areas with
greater flexibility within a family.
3. Bold c. The thinner font than Roman and depending on how light the type
weight is, it will often be used at large sizes so it is legible, or to achieve
a specific style.

4. Light d. Most fonts not using only one styles, but with combination of different
5. Extended e. The standard style of a typeface that is not changed by weight, width,
angle or any other characteristic.
6. Condensed f. The font slanting to the right from bottom to top, improving appearance
and legibility compared to roman type.
7. Combined g. The font with heavier weight than roman type, referred to as black or
medium, or other names.

Task 4: Read the passage again and answer the following questions.

1. What are the elements of graphic design?

2. What is the function of each element?

3. According to the passage, how many type styles are there?


English for Graphic Design 1


Task 5: Translate the following text into Vietnamese.

Texture can refer to the actual surface of a design or to the visual appearance of a
design. In the first case, the audience can actually feel the texture, making it unique from the
other elements of design. Selection of paper and materials in package design can affect
actual texture. In the second case, texture is implied through the style of design. Rich,
layered graphics can create visual texture that mirrors actual texture.

Actual Texture

While most elements of design such as color and type are simply seen by the audience,
people can actually feel texture. The most common instance of this is with paper. The feel
and weight of paper can significantly impact the perception of a design, making the
designer’s selection a crucial decision. Business cards or brochures on a heavy weight paper
may be seen as more professional than those on a lighter weight. A promotional piece on
newsprint may cost less, but also bring about a desired feel of a grassroots campaign.
Budget comes into play here as high quality paper can greatly increase the cost of a project,
so it is important to find the balance between cost and the image you are trying to achieve.

Texture is also a key element in packaging. The feel and weight of the metal, plastic,
glass and other materials that make up packages affect the consumer’s opinion of a product.

Visual Texture

Texture can also be simulated through the style of a design. Layers of text, shapes and
lines can bring about the feeling of texture on a page or on screen. Photography, illustration,
and fine art combined with graphic elements can also help to achieve the appearance of
texture. Commonly, photographs of an actual surface such as paper are used as backgrounds
in a design. Modern design software such as Photoshop makes experimenting with layers
and visual texture easy.

English for Graphic Design 1




 Lead-in Activity

Match these pictures with the words provided below.

1. 2.

3. 4.

a. logo b. brochure c. poster d. package design

 Follow-up Questions:

1. What field do these items belong to?

2. In what fields can a graphic designer work?

English for Graphic Design 1


 Reading Passage

Graphic Design involves many design, and advertising. Some primary

fields and its applications are made for a branding applications include brand
variety of communication goals: naming, brand conception, brand strategy,
brand identity, brand revitalization,
Advertising involves generating
rebranding, brand launch, brand
and creating specific visual and verbal
environments, digital branding, global
messages constructed to inform, persuade,
branding, corporate branding, social cause
promote, provoke, or motivate people on
branding, branding for nonprofits and
behalf of a brand or group. More than ever,
political branding. Branding and identity
advertising is conceived and executed in
design are similar, but branding is a
the form of integrated campaigns across a
broader category.
variety of media . Advertising applications
include print, television commercials, Identity Design or brand identity
radio, outdoor advertising, banner, ads, involves the creation of a systematic visual
and verbal program intended to establish a
consistent visual appearance and
personality-a coordinated overarching
identity- for a brand or group. Identity
design applications include logos, visual

mobile advertising, videos, e-marketing,

direct mail, branded entertainment, and
social media.

Branding is a comprehensive and

strategic program for a brand or group identity, corporate identity, and branding
(―group‖ refers to both commercial across media.
industries and not-for-profit organizations)
Corporate Communication design
and may include creating a brand, brand
involves any visual communication
name, brand identity, package design,
applications that communicate internally
environmental design, website and other
with employees, create materials for a
on-screen applications, promotional
English for Graphic Design 1

sales force or other employees, as well as

applications used by a corporation or
organization to communicate externally
with other businesses, the public and
stockholders, and customers. The emphasis
is on maintaining a consistent corporate
voice throughout any and all applications. graphics, exhibits (trade show, museum,
Corporate communication applications and educational, among others), and
include annual reports, brochures, sales environmental way-finding (system of
integrated signs).

Information design is a highly

specialized area of design that involves
making large amounts of complex
information clear and accessible to
audiences of one to several hundred

kits, marketing collateral, corporate thousand. Information design applications

publications, business-to-business include charts, graphs, signs, pictograms,

applications, corporate websites and

intranet, and new product offerings

Environmental design can be

promotion, information, or identity design
in constructed or natural environments and symbol signs, icons, websites, sign
defining and marking interior and exterior systems and widgets.
commercial, educational, cultural,
Motion graphics is screen-based
residential, and natural environments.
visual communication moving
Environmental design applications include
(sequentially) in duration, including film
branded environments, corporate
title design, TV graphic design, openers, e-
headquarters, civic developments,
mail videos, mobile motion graphics,
architectural interiors, environmental

English for Graphic Design 1


motion for video-sharing platforms, and covers, posters, packaging, exhibits,

promotional motion presentations for any websites, web banners, motion graphics,
screen. multimedia promotions, giveaways,
merchandise catalogs, direct mail,
Package design involves the
invitations, announcements, point-of-
complete strategic planning and designing
purchase displays, social networking
of the form, structure, and appearance of a
applications and blogs.
product’s package, which functions as
casing, promotes a brand, presents Publication design involves the
information, and become a brand design of editorial content for print or
experience. Package design includes screen; it is also called editorial design and
structural packaging, packaging and visual book design. The publication designer
identity systems, packaging graphics, new makes content accessible, interprets
brand development, and self-promotion, content to enhance communication,
with applications ranging from consumer enhances the reader’s experience, creates
packaged goods to CDs to shopping bags visual interest, and establishes a voice,
and more. character, and structure for a publication.
Publication design applications include
Promotional design is intended to
book design, magazine design, newspaper
introduce, promote, or sell brands
(products or services), ideas, or events and
to introduce or promote groups, not-for-
profit organizations, and social causes.
(The goals of promotional design and
advertising application can overlap.)
Promotional design covers a wide range of design, newsletters, booklets, online
applications, including CD covers, book publications, vlogs, mologs, and blogs.

