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in program--more--goto--objectdirectoryentry
->implicit enhancement
->explicit enhancement

/ncv01n--get the package of this---first step system--status
/osmod--from here u can get the customer exits by giving that package name
/ocmod--for implementation--give project name as zdemo--create--give description
demo--SAVE--go to enhancement assignments
here give ur customer exit names--enter--save--go to components--

-------------classic BADI------------------------
/ocv03n--select anything by F4 in document --then go in edit mode
now go to /ose24--give cl_exithandler--display--go to methods--double click on
get_instance method--look for cl_exithandler--here put a breakpoint
now come to /ocv03n--click save button--debugger will come automatically--now click
on exit_name--u will get the badis by clicking F8---all these are old badi
--------------checking whether it is badi r not----------
go to se18--give badis in badiName--display--if u see badi definition that means it
exits--in se18 we can view our badi definition
-----------implementing the classic badi---------
in /ose19--give that badi what u gave in se18 in classic bADI--CREATE--give
implementation name as zdemo--continue
give implementation short text as demo--enter--save

-----------new badi/kernel badi-------------------------kernel badi always start

with keyword badi
****/ocv03n--select anything by F4 in document--enter--system--status--double click
on program--(Get badi/call badi is used to check badis exists r not)--goto object
directory--take the package name
go to se18---give F4 in badi name---click new selection--gve package name--

go to /nva02--system--status--double click on program name--in global search give

get badi--u get list of get badis--double click on get badi
inside the program--again double click that same get badi--the statement like type
ref u will see that badi keyword along with other text--copy this name.
now go to se18--give that badi name in badi name section--display--

-----------badi implementation----------------------
go to /ose19---give the same enhancement spot u gave in se18 in enhancement spot
section--create--give enhancement implementation name as zdemo
short text as demo---continue--save
give badi implementation name as zdemo
implementation class is zdemo_cl--check this zdemo_cl present in se18 anywhere
badi definition as badi_sls_item_scr_cus----> which doesnt has implementation
checked from se18 under enhancement spot this has no implementation
check default implementation in that new window

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