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d20 System™ Espionage Role-Playing Game

Scott Gearin and Patrick Kapera

Living Spycraft MRD V1.7: Rules

Living Spycraft MRD
Design: Alex Flagg, Scott Gearin, Patrick Kapera,
Spycraft, Shadowforce Archer and all related marks are ™ and © 2002 Clayton A. Oliver
Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Editor: Patrick Kapera
All characters, names, places, and text herein is copyrighted by AEG.
Reproduction without AEG's written permission is expressly forbidden,
Art Director: jim pinto
except for the purpose of reviews and when permission to photocopy is Graphic Designer: Steve Hough
clearly stated. Vitality points, wounds, Defense, and other rules from the Star
Wars™ roleplaying game and other items not covered by the Open Gaming
Cover Artist: Veronica V. Jones
License used with permission from Wizards of the Coast. Star Wars is a trade- Brand Manager: Patrick Kapera
mark of Lucasfilm, Ltd. The mention of or reference to any company or prod- Production Manager: Mary Valles
uct in this book is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned.
This book uses governments, intelligence agencies, and political figures as
settings, characters, and themes. All such uses are intended for entertainment
purposes only.
and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product
The Open Game Content Identity” means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade
dress; artifacts; creatures, characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, inci-
This printing of the Living Spycraft™ Master Rules Document (MRD) is done under version 1.0a of the dents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts,
Open Game License and the draft version of the d20 System Trademark License, d20 System Trademark themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and
Logo Guide and System Reference Document by permission of Wizards of the Coast. Subsequent print- descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and
ings of this work will incorporate final versions of the license, guide and document. special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural
AEG’s intention is to open up as much of the Living Spycraft Master Rules Document as possible to be abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered
used as Open Game Content (OGC), while maintaining Product Identity (PI) to all aspects of the trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which
Spycraft intellectual property. Publishers who wish to use the OGC materials from this work are specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark,
encouraged to contact if they have any questions or concerns about reproduc- sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the asso-
ing material from the Living Spycraft Master Rules Document in other OGL works. AEG would appre- ciated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or
ciate anyone using OGC material from Spycraft in other OGL works to kindly reference Spycraft as the “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create
source of that material within the text of their work. Open Game Content may only be used under and Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms of
in accordance with the terms of the OGL as fully set forth below. this agreement.

DESIGNATION OF PRODUCT IDENTITY: The following items are hereby designated as Product 2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice
Identity in accordance with section 1(e) of the Open Game License, version 1.0a: Any and all indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License.
Spycraft and Shadowforce Archer logos and identifying marks and trade dress, including all You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added
Spycraft and Shadowforce Archer product and product line names including but not limited to to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or
The Spycraft Espionage Handbook, Spycraft Lite, Control Screen, Modern Arms Guide, conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License.
Faceman/Snoop Class Guide, Fixer/Pointman Class Guide, Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide, Season 3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the
Book #1: Gentlemen’s Agreement and subsequent Season books, The Agency Sourcebook, terms of this License.
The Battlegrounds Sourcebook, The Mastermind Sourcebook, The U.S. Militaries Sourcebook, The
World Militaries Sourcebook, The Shadowforce Archer Worldbook, The African Alliance Chamber 4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors
Book, The Archer Foundation Chamber Book, The European Commonwealth Chamber Book, The grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of
Pan-Asian Collective Chamber Books, and all subsequent Chamber Books, The Hand of Glory this License to Use, the Open Game Content.
Threat Book, The Shop Threat Book, and all subsequent Threat Books, and all Spycraft and 5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open
Shadowforce Archer logos; any elements of the Spycraft or Shadowforce Archer settings, includ- Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have
ing but not limited to capitalized names, department names, section names, threat names, char- sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.
acters, gadgets (including but not limited to the usual refinements and other gadgets), historic
events, and organizations; any and all stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, documents 6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License
within the game world, quotes from characters or documents, and dialogue; and all artwork, to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copy-
symbols, designs, depictions, illustrations, maps and cartography, likenesses, poses, Agency or ing, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright
department logos, symbols, or graphic designs, except such elements that already appear in the holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute.
d20 System Reference Document and are already OGC by virtue of appearing there. The above 7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication
Product Identity is not open Game Content. as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the
DESIGNATION OF OPEN CONTENT: Subject to the Product Identity designation above, all portions of owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or
the Living Spycraft Master Rules Document are designated as Open Game Content except the rules for co-adaptability with any Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content
action dice, backgrounds, favor checks, education checks, inspiration checks, acquiring equipment, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such
weapons, and vehicles (except for the description of threat codes), the rules for gadgets and individ- Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a chal-
ual gadget mechanics, and all NPC statistics. lenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open
Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.
USE OF MATERIAL AS OPEN GAME CONTENT: It is the clear and expressed intent of Alderac
Entertainment Group to add all classes, skills, feats, equipment, prestige classes, and threat and NPC 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions
statistics (henceforth “goodies”) contained in this work to the canon of Open Game Content for free of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content.
use pursuant to the Open Game License by future Open Game publishers. 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this
Some of the portions of this booklet which are delineated OGC originate from the System Reference License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any
Document and are © 1999, 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. The remainder of these OGC portions of Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License.
this book are hereby added to Open Game Content and if so used, should bear the COPYRIGHT NOTICE: 10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open
“Spycraft Copyright 2001, Alderac Entertainment Group.” Game Content You Distribute.
The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using
challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned. the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do so.
‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20 System’ logo are Trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are used 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License
according to the terms of the d20 System License version 1.0a. A copy of this License can be found at with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or govern- mental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
Dungeons & Dragons® and Wizards of the Coast® are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms here-
and are used with permission. in and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All
All contents of this work, regardless of designation, are copyrighted year 2002 by Alderac sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.
Entertainment Group. All rights reserved. Reproduction or use without the written permission of the 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall
publisher is expressly forbidden, except for the purposes of review or use consistent with the limited be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
license above.
15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Open Game License v1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
The Open Game License System Rules Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet,
Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Star
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards Wars roleplaying game, Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast and Lucasfilm Ltd.; Authors Andy
of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. Collins, Bill Slavicsek, JD Wiker. Spycraft Espionage Handbook Copyright 2001, Alderac
Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Patrick Kapera and Kevin Wilson. Shadowforce Archer
1. Definitions: (a) “Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have con-
Worldbook Copyright 2001, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Patrick Kapera and Kevin
tributed Open Game Content; (b) “Derivative Material” means copyrighted material including
derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modifi-
cation, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other
form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means
to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distrib-
ute; (d) “Open Game Content” means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures,
processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is
an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game
Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations

General Information
The following Living Spycraft rules are in effect as of
December 1, 2004.
All new text as of this edition is highlighted in blue.
This document provides instruction for creating agents in the
Living Spycraft game environment and guidance to players and
judges when participating in Living Spycraft events.
Living Spycraft adventures (referred to as “serials”) follow the
standard RPGA format, being grouped into single-round (4-hour) references
and two-round (8-hour) events. Each player should have an agent
Several books are referenced in this document.
sheet and a career dossier prepared before an event begins, as well
They are:
as any other required documents (as determined by their agent
history and the rules in this document). 3rd Ed. Dungeons & Dragons™ — This system provides some
Special Note: This is a FLUID document, and subject to basic material for agent creation and advancement in Living
change at any time. Please always check for new versions before Spycraft, as defined on page 13 of the Spycraft Espionage
running any Living Spycraft events. Handbook. Dungeons & Dragons books currently incorporated
into the Living Spycraft campaign include:
Table Of Contents • Core Rulebook I: Player’s Handbook™.
General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03
Spycraft™ — These books comprise the core system for Living
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03
Spycraft. All material from this product line may be applied to
Required Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04
Living Spycraft agents and serials unless otherwise specified in
Document Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04
this document. Spycraft books currently incorporated into the
Special Allowance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04
Living Spycraft campaign include:
Agent Creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04
Living Spycraft Iconic (Demo) Agents . . . . . . . . . . 04 • Spycraft Espionage Handbook.
Agent Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04
• Spycraft: 1960s Decade Book.
Abilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04
Living Spycraft Regional Branches . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05 • Spycraft: Agency Sourcebook.
Meta-Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05
• Spycraft: Battlegrounds Sourcebook.
Personal Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05
Finishing Touches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06 • Spycraft: Faceman/Snoop Class Guide.
Agent Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06
• Spycraft: Fixer/Pointman Class Guide.
Career Dossier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06
Agent Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06 • Spycraft: Gentlemen’s Agreement Season Book.
Departments and Specialties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06
• Spycraft: Mastermind Sourcebook.
Base Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08
Prestige Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 • Spycraft: Modern Arms Guide.
Skills and Skill Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
• Spycraft: Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide.
Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Backgrounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 • Spycraft: U.S. Militaries Sourcebook.
Bundles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
• Spycraft: World Militaries Sourcebook.
Standard-Issue Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Standard-Issue Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Shadowforce Archer™ — These books provide supplemental
Personal Gadgets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 material for the Spycraft system. Material from these books may
Vehicles and Vehicular Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 be applied to Living Spycraft agents and serials only as specifi-
Other Agent Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 cally permitted in this document. Shadowforce Archer books
Agent Growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 currently incorporated into the Living Spycraft campaign include:
Agent Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
• Shadowforce Archer Worldbook.
Game Control Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Gaining a Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 • SFA: The African Alliance Chamber Book.
Commendation Certificates (“Certs”) . . . . . . . . . . . 35
• SFA: The Archer Foundation Chamber Book.
The Living Spycraft Hall of Heroes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Playing the Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 • SFA: The European Commonwealth Chamber Book.
Living Spycraft Contacts, Forum, and FAQ . . . . . . . 36
• SFA: The Hand of Glory Threat Book.
Minimum Agents Per Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Agent Level Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 • SFA: The Pan-Asian Collective Chamber Book.
RPGA Die Bumps and Other Certs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
• SFA: The Shop Threat Book.
Living Spycraft-Specific Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Printed Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Stargate SG-1™ — These books provide supplemental material
Available Serials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 for the Spycraft system. Material from these books may be applied
Terrortory Season . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 to Living Spycraft agents and serials only as specifically
permitted in this document. Stargate SG-1 books currently
incorporated into the Living Spycraft campaign include:
• Stargate SG-1 Rulebook.

Living Spycraft MRD
Required Materials
The following materials are required when playing Living
Spycraft: At least one copy of each should be available at each
Living Spycraft table.
The first step when joining the Living Spycraft setting is
• (GC) Spycraft Espionage Handbook.
creating an agent. When creating a Living Spycraft agent, all rules
• (GC) Spycraft Modern Arms Guide. for agent creation found in the Spycraft Espionage Handbook
apply, except as modified within this document.
• (GC) Spycraft Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide.
• (GC) The Living Spycraft Master Rules Document (MRD) — this Living Spycraft
document, latest edition (v1.7). Iconic (Demo) Agents
• (GC) The official Spycraft Errata Document (SED) — latest Should a player find himself at a Living Spycraft event with-
edition (v1.7). out a prepared agent, he may use any of our prepared demo
agents — referred to in the Living Spycraft campaign as “iconics”
• (Players) All regional and printed support materials relating to
— to dive right into the action with only a few quick decisions.
each agent at the table. These materials must be brought by
Six iconic agents may be found in individual PDF documents,
each player, not the GC. When an agent option or rule a play-
available on the Downloads page of the Living Spycraft website
er wishes to bring into play comes into question and the play-
and on the Resources page of the official Spycraft website:
er lacks the required reference, the GC decides whether the
agent option or rule applies or not, and if so, how it impacts
the current game.
The current errata document may be found in PDF format on
A small amount of preparation is required before these agents
the Resources page of the official Spycraft website:
may be used in Living Spycraft — the player must allocate 6 skill following points before play.
At the end of the player’s first serial using an iconic agent,
Additionally, the GC and/or players may want to bring copies
the GC fills out the first line of a new career dossier for the
of the remaining Spycraft, Shadowforce Archer, and Stargate
player, excluding the Agent Name line. The player may then design
SG-1 books, as needed to support their agents and actions.
a new, permanent Living Spycraft agent (or adopt the iconic as his
permanent agent), filling in the Agent Name line and carrying on
Document Updates with the campaign per the standard rules.
When additional agent options are added to this document, A player may not accumulate more than 1 serial’s worth of XP
players may add them to their agents at the next typically allowed using an iconic agent.
opportunity (e.g. when the agent gains a level or otherwise Special Note: The individually PDF’d iconic agents are the
becomes eligible for the benefit). Agents may not be re-created only iconics still available for use in the Living Spycraft campaign.
due to changes in this document. The original iconics — available in one file of six — may no longer
be used.
Special Allowance
Due to the delay leading up to v1.5 of this document, Agent Level
each player may modify each of their current agents once A new Living Spycraft agent begins play at level 1 with 0 XP,
(and only once) to take current rulings and agent options into and gains levels only at the end of serials (never during serials).
account. The player may adjust the choices of his last level The basic rules for gaining levels are found in the Player’s
increase only, reassigning the following items as he chooses: Handbook™, with modification as described in Chapter 1 of the
Spycraft Espionage Handbook.
• Class.
• Skill points. Abilities
• Ability score increase (if applicable). Each Living Spycraft agent possesses the standard d20 abilities
(Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and
• Feats (if applicable).
Charisma). See the Spycraft Espionage Handbook, pages 15–16,
This modification may only affect the agent’s last level for descriptions of these abilities, and how to use them in play.
increase and must be noted in the Certs section of the agent’s The ability scores of each Living Spycraft agent are generated
career dossier for the first serial after the change is made, along using a point-based system. Each agent receives 36 points with
with the text: “MRD v1.5 Modification”. As always, the GC must which to purchase all six abilities, paying the costs listed on
sign this serial line in ink, indicating that he vouches for the accu- Table 1: Point-Based Abilities (see page 5).
racy of the agent modifications. Each ability score may range from 8 to 18, before department
This modification must be completed on or before December modifiers are applied (see page 6).
31, 2004. Thereafter, no changes may be made to agents outside
the standard Living Spycraft rules.
Special Note: This allowance also applies to any agent who
has accidentally chosen or gained options that are not available in
the Living Spycraft campaign.

