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This paper has analyzed in depth, the current situation in Kenya that is encouraging Kenyans to risk
encroachment into areas that are humanistically untenable and perilous. It has delved in depth on the
dangers posed by ammunition depots and storages and the magnitude of the danger it poses to human
beings globally and zeroed on the problem as it affects Kenyans. The paper has sought to sensitize
Kenyans on the dangers posed by military installations and the need to keep them at safe distance, but
also the pressure that is pushing Kenyans to the extent that they put such pressure on military
institution to keep away civil population from encroaching areas that are dangerous.

The paper highlights that the problem is not unique to Kenya and is not of military making, rather, it is
identified as a global problems and to solve it may require a global solution. We seek to justifiy that the
paper does not accuse the Kenya military of any misdemeanor of place any blame on them, rather, the
effort of the Kenyan military to keep the citizens safe, in light of the pressure palced on the military is
actually commended and it would be justified to seek military cooperation, as a solution to the problem
is sought.

The problem is identified to be several-fold:

a. Blatant encroachment into military land and installations some of which hold perilous material
and equipment or where activities that pose danger to the surrounding - community and
b. Presence of imminent danger smack in the middle of dense civil population as a result of the
long term encroachment;
c. How to remove the problem; and
d. How to initiate public education on the dangers posed by the presence of military installations
to the public.

It is apparent that to secure the public there is need for a multi-sectoral approach to the problem. The
state needs to securitize the issue as a national security problem and address it as such. To do that,
there is a need to device a mechanism to bring the state to breast of the issue – hence, a serious study
on the problem, collection and processing of the data and presentation in diplomatic manner in order to
buy in the dirigiste system.

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