Test 31 January 2017 Questions

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Test 31 January 2017, questions

Informatics 271 (University of Pretoria)

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Semester Test 1 / Semestertoets 1

Date/ Datum
21 April 2017
Lecturers / Dosente Time / Tyd: 120 min
Dr MJ Hattingh
Dr T Mawela Mark / Punt: 80

Moderator / Moderator
Dr. R Steyn

Surname / Van

Initials / Voorletters

Student Number /


Instructions Instruksies
1. This paper consists of two sections: Section 1. Die vraestel bestaan uit twee afdelings:
A (Theory) and Section B (Modelling). Afdeling A (Teorie) en Afdeling B
2. Both sections should be completed. (Modellering).
3. Please write legibly. 2. Beide afdelings moet voltooi word.
3. Skryf asseblief leesbaar.
4. Write down your answer in the spaces
provided to you. 4. Skryf die antwoorde in die spasies wat
voorsien is.

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Questions: / Vrae [30 Marks]

1. In the Zachman framework, we ask 6 communication questions. What are these

questions? / In die Zachman raamwerk vra ons 6 kommunikasie vrae. Wat is hierdie
vrae? (3)
 Who?
 What?
 How?
 Where?
 When?
 Why?
 1/2 mark for each

2. In the Zachman model, the „what‟ indicates the data of the „system‟ to be analysed.
This data is categorised as three „things‟. Name these three „things‟. / In die Zachman
model, dui die „wat‟ die data van die „stelsel‟ wat ontleed moet word, aan. Hierdie
data word as drie „dinge‟ geklassifiseer. Noem hierdie drie dinge. (3)

 Physical
 Informational
 Conceptual
 1 mark for each

3. Distinguish between and describe the four types of actors in a use-case diagram. /
Onderskei en beskryf die vier tipes akteurs in ʼn gebruikersgeval diagram (4)

 Primary Business Actor (PBA): the stakeholder that primarily benefits from the
execution of the use case by receiving something of measurable or observable value
(e.g. student registers online: Student = PBA). The PBA normally triggers the Use
Case to start off.
 Primary system actor (PSA): the stakeholder that directly interfaces with the system
to initiate or trigger the business or system event. They facilitate the event through
the direct use of the system for the benefit of the PBA (e.g. Sales Clerk scanning the
items the Client buys: Client = PBA; Sales Clerk = PSA)

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 External Server Actor (ESA): the stakeholder that responds to a request from the
use case before the use case can conclude (e.g. the bank authorising a credit card
payment before the sales transaction could be concluded: Bank = ESA.)
 External Receiver Actor (ERA): the stakeholder that is not the primary business
actor but receives something of measurable or observable value from the case (e.g.
a Warehouse receiving a packing order to prepare a shipment after a Customer has
placed an order: Warehouse = ERA; Customer = PBA)
 ½ mark for naming the actor, ½ mark for correct description/explanation.

4. What are the main steps for compiling a use case diagram?/ Wat is die hoofstappe
om „n gebruikersgeval diagram te teken? (2)
1. Identifying the use cases;
2. identify the major steps within each use case;
3. identify elements within steps;
4. confirm the use cases
 1/2 mark for each step

5. Ramya is preparing an economic feasibility study. She has a calculation where she
takes total benefits minus total costs and divides that answer by the total costs. By
following this approach, what is she calculating? (Circle the correct option below) /
Ramya is besig met die voorbereiding van 'n ekonomiese lewensvatbaarheidstudie.
Sy het 'n berekening waar sy die totale koste aftrek van die totale voordele en die
antwoord deel deur die totale koste, wat bereken sy? (Omsirkel die korrekte opsie
hieronder) (1)
a. Cash flow / Kontantvloei
b. Return on investment / Rekenkundige opbrengskoers
c. Break-even point / Gelyksbreekpunt
d. Net present value / Netto huidige waarde
e. Internal rate of return / Interne opbrengskoers