Agent Creation
Table 1: Point-Based Abilities Special Note: One justification is off-limits — no Living
Score Cost Modifier Spycraft agent may be designated a “double” (that is, a traitor
working for a different Regional Branch). Double agents may
6 — –2 become a facet of the Living Spycraft campaign, but not as a
7 — –2 function of the agent’s Regional Branch choice.
8 0 –1
Whatever the justification, an agent’s relocation has 2 effects,
9 1 –1 as follows:
10 2 +0
• The number of meta-organization slots available to the agent
11 3 +0 is reduced by 1 (see below for more information about meta-
12 4 +1 organizations).
13 5 +1
• The agent may only access agent options, meta-organizations,
14 6 +2 and resources belonging to his official Agency, not those of
15 8 +2 his branch of residence. All region-only agent options, meta-
16 10 +3 organizations, and resources will be clearly flagged for easy
17 13 +3 convenience; unless flagged, any agent option, meta-organi-
zation, or resource is assumed to be available to agents of all
18 16 +4
19 — +4
20 — +5 Example: Though Simon’s Canadian agent lives and works in the
United States, he may only call upon Royal Canadian Intelligence
Example: Simon uses his 36 points to purchase the following Service agent options, meta-organizations, and resources, not those
statistics: Str 14 (6 points), Dex 16 (10 points), Con 12 (4 points), of the United States Agency.
Int 12 (4 points), Wis 12 (4 points), Cha 15 (8 points).
During play, a transplanted agent reports to his Agency of
residence (that is, the Agency presiding over the Regional Branch
Living Spycraft where the player lives).
Regional Branches Example: Simon’s Canadian agent reports to the United States
The Living Spycraft campaign is broadly divided into Regional
Agency, even though he is limited to agent options, meta-organiza-
Branches, each corresponding to a rough geographic area.
tions, and resources belonging to the Royal Canadian Intelligence
Each Regional Branch operates like an independent Agency.
The standard Living Spycraft agent creation and play rules are
applied across all Regional Branch Agencies, though each Regional
Branch Agency maintains its own flavor and some possess organi- Nationality
zational differences from the standard RPGA model (see the Living Whether an agent is a transplant or not, he may be of any
Spycraft home page for more information). nationality. Each Regional Branch Agency employs agents of all
Currently sanctioned Regional Branches include: races, creeds, and faiths.
• Australia — The Security Intelligence Enforcement Group (M09).
Regional Branch Directors
• Canada — Royal Canadian Intelligence Service (RCIS-SRRC).
Each Regional Branch is managed by a Director. Directors
• France — 6ème Régiment de Renseignement et d'Intervention jointly manage the whole of the Living Spycraft campaign. A list
(Le Secret). of Directors and their contact information is available at the
official Living Spycraft website:
• Germany — Abteilung 7 of the Bundesnachrichtendienst.
• United Kingdom — The Department of Intelligence and Special
Operations (DISO).
• United States of America — The Agency.
Living Spycraft meta-organizations are currently in develop-
An agent’s Regional Branch Agency must be decided before he ment. Watch the Living Spycraft website and this document for
enters his second serial of play. An agent may choose any Regional additional information as it becomes available.
Branch Agency, regardless of where the player actually lives,
though the agent must report to the Agency of the player’s Personal Budget
residence. The agent is assumed to be “on loan” to the Agency of
During agent creation, each Living Spycraft agent gains a
the player’s residence, assigned to work there, or otherwise
number of personal budget points as described on page 104 of the
officially committed to the player’s native Regional Branch.
Spycraft Espionage Handbook. Unless using an iconic agent,
Example: Simon, who lives in New York City, USA, chooses to the player must spend these points before arriving to his first
generate an agent of the Royal Canadian Intelligence Service, Living Spycraft serial. Any unspent points are lost.
determining that his agent is on extended assignment in the After the first event, the player may reallocate the agent’s per-
United States pursuing a criminal genius who once fled south sonal budget after each serial, but must always spend all available
from his homeland. personal budget points before the start of each subsequent serial.
Again, any points left unspent at the start of a serial are lost.

Living Spycraft MRD
Additionally, some serials limit the number of BP that may be The rest of the dossier — consisting of many individual mission
spent to requisition each weapon and/or item for use during the blocks — is filled in upon completion of each serial, and includes
serial. These limits are in effect until the end of the current serial, the following information:
and apply to weapons and/or items requisitioned with either
• Convention/Location of Play.
personal or mission budget, or both. This limitation applies only
to the cost of each base weapon or item, not any accessories, • Date of Play.
masterwork modifications, or other options improving it. Weapons
• Serial Name and ID# (taken from the serial’s cover page).
that may be attached together — for example, an assault rifle and
an underbarrel grenade launcher — are considered separate • Agent Level (at the start of the serial).
weapons for this purpose.
• XP Gained.
All standard personal budget rules apply when creating
a Living Spycraft agent, and when later reallocating personal • Certs Gained.
budget points.
• Game Control Name/Judge #.

Finishing Touches • Authorization (the GC’s signature is required for a serial to be

counted during future games).
Derived Values All career information must be completed in ink and must be
The rules for determining a Living Spycraft agent’s saving legible. It is the player’s obligation to make sure that his
throws are found in the Player’s Handbook™. documents are kept in order and up to date.
The rules for determining a Living Spycraft agent’s Defense
and initiative modifiers are found on pages 158–159 of the
Spycraft Espionage Handbook.

When creating or improving a Living Spycraft agent, a player
A new Living Spycraft agent begins play with the maximum may choose agent options from Spycraft, Shadowforce Archer, or
possible vitality at 1st level (i.e. as if the player rolls the highest Stargate SG-1 releases as described in the following sections.
number possible based on their class).
Special Note: Many changes are made to Spycraft,
For additional information about vitality in Living Spycraft,
Shadowforce Archer, and Stargate SG-1 agent options herein.
see page 34.
These changes are not errata — they are only necessary to blend
them together as one mechanics pool for the Living Spycraft
Age campaign.
A Living Spycraft agent may begin play at any age. All age
effects described on page 102 of the Spycraft Espionage Departments
Handbook apply. and Specialties
See the Spycraft Espionage Handbook, pages 13 and 17,
Agent Sheet for the rules concerning departments.
Each player should acquire a Living Spycraft agent sheet to The following Spycraft, Shadowforce Archer, and Stargate
record his agent information. An explanation of the sheet and its SG-1 departments are approved for use in Living Spycraft games
parts are found on page 12 of the Spycraft Espionage Handbook. at this time.
The player must present a prepared agent sheet at the start of
Special Note: If the agent chooses a macro-department, the
each Living Spycraft serial.
full macro-department name — including the required sub-
department choice — must be determined and written down on
Career Dossier the agent’s sheet before he enters play.
In addition to his agent sheet, each player must maintain a
Living Spycraft career dossier for each of his agents. Spycraft
The top portion of the career dossier is filled in during agent Espionage Handbook
creation, and includes the following:
All departments in the Spycraft Espionage Handbook are
• Agent Name. approved for use in Living Spycraft games, without exception or
• Player Name.
• Player’s RPGA/Other # (as determined by the Regional Branch 1960s Decade Book
All departments in the 1960s Decade Book — including the
• Agent Creation Date. D-3 variant, Technical Espionage — are approved for use in Living
Spycraft games, with the following exceptions and modifications:
• Komitet Gosudarsvenndi Bezopasnosti (KGB): This macro-
department is not available in the Living Spycraft campaign.

Agency Sourcebook
All departments in the Agency Sourcebook are approved for
use in Living Spycraft games, without exception or modification.

Agent Options
Faceman/Snoop Class Guide African Alliance
All departments in the Faceman/Snoop Class Guide are Chamber Book
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following Only the following departments in the African Alliance
exceptions and modifications: Chamber Book are approved for use in Living Spycraft games,
with the following exceptions and modifications:
• Diplomatic Security: The player must choose the national
government or military force with which he is closely associ- • First Contact Operations: No exceptions or modifications.
ated during agent creation. The player’s choice must be
• Lethals: No exceptions or modifications.
tracked in the Certs section of the agent’s career dossier as
described in this section’s Special Note entry.
Archer Foundation
Fixer/Pointman Class Guide Chamber Book
Only the following departments in the Archer Foundation
All departments in the Fixer/Pointman Class Guide are
Chamber Book are approved for use in Living Spycraft games,
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following
with the following exceptions and modifications:
exceptions and modifications:
• Damage Control: No exceptions or modifications.
• Orphan: The DC modifier for seduction efforts and attempts
to turn the agent against his organization has no effect in the • Training Corps: No exceptions or modifications.
Living Spycraft campaign.
European Commonwealth
Mastermind Sourcebook Chamber Book
None of the departments in the Mastermind Sourcebook are Only the following departments in the European Common-
approved for use in Living Spycraft games. wealth Chamber Book are approved for use in Living Spycraft
games, with the following exceptions and modifications:
Soldier/Wheelman • Celebrity: No exceptions or modifications.
Class Guide
• Recruitment: No exceptions or modifications.
All departments in the Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide are
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, without exception or
modification. Hand of Glory Threat Book
Only the following departments in the Hand of Glory Threat
U.S. Militaries Sourcebook Book are approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the
following exceptions and modifications:
All departments in the U.S. Militaries Sourcebook are
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following • Indoctrinated: No exceptions or modifications.
exceptions and modifications:
• U.S. Air Force: The U.S. Air Force Basic Training program does Pan-Asian Collective
not count toward the agent’s standard limit of 1 training Chamber Book
program per serial (see page 33). Only the following departments in the Pan-Asian Collective
Chamber Book are approved for use in Living Spycraft games,
• U.S. Army: The U.S. Army Basic Training program does not
with the following exceptions and modifications:
count toward the agent’s standard limit of 1 training program
per serial (see page 33). • Disciples of Wong Fei-Hung: No exceptions or modifications.
• U.S. Marine Corps: The U.S. Marine Corps Boot Camp • Operation: BODY DOUBLE: No exceptions or modifications.
training program does not count toward the agent’s standard
limit of 1 training program per serial (see page 33). Shop Threat Book
• U.S. Navy: The U.S. Navy Basic Training program does not None of the departments in the Shop Threat Book are approved
count toward the agent’s standard limit of 1 training program for use in Living Spycraft games.
per serial (see page 33).
• U.S. Coast Guard: The U.S. Coast Guard Basic Training Stargate SG-1 Rulebook
program does not count toward the agent’s standard limit of Only the following specialties in the Stargate SG-1 Rulebook
1 training program per serial (see page 33). are approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following
exceptions and modifications:
World Militaries • Air Force: This specialty’s Pay Grade bonus is ignored and all
Sourcebook ‘specialty’ bonuses become ‘department’ bonuses.
All departments in the World Militaries Sourcebook are
• Army: This specialty’s Pay Grade bonus is ignored and all
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, without exception or
‘specialty’ bonuses become ‘department’ bonuses.
• Marines: This specialty’s Pay Grade bonus is ignored and all
‘specialty’ bonuses become ‘department’ bonuses.
• Navy: This specialty’s Pay Grade bonus is ignored and all
‘specialty’ bonuses become ‘department’ bonuses.

Living Spycraft MRD
• National Intelligence Department: This specialty’s Pay Grade • Wheelman: For the purpose of determining the effects of the
bonus is ignored and all ‘specialty’ bonuses become ‘depart- wheelman’s soup her up ability, the wheelman is assumed to
ment’ bonuses. Further, the Area 51 infiltrator sub-specialty is be regularly working on any vehicle with which he’s familiar.
not approved for use in the Living Spycraft campaign. Finally,
this macro-specialty extends absolutely no knowledge of 1960s Decade Book
aliens, the Stargate, or any other unconventional topic.
All base classes in the 1960s Decade Book are approved for use
• Diplomatic Corps: This specialty’s Pay Grade bonus is ignored in Living Spycraft games, without exception or modification.
and all ‘specialty’ bonuses become ‘department’ bonuses.
• Engineering Corps: This specialty’s Pay Grade bonus is ignored Shadowforce Archer
and all ‘specialty’ bonuses become ‘department’ bonuses. Worldbook
None of the base classes in the Shadowforce Archer Worldbook
Base Classes are approved for use in Living Spycraft games.
See the Spycraft Espionage Handbook, pages 13 and 20,
for the rules concerning base classes. African Alliance
The following Spycraft, Shadowforce Archer, and Stargate Chamber Book
SG-1 base classes are approved for use in Living Spycraft games at Only the following base classes in the African Alliance
this time. Chamber Book are approved for use in Living Spycraft games,
with the following exceptions and modifications:
Special Note: Whenever a class ability demands that the
agent make a permanent choice (e.g. the fixer’s special ability), • High Roller: No exceptions or modifications.
the choice must be made at the conclusion of the serial during
which he gains the level (and therefore, the ability), or at the start Archer Foundation
of the following serial, before play begins. The choice must be Chamber Book
tracked in the Certs column of the agent’s career dossier, along
Only the following base classes in the Archer Foundation
with the text: “Class Feature Chosen:”, followed by the class name,
Chamber Book are approved for use in Living Spycraft games,
a hyphen, the ability name, and the choice in parentheses.
with the following exceptions and modifications:
Example: “Class Feature Chosen: fixer — special ability
• Sleuth: When the sleuth uses his final analysis ability, the GC
(fast movement)”.
determines whether an NPC possesses 1 or more backgrounds,
Example 2: “Class Feature Chosen: fixer — special ability and the number of points each NPC has invested in his back-
(feat, Safe House)”. grounds, based on the serial’s source material and his better
judgment. No background points assigned by the GC for this
Spycraft purpose affect the NPC’s statistics.
Espionage Handbook
All base classes in the Spycraft Espionage Handbook are European Commonwealth
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following Chamber Book
exceptions and modifications: Only the following base classes in the European Common-
wealth Chamber Book are approved for use in Living Spycraft
• Fixer: When the fixer uses his wildcard gadget ability, he may
games, with the following exceptions and modifications:
choose any gadget on the current serial’s recommended
gadgets list with a cost of 1 BP. If the list doesn’t include any • Spin Doctor: No exceptions or modifications.
gadgets with a cost of 1 BP, then the fixer may choose any
gadget on the list with a cost of 2 BP, and so on. The fixer may Hand of Glory Threat Book
change the gadget’s housing when he chooses it (though the
Only the following base classes in the Hand of Glory Threat
GC may overrule his choice if he feels that it’s unreasonable,
Book are approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the
such as a standard grappling hook gadget housed in a
following exceptions and modifications:
• Explorer: The explorer’s bonus feat grants either basic combat
• Fixer: The fixer’s procure ability may not be used to requisi-
or basic skill feats, not fringe feats.
tion weapons and/or gear exceeding the serial’s BP limit
(see the sidebar on page 23 for additional information).
Pan-Asian Collective
• Snoop: The snoop must have hacked a computer’s root Chamber Book
account in order to assign it a back door. All computer back
Only the following base classes in the Pan-Asian Collective
doors designated by the snoop are lost at the end of each
Chamber Book are approved for use in Living Spycraft games,
serial, allowing the snoop to reassign them as standard during
with the following exceptions and modifications:
a later serial.
• Martial Artist: The Discipline of the Body, Discipline of the
• Wheelman: The wheelman may designate his custom ride
Mind, and Discipline of the Spirit feats granted to the Martial
or a signature vehicle as familiar without spending the
Artist are applied as written, but are considered covert feats
required time. The wheelman may designate another vehicle
(see Feats, page 18, for more information about how mystic
as familiar by spending the required time. Either way, the
and psion feats are integrated into the Living Spycraft
familiarity must be tracked in the Certs column of the wheel-
man’s career dossier, with a new notation each time he
becomes familiar with a new vehicle, along with the text:
“New familiarity:”, followed by the vehicle’s name.