Typographic design is a highly

specialized area of graphic design focusing
on the creation and design of letterforms,
typefaces, and type treatments. Many type
designers own digital foundries, which are
English for Graphic Design 1

firms that design, license, publish, and

dispense fonts. Other typographers
specialize in handmade type and typefaces.
Lettering is the drawing of letterforms by
hand (as opposed to type generated on a
computer). Typographic design includes digital type foundries, hand lettering,

custom and proprietary font design for handmade type, and custom typography.

Task 1: Complete the following table using the words provided in the box.

CD covers – banner - architectural interiors - mobile advertising – charts - direct mail -

brand naming - TV graphic design - brand identity – typefaces - brand launch - corporate
branding – logos – invitations – reports- sales kits - corporate websites and intranet - new
product offerings – letterforms – posters - corporate headquarters – videos – exhibits –
print – brochures - e-marketing – graphs- signs - point-of-purchase displays – ads - brand
conception - title design - structural packaging - brand revitalization - magazine design -
television commercials - book covers- newsletters - merchandise catalogs –
announcements - visual identity - environmental graphics - book design - packaging
graphics - visual identity systems - corporate identity - booklets - newspaper design.

Graphic Design Fields Applications

- Advertising - television commercials,

- Branding

- Identity Design

- Corporate Communication

- Environmental Design

- Information Design

English for Graphic Design 1


- Motion Graphics

- Package Design

- Promotional Design

- Publication Design

- Typographic Design

Task 2: Match items in column A with items in column B, using the information from
the passage.


a. establishing a consistent visual

1. Advertising involves … appearance and personality based on a
systematic visual and verbal program.

2. Branding is a comprehensive and b. defining the interior and exterior

strategic program for a brand or group and commercial, educational, cultural,
involves…. residential or natural environments.

c. designing the appearance of a product’s

3. Identity Design involves … package for casing, promoting a brand,
presenting information.

d. make content accessible to the reader,

4. Corporate Communication design promote the reader’s experience, create
creates… visual interest, and establish a voice,
character, and structure for a publication.

e. creating letterforms, typefaces, and type

5. Environmental design involves…

English for Graphic Design 1


6. Information design conveys … f. creating a brand, brand name, brand

identity, package design, etc.

7. Motion graphics involves … g. visual communication applications

between staff in a company or between
other businesses.

h. the creation of visual and verbal contents

to inform, persuade, promote, provoke, or
8. Package design involves …
motivate people on behalf of a brand or

9. Publication design requires the designer i. large amounts of complex information

to… clear and accessible to audiences.

10. Typographic design is responsible for… j. moving visual communication on the

screen in duration.

Task 3: Read the passage again and answer the questions.

1. What is the purpose of advertising?

2. What is the difference between Branding and Identity Design?

3. What field of graphic design involves creating internal and external visual communication
of a company?


English for Graphic Design 1


4. What is the job of package designer?

5. If you are interested in designing a book design, in what graphic design field will you

Task 4: Think about yourself

1. What design fields mentioned in the passage does your college course offer?

2. In what design fields do you want to work after graduation? and why?

Task 5: Translate any design fields you want to work in in the future into Vietnamese.

English for Graphic Design 1



- Graphic / ˈɡræfɪk /(n),(a): đồ hoạ, thuộc về đồ hoạ

- Visual / ˈvɪʒuəl /(a): lien quan đến thị giác
- Representation / ˌreprɪzenˈteɪʃn /(n): sự biểu hiện, sự miêu tả, sự đại diện
- Character / ˈkærəktə(r) /(n): chữ, ký tự
- Coherent / kəʊˈhɪərənt /(a): mạch lạc, chặt chẽ
- End goal (n): mục đích cuối cùng
- Enhance / ɪnˈhɑːns /(v): làm tăng độ rõ nét hình ảnh hay chất lượng
- Simplify / ˈsɪmplɪfaɪ /(v): đơn giản hoá
- Three-dimensional (a): không gian ba chiều
- Monochrome / ˈmɒnəkrəʊm /(a): đơn sắc, một màu
- Support / səˈpɔːt /(v): hỗ trợ
- Raster (n): trường quét, vạch quét
- Vector / ˈvektə(r) /(n): vec-tơ
- Digital / ˈdɪdʒɪtl /(a): dưới dạng số
- Scale / skeɪl /(v): mở rộng
- Without / wɪˈðaʊt /(pre): mà không
- Render / ˈrendə(r) /(v): trình diễn, biểu diễn
- Visual communication (n): truyền thông hình ảnh
- Convey / kənˈveɪ /(v): truyền đạt, chuyển
- Message / ˈmesɪdʒ /(n): thông điệp
- Contain / kənˈteɪn /(v): chứa đựng, bao hàm
- Creativity /ˌkriːeɪˈtɪvəti/ (n): sự sáng tạo
- Reality / riˈæləti /(n): thực tế
- Application / ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn /(n): sự ứng dụng
- Influence / ˈɪnfluəns /(v): ảnh hưởng đến
- Behavior / bɪˈheɪvjə(r) /(n): hành vi
- Brand (n): nhãn hiệu
- Attract / əˈtrækt /(v): thu hút, lôi cuốn
- Package / ˈpækɪdʒ /(n): gói, gói hang, hộp hàng hoá
- Donate / dəʊˈneɪt /(v): cúng, tặng (làm từ thiện)
- Discipline / ˈdɪsəplɪn /(n): lĩnh vực
- Refer (to sth) / rɪˈfɜː(r) /(v): đến cập đến
- Element / ˈelɪmənt /(n): thành tố, nhân tố
- Form / fɔːm /(v): hình thành
- Identity / aɪˈdentəti /(n): đặc điểm nhận dạng
- Publication / ˌpʌblɪˈkeɪʃn /(n): ấn phẩm
English for Graphic Design 1