Answer: b

6. TJ has prepared a spreadsheet where the total benefits are R182,000; the total
cumulative costs are R120,000. The ROI would be? (Circle one option below) / TJ
het 'n spreadsheet voorberei waar die totale voordele R 182,000 is; die totale
kumulatiewe koste R 120,000 is. Wat sal die ROI wees? (Omsirkel een opsie
hieronder) (2)
a. 34%
b. 51.7%
c. 65.3%

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d. Less than 20% / Minder as 20%

Answer: b

7. The following tables show the total benefits and total cost based on actual and
projection over a 5 year period. / Die volgende tabelle wys die totale voordele en
totale kostes gebasseer op werklike asook vooruitskattings vir „n 5 jaar period.
Gebruik die intigting om die volgende vrae te antwoord

Total Benefits / Totale voordele (R)

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total

0 500,00 668,00 699,800 733,508 2,601,308

Total Cost / Totale Koste (R)

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total

1,500,000 185,000 189,600 194,384 199,359 2,268,343

By using the information in the tables above, calculate the following / Deur gebruik te
maak van die inligting in die tabelle, bereken die volgende:

a. Return on Investment / Rekenkundige opbrengskoers (2)

b. Break Even Point (BEP) (over 4 years) / Gelykbreekspunt (BEP) (oor 4 jaar) (2)
c. Net Present Value (rate of return = 6%) / Netto huidige waarde
(Verdiskonteringskoers = 6%) (4)

 ROI = 332965/2268343*100=14.68
 BEP = 3 + (534 149 – 332 965)/332 965 = 3.6 years
 NPV = (315000/(1+0.6) + 478400/(1+0.6)2 + 505416/(1+0.6)3+534149/(1+0.6)4)-

8. Make a recommendation on the financial viability of the project based on the

calculations in question 7./ Maak „n aanbeveling ten op sigte van die ekonomiese
lewensvatbaarheid van die projek gebaseer op die berekeninge in vraag 7. (2)

 Good investment, ROI positive, BEP within lifetime of project and NPV>0
 1 mark for saying it is a good /viable investment and 1 mark for giving a reason

9. Differentiate between and explain why it will be more suitable to use interviews as a
requirements elicitation technique as opposed to questionnaires. / Onderskei tussen
en verduidelik wanneer dit meer van pas sal wees om eerder onderhoude as „n
behoeftebepalingstegniek te gebruik as vraelyste. (2)

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 Get information about the to-be system,

 More depth of information,
 Higher user involvement because you are able to prompt interviewee for
further information.
 1 mark x at least 2 reasons why interviews are more suitable than

10. Which is NOT a good practice in conducting interviews?/ Wat is NIE „n goeie
gewoonte wanneer jy „n onderhoud voer nie? (1)
a. Be happy – happy people radiate confidence. / Wees opgeruimd –
opgeruimde mense straal selfverskering uit.
b. Explain thoroughly – it is estimated that in a strong interview session, the
interviewer (you) should talk and explain about 60% of the time; and the
interviewee should answer about 40% of the time. / Verduidelik deeglik – dit
word beraam dat in „n goeie onderhoudsessie, die person wat die onderhoud
voer (jy) omtrent 60% van die praatwerk en verduideliking moet doen, en die
persoon met wie die onderhoud gevoer word moet omtrent 40% van die tyd
vat om te antwoord.
c. Watch interviewees‟ facial expressions, how they sit and their body language;
do they cross their arms; do they lean forward? / Beskou die persoon met die
wie die onderhoud gevoer word se gesigsuitdrukkings, hoe hy/sy sit en
sy/haar lyftaal; of sy/haar arms gekruis is, of hy/sy voorentoe leun?
d. Pay attention to what the interviewee is saying. / Toon belangstelling in wat
die persoon met wie jy die onderhoud voer sê.
e. If the interviewee ask you a question, answer it truthfully – and if you don‟t
know an answer, say so. / As die persoon met wie jy die onderhoud voer „n
vraag vrae, antwoord dit eerlik – en as jy nie weet nie, sê so.