Agent Options
Table 2: Stargate SG-1 Base Class BP and GP
Explorer Pointman Scientist Scout Soldier
Budg Gadg Budg Gadg Budg Gadg Budg Gadg Budg Gadg
Lvl Pts Pts Pts Pts Pts Pts Pts Pts Pts Pts
1 1 0 3 0 3 1 2 0 2 0
2 2 1 6 1 6 2 4 1 4 1
3 3 1 9 2 9 3 6 2 6 1
4 4 2 12 3 12 4 8 3 8 2
5 5 2 15 3 15 5 10 3 10 2
6 6 3 18 4 18 6 12 4 12 3
7 7 3 21 5 21 7 14 5 14 3
8 8 4 24 6 24 8 16 6 16 4
9 9 4 27 6 27 9 18 6 18 4
10 10 5 30 7 30 10 20 7 20 5
11 11 5 33 8 33 11 22 8 22 5
12 12 6 36 9 36 12 24 9 24 6
13 13 6 39 9 39 13 26 9 26 6
14 14 7 42 10 42 14 28 10 28 7
15 15 7 45 11 45 15 30 11 30 7
16 16 8 48 12 48 16 32 12 32 8
17 17 8 51 12 51 17 34 12 34 8
18 18 9 54 13 54 18 36 13 36 9
19 19 9 57 14 57 19 38 14 38 9
20 20 10 60 15 60 20 40 15 40 10

Table 3: Stargate SG-1 Prestige Class BP and GP

Bodyguard Field Analyst Field Medic Officer Sniper
Budg Gadg Budg Gadg Budg Gadg Budg Gadg Budg Gadg
Lvl Pts Pts Pts Pts Pts Pts Pts Pts Pts Pts
1 1 0 3 0 2 1 2 0 1 0
2 2 1 6 1 4 2 4 1 2 1
3 3 2 9 2 6 3 6 1 3 2
4 4 3 12 3 8 4 8 2 4 3
5 5 3 15 3 10 5 10 2 5 3
6 6 4 18 4 12 6 12 3 6 4
7 7 5 21 5 14 7 14 3 7 5
8 8 6 24 6 16 8 16 4 8 6
9 9 6 27 6 18 9 18 4 9 6
10 10 7 30 7 20 10 20 5 10 7

Shop Threat Book “Connected: An explorer comes to know a wide variety of

Only the following base classes in the Shop Threat Book are people through his travels. Once per session, he may spend
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following 1 action die to seek out an individual with whom he’s dealt
exceptions and modifications: positively in the past. Seeking this acquaintance out requires
1d6 hours. The acquaintance possesses 1 skill of the explorer’s
• Scientist: No exceptions or modifications.
choice with a number of ranks equal to 1/2 the sum of the
explorer’s class level + his Charisma modifier.
Stargate SG-1 Rulebook
“Unlike allies gained through the faceman’s backup ability
Only the following base classes in the Stargate SG-1 Rulebook
(see the Spycraft Espionage Handbook, page 23), the disposi-
are approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following
tion of the explorer’s acquaintance toward the explorer is only
exceptions and modifications:
considered friendly (rather than helpful). Further, the acquain-
Special Note: Stargate SG-1 base classes do not gain gear
tance must be compensated for any services rendered.
picks and resource points in Living Spycraft, as shown on Table 2:
Stargate SG-1 Base Class BP and GP (see page 9). “The explorer may use this ability even in remote locations,
so long as at least 40 people are located within a 25-mile radius
• Explorer: The explorer’s obsessive ability is replaced with the
of his current location (e.g. an Antarctic research base near the
following ability:
South Pole or a nomad camp in the midst of a desert).
“This is the explorer’s core ability.”

Living Spycraft MRD
• Explorer: The explorer’s direction sense ability is replaced with
the following ability: Prestige Classes
See the Shadowforce Archer Worldbook, page 162, for the rules
“Direction Sense: At 1st level, the explorer gains a +2
concerning prestige classes.
competence bonus with all skill checks made to navigate from
The following Spycraft, Shadowforce Archer, and Stargate
place to place, regardless of the skill being used. This bonus
SG-1 prestige classes are approved for use in Living Spycraft games
also applies to any shortcut maneuver taken by the explorer
at this time.
when he’s the predator during a chase (see the Spycraft
Espionage Handbook, page 188). This bonus increases by an Special Note: Whenever a class ability demands that the
additional +1 at 4th level and for every 4 class levels gained agent make a permanent choice (e.g. the ninja’s special ability),
thereafter.” the choice must be made at the conclusion of the serial during
which he gains the level (and therefore, the ability), or at the start
• Explorer: The explorer’s class level is not rounded down to the
of the following serial, before play begins. The choice must be
nearest multiple of 4 before they’re added to the levels in
tracked in the Certs column of the agent’s career dossier, along
other classes granting the uncanny dodge ability.
with the text: “Class Feature Chosen:”, followed by the class name,
• Pointman: The pointman may also choose from the following a hyphen, the ability name, and the choice in parentheses.
cross-class ability options:
Example: “Class Feature Chosen: ninja — special ability (fast
Faceman: Linguist; cold read 1/session; quick change movement)”.
1/session, 2/session; backup 1/session.
Example 2: “Class Feature Chosen: ninja — special ability (feat,
Fixer: Procure; evasion (no damage with successful save); Safe House)”.
sneak attack +1d6, +2d6; uncanny dodge (Dexterity bonus to
Defense). 1960s Decade Book
Snoop: Flawless search; intuition 1/session; back door ×1; All prestige classes in the 1960s Decade Book are approved for
jury-rig +2, +3. use in Living Spycraft games, with the following exceptions and
Wheelman: Daredevil; kick start 1/session; familiarity +1, +2.
• Attaché: The allegiance benefits granted attaché’s abilities
This does not increase the number of cross-class abilities a
have are ignored in the Living Spycraft campaign
pointman may choose in the Living Spycraft campaign —
(as allegiance isn’t approved for Living Spycraft play).
it merely provides the Stargate SG-1 version of the pointman
When using the “who do you work for?” ability, the attaché
the same options as his Spycraft counterpart.
learns the target’s parent organization and current disposition
The pointman may not choose guardian class abilities when he toward each member of the attaché’s team.
gains a cross-class ability.
• Menace: This prestige class is not available in the Living
• Pointman: The examples for possible benefits gained from the Spycraft campaign.
pointman’s serendipity ability should read as follows:
“Some examples include 1 contact (providing information or Agency Sourcebook
help equivalent to a successful favor check or street deal with All prestige classes in the Agency Sourcebook are approved for
a DC equal to the pointman’s class level + 10, or less), 1 hint use in Living Spycraft games, with the following exceptions and
(providing insight equivalent to 1 successful inspiration check modifications:
with a DC equal to the pointman’s class level + 10, or less),
• Cat Burglar: When the cat burglar uses his case ability,
1 piece of standard-issue gear (with a BP cost equal to 2 × the
the GC determines the organization’s security rating (if any).
pointman's class level, or less), 1 gadget, 1 vehicle, or 1 intel-
This decision has no impact on the installation’s other
ligence resource (with a GP cost equal to 1/2 the pointman's
class level, rounded down, or less), or 1 successful skill check
(even if the pointman didn't make a skill check, or is untrained • Deceiver: This prestige class is not available in the Living
with the appropriate skill). The pointman may share the results Spycraft campaign.
of a serendipitous skill check with his lead class ability.”
• Guide: The guide’s forage ability may not be used to requisi-
• Scientist: The scientist’s Xeno-Languages skill is replaced with tion weapons and/or gear exceeding the serial’s BP limit.
Read Lips when used in the Living Spycraft campaign.
• Paranoid: The paranoid’s special requirement may be incorpo-
• Scout: All instances of terrain feats mean terrain ‘training’ rated into the agent’s personal (flavor) history. It implies no
feats within the context of the Living Spycraft campaign rules requirement.
(these feats are part of the covert feat tree in this campaign).
• Paranoid: The GC determines whether a gadget “operates like
• Scout: When the scout gains a terrain feat, he may either armor or protective gear” as described in the paranoid’s kevlar
choose from the Stargate SG-1 terrain feat tree (see Feats, insurance ability.
page 18, for more information about how Stargate feats are
• Paranoid: The paranoid’s conspiracy ability is replaced with
integrated into the Living Spycraft campaign), or choose from
the following ability in the Living Spycraft campaign:
the Spycraft covert feat tree.
””I’m Everyone”: At 6th level, during the Gearing Up phase of
• Soldier: The soldier’s Concentration skill is replaced with Use
any mission, the paranoid may choose any 1 NPC (whether he
Rope when used in the Living Spycraft campaign.
has met the NPC or not). After 1 hour of undisclosed “file
magic,” the paranoid is assumed to have stolen the target
NPC’s identity, and thereafter possesses it as an average-grade
cover identity (with a +5 power rating and an error range of

Agent Options
1–3). If the paranoid typically possesses an identity theft • Doppelganger: All identities stolen by the doppelganger are
complex skill check modifier of +20 or higher (see the lost at the end of each serial, allowing the doppelganger to
Faceman/Snoop Class Guide, page 107), the cover identity’s reassign them as standard during a later serial.
grade is improved to convincing (with a power rating of +7
• Oracle: The oracle must have hacked a computer’s root
and an error range of 1–2). This ability may only be used at the
account in order to assign it a back door. All computer back
home office during the Gearing Up phase.
doors designated by the oracle are lost at the end of each
“Further, when in the field, the paranoid gains a +5 bonus serial, allowing the oracle to reassign them as standard during
with identity theft complex skill checks, and his identity theft a later serial.
complex skill check interval is reduced to 1 hour.
• Profiler: If the GC determines that a profiler may already
“At 10th level, during the Gearing Up phase of any mission, know about an NPC, the profiler may learn the names of any
the paranoid may choose any 1 NPC (whether he has met backgrounds the NPC possesses with a successful education
the NPC or not). After 1 hour of undisclosed “file magic,” check (DC 10 + the NPC’s agent level); otherwise, the profiler
the paranoid is assumed to have stolen the target NPC’s may make an information favor check (DC 5 + the NPC’s agent
identity, and thereafter possesses it as a flawless-grade cover level) to learn this information. The GC determines whether an
identity (with a +9 power rating and an error range of 1). NPC possesses 1 or more backgrounds, and the number of
points each NPC has invested in his backgrounds, based on the
“Further, when in the field, the paranoid gains a +10 bonus
serial’s source material and his better judgment. No back-
with identity theft complex skill checks, and his identity theft
ground points assigned by the GC for this purpose affect the
complex skill check interval is reduced to 30 minutes.”
NPC’s statistics.
• Producer: The producer’s team player ability is replaced with
• Sentry: All surveillance gear successfully customized by the
the following ability in the Living Spycraft campaign:
sentry is lost at the end of each serial, allowing the sentry to
”Team Player: At 3rd level, during the Gearing Up phase of customize new gear as standard during a later serial. Personal
each serial, the producer may choose 1 Agency division from budget may not be spent to pay for the parts required to use
the following: Finance, Intelligence, Operations, Public this ability.
Relations, or Research & Development. For the duration of the
current serial, the producer’s team gains benefits as if that Fixer/Pointman Class Guide
division possesses a disposition toward them of helpful.
All prestige classes in the Fixer/Pointman Class Guide are
“At 5th level, during the Gearing Up phase of each serial, the approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following
producer may choose 1 or 2 Agency divisions from the exceptions and modifications:
following: Finance, Intelligence, Operations, Public Relations,
• Courier: When the courier gains the quick use ability, he gains
or Research & Development. If the producer chooses
the benefits of the Quick Use feat for the Bureaucracy skill,
1 division, his team gains benefits as if that division possesses
but this is considered a class ability, not a feat. This benefit
a disposition toward them of ally. If the producer chooses
may never be applied to any other skill use or action, under
2 divisions, his team gains benefits as if each division
any circumstances.
possesses a disposition toward them of helpful. These benefits
last for the duration of the current serial.” • Forward: When the forward uses his cache ability, he may
only choose a bundle approved for use in the Living Spycraft
• Trainer: The temporary level granted by the trainer’s trainer’s
campaign (see pages 22 and the MRD Tables document).
privilege ability lasts only until the end of the current session.
• Goodfella: The agent’s criminal organization must be deter-
Faceman/Snoop Class Guide mined before the agent enters play for the first time after he
gains his first level in this class. His choice must be tracked in
All prestige classes in the Faceman/Snoop Class Guide are
the Certs column of the agent’s career dossier, along with the
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following
text: “Criminal Organization:”, followed by the organization’s
exceptions and modifications:
• Casanova: All seduction targets and effects are lost at the end
Example: “Criminal Organization: Russian Mafia”.
of each serial, allowing the casanova to reassign them as stan-
dard during a later serial. Thus, all class abilities that apply • Goodfella: The error range modifier for seduction efforts
only to NPCs whom the casanova has already seduced — such made to turn the agent against his organization has no effect
as steal ID, pyramid scheme, dupe, “he did it!”, and “I’ll do any- in the Living Spycraft campaign.
thing for you!” — may only target NPCs whom the casanova
• Grifter: When the grifter gains the toss ability, he gains the
has already seduced during the current serial. (See Printed
benefits of the Quick Use feat for the Search skill, but this is
Rules, page 38, for more information about disposition
considered a class ability, not a feat. This benefit may never
effects in the Living Spycraft campaign.)
be applied to any other skill use or action, under any circum-
• Casanova: When the casanova targets an NPC with the stances.
“he did it!” ability, or an NPC targeted with the “I’ll do
• Inventor: The inventor may not use his edison ability to build
anything for you!” ability successfully makes his Will save to
a gadget costing more GP than the current serial’s limit,
realize the casanova’s betrayal, the casanova may never
or the standard Living Spycraft limit (see page 23), whichever
seduce that NPC again. The NPC’s name must be tracked in the
is lower.
Certs section of the agent’s career dossier for the current
serial, along with the text: “May never be seduced again”. • Provocateur: When the provocateur uses his psy-ops ability,
In most cases, this will have no effect, but certain rare serials the GC determines the the organization’s loyalty rating
will involve NPCs from previous serials, and the betrayal must (if any). This decision has no impact on the minions’ statistics.
therefore be tracked.

