Exam Subject: English: Choose The Correct Answer by Crossing A, B, C, D, or E!

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Subject : English

Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d, or e!

21. An invitation which follows a dignified form, tone, or style in agreement with the
established norms, customs, or values is called …
a. Invitation d. fake invitation
b. formal invitation e. common invitation
c. non-formal invitation

22. This is some ways of organizing information in invitation, except …

a. Reasons
b. Detailed information about the event
c. Sincere and friendly tone
d. Simple, precise, and concise words
e. Ask friends rudely or by shouting

For number 23 and 24, Look at the invitation below!

STUDENTS of Bullworth School,
USA request your prudence
presence on the suspicious
occasion of THE ANNUAL
FUNCTION of their school at 11.00 AM
on December 22, 2017.

Dr. Stephen Gager, M. Eng will preside

over the function as Chief Guest and
distribute the prizes to the winner.

Principal of Bullworth School,
23. From the invitations above, we know that …
a. The invitation is for the management, principal, staff, and students of
b. The invitation is for the Principal of Bullworth School
c. The Principal of Bullworth invited us as Chief Guest
d. Dr.Stephen Gager, M. Eng is going to distribute the prizes to the winner
e. The event will be held on 22 December 2017, at 11.00 PM

24. Based on the invitation above, we know that the social function of invitation is …
a. Forcing people to come to an event
b. Kindly asking them not to come
c. ordering people about what they have to do on the event
d. Asking people to join formal and social event
e. Telling people about your feeling of the event

This dialog is for number 25, 26, and 27.

Yatno : would you like to come over for dinner tonight?
Yanti : Thank you, I’d love to. … (26) you like me to bring something?
Yatno : No, you don’t have to. Just come.
Yanti : OK, what time?
Yatno : at 7 p.m.
Yanti : OK, see you then.

25. What is the invitation about?

a. to have a lunch
b. to tell yatno to bring something
c. to yell at yanti
d. to asked yatno to come over to yanti’s house for dinner
e. it is about a dinner
26. What is the suitable word to fill in the sentence?
a. Will d. Would
b. Do e. May
c. Could
27. The underlined word from the dialog has a closest meaning to …
a. take away d. Transportation
b. throw e. Carry
c. put
This Invitation below is for number 28, 29, and 30!

Dear Anna,
I want you to come(28) to my secret birthday
party in my secret island. Please meet me
under the Harrington bridge on October 23,
2017. I'll be there soon as you get there.
There will be our best friends all around the
world too. I hope you can come.

Cheers, Mary

28. The better sentence to replace the underlined sentence on the invitation is …
a. I can invite you
b. Please, come
c. I want you to go
d. I would like to call you
e. I would like to invite you
29. The invitation above is included as …
a. Fake invitation
b. Common invitation
c. Formal invitation
d. Semi-invitation
e. Urgent Invitation
30. “… I hope you can come.” (at the end of paragraph)
The antonym of the underlined word is …
a. Desperate
b. Wish
c. Expectation
d. Prosperity
e. Happy

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