Answer: b

11. The JAD session you have been facilitating has generally gone well. But you are
noticing (on the sixth day) that people are getting a bit irritated with each other; there
are too many sidebar conversations; people are going to their offices during breaks;
and in general, the „can-do‟ attitude that was present in the first few days seems to
be deteriorating. How can you go about to get the group focused again to get the
work done? / Die JAD sessie wat jy gefasiliteer het, het oor die algemeen goed
gegaan. Maar jy merk op (teen die sesde dag) dat mense 'n bietjie geïrriteerd raak
met mekaar; daar is te veel onderlinge gesprekke; deelnemers gaan na hulle kantore
tydens breke; en in die algemeen is die "kan-doen" houding wat in die eerste paar
dae sigbaar was, afwesig. Hoe kan jy die groep weer gefokus kry sodat die werk
afgehandel kan word? (2)

Suggested Answer: [any two of these will do]

 Take a break

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 Use some humor

 Help them understand what is left to accomplish and how valuable this is to
the company.
 Get their ‘buy-in’ back.
 1 mark x 2 points on how to solve the problem.




Read the case study and complete questions 1 – 2 that follow.

Lees die gevallestudie en antwoord vrae 1 – 2 wat volg.

Also complete question 3 – which is not related to the case study. / Beantwoord ook vraag 3 –
wat nie verwant is aan die gevallestudie nie.

Case Study – BlockBuster Movies

BlockBuster requires a new online system that will manage all aspects of customers and
movie DVD rentals. To become a customer, a potential customer has to register online with
his personal information (name, surname, id-nr, contact details, and delivery details); sign
the Terms and Conditions online; and opt in or out to receive the monthly newsletter which
contains news about movies and new DVD releases. The system will assign the DVD store
closest to the customer as his current DVD store, as soon as the customer enters his
delivery address. DVDs can only be delivered to customers who live within a 50km radius of
a store. All deliveries will take place from the store linked to the customer‟s profile. As soon
as the customer has registered, he receives an email with a username and password to
access the system.

When a customer logs-on to the system he should be able to search for movie DVDs and
view the specific movie‟s reviews and ratings. Searching for DVDs should also allow the
customer to browse through DVD categories (such as action, drama, horror, etc.). A
customer can choose to rent a DVD which is then added to his cart. Once the customer is
happy with his rental he can choose to checkout which then ensures the payment process
starts. All rentals must be paid for online before the transaction can be finalised. The online
payments are made through an external system called the “PayAdvanced system” which
ensures that the payment from the customer is received before any rental is delivered. The
system emails the client a detailed statement showing the DVDs rented, the time to return
the DVDs, as well as the confirmation once the transaction is finalised.

If the DVD is not available, the customer can choose to put it on hold. At the end of each
day, the system checks whether the DVDs placed on hold are available and inform the
customer via SMS of the availability. The customer then has the option to decide whether or
not he wants to still rent the DVD and if so, he needs to log into the system and add his
“Hold” DVD to his cart, and continue with the checkout of his rental following the normal

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All deliveries and pickups are performed by an external courier company. At 9h00 each
morning, the system generates a delivery/pickup report which also indicates the deliveries
and pickups of the day. This report is sorted according to the delivery address to optimise
delivery and pickup of the DVDs and emailed to the shop assistant to ensure that the DVDs
are ready for pickup from the store. The report is also emailed to the courier so that they
know where to deliver or pick up the DVDs. All DVDs rented before 14h00 are delivered to
the customer the next morning. Couriers will start delivery and pickups from 10h00 in the

Once the courier has picked up all the rental returns from the customers, he then hands
these into the store assistant. The store assistant will capture all the returns onto the system
as well as damages. As soon as the DVD returns are captured, the system views the
expected return date and time and if the DVD is returned late, it will flag the rental as late.
For all late returns, there will be a penalty of R5 per day for each late returned DVD which
will be loaded to the customer‟s account. The customer will get an email notification once a
penalty has been loaded onto his account to inform him that he won't be able to make any
further rentals until the penalty is paid. To pay the penalty the customer can log on to the
system and choose the „Pay penalty‟ option. He can then choose the penalty he wants to
pay and pay for the penalty following the payment process.