Living Spycraft MRD
• Saboteur: When the saboteur gains the 9th-level demolition Soldier/Wheelman
man ability, he gains the benefits of the Quick Use feat for the Class Guide
Demolitions skill, but this is considered a class ability, not a All prestige classes in the Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide are
feat. This benefit may never be applied to any other skill use approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following
or action, under any circumstances. exceptions and modifications:
• Smuggler: The smuggler may only use his false panels ability • Armorer: When the armorer gains the 3rd-level rush job
to acquire any single gadget costing a number of GP equal to ability, he gains the benefits of the Quick Use feat for either
or less than the current serial’s limit, or the standard Living the Craft (Gunsmithing) or Mechanics skill, but this is
Spycraft limit (see page 23), whichever is lower. considered a class ability, not a feat. This benefit may never
be applied to any other skill use or action, under any
Mastermind Sourcebook circumstances.
All prestige classes in the Mastermind Sourcebook are • Armorer: The armorer may only use his “I want all of that…”
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following ability to acquire any single gadget costing a number of GP
exceptions and modifications: equal to or less than the current serial’s limit, or the standard
Living Spycraft limit (see page 23), whichever is lower.
• Betrayer: When the betrayer uses his sell-out ability,
the amount of money he earns is multiplied by 2.
Shadowforce Archer
• Betrayer: The betrayer’s minor setback ability is replaced with Worldbook
the following in the Living Spycraft campaign:
Only the following prestige classes in the Shadowforce Archer
“Minor Setback: At 6th level, once per session/round, Worldbook are approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the
the betrayer may choose 1 villain organization and spend following exceptions and modifications:
4 hours interfering with the organization’s operations. During
• Cat Burglar: When the cat burglar uses his case ability,
the following 24 hours, the amount of time required for any
the GC determines the organization’s security rating (if any).
standard character or minion squad to react within the orga-
This decision has no impact on the installation’s other
nization’s facilities is increased by 1d4 rounds. If all personnel
in a serial’s facility descriptions is fixed, the number of
minions in the organization’s smallest minion squad type is • Counter-Terrorist: No exceptions or modifications.
reduced by 1. If no minion squads are featured for the target
• Hacker: If the hacker’s custom-built system is lost or
organization, then all characters working for the target
destroyed and the hacker doesn’t have the week necessary to
organization suffer a –2 penalty with skill checks made to
replace it during the current serial, the system is replaced at
determine surprise.”
the start of the following serial.
• Betrayer: The betrayer’s uncanny foresight ability is replaced
• Hacker: When the hacker gains the 5th-level math wiz
with the following in the Living Spycraft campaign:
ability, he gains the benefits of the Quick Use feat for the
“Uncanny Foresight: At 8th level, once per session/round, the Computers skill, but this is considered a class ability, not a
betrayer may choose 1 villain organization. For the duration of feat. This benefit may never be applied to any other skill use
the current serial, when one of the target organization’s or action, under any circumstances.
characters suffers an error within the betrayer’s line of sight,
• Sniper: No exceptions or modifications.
the betrayer’s action die cost to activate the error is reduced
by 1 (to a minimum of 0).”
African Alliance
• Hitman: The hitman’s blood money ability is replaced with the Chamber Book
following in the Living Spycraft campaign:
Only the following prestige classes in the African Alliance
“Blood Money: At 1st level, each time the hitman reduces a Chamber Book are approved for use in Living Spycraft games,
special NPC’s wounds to –1 or below, he gains 1 additional with the following exceptions and modifications:
action die of his standard type, as determined by his agent
• Commander: The commander class’s Chamber and reputation
level (see the Spycraft Espionage Handbook, page 20).
requirements are waived for Living Spycraft play.
The special NPC must be an authorized target explicitly iden-
tified during the mission briefing in order to qualify for this • Commander: The commander’s renowned ability is replaced
benefit. Further, the hitman never gains additional XP for with the following Living Spycraft variant:
earning this bonus action die. This is the hitman’s core ability.“
“Renowned: A Commander’s reputation speaks for itself.
At 1st level, once per session, when the Commander
Modern Arms Guide successfully improves a target’s disposition in any way, he may
All prestige classes in the Modern Arms Guide are approved immediately make a presence check targeting the NPC
for use in Living Spycraft games, without exception or modifica- without spending an action die (see the European
tion. Commonwealth, page 83, and page 41 of this document,
for more about presence checks). This bonus presence check
The Sharp Edge (PDF) only affects the target NPC, regardless of the presence action
taken and no matter how many other NPCs are present.”
All prestige classes in The Sharp Edge are approved for use in
Living Spycraft games, without exception or modification.

Agent Options
• Pretender: The pretender class’s Living Spycraft requirements • Accuser: The Accuser’s privilege ability is intended to
are as follows: safeguard the Agency and all its Regional Branches.
Further, it may not be used to target another player-
Agent Level: 5+.
controlled Living Spycraft agent.
Intelligence: 13+.
Bluff: 8+ ranks. • Illuminati: The illuminati’s Handler feat prerequisite is
Bureaucracy: 4+ ranks. replaced with the Government Contacts feat.
Feats: Credible, Flawless Identity.
• Illuminati: The illuminati’s bonus feat(s) may be chosen from
• Pretender: The pretender’s psion class ability is ignored for the gear or style feat trees.
Living Spycraft play.
• Pretender: The pretender’s competent ability is replaced with Hand of Glory Threat Book
the following Living Spycraft variant: None of the prestige classes in the Hand of Glory Threat Book
are approved for use in Living Spycraft games.
“Competent: The pretender gains a competence bonus with
all Hobby and Profession checks equal to 1/2 his class level
(rounded up). This is the pretender’s core ability.” Mystics of the East (PDF)
None of the prestige classes in the Mystics of the East are
• Pretender: The pretender’s bonus feat(s) may be chosen from
approved for use in Living Spycraft games.
the covert or style feat trees.
• Pretender: The pretender’s casual focus ability is replaced Pan-Asian Collective
with the following Living Spycraft variant: Chamber Book
“Casual Focus: At 4th level, the pretender may gain a Only the following prestige classes in the Pan-Asian Collective
competence bonus with any 1 education, inspiration, Chamber Book are approved for use in Living Spycraft games,
Intelligence-based, or Wisdom-based skill check equal to 1/2 with the following exceptions and modifications:
his class level (rounded up). The pretender may use this
• Dai Lo: In the Living Spycraft continuity, the ‘Dai Lo’ are in
ability a number of times per session equal to his class level.”
fact the Agency’s Field Officers. Also, the Dai Lo class’s
• Pretender: The pretender’s mental leap ability may increase Chamber requirement is waived for Living Spycraft play.
his Intelligence or Wisdom by a number equal to 1/2 his class
• Dai Lo: The dai lo’s The Five ability remains unchanged
level (rounded down).
mechanically, but its favor is adjusted as follows:
• Pretender: The pretender’s mental prism ability grants him an
Collective Division Agency Division
additional number of Flawless Identities equal to his class
Crane Public Relations
Dragon Operations
• Tamer: No exceptions or modifications. Leopard Finance
Snake Intelligence
• Troubleshooter: No exceptions or modifications.
Tiger Espionage

Archer Foundation Further, the name of the dai lo’s privilege ability is renamed
Chamber Book “field officer’s privilege” in Living Spycraft.
Only the following prestige classes in the Archer Foundation • Mole: When the mole uses his insider ability, the GC
Chamber Book are approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with determines the the organization’s personnel rating (if any).
the following exceptions and modifications: This decision has no impact on the statistics of the installation
or the minions protecting it.
• Field Analyst: No exceptions or modifications.
• Raptor: No exceptions or modifications.
European Commonwealth
Chamber Book Shop Threat Book
Only the following prestige classes in the European Only the following prestige classes in the Shop Threat Book
Commonwealth Chamber Book are approved for use in Living are approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following
Spycraft games, with the following exceptions and modifications: exceptions and modifications:
• Accuser: In the Living Spycraft continuity, the ‘Accusers’ are • Technocrat: No exceptions or modifications.
in fact the Agency’s Internal Affairs division. Also, the Accuser
class’s Chamber requirement is waived for Living Spycraft play. Silent Specters (PDF)
• Accuser: When the Accuser uses his background check ability None of the prestige classes in the Silent Specters are approved
to access the records of an Agency operative, he gains access for use in Living Spycraft games.
to the Agency’s records of the target since he joined
his current Regional Branch only. Also, the Accuser’s
suspend investigation ability may target any non-Agency

Living Spycraft MRD
Stargate SG-1 Rulebook
Only the following prestige classes in the Stargate SG-1 Skills and Skill Uses
Rulebook are approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the See the Player’s Handbook™ for the rules concerning the
following exceptions and modifications: acquisition and improvement of skill ranks. See the Spycraft
Special Note: Stargate SG-1 prestige classes do not gain gear Espionage Handbook, page 36, for rules concerning the use of
picks and resource points in Living Spycraft, as shown on Table 3: skills.
Stargate SG-1 Prestige Class BP and GP (see page 9). The following Spycraft, Shadowforce Archer, and Stargate
SG-1 skills and skill uses are approved for use in Living Spycraft
• Bodyguard: The bodyguard’s heavily armed ability is replaced
games at this time.
with the following ability:
“Heavily Armed: At 4th level, the bodyguard gains an Spycraft
additional 10 BPs that may only be spent to requisition Espionage Handbook
weapons and armor.
All skills and skill uses in the Spycraft Espionage Handbook are
“At 8th level, this bonus increases by an additional 10 BPs approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following
(to a total BP bonus of 20).” exceptions and modifications:
• Field Analyst: The field analyst gains the following additional • Computers: All programs or viruses created or modified with
ability, first seen as part of the original Spycraft class: this skill are returned to the home office at the end of each
serial. An agent may not retain a program or virus he’s
“Safe House: At 4th level, the field analyst gains the Safe
created or modified as part of his personal gear.
House feat. Further, each of the field analyst’s safe houses is
equipped with a serviceable dark room.” • Craft: All unspent income generated with this skill, as well as
all items created using this skill, are returned to the home
• Field Analyst: The field analyst’s shutterbug ability is replaced
office at the end of each serial.
with the following ability:
• Craft: All objects created with this skill are returned to the
“Shutterbug: The field analyst collects and uses a wide
home office at the end of each serial. An agent may not retain
variety of sensors and detection gear, including his trusty
an object he’s created as part of his personal gear.
camera. At 6th level, the field analyst and each of his
teammates pays only 1/2 the listed cost for any optic or • Cryptography: All encryption codes created with this skill are
surveillance gear (rounded down).” returned to the home office at the end of each serial.
An agent may not retain an encryption code he’s created as
• Field Analyst: The field analyst gains no bonus feats.
part of his personal gear.
• Field Medic: This class first appeared as the ‘medic’ in the
• Demolitions: All unused explosives built with this skill are
Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide. A Living Spycraft agent may
returned to the home office at the end of each serial.
never possess levels in both of these classes at the same time.
An agent may not retain an explosive he’s created as part of
• Field Medic: The field medic’s field medicine ability first his personal gear.
appeared in the Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide as ‘field medic’.
• Forgery: All documents and other forgeries created with this
A Living Spycraft agent may never possess both the field
skill are returned to the home office at the end of each serial.
medicine and the field medic abilities at the same time.
An agent may not retain a forgery he’s created as part of his
• Field Medic: The field medic’s medicine chest ability is personal gear.
replaced with the following ability:
• Handle Animal: The rules for teaching an animal herein are
“Field Medicine: At 4th level, the field medic and each of his replaced with those found in the African Alliance Chamber
teammates pays only 1/2 the listed cost for any first aid kits Book (see Nature, Red in Fang and Claw, page 72), and the
or other medical gear (rounded down).” Mastermind Sourcebook (see “Welcome to the Menagerie,”
page 16). Where the rules differ between these two
• Officer: The officer class gains the following requirements:
books, the Mastermind Sourcebook rules take precedence.
Knowledge (Military History): 2+ ranks. For additional detail, see pages 40 and 41 of this document.
Profession (Military): 4+ ranks.
• Intimidate: All DC modifiers applied by critical successes
• Officer: The officer’s field logistics ability is replaced with the scored when using this skill are lost at the end of each serial.
following ability:
• Languages: Each language an agent gains or improves —
“Field Logistics: Starting at 4th level, the officer’s experience including each language gained or improved with newly
with mission paperwork allows him to secure additional acquired ranks in the Languages skill — must be tracked in
supplies. Once per serial, the officer gains a number of the Certs column of the agent’s career dossier, along with the
additional BPs equal to his total Bureaucracy skill bonus. text: “New language:” or “Improved Language:”, followed by
These BP may only be acquired in the field, after the mission’s the language’s name and either “fluent” or “native” in paren-
Gearing Up phase is complete (i.e. gear requisitioned with theses.
these BP always costs twice standard unless the officer or one
Example: “New Language: Farsi (fluent)”.
of his teammates possesses the procure ability).
Example 2: “Improved Language: Farsi (native)”.
• Sniper: The sniper’s Survival skill is replaced with Use Rope
when used in the Living Spycraft campaign. Further, when an agent first encounters a language he does
not already know, and which he has not already determined
that he doesn’t speak (see later in this section), he makes a
Languages check as described on page 58 of the Spycraft
Espionage Handbook.