- Artwork / ˈɑːtwɜːk /(n): ảnh và minh hoạ trên sách báo

- Shape / ʃeɪp /(n): hình dạng, hình thù
- Unify / ˈjuːnɪfaɪ /(v): toống nhất, hợp nhất
- Unity / ˈjuːnəti /(n): tính đồng nhất, sự thống nhất
- Weight / weɪt/(n): sức nặng, khối nặng
- Contrast / kɒntrɑːst/ (n): sự tương phản
- Emphasis / ˈemfəsɪs /(n): sự nhấn mạnh
- Movement / ˈmuːvmənt /(n): sự di chuyển
- Pattern / ˈpætn /(n): hoa văn, mẫu vẽ
- Ratio / ˈreɪʃiəʊ /(n): tỷ lệ
- White space: khoảng trắng
- Proximity / prɒkˈsɪməti /(n): trạng thái ở gần, sự gần gũi
- Repetition / ˌrepəˈtɪʃn /(n): sự lặp lại
- Rhythm / ˈrɪðəm /(n): sự nhịp nhàng, nhịp điệu
- Texture / ˈtekstʃə(r) /(n): kết cấu (bề mặt hoặc cảm giác khi sờ vào của một bề mặt)
- Unique / juˈniːk /(a): độc đáo
- Prehistory / ˌpriːˈhɪstri / (n) tiền sử
- Millennium / mɪˈleniəm / (n): thiên niên kỷ
- Millennia /mɪˈleniə/ (plural)
- Invent / ɪnˈvent /(v): phát minh
- Invention (n): sự phát minh, vật phát minh
- Combine / kəmˈbaɪn/ (v): kết hợp
- Technique / tekˈniːk /(n): kỹ thuật
-Take sb/sth for ˈgranted : cho điều gì là đúng, hiển nhiên
- Civilization / ˌsɪvəlaɪˈzeɪʃn /(n): nền văn minh
- Flourish / ˈflʌrɪʃ /(v): phát triển
- Ability / əˈbɪləti /(n): khả năng làm được gì đó
- Conquer / ˈkɒŋkə(r) /(v): xâm chiếm, chinh phục
- Conqueror / ˈkɒŋkərə(r) / (n): kẻ xâm chiếm
- Preserve / prɪˈzɜːv /(v): gìn giữ, bảo tồn, duy trì lâu dài
- Posterity / pɒˈsterəti /(n): hậu thế, thế hệ về sau
- Complexity / kəmˈpleksəti /(n): sự phức tạp
- Scribe / skraɪb / (n): người sao chép bản thảo
- Honor (n): sự tôn vinh
- Society / səˈsaɪəti /(n): xã hội
- Hieroglyph / ˈhaɪərəɡlɪf /(n): chữ viết tượng hình
- Symbol / ˈsɪmbl /(n): ký hiệu, biểu tượng
- Credited with sth: được cho rằng
- Advancement / ədˈvɑːnsmənt /(n): sự tiến bộ

English for Graphic Design 1


- Papyrus / pəˈpaɪrəs /(n): cây cói giấy

- Royal / ˈrɔɪəl /(a): thuộc về hoàng gia
- Proclamation / ˌprɒkləˈmeɪʃn /(n): tuyên ngôn, tuyên cáo
- Relief printing : in chữ nổi
- Movable type : chữ in nổi di động
- Press (n): xưởng in
- Renaissance / rɪˈneɪsns /(n): thời kỳ Phục Hưng
- Bring about: tạo ra
- Revival / rɪˈvaɪvl /(n): sự phục hồi
- Illuminated / ɪˈluːmɪneɪtɪd /(a): được trang trí rực rỡ, sơn son thiếp vàng
- Manuscript / ˈmænjuskrɪpt /(n): bản thảo
- Decorate / ˈdekəreɪt /(v): trang trí
- Illustrate / ˈɪləstreɪt /(v): minh hoạ
- Empire / ˈempaɪə(r) / (n): đế chế
- Parchment / ˈpɑːtʃmənt /(n): giấy da (da dê, da cừu), bản viết trên giấy da
= Vellum / ˈveləm /(n)
- Shortage / ˈʃɔːtɪdʒ /(n): sự thiếu hụt
- Supply (n): nguồn cung
- Typography / taɪˈpɒɡrəfi / (n): kiểu chữ
- Emerge / iˈmɜːdʒ /(v): nổi lên, xuất hiện
- Goldsmith / ˈɡəʊldsmɪθ /(n): thợ vàng bạc
- Type / taɪp /(n): chữ in
- Collaboration / kəˌlæbəˈreɪʃn / (n): sự cộng tác
- Industrial Age : thời ky công nghiệp
- Revolution / ˌrevəˈluːʃn /(n): cuộc cách mạng
- Output (n): sản luợng
- Linotype / ˈlaɪnəʊtaɪp /(n): máy sắp chữ để in
- Typeset /taɪpset/ (v): sắp chữ
- Newsletter / ˈnjuːzletə(r) / (n): bản tin được in ra định kỳ
- Accomplish / əˈkʌmplɪʃ /(v): hoàn thành
- Legacy / ˈleɡəsi /(n): di sản
- Leave sth behind: để lại sau (lạc hậu)
- Layout / ˈleɪaʊt /(n): sự thiết kế, bố cục
- Countless / ˈkaʊntləs / (a): vô số
- Manipulate / məˈnɪpjuleɪt / (v): thao tác
- Freedom / ˈfriːdəm / (n): sự tự do
- Create / kriˈeɪt / (v): tạo ra
- Figure / ˈfɪɡə(r) / (n): hình vẽ minh hoạ
- Illustration / ˌɪləˈstreɪʃn / (n): hình ảnh minh hoạt trong sách