A customer cannot have more than 5 store DVDs in his possession at the same time. To
rent more DVDs he must first return some or all of it. A customer will not be allowed to rent
out a DVD if one or more of the DVDs that he has rented and is with him, has passed its
return date. BlockBuster couriers will only deliver to clients within a 50 km range of the store
linked to the client‟s profile.

A customer can update his address at any time on the system which might result in a
change to the store linked to his profile.

Gevallestudie – BlockBuster Movies

BlockBuster vereis ʼn nuwe aanlyn-stelsel wat alle aspekte van kliënt en die verhuring van
DVD bestuur. Om ʼn kliënt te word moet ʼn potensiële kliënt aanlyn registreer met sy
persoonlike besonderhede (naam, van, id-nr, kontakbesonderhede, en afleweringsadres);
die voorwaardes aanlyn afteken; en kies of hy die maandelikse nuusbrief met al die nuus oor
films en nuwe DVD vrystellings, wil ontvang. Die stelsel sal die naaste DVD-winkel aan die
kliënt toeken, sodra die kliënt sy afleweringsadres insleutel. DVD‟s kan slegs afgelewer word
aan kliente wat binne „n 50km radius van „n winkel woon. Alle aflewerings sal plaasvind
vanaf die winkel wat aan die kliënt se profiel gekoppel is. Sodra „n kliëent geregisteer is, sal
die kliënt „n epos ontvang met die gebruikersnaam en wagwoord vir toegang tot die stelsel.

As ʼn kliënt aanteken moet hy in staat wees om vir ʼn DVD te soek en na die spesifieke film
se resensies en graderings te kyk. Die kliënt moet ook in staat wees om deur DVD-
kategorieë (soos aksie, drama, riller, ens.) te soek. ʼn Kliënt kan kies om ʼn DVD te huur wat
dan in sy mandjie geplaas word. Sodra „n kliënt gelukkig is met sy/haar keuse kan hy
versoek om sy mandjie uitteteken wat dan die betalingsproses inwerking stel. Alle verhurings

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moet aanlyn betaal word voor die transaksie afgehandel is. Alle aanlyn betalings geskeid
deur die eksterne stelsel genaamd “PayAdvanced system” om te verseker dat alle betalings
vanaf kliënte plaasvind voor enige aflewerings plaasvind. Die stelsel stuur vir die kliënt ʼn
gedetailleerde staat per epos, wat aandui watter DVD‟s gehuur is, die tyd waarop die DVD‟s
terugbesorg moet word, asook die bewys vir die betaling ontvang sodra die transaksie
afgehandel is.

As die DVD nie beskikbaar is nie, kan die kliënt kies om ʼn “houvas” daarop te sit. Aan die
einde van elke dag kontroleer die stelsel of die DVD‟s waarop ʼn houvas gesit is, beskikbaar
is en lig die kliënt diensooreenkomstig per SMS in. Die kliënt kan dan besluit of hy steeds die
DVD wil hê of nie, en indien wel moet hy aanteken op die stelsel en sy “houvas” onttrek deur
die DVD in sy mandjie te plaas wat dan die normale uitteken proses begin.

Alle aflewerings en optel van DVDs vind plaas deur „n eksterne koerier. Om 9h00 elke dag
genereer die stelsel „n oplaai/aflaai verslag wat alle aflewerings en optel van DVDs vir die
dag aandui. Hierdie verslag word gesorteer volgens die adresse om aflewering en optel te
optimaliseer. Die verslag word dan aan die koeriermaatskappy gestuur per epos om te weet
waar alle aflewerings plaasvind. Die verslag word ook gestuur aan die winkelassistent sodat
die winkelassistent die DVDs vir die dag se aflewerings kan regkry. Alle DVD‟s wat voor
14h00 deur kliente gehuur is, word die volgende oggend by die kliënte afgelaai. Koeriers
begin met aflaai en optel vanaf 10h00 in die oggend.