Agent Options
With success, the agent actually already knows the language. Customized Gear
This must be tracked in the Certs column of the agent’s career
An agent’s personal gear may never contain customized
dossier, along with the text: “Known Language:”, followed by
gear, weapons, and vehicles costing a total number of combined
the language’s name and “fluent” in parentheses.
BP and GP higher than 2 × his agent level, excluding all gear,
Example: “Known Language: Farsi (fluent)”. weapon, and vehicle base costs.
If a customized item, weapon, or vehicle is lost or destroyed,
With failure, the agent does not already know the language,
it may no longer be included in the agent’s personal gear — the
and must dedicate skill ranks to learning it, as described in the
agent must requisition a base item, weapon, or vehicle and
official Spycraft/SFA Errata (see page 10). This must be
begin the customization process again. All BP and GP invested
tracked in the Certs column of the agent’s career dossier,
in the customized item, weapon, or vehicle are returned at the
along with the text: “Must Learn Language:” followed by the
end of the serial in which the item is lost or destroyed.
language’s name.
Example: “Must Learn Language: Farsi”.
• Craft (Recording): All unspent income generated with this
• Perform: All unspent income generated with this skill, as well skill is returned to the home office at the conclusion of each
as all modifiers applied by critical successes and failures scored serial.
when using this skill, are returned to the home office at the
• Craft (Recording): At the conclusion of a serial during which
end of each serial.
the agent successfully uses this skill to add 1 or more master-
• Profession: All unspent income generated with this skill is work modifications to a piece of audio or video recording and
returned to the home office at the end of each serial. playback gear, the agent may include the item in his personal
gear by allocating a number of his personal BP equal to the
1960s Decade Book item’s total cost, including the item’s base cost and all
masterwork modifications and other options. See page 15 for
All skill uses in the 1960s Decade Book are approved for use
more information about customized gear. The agent may not
in Living Spycraft games, with the following exceptions and
allocate mission-granted BP to retaining a customized item.
When an agent successfully adds 1 or more masterwork
• Computers: This version of the Computers skill is only used
modifications to a piece of audio or video recording and
when the agents somehow work with 1960s computer gear.
playback gear, and keeps the item as part of his personal gear,
• Computers: Even when using 1960s computer gear, all it must be tracked in the Certs column of his career dossier,
programs or viruses created or modified with this skill are along with the text: “Improved Item:”, followed by the item’s
returned to the home office at the end of each serial. name and the name of the new modification in parentheses.
An agent may not retain a program or virus he’s created or
Example: “Improved Item: Standard video camera (reduced
modified as part of his personal gear.
• Craft (Photography): All unspent income generated with this
An agent may attempt to add a masterwork modification to
skill is returned to the home office at the conclusion of each
another agent’s item, but even if the modification is success-
fully added, all its effects are lost at the end of the current
• Craft (Photography): At the conclusion of a serial during serial.
which the agent successfully uses this skill to add 1 or more
An agent may only attempt to add 1 masterwork modification
masterwork modifications to a camera, the agent may include
per session, whether the modification is applied to a weapon,
the camera in his personal gear by allocating a number of his
vehicle, or piece of gear.
personal BP equal to the camera’s total cost, including the cam-
era’s base cost and all masterwork modifications and other • Hobby (Gambling): All unspent income generated with this
options. See the sidebar on this page for more information skill is returned to the home office at the conclusion of each
about customized gear. The agent may not allocate mission- serial.
granted BP to retaining a customized camera.
• Profession (Journalism): All unspent income generated with
When an agent successfully adds 1 or more masterwork this skill is returned to the home office at the conclusion of
modifications to a camera and keeps the camera as part of his each serial.
personal gear, it must be tracked in the Certs column of his
career dossier, along with the text: “Improved Item:”, followed Faceman/Snoop Class Guide
by the camera’s name and the name of the new modification
All skill uses in the Faceman/Snoop Class Guide are approved
in parentheses.
for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following exceptions
Example: “Improved Item: Standard camera (reduced weight).” and modifications:
An agent may attempt to add a masterwork modification to • Forgery: All video and images doctored with this skill are
another agent’s camera, but even if the modification is returned to the home office at the end of each serial.
successfully added, all its effects are lost at the end of the An agent may not retain a forgery he’s created as part of his
current serial. personal gear.
An agent may only attempt to add 1 masterwork modification
per session, whether the modification is applied to a weapon,
vehicle, or piece of gear.

Living Spycraft MRD
• Profession (Espionage): All unspent income generated with Modern Arms Guide
this skill is returned to the home office at the conclusion of All skill uses in the Modern Arms Guide are approved for use
each serial. in Living Spycraft games, with the following exceptions and
• Surveillance: All evidence collected with this skill is returned
to the home office at the end of each serial. An agent may not • Computers, Craft (Gunsmithing), Craft (Weaponsmithing),
retain evidence he’s collected as part of his personal gear. Craft, Electronics, Mechanics, Surveillance: At the conclu-
sion of a serial during which the agent successfully uses one
Fixer/Pointman Class Guide of these skills to add 1 or more masterwork modifications to a
weapon or piece of standard-issue gear (as appropriate),
All skill uses in the Fixer/Pointman Class Guide are approved
the agent may include the weapon or gear item in his
for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following exceptions
personal gear by allocating a number of his personal BP equal
and modifications:
to the weapon or item’s total cost, including its base cost and
• Craft (Poison): All poisons created with this skill are returned the cost of all masterwork modifications and other options.
to the home office at the end of each serial. An agent may not See page 15 for more information about customized
retain a poison he’s created as part of his personal gear. weapons. The agent may not allocate mission-granted BP to
retaining a customized weapon or gear item.
• Profession (Smuggler): All unspent income generated with
this skill is returned to the home office at the conclusion of When an agent successfully adds 1 or more masterwork
each serial. modifications to a weapon or gear item and keeps it as part of
his personal gear, it must be tracked in the Certs column of his
Mastermind Sourcebook career dossier, along with the text: “Improved Weapon:”, or
“Improved Gear:” (as appropriate), followed by the weapon or
Only the following skills and skill uses in the Mastermind
gear item’s name and the name of the new modification in
Sourcebook are approved for use in Living Spycraft games,
with the following exceptions and modifications:
Example: “Improved Weapon: Colt M1911A1 service pistol
• Handle Animal: All unspent income generated with this
(custom handle).”
skill is returned to the home office at the conclusion of each
serial. An agent may attempt to add a masterwork modification to
another agent’s weapon or gear item, but even if the
• Handle Animal: At the conclusion of a serial during which the
modification is successfully added, all its effects are lost at the
agent successfully uses this skill to domesticate, train, and/or
end of the current serial.
teach an animal 1 or more tricks, the agent may choose to
keep the animal by allocating a number of his personal BP An agent may only attempt to add 1 masterwork modification
equal to the animal’s total cost, including the animal’s base per session, whether the modification is applied to a weapon,
cost increased by an additional 50%, rounded up (if the vehicle, or piece of gear.
animal is domesticated) or by an additional 100% (if the
• Craft (Gunsmithing): The benefits of all ammunition hand-
animal is trained), plus the cost of all tricks. See page 16 for
loaded with this skill are lost at the end of each serial.
more information about domesticated and trained animals.
An agent may not retain a weapon with hand-loaded
The agent may not allocate mission-granted BP to retaining a
ammunition as part of his personal gear.
customized animal.
• Handle Animal: Where the rules differ between this book and Modern Arms Guide
the African Alliance Chamber Book, this book’s rules take Chapter 9 Website Download
precedence. (PDF)
All skill uses in the Modern Arms Guide: Chapter 9 website
• Profession (Veterinarian): All unspent income generated
download are approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the
with this skill is returned to the home office at the conclusion
following exceptions and modifications.
of each serial. Also, where the rules differ between this book
and the African Alliance Chamber Book, this book’s rules take • Computers: All programs, viruses, or anti-viruses created or
precedence. modified with this skill are returned to the home office at the
end of each serial. An agent may not retain a program or virus
he’s created or modified as part of his personal gear.
• Computers: All benefits gained from overclocking a processor
with this skill are lost at the end of each serial. An agent may
not retain a computer featuring an overclocked processor as
part of his personal gear.

Agent Options
• Computers: At the conclusion of a serial during which the An agent may attempt to add a masterwork modification to
agent successfully uses this skill to add 1 or more peripherals to another agent’s vehicle, but even if the modification is
a computer, the agent may include the computer in his successfully added, all its effects are lost at the end of the
personal gear by allocating a number of his personal BP equal current serial.
to the computer’s total cost, including the computer’s base cost
An agent may only attempt to add 1 masterwork modification
and all peripherals and other options. The agent may not allo-
per session, whether the modification is applied to a weapon,
cate mission-granted BP to retaining a customized computer.
vehicle, or piece of gear.
When an agent successfully adds 1 or more peripherals to a
• Profession (Mercenary): All unspent income generated with
computer and keeps the computer as part of his personal gear,
this skill is returned to the home office at the conclusion of
it must be tracked in the Certs column of his career dossier,
each serial.
along with the text: “Improved Computer:”, followed by the
computer’s type, base power rating, and the name of the new • Profession (Military): All unspent income generated with this
peripheral in parentheses. skill is returned to the home office at the conclusion of each
Example: “Improved Computer: desktop +2 (black box).”
• Profession (Racer): All unspent income generated with this
An agent may attempt to add a peripheral to another agent’s
skill is returned to the home office at the conclusion of each
computer, but even if the modification is successfully added,
all its effects are lost at the end of the current serial.
An agent may attempt to add any number of peripherals per World Militaries
session. Sourcebook
• Craft (Gunsmithing): All effects applied when cleaning a All skill uses in the World Militaries Sourcebook are
firearm with this skill are lost at the end of each serial. approved for use in Living Spycraft games, without exception or
• Forgery: All images doctored with this skill are returned to the
home office at the end of each serial. An agent may not retain
an image he’s doctored as part of his personal gear. Shadowforce Archer
Soldier/Wheelman None of the skills and skill uses in the Shadowforce Archer
Class Guide Worldbook are approved for use in Living Spycraft games.
All skill uses in the Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide are
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following African Alliance
exceptions and modifications: Chamber Book
Only the following skills and skill uses in the African Alliance
• Craft (Machining): All unspent income generated with this
Chamber Book are approved for use in Living Spycraft games,
skill, as well as all items created using this skill, are returned to
with the following exceptions and modifications:
the home office at the end of each serial.
• Handle Animal: All unspent income generated with this
• Craft (Machining) : All objects created with this skill are
skill is returned to the home office at the conclusion of each
returned to the home office at the end of each serial.
An agent may not retain an object he’s created as part of his
personal gear. • Handle Animal: At the conclusion of a serial during which the
agent successfully uses this skill to domesticate, train, and/or
• Mechanics: At the conclusion of a serial during which the
teach an animal 1 or more tricks, the agent may choose to
agent successfully uses this skill to add 1 or more gadgets,
keep the animal by allocating a number of his personal BP
pieces or ordnance, or masterwork modifications to a vehicle,
equal to the animal’s total cost, including the animal’s base
the agent may choose to keep the vehicle by allocating a
cost increased by an additional 50%, rounded up (if the
number of his class-granted GP equal to the vehicle’s total
animal is domesticated) or by an additional 100% (if the
cost, including the vehicle’s base cost and all gadgets, pieces
animal is trained), plus the cost of all tricks. See page 17 for
of ordnance, masterwork modifications, and other options.
more information about domesticated and trained animals.
See page 16 for more information about customized vehicles.
The agent may not allocate mission-granted BP to retaining a
The agent may not allocate mission-granted GP to retaining a
customized animal.
customized vehicle.
• Handle Animal: Where the rules differ between this book and
When an agent successfully adds 1 or more masterwork
the Mastermind Sourcebook, the Mastermind Sourcebook’s
modifications to a vehicle and keeps the vehicle as part of his
rules take precedence.
personal gear, it must be tracked in the Certs column of his
career dossier, along with the text: “Improved Vehicle:”, • Profession (Veterinarian): All unspent income generated
followed by the vehicle’s name and the name of the new mod- with this skill is returned to the home office at the conclusion
ification in parentheses. of each serial. Also, where the rules differ between this
book and the Mastermind Sourcebook, the Mastermind
Example: “Improved Vehicle: military jeep (lightened body).”
Sourcebook’s rules take precedence.
• Sense Motive: No exceptions or modifications.

Living Spycraft MRD
Archer Foundation Stargate SG-1 Rulebook
Chamber Book None of the skills and skill uses in the Stargate SG-1 Rulebook
None of the skills and skill uses in the Archer Foundation are approved for use in Living Spycraft games.
Chamber Book are approved for use in Living Spycraft games.