English for Graphic Design 1


- Properly / ˈprɒpəli / (adv): một cách hợp lý

- Key (to sth) / kiː / (n): chìa khoá, bí quyết (dẫn đến thành công)
- Characteristic / ˌkærəktəˈrɪstɪk / (n): đặc điểm
- Determine / dɪˈtɜːmɪn / (v): xác định, quyết định
- Mood / muːd / (n): tâm trạng
- Curved / kɜːvd / (a): cong (hình dạng)
- Sharp / ʃɑːp / (a): nhọn, sắc
- Impact / ˈɪmpækt/ (n),(v): ảnh hưởng
- Significantly / sɪɡˈnɪfɪkəntli / (adv): có ý nghĩa
- Experimentation / ɪkˌsperɪmenˈteɪʃn / (n): sự thử nghiệm
- Lead (to sth): dẫn đến
- Transform / trænsˈfɔːm / (v): thay đổi, biến đổi
- Deal with : xử lý
- Triangle / ˈtraɪæŋɡl / (n): hình tam giác
- Drag / dræɡ / (n): sự kéo lê
- Adjust / əˈdʒʌst / (v): điều chỉnh
- Alignment / əˈlaɪnmənt / (n): sắp thẳng hang
- Typeface / ˈtaɪpfeɪs / (n): kiểu chữ
- Bold / bəʊld / (a): đậm nét ( nói về chữ in)
- Italic / ɪˈtælɪk / (a): nghiêng (nói về chữ in)
- A variety of : đa dạng
- Style / staɪl / (n): mẫu, kiểu
- Achieve / əˈtʃiːv / (v): đạt đựoc, giành được, hoàn thành
- Consistent / kənˈsɪstənt / (a): nhất quán
- Standard / ˈstændəd / (a): làm tiêu chuẩn
- Width / wɪdθ / (n): bề rộng, bề ngang
- Block of text : khối chữ
- Angle / ˈæŋɡl / (n): góc
- Slanting / ˈslɑːntɪŋ / (a): nghiêng, xiên
- Bottom / ˈbɒtəm / (n): phần dưới
- Top (n): phần trên
- Version / ˈvɜːʃn / (n): phiên bản
- Improve / ɪmˈpruːv / (v): cải thiện
- Appearance / əˈpɪərəns /(n): vẻ bề ngoài
- Legibility / ˈledʒəbl / (n): tính dễ đọc dễ xem, tính rãng
- Heavy / ˈhevi / (a): nặng
- Preference / ˈprefrəns / (n): sự thích hơn
- Alter / ˈɔːltə(r) / (v): thay đổi, biến đổi
- Light / laɪt / (a): nét mỏng
- Type / taɪp / (n): chữ in
- Ultralight / ˈʌltrəlaɪt / (n): siêu nhẹ
English for Graphic Design 1

- Extended / ɪkˈstendɪd / (a): được dài hơn, rộng hơn (chữ in)
- Headline / ˈhedlaɪn / (n): dòng đầu, hàng đầu, tựa đề
- Flexibility ˌfleksəˈbɪləti/ (n): sự linh hoạt, tính uyển chuyển
- Condensed / kənˈdens / (a): cô đặc
- Space / speɪs / (n): khoảng trống, khoảng cách chữ (ngành in)
- Option / ˈɒpʃn / (n): tuỳ chọn, sự lựa chọn
- Combine / kəmˈbaɪn/ (v): kết hợp
- Combination / ˌkɒmbɪˈneɪʃn /(n): sự kết hợp
- Photography / fəˈtɒɡrəfi / (n): thuật chụp ảnh, ngề nhiếp ảnh
- Attention / əˈtenʃn / (n): sự chú ý
- Selection / sɪˈlekʃn / (n): sự lựa chọn
- Actual / ˈæktʃuəl / (a): thực tế, thực sự
- Refer (to sth): đề cập đến
- Audience / ˈɔːdiəns / (n): người hướng đến (của một sản phẩm, dịch vụ)
- Material / məˈtɪəriəl / (n): vật liệu, nguyên liệu
- Package design : thiết kế bao bì
- Layer / ˈleɪə(r) / (v): sắp từng tầng, sắp từng lớp
- Mirror / ˈmɪrə(r) / (v): phản chiếu, phản ảnh
- Feel / fiːl / (v): sờ (vào cái gì)
- Perception / pəˈsepʃn / (n): cảm nhận
- Newsprint / ˈnjuːzprɪnt / (n): giấy in báo
- Budget / ˈbʌdʒɪt / (n): ngân sách, ngân quỹ
- Consumer / kənˈsjuːmə(r) / (n): người tiêu dùng
- Simulate / ˈsɪmjuleɪt / (v): mô phỏng
- Bring about : tạo ra
- Surface / ˈsɜːfɪs / (n): bề mặt
- Background / ˈbækɡraʊnd / (n): bối cảnh, hậu cảnh
- Field / fiːld / (n): lĩnh vực
- A variety of : đa dạng
- Involve (v): lien quan đến
- Verbal / ˈvɜːbl / (a): liên quan đến lời/từ, thuộc lời nói/từ
- Inform / ɪnˈfɔːm / (v): cung cấp thông tin, thông tin về cái gì
- Persuade / pəˈsweɪd / (v): thuyết phục, làm cho ai đó tin
- Promote / prəˈməʊt / (v): quảng cáo
- Promotion (n): quảng cáo
- Provoke / prəˈvəʊk / (v): làm cho gợi lên cảm xúc
- Motivate / ˈməʊtɪveɪt / (v): thúc đẩy
- On behalf of : thay mặt, về phần ai/cái gì
- Conceive / kənˈsiːv / (v): đưoch cho rằng, được nhận thức rằng