Sodra die koerier all die DVDs vir die dag opgetel het handig hy dit oor aan die
winkelassistent. Die winkelassistent sleutel dan die terugbesorgde DVDs asook alle DVDs
wat skade gelei het.
Sodra die DVDs ingesleutel is, kyk die stelsel na die verwagte terugbesogingsdag en tyd en
indien „n DVD laat is, word daardie huur as laat gemerk. Vir alle laat terugbesorgings word a
R5 per dag boete gehef wat op die kliënt se rekening gelaai word. Die kliënt sal ʼn epos-
kennisgewing kry sodra ʼn boete teenoor sy rekening gehef is, om hom in kennis te stel dat
hy nie in staat sal wees om verdere huurtransaksies te maak totdat die boete betaal is nie.
Om die boete te betaal kan die kliënt aanteken op die stelsel en die „Betaal Boete‟-opsie
kies. Hy kan dan die boete wat hy wil betaal kies en die die betaling maak deur die
betalingsproses te volg.

ʼn Kliënt kan nie meer as 5 DVD‟s op een slag huur of in sy besit hê nie. Om verdere DVD‟s
te kan huur, moet hy eers van die DVD‟s of al die DVD‟s terugbesorg. ʼn Kliënt sal nie
toegelaat word om ʼn DVD te huur as een of meer van sy DVD‟s wat hy gehuur en tans by
hom is, laat is nie. BlockBuster koeriers sal slegs aan kliente binne „n 50km radius van die
winkelaflaai. „n

Kliënt kan enige tyd sy adres opdateer op die stelsel wat die winkel wat gekoppel is aan sy
profile kan verander.

Questions: / Vrae [50 Marks]

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1. Complete the systems analysis use case diagram for the case study. / Voltooi die
stelselontledings-„use case‟-diagram vir die gevallestudie.

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2. Complete the logical use case narrative for use case 1.4 (Rent Movie DVD) ./ Voltooi
die logiese „use case‟-beskrywing vir „use case‟ 1.3 (Huur Film DVD) . (18)

USE CASE ID: 1.4 Business Requirements: 
PRIORITY: High / Hoog System Analysis: X
SOURCE: Case Study / Gevallestudie System Design: 
OTHER PARTICIPATING PayAdvanced System / Stelsel (ESA)
OTHER INTERESTED PayAdvanced System / Stelsel (ESA)
DESCRIPTION: This use case describes the case in which a client wants to rent out a movie
DVD. The client Search for the DVD they prefer and once they want to rent the
DVD, they will add the DVD to the cart. Once they are happy they will select the
checkout option which will connect with the PayAdvanced external system to
finalise payment. Once the payment is approved, the system will update the
DVD status and generate a statement which is emailed to the customer
PRE-CONDITION: A client is registered on the system, and has a user name and password. / ʼn
Kliënt is geregistreer op die stelsel en het ʼn gebruikersnaam en wagwoord.
TRIGGER: The client wants to rent out a movie DVD. / Die kliënt wil ʼn film DVD huur.
TYPICAL COURSE Actor Action System Response
OF EVENTS: Step / Stap 1: The client wants to Step 2: The system retrieves the customer
rent out a movie DVD and logs information from the customer table
into the system / Die kliënt wil „n
DVD uitneem en teken aan op die

Step 3: The system retrieves the customer

rental history / current rental status from the
rental tables
Step 4: The system retrieves the
outstanding penalties from the penalties
Step 5: The customer enters the Step 6: The system invokes use case 1.3
search criteria for the DVD they Search DVD
would like to rent
Step 7: The customer selects the Step 8: The system adds the DVD selected
Add to Cart option to the customer‟s cart
Step 9: The system calculates the total due
and display it to the customer.

Step / Stap 10: The clients selects Step 11: The system checks that not more
the check-out option than 5 DVD are rented by verifying the
current rental status of the customer with
the current check-out cart
Step / Stap 12: The system sends the
payment details to the PayAdvanced
external system. / Die stelsel stuur die
betalingsdetails na die PayAdvanced
eksterne stelsel.