European Commonwealth
See the Player’s Handbook™ for the rules concerning the
Chamber Book acquisition of feats.
Only the following skills and skill uses in the European The following Spycraft, Shadowforce Archer, and Stargate
Commonwealth Chamber Book are approved for use in Living SG-1 feats are approved for use in Living Spycraft games at this
Spycraft games, with the following exceptions and modifications: time.
• Bureaucracy: This skill may not be used to hide money from
the Agency. Spycraft
Espionage Handbook
• Diplomacy: No exceptions or modifications.
All feats in the Spycraft Espionage Handbook are approved for
• Innuendo: The benefits of all propaganda campaigns use in Living Spycraft games, with the following exceptions and
launched with this skill are lost at the end of each serial. modifications:
• Perform: No exceptions or modifications. • Five Star Service: All outstanding debts must be paid (in field
expenses) at the end of the mission. If an agent doesn’t have
Pan-Asian Collective enough field expenses to pay his debt, he must forfeit experi-
Chamber Book ence to satisfy the debt as described on page 105 of the
Spycraft Espionage Handbook (to a minimum XP reward of 0).
Only the following skills and skill uses in the Pan-Asian
Other agents may use their field expenses to help the agent
Collective Chamber Book are approved for use in Living Spycraft
pay his debt.
games, with the following exceptions and modifications:
• Fortunate: This is considered a chance feat in the Living
• Climb: No exceptions or modifications.
Spycraft campaign.
• Computers: At the conclusion of a serial during which the
• Handler: This feat is not available in the Living Spycraft
agent successfully uses this skill to create 1 or more false or
cover identities, the agent may include any number of the
identities in his personal gear by allocating a number of his • Personal Staff: Each member of the agent’s personal staff
personal BP equal to each chosen identity’s total cost (see the possesses ability scores of 9, no vitality points., and
Pan-Asian Collective Chamber Book, page 60, and the automatically fail all saves he is forced to make. Whenever
Faceman/Snoop Class Guide, page 105). The agent may not performing any menial task (e.g. cooking, cleaning, fetching,
allocate mission-granted BP to retaining a cover identity. etc.), a personal staff member applies a total skill bonus equal
to 1/4 the agent’s total agent level (rounded down, minimum
• Concentration: No exceptions or modifications.
+0); personal staff members possess absolutely no other skills,
• Forgery: At the conclusion of a serial during which the agent nor may they ever gain any. Personal staff members possess
successfully uses this skill to create 1 or more false or cover absolutely no other agent options (including classes, NPC or
identities, the agent may include any number of the identities otherwise), nor may they ever gain any.
in his personal gear by allocating a number of his personal BP
• Private Identity: If an agent’s private identity is
equal to each chosen identity’s total cost (see the Pan-Asian
compromised, his XP reward during the current serial is
Collective Chamber Book, page 60 and the Faceman/Snoop
automatically reduced to 1/2 standard (rounded down).
Class Guide, page 105). The agent may not allocate mission-
This completely restores the benefits of the agent’s Private
granted BP to retaining a cover identity.
Identity feat — the agent’s future XP rewards are unaffected
• Knowledge (Martial Arts): No exceptions or modifications. unless his private identity is once again compromised.
• Sense Motive: No exceptions or modifications. • Quick Use: This feat is not available in the Living Spycraft
• Sleight of Hand: No exceptions or modifications.
• Safe House: As discussed in the Fixer/Pointman Class Guide,
Shop Threat Book and the official errata, this feat is now part of the gear feat
tree. All newly created Living Spycraft agents may only choose
Only the following skills and skill uses in the Shop Threat Book
it from that tree. If an agent created prior to the release of
are approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following
v1.5 of the Master Rules Document gained this feat as a style
exceptions and modifications:
feat, however, he may either retain it as a style feat or choose
• Knowledge (Chemistry): No exceptions or modifications. a new style feat, as part of the agent revamp exception
explained on page 4 of this document. Either way, the agent
• Knowledge (Game Theory): No exceptions or modifications.
must have the GC of the game during which his character is
• Knowledge (Physics): No exceptions or modifications. revamped sign off on his log sheet.
• Profession (Scientist): All unspent income generated with • Safe House: An agent team gains 1 safe house in each city
this skill is returned to the home office at the conclusion of per agent who possesses the Safe House feat.
each serial.
Example: Donovan and Garrick both possess the Safe House
feat. Their team benefits from 2 safe houses in each city.

Agent Options
Further, any feats that modify an agent’s safe houses apply • Soviet Comrade: This feat is not available in the Living
only to that agent’s safe houses. The team may not combine Spycraft campaign.
the effects of feats that modify safe houses to produce “super
• Stars and Stripes: This feat is not available in the Living
safe houses”.
Spycraft campaign.
Example: Donovan possesses the Safe House Armory feat and
Garrick possesses the Safe House Infirmary feat. The agents Agency Sourcebook
may visit a safe house with an armory and/or a safe house
All feats in the Agency Sourcebook are approved for use in
with an infirmary in each city, but may not visit a safe house
Living Spycraft games, with the following exceptions and
with both an armory and an infirmary.
Any agent possessing 1 or more feats that modify safe houses
• The Devil’s Own: This feat’s “Family Business” prerequisite is
may apply the benefits of these feats to 1 specific safe house
replaced by “Clearance Basics” in the Living Spycraft
belonging to another agent, at the cost of 1 action die per feat
applied. No other agent may pay this action die cost. This effect
lasts only until the end of the current session. • Family Friends: This feat’s “Family Business” prerequisite is
replaced by “Clearance Basics” in the Living Spycraft
• Signature Gadget: In the Living Spycraft campaign, this feat
gains a prerequisite of “Agent level 6+” when taken a second
time and “Agent level 12+” when taken a third time. • Family Planners: This feat’s “Family Business” prerequisite is
replaced by “Clearance Basics” in the Living Spycraft
• Signature Gadget: If the agent’s signature gadget is either
lost or destroyed, he gains the permanent mission gadget
point bonus described in this feat’s Special entry. This must • Line of Leaders: This feat’s “Family Business” prerequisite is
be tracked in the Certs column of the agent’s career replaced by “Clearance Basics” in the Living Spycraft
dossier, along with the text: “Lost Signature Gadget:” or campaign.
“Destroyed Signature Gadget:”, followed by the gear’s name
• Raised in the Saddle: This feat’s “Family Business” prerequi-
and “(+2 mission gadget points)”.
site is replaced by “Clearance Basics” in the Living Spycraft
Example: “Lost Signature Gadget: Armored clothing liner campaign.
(+2 mission gadget points)”.
• Trouble Magnet: This feat is not available in the Living
• Signature Gear: If the agent’s signature gear is either lost or Spycraft campaign.
destroyed, he gains the permanent mission budget bonus
• Warrior Line: This feat’s “Family Business” prerequisite is
described in this feat’s Special entry. This must be tracked in
replaced by “Clearance Basics” in the Living Spycraft
the Certs column of the agent’s career dossier, along with the
text: “Lost Signature Gear:” or “Destroyed Signature Gear:”,
followed by the gear’s name and “(+2 mission budget)”.
Faceman/Snoop Class Guide
Example: “Lost Signature Gear: Glock 18 (+2 mission budget)”.
All feats in the Faceman/Snoop Class Guide are approved for
• Signature Vehicle: In the Living Spycraft campaign, this feat use in Living Spycraft games, with the following exceptions and
gains a prerequisite of “Agent level 6+” when taken a second modifications:
time and “Agent level 12+” when taken a third time.
• Double Life: If the agent loses access to the benefits of his
• Signature Vehicle: If the agent’s signature vehicle is either Private Identity feat, he also loses access to the benefits of this
lost or destroyed, he gains the permanent mission gadget feat. Likewise, the agent regains access to the benefits of this
point bonus described in this feat’s Special entry. This must feat when he regains access to the benefits of his Private
be tracked in the Certs column of the agent’s career Identity feat. The agent does not lose any additional XP when
dossier, along with the text: “Lost Signature Gadget:” or he possesses both of these feats.
“Destroyed Signature Gadget:”, followed by the gear’s name
• Little Black Book: This feat’s background effects are ignored
and “(+2 mission gadget points)”.
in the Living Spycraft campaign.

1960s Decade Book Fixer/Pointman Class Guide

All feats in the 1960s Decade Book are approved for use in
All feats in the Fixer/Pointman Class Guide are approved for
Living Spycraft games, with the following exceptions and
use in Living Spycraft games, with the following exceptions and
• American Patriot: This feat is not available in the Living
• Clockwork Tactics: This is considered a basic combat feat in
Spycraft campaign.
the Living Spycraft campaign.
• The Bear: This feat is not available in the Living Spycraft
• Personal Lieutenant: The agent’s personal lieutenant may be
designed using any of the following NPC classes: academic,
• The Eagle: This feat is not available in the Living Spycraft community criminal, conscript, lackey, or professional (1960s
campaign. Decade Book), diplomat, hot rodder, mouthpiece, or security
guard (African Alliance Chamber Book), academic, mysterious
• Flag Waver: This feat is not available in the Living Spycraft
stranger, paper pusher, or professional (Archer Foundation
• Hammer and Sickle: This feat is not available in the Living
Spycraft campaign.

Living Spycraft MRD
Chamber Book), aristocrat (European Commonwealth The Sharp Edge (PDF)
Chamber Book), drug lord (Hand of Glory Threat Book), All feats in The Sharp Edge are approved for use in Living
community criminal, martial arts mook, shadow warrior, Spycraft games, with the following exceptions and modifications.
technophile, or urban biker (Pan-Asian Collective Chamber
• Kali’s Kiss: This feat is not available in the Living Spycraft
Book), or academic or professional (Stargate SG-1 Rulebook).
The personal lieutenant may never multi-class.
• Safe House Armory: The agent decides the exact weapons Soldier/Wheelman
contained in his safe house armory when he uses this feat’s Class Guide
ability. He may choose any shotgun of any gauge and type
All feats in the Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide are approved
costing 25 BP or less, any submachinegun of any caliber
for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following exceptions
costing 18 BP or less, and any handgun of any caliber costing
and modifications.
12 BP or less.
• Mine Basics: This is considered a gear feat in the Living
Gentlemen’s Agreement Spycraft campaign.
Season Book • Mine Mastery: This is considered a gear feat in the Living
All feats in the Gentlemen’s Agreement Season Book are Spycraft campaign.
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, without exception or
modification. U.S. Militaries Sourcebook
All feats in the U.S. Militaries Sourcebook are approved for use
Mastermind Sourcebook in Living Spycraft games, with the following exceptions and
All feats in the Mastermind Sourcebook are approved for use modifications:
in Living Spycraft games, with the following exceptions and
• Top Kick: This feat’s Special entry is replaced with the
following in the Living Spycraft campaign:
• Animal Partner: Where the rules differ between this
“Special: Only Air Force, Army, and Marine Corps personnel
book and the African Alliance Chamber Book, the Mastermind
may choose this feat. For Air Force personnel, the enlisted
Sourcebook’s rules take precedence.
rank prerequisite is reduced to E-7 or higher. Further,
• Contracts: This feat is not available in the Living Spycraft you immediately lose this feat — gaining no compensation for
campaign. the loss — if you ever suffer a promotion point penalty of –1
or higher.”
• Cronies: This feat is not available in the Living Spycraft
World Militaries
• Industrial Sabotage: This feat is not available in the Living Sourcebook
Spycraft campaign.
All feats in the World Militaries Sourcebook are approved for
• Pet Project: This feat is not available in the Living Spycraft use in Living Spycraft games, without exception or modification.
• Political Clout: This feat is not available in the Living Spycraft Shadowforce Archer
campaign. Worldbook
Only the following feats in the Shadowforce Archer
• Political Immunity: This feat is not available in the Living
Worldbook are approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the
Spycraft campaign.
following exceptions and modifications:
• Safe House Menagerie: If the agent chooses to permanently
• Discipline of the Body: This feat is applied as written, but is
allocate personal budget to including any number of animals
considered a covert feat in the Living Spycraft campaign.
with a total cost exceeding 12 BP in his safe house, it must be
tracked in the Certs column of the agent’s career dossier, • Discipline of the Mind: This feat is applied as written, but is
along with the text: “Safe House Menagerie:”, followed by a considered a covert feat in the Living Spycraft campaign.
list of all animals chosen and the animals’ total cost. The Initiate prerequisite is replaced with “Agent level 5+”.
“Example: Safe House Menagerie: alligator (24 BP)”. • Discipline of the Spirit: This feat is applied as written, but is
considered a covert feat in the Living Spycraft campaign.
Also, where the rules differ between this book and the African
The Initiate prerequisite is replaced with “Agent level 10+”.
Alliance Chamber Book, the Mastermind Sourcebook’s rules
take precedence. • Mystic: This feat is considered a chance feat in the Living
Spycraft campaign. Further, the bonded followers benefit is
• Secret Hideout: This feat is not available in the Living
ignored. Finally, this feat infers absolutely no true mystic
Spycraft campaign.
ability in the Living Spycraft campaign, but luck instead.
• Spy Hunter: This feat is not available in the Living Spycraft