English for Graphic Design 1


- Execute / ˈeksɪkjuːt / (v): thực hiện, biểu hiện

- Integrated / ˈɪntɪɡreɪtɪd / (a): tích hợp
- Campaign / kæmˈpeɪn / (n): chiến dịch
- Across (pre): thông qua
- Commercial / kəˈmɜːʃl / (n) bản quảng cáo trên T.V/ radio
- Banner / ˈbænə(r) / (n): băng rôn
- Ad (n): bản quảng cáo
- E-marketing (n) sự tiếp thị điện tử
- Direct mail (n): quảng cáo qua thư tín
- Branded / ˈbrændɪd / (a): hàng hiệu, man nhãn hiệu của công ty
- Entertainment / ˌentəˈteɪnmənt / (n): giải trí
- Comprehensive / ˌkɒmprɪˈhensɪv / (a): toàn diện
- Strategic / strəˈtiːdʒɪk / (a): mang tính chiến lược, lâu dài
- Brand (n): nhán hiệu
- Group (n): tập đoàn, công ty
- Not-for-profit = non-profit: không vì lợi nhuận, phi lợi nhuận
- Brand identity : nhận dạng nhãn hiệu
- Corporation / ˌkɔːpəˈreɪʃn / (n): công ty kinh doanh
- Primary / ˈpraɪməri / (a): chính, quan trọng, chính yếu
- Brand conception (n): nhận thức nhãn hiệu
- Revitalization / riːˌvaɪtəlaɪˈzeɪʃn/: làm hồi sinh, làm sống lại
- Launch / lɔːntʃ / (n): sự tiếp thị ra thị trường
- Identity Design : thiết kế nhận dạng nhãn hiệu
- Systematic / ˌsɪstəˈmætɪk / (a) mang tính hệ thống
- Intended / ɪnˈtendɪd / (a): đanh cho ai, dung để, được dự định, mong đợi
- Establish / ɪˈstæblɪʃ / (v): thiết lập
- Consistent / kənˈsɪstənt / (a): nhất quán, thống nhất
- Personality / ˌpɜːsəˈnæləti / (n): cá tính
- Overarching / ˌəʊvərˈɑːtʃɪŋ / (a): bao quát toàn bộ
- Corporate identity : nhận dạng công ty
- Corporate Communication design: thiết kế lien quan cung cấp thông tin về công ty
- Internal / ɪnˈtɜːnl / (a): nội bộ (trong công ty)
- Employee / ɪmˈplɔɪiː / (n): nhân viên
- Material / məˈtɪəriəl / (n): tài liệu
- Communicate / kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt / (v): truyền thông tinh, truyền đạt thông tin đến người khác
- Business / ˈbɪznəs / (n): cơ sở kinh doanh, công ty, cửa hành
- External / ɪkˈstɜːnl / (a) bên ngoài (công ty)
- The public : cộng đồng, công chúng
- Stockholder / ˈstɒkhəʊldə(r) / (n): cổ đông (của một công ty)
- Voice / vɔɪs / (n): tiếng nói, thế lực
- Throughout / θruːˈaʊt / (pre): trên khắp
English for Graphic Design 1