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Step / Stap 13: The PayAdvanced Step / Stap 14: The system creates a rental
system verifies whether the entry into the rental table
payment details are correct and
the payment is approved. / Die
PayAdvanced stelsel verifieer of
die betalingsdetails reg is en die
betaling word goedgekeur.

Step 15: The system updates the DVD

status to “out”
Step 16: The system generates the
customer statement and send the email
Step 17: The customer receives
his/her emailed statement
ALTERNATE COURSES: Alt-Step 4a: The system checks whether the client has any outstanding balance
in the Client_Account table due to penalties not paid and the client has an
outstanding balance. The system displays the outstanding penalty and asks
whether the client wants to pay the outstanding penalty when paying for the new
rental. The client agrees to pay the outstanding penalty. / Die stelsel kyk of die
kliënt enige uitstaande balans het in die Client_Account-tabel as gevolg van
boetes wat nie betaal is nie en die kliënt het ʼn uitstaande balans. Die stelsel
vertoon die uitstaande balans en vra die kliënt of hy die uitstaande boete wil
betaal as hy vir die nuwe huurtransaksie betaal. Die kliënt stem in om die
uitstaande boete te betaal.
Alt-Step 4b: The system checks whether the client has any outstanding balance in the
Client_Account table due to penalties not paid and the client has an outstanding
balance. The system displays the outstanding penalty and asks whether the client wants
to pay the outstanding penalty when paying for the new rental. The client does not
agree to pay the outstanding penalty and the system displays a message stating that
the rental has been discarded and the use case is terminated. / Die stelsel kyk of die
kliënt enige uitstaande balans het in die Client_Account-tabel as gevolg van boetes wat
nie betaal is nie en die kliënt het ʼn uitstaande balans. Die stelsel vertoon die uitstaande
balans en vra die kliënt of hy die uitstaande boete wil betaal as hy vir die nuwe
huurtransaksie betaal. Die kliënt stem nie in om die uitstaande boete te betaal nie en die
stelsel vertoon ʼn boodskap wat verduidelik dat die huurtransaksie gestop is en die ‘use
case’ termineer.

Alt-Step / Alt-Stap 6a: The movie DVD is not available. The system provides
the client with the option to put the DVD on hold. The client chooses to put the
DVD on hold and the system saves the DVD details and the on-hold date to the
DVD_On_Hold table. / Die film DVD is nie beskikbaar nie. Die stelsel gee die
kliënt die opsie om ʼn houvas op die DVD te plaas. Die kliënt kies om die houvas
te plaas en die stelsel stoor die DVD details en die houvas-datum in die
Alt-Step 6b: The movie DVD is not available. The system provides the client
with the option to put the DVD on hold. The client chooses not to put the DVD on
hold. Return to step 2. / Die film DVD is nie beskikbaar nie. Die stelsel gee die
kliënt die opsie om ʼn houvas op die DVD te plaas. Die kliënt kies om nie die
houvas te plaas nie. Keer terug na stap 2.
Alt-Step 11: The system verifies that the client has less than 6 DVDs rented
against his name. The client already has 5 DVDs against his name and the
system informs him that he should first return some of the DVDs before he would
be allowed to rent out another. The use case is terminated. / Die stelsel verifier
dat die kliënt minder as 6 DVD‟s teen sy naam uitgehuur het. Die kliënt het 5
DVDs teen sy naam en die stelsel lig hom in da thy eers van die DVD‟s moet
terugbesorg voor hy toegelaat sal word om nog te huur. Die „use case‟