Agent Options
African Alliance European Commonwealth
Chamber Book Chamber Book
Only the following feats in the African Alliance Chamber All feats in the European Commonwealth Chamber Book are
Book are approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following
following exceptions and modifications: exceptions and modifications:
• “A Little Bit of Luck…”: This is considered a chance feat in • Aura Reading: This feat is not available in the Living Spycraft
the Living Spycraft campaign. campaign.
• Animal Partner: Where the rules differ between this • Brain Freeze: This feat is not available in the Living Spycraft
book and the Mastermind Sourcebook, the Mastermind campaign.
Sourcebook’s rules take precedence.
• Eyes of Judgment: This feat is not available in the Living
• Fortune Favors the Bold: This is considered a chance feat in Spycraft campaign.
the Living Spycraft campaign.
• Misfortune: This is considered a chance feat in the Living
• Fortune’s Fool: This is considered a chance feat in the Living Spycraft campaign. Further, the DC of the Will save prompt-
Spycraft campaign. ed by this feat is equal to 10 + the agent’s Charisma modifier
+ the number of chance feats the agent possesses. Finally, this
• “…Goes a Long Way”: This is considered a chance feat in the
feat’s ability may be used a number of times per session equal
Living Spycraft campaign.
to the number of chance feats the agent possesses.
• Improved Bull Rush: No exceptions or modifications.
• Moment of Weakness: This feat is not available in the Living
• Nothing Up My Sleeve: This is considered a chance feat in Spycraft campaign.
the Living Spycraft campaign.
• Momentary Lapse of Reason: This feat is not available in the
• Safe House Menagerie: If the agent chooses to permanently Living Spycraft campaign.
allocate personal budget to including any number of animals
• Political Immunity: This feat grants the agent immunity to all
with a total cost exceeding 12 BP in his safe house, it must be
criminal charges brought against him by organizations outside
tracked in the Certs column of the agent’s career dossier,
the Agency. It does not protect him from the effects of
along with the text: “Safe House Menagerie:”, followed by a
isolation (see the Faceman/Snoop Class Guide, page 108,
list of all animals chosen and the animals’ total cost.
and page 39 of this document).
“Example: Safe House Menagerie: alligator (24 BP)”.
• Sour: This feat is not available in the Living Spycraft campaign.
Also, where the rules differ between this book and the
• Suspicious Amnesia: This feat is not available in the Living
Mastermind Sourcebook, the Mastermind Sourcebook’s rules
Spycraft campaign.
take precedence.
• When the Chips Are Down: This feat is not available in the
• That’ll Leave a Scar: No exceptions or modifications.
Living Spycraft campaign.
• Too Ugly to Die: No exceptions or modifications.
• Turn the Air Blue: No exceptions or modifications. Hand of Glory Threat Book
Only the following feats in the Hand of Glory Threat Book are
• You Ain’t So Pretty No More: No exceptions or modifications.
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following
exceptions and modifications:
Archer Foundation
Chamber Book • Fade to Black: This is considered a style feat in the Living
Spycraft campaign.
Only the following feats in the Archer Foundation Chamber
Book are approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the • Forgotten: This is considered a style feat in the Living
following exceptions and modifications: Spycraft campaign.
• All or Nothing: This is considered a chance feat in the Living
Spycraft campaign. Mystics of the East (PDF)
Only the following feats in the Mystics of the East are
• Black Cat: This is considered a chance feat in the Living
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following
Spycraft campaign.
exceptions and modifications:
• Jinx: This is considered a chance feat in the Living Spycraft
• Mark of Strife: This feat is applied as written, but is considered
a unarmed combat feat in the Living Spycraft campaign.
• Peculiar Dodge: This is considered a chance feat in the Living
Spycraft campaign. Pan-Asian Collective
• Rule of 5: This is considered a chance feat in the Living Chamber Book
Spycraft campaign. All feats in the Pan-Asian Collective Chamber Book are
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, without exception or
• Tough Luck: This is considered a chance feat in the Living
Spycraft campaign.
• Unshakable: This is considered a chance feat in the Living
Spycraft campaign.

Living Spycraft MRD
Shop Threat Book • Kelno’reem Mastery: This feat is not available in the Living
Only the following feats in the Shop Threat Book are Spycraft campaign.
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following
• Lucid Touch: This feat is not available in the Living Spycraft
exceptions and modifications:
• Micro-Miniaturization: No changes or exceptions.
• Mountain Training: This is considered a covert feat in the
• Personal Workshop: No changes or exceptions. Living Spycraft campaign.
• Private Library: No changes or exceptions. • Naquadah Sense: This feat is not available in the Living
Spycraft campaign.
• Quality Assurance: No changes or exceptions.
• Phase Sense: This feat is not available in the Living Spycraft
Stargate SG-1 Rulebook campaign.
All feats in the Stargate SG-1 Rulebook are approved for use • Phase Targeting: This feat is not available in the Living
in Living Spycraft games, with the following exceptions and Spycraft campaign.
• Private Identity: This is considered a style feat in the Living
• Advanced Technology: This feat is not available in the Living Spycraft campaign. Further, if an agent’s private identity is
Spycraft campaign. compromised, his XP reward during the current serial is
automatically reduced to 1/2 standard (rounded down).
• Alien Healer: This feat is not available in the Living Spycraft
This completely restores the benefits of the agent’s Private
Identity feat — the agent’s future XP rewards are unaffected
• Aquatic Training: This is considered a covert feat in the unless his private identity is once again compromised.
Living Spycraft campaign.
• Promotion: This feat is not available in the Living Spycraft
• Arctic Training: This is considered a covert feat in the Living campaign.
Spycraft campaign.
• Rapid Healing: This feat is not available in the Living Spycraft
• Bandage: This is considered an advanced skill feat in the campaign.
Living Spycraft campaign.
• Shared Deception: This feat is not available in the Living
• Clear Mind: This feat is not available in the Living Spycraft Spycraft campaign.
• Stargate Explorer: This feat is not available in the Living
• Desert Training: This is considered a covert feat in the Living Spycraft campaign.
Spycraft campaign.
• Swamp Training: This is considered a covert feat in the Living
• Extra Supplies: This feat is not available in the Living Spycraft campaign.
Spycraft campaign.
• Symbiote: This feat is not available in the Living Spycraft
• Extra Support: This feat is not available in the Living Spycraft campaign.
• Track: This is considered an advanced skill feat in the Living
• Extrapolate Connections: This feat is not available in the Spycraft campaign.
Living Spycraft campaign.
• Unconventional: This feat is not available in the Living
• Favor of the Gods: This feat is not available in the Living Spycraft campaign.
Spycraft campaign.
• Urban Training: This is considered a covert feat in the Living
• Flawless Identity: This is considered a style feat in the Living Spycraft campaign.
Spycraft campaign.
• Weapon Group Proficiency: There are two exotic weapon
• Forest Training: This is considered a covert feat in the Living group proficiencies in the Living Spycraft campaign —
Spycraft campaign. archaic and martial arts. There is no primitive exotic weapon
group proficiency in the Living Spycraft campaign.
• Fortunate: This is considered a chance feat in the Living
Spycraft campaign. • Zat Resistance: This feat is not available in the Living
Spycraft campaign.
• Goa’uld Hunter: This feat is not available in the Living
Spycraft campaign. • Zen Focus: This is considered a basic combat feat in the
Living Spycraft campaign.
• Harmless: This feat is not available in the Living Spycraft
campaign. • Zen Shot: This is considered a basic combat feat in the Living
Spycraft campaign.
• Heal the Body: This feat is not available in the Living Spycraft
campaign. • Xeno-Studies: This feat is not available in the Living Spycraft
• Heal the Mind: This feat is not available in the Living
Spycraft campaign.
• Intuitive Linguist: This feat is not available in the Living
At this time, Living Spycraft agents may not acquire
Spycraft campaign.
• Jungle Training: This is considered a covert feat in the Living
Spycraft campaign.

Agent Options
Weapon, Gear, Gadget,
Bundles and Vehicle Limits
See the Spycraft Espionage Handbook, page 106, for the rules Some serials limit the number of BP that may be spent to
concerning the acquisition of feats. requisition each weapon and/or item for use during the serial.
The following Spycraft, Shadowforce Archer, and Stargate These limits are in effect until the end of the current serial, and
SG-1 bundles are approved for use in Living Spycraft games at this apply to weapons and/or items requisitioned with either
time. personal or mission budget, or both. This limitation applies only
to the cost of each base weapon or item, not any accessories,
Spycraft masterwork modifications, or other options improving it.
Espionage Handbook Weapons that may be attached together — for example, an
assault rifle and an underbarrel grenade launcher — are consid-
All bundles in the Spycraft Espionage Handbook are approved
ered separate weapons for this purpose.
for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following exceptions and
Any bundle containing weapons and/or items that exceed
this limit become unavailable in the serial as well.
If an agent loses access to one or more weapons and/or
• Bundle C: The agent does not gain the .357 revolver or the
items that are part of his personal gear as a result of a serial’s
9x19mm service pistol, nor the accompanying accessory or
BP limit, he may reallocate the cost of each affected weapon
ammunition. Instead, this bundle’s cost is reduced to 15 BP.
and item per the standard Living Spycraft Gearing Up rules.
1960s Decade Book Additionally, some serials limit the number of GP that may
be spent to requisition each gadget for use during the serial.
All bundles in the 1960s Decade Book are approved for use in These limits are in effect until the end of the current serial, and
Living Spycraft games, without exception or modification. apply only to gadgets, not vehicles. When an agent requisitions
a gadget with one housing and multiple options (e.g. a standard
Faceman/Snoop Class Guide grapple belt with the lockpick set option), this limitation applies
to the cost of each base gadget and each option separately.
All bundles in the Faceman/Snoop Class Guide are approved for
Finally, the number of GP a team may spend to requisition a
use in Living Spycraft games, without exception or modification.
vehicle may be similarly limited under very rare circumstances,
which will always be described in each appropriate serial, in the
Fixer/Pointman Class Guide Gearing Up section. These limits are in effect until the end of
All bundles in the Fixer/Pointman Class Guide are approved for the current serial, and apply only to vehicles, not gadgets
use in Living Spycraft games, without exception or modification. (though separate gadget limits may be included as well). This
limitation applies only to the cost of each base vehicle, not any
Modern Arms Guide masterwork modifications, vehicular gadgets, ordnance, or
other options improving it.
All bundles in the Modern Arms Guide are approved for use in
Living Spycraft games, without exception or modification. Unless specified otherwise, all of these limits apply before,
during, and after the Gearing Up phase, for the duration of the
Soldier/Wheelman current serial.
Class Guide Defying the Home Office
All bundles in the Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide are approved
Any agent may attempt to slip one or more restricted
for use in Living Spycraft games, without exception or modification.
weapons and/or items through the Agency’s supply channels.
This requires one assistance favor check per desired weapon or
Spycraft Boot Camp (PDF) item, against a base DC 10/15/20/25. This DC is increased by 5
None of the prestige classes in the Spycraft Boot Camp I are per weapon or item the agent has already successfully slipped
approved for use in Living Spycraft games. through channels during the current serial.
Example: Donovan, a 3rd-level soldier, has already slipped a
U.S. Militaries Sourcebook restricted weapon through channels and wants to slip a restrict-
All bundles in the U.S. Militaries Sourcebook are approved for ed piece of armor through as well. His DC is 15.
use in Living Spycraft games, without exception or modification.
Example 2: Walter, a 14th-level soldier, has already slipped
two restricted weapons through channels and wants to slip a
World Militaries restricted piece of armor through as well. His DC is 30.
The agent may not spend action dice to increase any favor
All bundles in the World Militaries Sourcebook are approved for
check result when trying to slip a restricted weapon or item
use in Living Spycraft games, without exception or modification.
through Agency channels.
With success, the restricted weapon or item becomes avail-
African Alliance able to the agent for the duration of the current serial, or until
Chamber Book Control or another superior Agency representative notices his
Only the following bundles in the African Alliance Chamber insubordination (with at least one successful Listen, Search, or
Book are approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the Spot check, per the GC’s discretion).
following exceptions and modifications: With failure, or if the GC determines that the agent’s insub-
ordination is discovered during the same serial, the agent gains
• Medical Bundle: No exceptions or modifications.
1 isolation grade (see Isolation, page 39).

Living Spycraft MRD
Archer Foundation Serial Bundles
Chamber Book Beginning in December 2003, Living Spycraft serials feature
Only the following bundles in the Archer Foundation original bundles designed to expressly equip agents according to
Chamber Book are approved for use in Living Spycraft games, the mission’s briefing conditions. These bundles are approved for
with the following exceptions and modifications: use in other serials on a case-by-case basis, as follows:
• Aquatic Operations Kit: No exceptions or modifications. • Facing Facts: The silent assault bundle is approved for use in
all Living Spycraft games (25 BP): Small backpack (to carry
• Investigative Operations Kit: No exceptions or modifications.
and store bundle), 4 sets of black BDUs, 4 pairs of tiger claws,
• Paranormal Operations Kit: No exceptions or modifications. 4 standard suppressors, 3 standard laser sights, 2nd generation
night vision sight, 12× telescopic sight, binoculars, climbing
European Commonwealth kit, electronics kit, lockpicking kit, expendable tactical jammer.
Chamber Book • Ground Truth: The forward reconnaissance bundle is
Only the following bundles in the European Commonwealth approved for use in all Living Spycraft games, though the
Chamber Book are approved for use in Living Spycraft games, regional maps target the location of the serial’s first scene
with the following exceptions and modifications: (25 BP): Heavy duty backpack (to carry and store bundle),
camouflage fatigues, ghillie suit, binoculars, camouflage net,
• Financial Operations Bundle: No exceptions or modifications.
encrypted tactical radio (×2), entrenching tool, facepaint
• Interrogation Bundle: No exceptions or modifications. (3 applications), one-man tent, night vision goggles, regional
maps, 20× day/night spotting scope with tripod.
• Underworld Bundle: No exceptions or modifications.
• Herilian Agenda: The modified SGC mission bundle, and all
Hand of Glory Threat Book 3 Herilian bundles, are not approved for use in Living Spycraft
Only the following bundles in the Hand of Glory Threat Book
are approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following • The Maltese Experiment: The modified diplomacy bundle is
exceptions and modifications: approved for use in all Living Spycraft games (25 BP): Luggage
(to carry and store bundle), 4 sets of trendy clothes, logbook,
• Lamprey Bundle: No exceptions or modifications.
PDA (power rating +2), cell phone, standard video camera with
• Shocktrooper Bundle: No exceptions or modifications. 2 commercial-grade tapes.
• The Maltese Experiment: The modified diversion bundle is
Pan-Asian Collective approved for use in all Living Spycraft games (25 GP):
Chamber Book Backpack (to carry and store bundle), mechanics kit, tactical
Only the following bundles in the Pan-Asian Collective radio, earplugs, 3 flash/bang grenades.
Chamber Book are approved for use in Living Spycraft games,
• Outbreak: The Moscow investigation bundle is approved for
with the following exceptions and modifications:
use in all Living Spycraft games, though the regional maps
• Infiltration Bundle: No exceptions or modifications. and language and travel manuals target the location of the
serial’s first scene (25 BP): Large toolkit case (to carry and
• Intrusion Bundle: No exceptions or modifications.
store bundle), 2 evidence kits, fingerprinting test kit, UV flash-
• Martial Arts Bundle: No exceptions or modifications. light, chemical analyzer, metal detector, hand-held lie
detector, flashlight, forgery kit, leatherman, travel manual and
Stargate SG-1 Rulebook regional maps, language manual, magnifying glass, pocket
All bundles in the Stargate SG-1 Rulebook are approved for
use in Living Spycraft games, with the following costs: • Where The Lion Sleeps Tonight: The African safari bundle is
approved for use in all Living Spycraft games (25 BP): 1 set of
• Duty Bundles: Each of these bundles costs 25 BP in the Living
safari clothing, magnetic compass, regional maps (any Third
Spycraft campaign.
World region), 1 pair of night vision goggles or 1 pair of
• Mission Bundles: Each of these bundles costs 35 BP in the binoculars, survival kit, canteen, flashlight, first aid kit,
Living Spycraft campaign. 1 antidote shot, headset radio with 2-mile range, digital
camera with either super-telephoto or infrared filter lens.
• Personal Bundles: Each of these bundles costs 35 BP in the
Living Spycraft campaign.
• Weapon Bundles: Each of these bundles costs 35 BP in the
Standard-Issue Gear
See the Spycraft Espionage Handbook, page 104, for the rules
Living Spycraft campaign.
concerning the acquisition and use of standard-issue gear.
Additionally, the following exceptions and modifications The following Spycraft, Shadowforce Archer, and Stargate
apply to bundles from this book: SG-1 standard-issue gear is approved for use in Living Spycraft
games at this time.
• Advisor Bundle: The agent may choose whether he gains the
Special Note: Some standard-issue items feature new costs,
desktop or laptop computer as part of this bundle.
weights, or other values in the Living Spycraft campaign (and some
• Computer Specialist Bundle: The agent may choose whether of these even intentionally contradict the official Spycraft/SFA
he gains the desktop or laptop computer as part of this errata) — when a discrepancy arises, defer to the separate MRD
bundle. Tables document: Living Spycraft Standard-Issue Gear Options.
Special Note: Standard-issue weapons, personal gadgets,
• Researcher Bundle: The agent may choose whether he gains
and vehicles and vehicular options are covered in separate
the desktop or laptop computer as part of this bundle.