- Brochure / ˈbrəʊʃə(r) / (n): sác mỏng cung cấp thông tin về sản phẩm hay dịch vụ
- Intranet / ˈɪntrənet / (n): mạng internet nội bộ
- Offering (n): sự chào hàng
- Environmental design : thiết kế lien quan đến môi trường
- Interior / ɪnˈtɪəriə(r) / (n): phần bên trong của một tòa nhà
- Exterior / ɪkˈstɪəriə(r) / (n): phần bên ngoài của một toà nhà
- Commercial / kəˈmɜːʃl / (a): mang tính thương mại
- Cultural / ˈkʌltʃərəl / (a): thuộc về văn hoá
- Residential / ˌrezɪˈdenʃl / (a):thuộc nhà ở, cư trú
- Headquarters / ˌhedˈkwɔːtəz / (n): trụ sở chính, cơ quan đầu não
- Exhibit / ɪɡˈzɪbɪt / (n): cuộc triển lãm, vật triển lãm
- Information design : thiết kế lien quan đến trình bày thông tin
- Specialized / ˈspeʃəlaɪzd / (a):mang tính chuyên môn
- Area / ˈeəriə / (n): lĩnh vực
- Amount / əˈmaʊnt / (n): khối lượng, số lượng
- Complex /ˈkɒmpleks/ (a): phức tạp
- Accessible / əkˈsesəbl / (a): có thể tiếp cận được.
- Chart / tʃɑːt / (n): đồ thị, biểu đồ
- Graph / ɡræf /// ɡrɑːf /(n) : đồ thị , biểu đồ
- Pictogram / ˈpɪktəɡræm / (n): dung hình ảnh trình bày nội dung
- Motion graphics: đồ hoạ động
- Duration / djuˈreɪʃn / (n): kéo trong một khoảng thời gian
- Title / ˈtaɪtl / (n): tựa đề
- Package design : thiết bao bì sản phẩm
- Function / ˈfʌŋkʃn / (v): có chức năng
- Case / keɪs / (v): bỏ cái gì vào thùng , hộp
- Shopping bag; túi sách đựng hàng khi đi mua sắm
- Promotional design : thiết kế lien quan đến quảng cáo sản phẩm/dịch vụ
- Overlap /ˌəʊvəˈlæp/ (v): trùng lặp
- Cover / ˈkʌvə(r) / (n): vỏ,vỏ bọc, bìa sách
- Merchandise /ˈmɜːtʃəndaɪs/ (n): hnàg hoá
- Point-of-purchase : tại điểm bán hàng
- Display / dɪˈspleɪ / (n): vật trưng bày
- Publication design : thiết kế liên quan đến các ấn phẩm
- Editorial / ˌedɪˈtɔːriəl / (a): liên quan đến biên tập
- Publication / ˌpʌblɪˈkeɪʃn / (n): sự xuất bản, ấn phẩm
- Interpret / ɪnˈtɜːprɪt / (v): hiểu được
- Enhance / ɪnˈhɑːns / (v): làm tăng chất lượng
-Booklet / ˈbʊklət / (n): cuốn sách nhỏ
- Typographic design : thiết kế các kiểu chữ in
- Typography / taɪˈpɒɡrəfi / (n): kiểu chữ in, cách trình bày bản in
English for Graphic Design 1

- Letterform (n): kiểu chữ

- Typeface (n): kiểu chữ
- Treatment (n): sự xử lý
- Type : kiểu chữ
- Foundry / ˈfaʊndri / (n): xưởng đúc kim loài
- Dispense / dɪˈspens / (v): phân phối
- Font / fɒnt / (n): kiểu chữ
- Typographer / taɪˈpɒɡrəfə(r) / (n): thợ in, thợ sắp chữ, ngưòi tạo ra các kiểu chữ
- Specialize in : chuyên làm, chuyên kinh doanh
- Lettering (n): chữ in
- Proprietary / prəˈpraɪətri / (a): thuộc quyền sở hữu, giữ độc quyền
- Custom (a): theo đặt hàng của khách hàng

English for Graphic Design 1



1. Cordeiro, M. (2001). The History of Graphic Design. Mohawk College.

2. Landa, R. (2011). Graphic Design Solution. Wadsworth: Cengage Learning.


English for Graphic Design 1

TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC KIẾN TRÚC ĐÀ NẴNG Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc



1. Tên và mã học phần (Course title)

Tiếng Anh: English for Graphic Design 1
2. Mã học phần (Code): EGD301
3. Số tín chỉ (Credits): 2

Lý thuyết (Theory) 2 Thực hành (Practice) 0 Tự học (Self-study): 4

4. Tài liệu học tập (Required Textbook)

a. Sách (Textbook)
[1] Hung, B.Q (2019). English for Graphic Design 1. Danang: Danang Architecture
b. Tài liệu tham khảo (References)
Cordeiro, M. (2001). The History of Graphic Design. Mohawk College.

5. Thông tin về học phần (Course Information)

a. Mục tiêu học phần (Course Objective)
* Từ vựng:
- Nắm vững và sử dụng được thêm các từ vựng liên quan đến nhiều chủ đề đồ họa
khác nhau (Áp dụng vào làm các bài tập trắc nghiệm, điền khuyết, kết hợp, ….)
* Kỹ năng đọc:
- Kỹ năng đọc lướt tìm ý chính và đọc kĩ để tìm các ý chi tiết.
- Kỹ năng đoán nghĩa dựa vào ngữ cảnh, nhận ra từ đồng nghĩa.
- Kỹ năng nhận ra thông tin nào đúng hay sai dựa vào nội dung bài đọc.
- Kỹ năng kết hợp hai phần lại với nhau của một câu (một ý) dựa vào nội dung của
bài đọc.
- Trả lời các câu hỏi ngắn
* Kỹ năng khác:
- Kỹ năng nói theo cấu trúc dựa vào nội dung của bài đọc hiểu.
- Kỹ năng vận dụng và phản ánh (reflecting) những thông tin từ bài đọc hay kiến thức
chuyên môn vào những tình huống tương tự trong thực tế.
* Mục tiêu khác:
- Rèn luyện cho người học các kỹ năng trình bày một số nội dung chuyên ngành bằng
Tiếng Anh, kỹ năng tư duy sáng tạo, kỹ năng làm việc độc lập và làm việc theo nhóm.
Ngoài ra, sinh viên còn có thêm kỹ năng sử dụng từ điển chuyên ngành và tra cứu các tài
liệu bằng Tiếng Anh khác trên mạng Internet.

b. Mô tả vắn tắt học phần (Course Description)