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Alt-Step 13a: The PayAdvanced system verifies whether the payment details
are correct and the payment is not approved. The system displays a payment
error message and requests the client to either try again or discard the rental.
The client chooses to try again and submits new payments details. / Die
PayAdvanced stelsel verifieer of die betalingsdetails korrek is en die betaling
word nie goedgekeur nie. Die stelsel vertoon ʼn betalingsfoutboodskap en
versoek die kliënt om weer te probeer of die transaksie te kanselleer. Die kliënt
kies om weer te probeer en sleutel nuwe betalingsdetails in.
Alt-Step 13b: The PayAdvanced system verifies whether the payment details are correct
and the payment is not approved. The system displays a payment error message and
requests the client to either try again or discard the rental. The client chooses to discard
the rental and the use case is terminated. / Die PayAdvanced stelsel verifieer of die
betalingsdetails korrek is en die betaling word nie goedgekeur nie. Die stelsel vertoon ʼn
betalingsfoutboodskap en versoek die kliënt om weer te probeer of die transaksie te
kanselleer. Die kliënt kies om die transaksie te kanselleer en die ‘use case’ termineer.
CONCLUSION: The system generates a client statement with details on the DVDs rented; the
time to return them; and the payment received for the rental and sends it to the
client. / Die stelsel genereer ʼn kliëntestaat met details oor die DVD‟s wat gehuur
is; die tyd waarop dit teruggegee moet word; en die betaling wat vir die
huurtransaksie ontvang is en stuur dit aan die kliënt.

POST-CONDITION: A movie DVD rental was saved in the Rental table / ʼn Film DVD huurtransaksie
is in die Rental-table gestoor.
DVD status is updated
An unavailable movie DVD was placed on hold in the DVD_On_Hold table. / ʼn
Houvas is geplaas op ʼn film DVD wat nie beskikbaar was nie.
A client statement was generated and sent to the client. / ʼn Kliëntestaat is
gegenereer en aan die kliënt gestuur.

BUSINESS RULES A client cannot rent out a movie DVD if he has unpaid penalties / ʼn Kliënt kan nie
ʼn film DVD uithuur as hy onbetaalde boetes het nie.
A client cannot have more than 5 movie DVDs rented out against his name. / ʼn
Kliënt kan nie meer as 5 film DVD‟s teen sy naam uithuur nie. A client has to pay
online for his rental before the rental can be concluded. / ʼn Kliënt moet aanlyn vir
sy huurtransaksie betaal voor die transaksie voltooi kan word.
DVDs cannot be rented if not paid in full upfront
OPEN ISSUES: None / Geen

3. The following table provides details on the data kept about the assets of the University
of Silicon Valley. Use these details to draw an ERD (in 3NF) that will represent the data.
/ Die tabel wat volg verskaf inligting oor die bates van die Universiteit van Silicon Valley.
Gebruik hierdie inligting en teken ʼn EVD (in 3NF) wat die data verteenwoordig. (15)

The University has several buildings. Die Universiteit het verskeie geboue.
Every building has many offices which each has Elke gebou het baie kantore wat elkeen ʼn
a number above its door. nommer bokant sy deur het.
Every office is assigned to an employee. Elke kantoor is aan ʼn werknemer toegeken.
An asset is kept in a specific office. ʼn Bate word in ʼn spesifieke kantoor gehou.
Some offices have more than 1 asset and some Sommige kantore het meer as 1 bate en
offices don‟t have any assets. sommige kantore het geen bates in nie.
Some buildings could have the same office Sommige geboue kan dieselfde kantoornommers

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number e.g. both the Science Building and the hê bv. beide die Wetenskapgebou en die
Education Building could have an office with the Opvoedkunde-gebou kan ʼn kantoornommer 301
number „301‟. hê.
An asset could be rented out to a client of the ʼn Bate kan vir ʼn aantal dae aan ʼn kliënt van die
University for a number of days. Universiteit uitverhuur word.
A client could have many asset rentals over time. ʼn Kliënt kan verskeie bate-huur-transaksies oor
tyd hê.
A rental takes place on a specific day. ʼn Huurtransaksie vind op ʼn spesifieke dag plaas.
More than 1 asset could be rented at the same Meer as een bate kan op dieselfde tyd gehuur
time. word.
Not all employees have an office. Nie alle werknemers het ʼn kantoor nie.
The University will only keep a client‟s information Die Universiteit sal slegs die kliënt se inligting
if the client has rented (an) asset(s) from the hou as die kliënt al (ʼn) bate(s) by die Universiteit
University. gehuur het.



INF271 – 2017: Module Test 1/ Moduletoets 1

Downloaded by Fanelo Felicity (ffnghonyama@gmail.com)

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