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Title page

Table of contents

I. Viewpoint
> who you are to decide on the case (manager, HR manager, supervisor, consultant,

II. Time context (during pandemic, etc)

III. Case facts

> info about the company
> history
> nature of the business, etc
> last paragraph: introduced when the issue happened

IV. Problem statement

> the problem/issue (WFH, safety, health, motivation, productivity)
> only one problem

V. Objectives of the case

> at least 3 objs
> why you NEED to solve the issue

VI. Alternative courses of action

> in the POV of our group
> at least 3 alternative actions
> advantages and disadvantages
> criteria or cost benefit analysis

VII. Recommendation
> the best solution and why it is a best solution

VIII. Summary and conclusion

IX. References

X. Appendix

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