Học phần này cung cấp cho sinh viên những từ vựng, cấu trúc và kiến thức cơ bản có liên
quan đến từng chủ điểm chuyên ngành Đồ họa. Học phần này còn trang bị cho sinh viên kĩ
năng đọc hiểu các đoạn văn bản chuyên ngành Đồ họa và vận dụng hiểu biết đó vào các tình
huống tương tự trong thực tế.
Học phần này có 06 bài theo từng chủ đề: Graphics; Graphic Design; History of Graphic
Design; Basic Elements of Graphic Design; Graphic Design Process; và Fields of Graphic
Design and Its Applications.
This course is designed to provide students with vocabulary, structures and topics
related to Graphic Design on the development of reading comprehension skills. Students
are expected to be able to read graphic design-related materials in English to further
develop their speciality.

c. Học phần tiên quyết (Prerequisite Course) (A), học trước (Previous
Course )(B), song hành (Parallel Course)(C)
- (B): Tiếng anh cơ bản 1,2,3,4 (BAE101, BAE102, BAE103, BAE104)
d. Yêu cầu khác (Other Requirement)
- Tham dự lớp theo Quy định của nhà trường
- Có đầy đủ giáo trình và từ điển
6. Chuẩn đầu ra của học phần (Course Learning Outcomes)
CLO1: Hiểu và sử dụng các từ vựng và cấu trúc liên quan đến các chủ đề Đồ họa khác
CLO2: Đọc hiểu các đoạn văn có nội dung liên quan đến các chủ điểm Đồ họa thông
qua các bài tập đọc hiểu tìm ý chính và ý chi tiết, nội dung đúng sai,… từ đó đó hình
thành khả năng đọc tài liệu bằng tiếng anh.
CLO3: Có khả năng chuyển tải nội dung bài đọc từ tiếng anh sang tiếng việt
CLO4: Có khả năng liên kết kiến thức tiếng anh với kiến thức chuyên môn Đồ họa
CLO5: Hình thành thái độ, ý thức học tập chủ động, tích cực, kỹ năng làm việc cặp
nhóm trong giải quyết vấn đề.
Ma trận tích hợp giữa chuẩn đầu ra của học phần (CLOs) và chuẩn đầu ra
của chương trình đào tạo (PLOs)

PLO1 PLO2 … … … … … … …
Học phần H L M M L H H M H

Ghi chú: H: Cao, M: Trung bình, L: thấp

7. Lịch trình (Course Schedule)

Nội dung giảng dạy Số CLOs Phương pháp

STT tiết dạy và học

4 CLO1, L, D, P, I, H
Module 1: Graphics
1 1.1. Reading the passage 1 CLO1, L, D, P, I, H
1.2. Vocabulary Development 0.5 CLO2,
1.3. True/False Statements 0.5
1.4. Answering Questions 1 CLO5
1.5. Translating 1
Nội dung giảng dạy Số CLOs Phương pháp
STT tiết dạy và học

4 CLO1, L, D, P, I, H
Module 2: Graphic Design
2.1. Reading the passage 1 CLO1, L, D, P, I, H
2.1. Reading the passage 1 CLO2,
2. 3. Matching 0.5
2. 4. Answering Questions 0.5 CLO5
2.5. Illustrating some terms 0.5
2.6. Translating 0.5
8 CLO1,
Module 3: History of Graphic Design
3.1. Reading the passage 2 CLO1,
3.2. Vocabulary Development 1 CLO2,
3.3. Completing the table 1.5
3.4. True/False Statements 1 CLO5
3.5. Answering Questions 1
3.6. Translating 1.5
8 CLO1, L, D, P, I, H
Module 4: Some Basic Elements of CLO2,
Graphic Design CLO3,
4 CLO5
4.1. Reading the passage 2 CLO1, L, D, P, I, H
4.2. Vocabulary Development 1 CLO2,
4.3. True/False Statements 1
Nội dung giảng dạy Số CLOs Phương pháp
STT tiết dạy và học

4.4. Matching 1.5 CLO4,

4.5. Answering Questions 1 CLO5
4.6. Translating 1.5
8 CLO1, L, D, P, I, H
Module 5: Fields of Graphic Design
and Its Applications

5 5. 1. Reading the passage 2 CLO1, L, D, P, I, H

5.2. Vocabulary Development 1.5 CLO2,
5.3. Matching 1.5 CLO3,
5.4. Answering Questions 1 CLO4,
5.5. Think about yourself 1
5.6. Translating and revision 1

8. Đánh giá (Assesment)

8.1 Thang điểm đánh giá (Grade)
Sử dụng thang điểm 10, lấy đến một chữ số sau dấu phẩy, chuyển sang thang điểm
chữ A+, A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D, F và thang điểm 4.

Điểm theo
STT Xếp loại Điểm theo thang 10 Điểm chữ
thang 4
1 Từ 9,5 đến 10,0 A+ 4,0
2 Từ 8,5 đến dưới 9,5 A 4,0
3 Từ 8,0 đến dưới 8,5 B+ 3,5
4 Từ 7,0 đến dưới 8,0 B 3,0
5 Từ 6,5 đến dưới 7,0 C+ 2,5
6 Từ 5,5 đến dưới 6,5 C 2,0
7 Từ 5,0 đến dưới 5,5 D+ 1,5
8 Từ 4,0 đến dưới 5,0 D 1,0
9 Không đạt Từ 0,0 đến dưới 4,0 F 0
8.2 Kế hoạch đánh giá (Assesment Plan)

Phương pháp đánh giá CLOs Tiêu chí Tỷ

đánh giá trọng %
Lý Nhận thức thái độ CLO5 Rubric 1 15
thuyết Đánh giá thường xuyên CLO3 Rubric 2 15

- Bài kiểm tra thường xuyên / Trắc

nghiệm khách quan
- Bài tập ở nhà
Đánh giá cuối học phần CLO1, Rubric 3 70

8.3. Rubrics đánh giá

Rubric 1: Nhận thức thái độ

Tiêu chí CLO Trọng Thang điểm

đánh giá số 8,5-10 7,0-8,4 5,5-6,9 4,0-5,4 <4,0
Chuyên CLO5 70% Tham dự
cần lớp học từ * Sinh viên vắng 20% số tiết của học phần là
(A) 80% số tiết không được thi Kết thúc học phần
của học
phần trở lên
Thái độ, CLO5 30% Chú ý lắng Chú ý lắng Chú ý lắng Chú ý Bị nhắc nhở
đóng góp nghe bài nghe bài nghe bài lắng nghe nhiều lần,
vào bài giảng, giảng, giảng, thỉnh bài giảng, không bao
học thường thường thoảng đóng hiếm khi giờ đóng
(B) xuyên đóng đóng góp góp, xây đóng góp, góp, xây
góp, xây xây dựng dựng bài xây dựng dựng bài học
dựng bài bài học học bài học
Điểm đánh giá nhận thức thái độ = A*0,7 + B*0,3
Rubric 2: Đánh giá thường xuyên

Tiêu Thang điểm

chí Trọng
CLO 8,5-10 7,0-8,4 5,5-6,9 4,0-5,4 <4,0
đánh số

Hoàn Hoàn Hoàn thành Hoàn Hoàn thành bài

thành bài thành bài bài dịch từ thành dịch từ dưới
dịch từ dịch dưới dưới 60% , bài dịch 40%. Nhiều nội
80% trở 80%, khá chính từ dưới dung dịch chưa
lên, chính chính xác xác nội 50%, chính xác, rất ít
xác nội hầu hết dung, một một vài thuật ngữ chuyên
dung, các nội dung, nữa các nội ngành được dịch
thuật ngữ hầu hết thuật ngữ dung chính xác.
chuyên các thuật chuyên dịch
ngành ngữ ngành chưa
CLO3 100% được dịch chuyên trong bài chính
đầy đủ và ngành dịch được xác, chỉ
chính xác. được dịch đầy đủ dịch
dịch đầy và chính được
đủ và xác. một vài
chính thuật
xác. ngữ

Điểm đánh giá thường xuyên (rubric 2) = số điểm của A

* Rubric 3: Đánh giá cuối học phần

Tiêu chí Thang điểm

CLO Trọng số
đánh giá
Câu hỏi Đề thi kết thúc học phần gổm 40 câu trắc nghiệm. Mỗi
trắc 100% câu đúng được 0,25 điểm

9. Nhóm giảng viên biên soạn (Instructors)

- ThS. Bạch Quốc Hưng
Đà Nẵng, ngày 01 tháng 08 năm 2021
Trưởng Bộ môn Người biên soạn
(Head of the Program) (Instructor)

ThS. Bạch Quốc Hưng ThS. Bạch Quốc Hưng

Trưởng Khoa

ThS. Nguyễn Thị Tuyết

TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC KIẾN TRÚC ĐÀ NẴNG Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc


Tên học phần: Tiếng anh Chuyên ngành Đồ Họa 1

1. Thông tin về học phần:

a. Là học phần: Bắt buộc
b. Số tín chỉ: 02 (30 tiết)
c. Lớp: …………
d. Học kì/ năm học: …………
e. Phân bổ thời gian:
- Lý thuyết: 7.5 tiết
- Bài tập, thảo luận: 22.5 tiết


THỜI GIAN Bài giảng (lý thuyết) Bài TN, TH, kiểm tra định kỳ thích đồ
án, bài
Tuần thứ:.... tập lớn,
Từ ngày:..... Số Số bài tập ở
Tên chương mục Nội dung
Đến ngày:... tiết tiết nhà, sách
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
1 3 - Reading the passage
- Vocabulary Development
Tuần 1 Module 1: Graphics - True/False Statements
- Answering Questions
- Translating
1 3 - Reading the passage
- Vocabulary Development
Module 2: Graphic
- Matching
Tuần 2 Design - Answering Questions
- Illustrating some terms
- Translating
1 3 - Reading the passage: Prehistory and
Module 3: History of Renaissance
Tuần 3 Graphic Design - Vocabulary Development
- True/false Statements
- Answering Questions
1 3 - Reading the passage (cont.):
Industrial Age
- Vocabulary Development (cont.)
Unit 3: History of
Tuần 4 - True/False Statements (cont.)
Graphic Design (cont.) - Answering Questions (cont.)
- Completing the table
- Translating
3 - Reading the passage: Shapes, Lines,
1 Module 4: Some Basic Color, Type, extended, Condensed and
Tuần 5
Elements of Graphic combined styles.
Design - Vocabulary Development
- True/False Statements
- Matching

1 3 - Reading the passage: Art, illustration

Module 4: Some Basic
and photography, Texture.
Elements of Graphic
Tuần 6 - Matching
Design (cont.) - Answering Questions
- Translating
1 Module 5: Fields of 3 - Reading the passage
Tuần 7 Graphic Design and Its - Vocabulary Development
0.5 1.5 - Matching
Module 5: Fields of
- Answering Questions
Tuần 8 Graphic Design and Its
- Think about yourself
Applications (cont.)
- Translating

Đà Nẵng, ngày 01 tháng 8 năm 2021

Trưởng khoa Giảng viên

Th.S. Nguyễn Thị Tuyết ThS. Bạch Quốc Hưng

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