Agent Options
Spycraft Fixer/Pointman Class Guide
Espionage Handbook All standard-issue gear in the Fixer/Pointman Class Guide is
All standard-issue gear in the Spycraft Espionage Handbook is approved for use in Living Spycraft games, without exception or
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following modification.
exceptions and modifications:
• Bugs: If the Faceman/Snoop Class Guide is available, then the Gentlemen’s Agreement
bugs listed in the Spycraft Espionage Handbook are not Season Book
approved for use in the Living Spycraft campaign; instead, All standard-issue gear and standard-issue gear uses in the
Living Spycraft players should consult the separate MRD Tables Gentlemen’s Agreement Season Book are approved for use in
document: Living Spycraft Standard-Issue Gear Options. Living Spycraft games, without exception or modification.
• Camera, Digital: The digital camera in this book is not
approved for use in the Living Spycraft campaign. Instead, Mastermind Sourcebook
Living Spycraft players should consult the separate MRD Tables Only the following standard-issue gear in the Mastermind
document: Living Spycraft Standard-Issue Gear Options. Sourcebook is approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the
following exceptions and modifications:
• Demolitions Kit: The demolitions kit in this book is not
approved for use in the Living Spycraft campaign. Instead, • Animals: A Living Spycraft agent may requisition any animal
Living Spycraft players should consult the separate MRD Tables in this section at the listed BP cost. He may alternately
document: Living Spycraft Standard-Issue Gear Options. requisition a domesticated version of each animal at 1.5 × its
listed BP cost (rounded up), or a trained version of each
• Drugs and Poisons: If either the Stargate SG-1 Rulebook or
animal at 2 × its listed BP cost. A Living Spycraft agent may
the Shop Threat Book are available, then the drugs and
not requisition an animal that already knows one or more
poisons listed in the Spycraft Espionage Handbook are not
tricks, unless those tricks are included in its basic package —
approved for use in the Living Spycraft campaign; instead,
in order for a Living Spycraft agent to acquire an animal with
Living Spycraft players should consult the separate MRD Tables
additional tricks, he must requisition a basic animal and train
document: Living Spycraft Standard-Issue Gear Options.
it using the Handle Animal skill (see the Mastermind
• Protective Gear: The protective gear in this book is not Sourcebook, page 16, and the African Alliance Chamber Book,
approved for use in the Living Spycraft campaign. Instead, page 57). Further, a Living Spycraft agent may not requisition
Living Spycraft players should consult Chapter 8 of the an animal with augmentations, nor may he augment an ani-
Modern Arms Guide for protective gear options. mal during play.
• Weapon Accessories: The weapon accessories in this book is • Animals: If an agent’s animal is lost or killed, the agent
not approved for use in the Living Spycraft campaign. Instead, regains all BP dedicated to the animal at the end of the
Living Spycraft players should consult Chapter 6 of the current serial. Thereafter, he may either requisition a new
Modern Arms Guide for weapon accessory options. base, domesticated, or trained animal or redistribute the BP
as he sees fit.
1960s Decade Book • Animals: If an animal that has learned one or more new tricks
All standard-issue gear in the 1960s Decade Book is approved is lost or killed, the agent must begin the process of training a
for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following exceptions and new animal again — he may not requisition a new trained
modifications. animal possessing the learned tricks.
• Ballistic Nylon Vest: This item is not available in the Living • Animals: Where the rules differ between this book and
Spycraft campaign. the African Alliance Chamber Book, this book’s rules take
• Fragmentation Vest: This item is not available in the Living
Spycraft campaign.
Modern Arms Guide
• Inflation: The actual costs of all items is adjusted to reflect
All standard-issue gear in the Modern Arms Guide is approved
modern pricing.
for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following exceptions and
• Night Vision Viewer: This item is not available in the Living modifications.
Spycraft campaign. Special Note: All standard-issue gear modifications in the
Modern Arms Guide are also approved for use in Living Spycraft
• Remote Chemical Sensor: When requisitioned in the Living
games, per the modified rules for applying them (see page 16).
Spycraft campaign, this device is made from modern parts and
features advanced robot technology, and the device’s cost is • Assault Vest Insert: This item is not available in the Living
adjusted accordingly. The device’s mechanics are unchanged. Spycraft campaign. Instead, the standard insert listed in the
separate MRD Tables document: Living Spycraft Standard-Issue
• Survival Radio: This item is not available in the Living
Gear Options may be used with any listed armor.
Spycraft campaign.
• Kevlar Vest Insert: This item is not available in the Living
• Voice Encryption Device: This item is not available in the
Spycraft campaign. Instead, the standard insert listed in the
Living Spycraft campaign.
separate MRD Tables document: Living Spycraft Standard-Issue
Gear Options may be used with any listed armor.
Faceman/Snoop Class Guide
All standard-issue gear in the Faceman/Snoop Class Guide is
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with our exception or

Living Spycraft MRD
Modern Arms Guide • Animals: If an animal that has learned one or more new tricks
Chapter 9 Website Download is lost or killed, the agent must begin the process of training a
(PDF) new animal again — he may not requisition a new trained
All standard-issue gear in the Modern Arms Guide: Chapter 9 animal possessing the learned tricks.
website download is approved for use in Living Spycraft games,
• Animals: Where the rules differ between this book and the
without exception or modification.
Mastermind Sourcebook, the Mastermind Sourcebook’s rules
take precedence.
Modern Arms Guide
Expansion: Volume I (PDF) Pan-Asian Collective
All standard-issue gear in the Modern Arms Guide Expansion: Chamber Book
Volume I is approved for use in Living Spycraft games, without
Only the following standard-issue gear in the Pan-Asian
exception or modification.
Collective Chamber Book is approved for use in Living Spycraft
Special Note: All standard-issue gear modifications in the MAG
games, with the following exceptions and modifications:
Expansion: Volume I are also approved for use in Living Spycraft
games, per the modified rules for applying them (see page 16). • Cover Identities: No exceptions or modifications.

U.S. Militaries Sourcebook Stargate SG-1 Rulebook

All standard-issue gear in the U.S. Militaries Sourcebook is All standard-issue gear in the Stargate SG-1 Rulebook is
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following approved for use in Living Spycraft games, at the costs listed in
exceptions and modifications. the MRD Tables document: Living Spycraft Standard-Issue Gear
Options, with the following exceptions and modifications:
• Ceremonial Sword: This item has no mechanical benefit in
the Living Spycraft campaign (other than potentially as an • Equipment Qualities: Living Spycraft agents may not add
improvised weapon). equipment qualities to items.
• Dress Uniform: This item has no mechanical benefit in the • ARM (Atmospheric Radiation Monitor): This item is not
Living Spycraft campaign (outside potentially allowing him available in the Living Spycraft campaign.
into military dress functions with the proper credentials).
• Computer Software, Space Navigation: This item is not
• Service Uniform: This item has no mechanical benefit in the available in the Living Spycraft campaign.
Living Spycraft campaign (outside potentially allowing him
• Computer Software, Stargate Dialing Control Program:
into military service functions with the proper credentials).
This item is not available in the Living Spycraft campaign.

World Militaries • Explosives: The explosives in this book are not approved for
Sourcebook use in the Living Spycraft campaign. Instead, Living Spycraft
players should consult Chapter 7 of the Modern Arms Guide
All standard-issue gear in the World Militaries Sourcebook is
for explosives options.
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, without exception or
modification. • GDO (“Garage Door Opener”): This item is not available in
the Living Spycraft campaign.
African Alliance • Demolitions Kit, Breaching: A Living Spycraft agent may
Chamber Book use this item to produce 1 standard breaching charge with
Only the following standard-issue gear in the African Alliance the Demolitions skill (see the Spycraft Espionage Handbook,
Chamber Book is approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with page 49).
the following exceptions and modifications:
• Demolitions Kit, Claymore: A Living Spycraft agent may
• Animals: A Living Spycraft agent may requisition any animal use this item to produce 1 standard claymore charge with
in this section at the listed BP cost. He may alternately the Demolitions skill (see the Spycraft Espionage Handbook,
requisition a domesticated version of each animal at 1.5 × its page 49).
listed BP cost (rounded up), or a trained version of each
• Demolitions Kit, C4: A Living Spycraft agent may use this
animal at 2 × its listed BP cost. A Living Spycraft agent may
item to prepare one standard 1/4-lb. C4 charge with the
not requisition an animal that already knows one or more
Demolitions skill (see the Spycraft Espionage Handbook,
tricks, unless those tricks are included in its basic package —
page 49). This bomb’s size may be increased in 1/4-lb.
in order for a Living Spycraft agent to acquire an animal with
increments by paying the cost listed in the MRD Tables
additional tricks, he must requisition a basic animal and train
document: Living Spycraft Standard-Issue Gear Options,
it using the Handle Animal skill (see the African Alliance
to a maximum individual bomb size of 5 lb.
Chamber Book, page 57, and page 16 of this document).
Further, a Living Spycraft agent may not requisition an animal • Demolitions Kit, Satchel: A Living Spycraft agent may
with augmentations, nor may he augment an animal during use this item to produce 1 standard satchel charge with
play. the Demolitions skill (see the Spycraft Espionage Handbook,
page 49).
• Animals: If an agent’s animal is lost or killed, the agent
regains all BP dedicated to the animal at the end of the • Demolitions Kit, Thermite: A Living Spycraft agent may
current serial. Thereafter, he may either requisition a new use this item to produce 1 standard thermite charge with
base, domesticated, or trained animal or redistribute the BP the Demolitions skill (see the Spycraft Espionage Handbook,
as he sees fit. page 49).

Agent Options
• Medical Kit: This item is not available in the Living Spycraft Soldier/Wheelman
campaign. Class Guide
All personal ordnance in the Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide is
• Suits: The protective suits in this book are not approved for
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, without exception or
use in the Living Spycraft campaign. Instead, Living Spycraft
players should consult Chapter 8 of the Modern Arms Guide
for protective suit options.
Stargate SG-1 Rulebook
• Weapon Accessories: The weapon accessories in this book is
The standard-issue weapons and accessories in the Stargate
not approved for use in the Living Spycraft campaign. Instead,
SG-1 Rulebook are not approved for use in the Living Spycraft
Living Spycraft players should consult Chapter 6 of the
campaign. Instead, Living Spycraft players should consult Chapters
Modern Arms Guide for weapon accessory options.
2–7 of the Modern Arms Guide for standard-issue weapon
Standard-Issue Weapons
See the Modern Arms Guide for the rules concerning the acqui- Personal Gadgets
sition and use of standard-issue weapons. These supercede the
See the Spycraft Espionage Handbook, page 105, for the rules
rules in the Spycraft Espionage Handbook in the Living Spycraft
concerning the acquisition and use of personal gadgets.
The following Spycraft, Shadowforce Archer, and Stargate
The following Spycraft, Shadowforce Archer, and Stargate
SG-1 personal gadgets are approved for use in Living Spycraft
SG-1 standard-issue weapons are approved for use in Living
games at this time.
Spycraft games at this time.
Special Note: Living Spycraft agents receive gadget points
Special Note: Some weapons, accessories, and weapon
only during the Gearing Up phase of any mission. Gadgets may be
enhancements feature new costs, weights, or other values in the
requisitioned during the mission’s Gearing Up phase or in the field.
Living Spycraft campaign (and some of these even intentionally
Living Spycraft agents may requisition gadgets costing no more
contradict the official Spycraft/SFA errata) — when a discrepancy
than a number of GP equal to 3 + the team’s average agent level
arises, defer to the MRD Tables document: Living Spycraft
divided by 4 (rounded down, minimum 0). Living Spycraft agents
Standard-Issue Weapon Options.
may only requisition a gadget costing more than this if it is
Special Note: Standard-issue gear, personal gadgets, and
included in the serial’s Recommended Gadgets list.
vehicles and vehicular options are covered in separate sections.
Special Note: Some gadgets feature new costs, weights, or
other values in the Living Spycraft campaign (and some of these
Spycraft even intentionally contradict the official Spycraft/SFA errata) —
Espionage Handbook when a discrepancy arises, defer to the MRD Tables document:
The standard-issue weapons and accessories in the Spycraft Living Spycraft Gadget Options.
Espionage Handbook are not approved for use in the Living Special Note: Standard-issue gear, standard-issue weapons,
Spycraft campaign. Instead, Living Spycraft players should consult and vehicles and vehicular options are covered in separate
Chapters 2–7 of the Modern Arms Guide for standard-issue sections.
weapon options.
1960s Decade Book Espionage Handbook
All standard-issue weapons in the 1960s Decade Book are All personal gadgets in the Spycraft Espionage Handbook are
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, without exception or approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following
modification. exceptions and modifications:
• Attaché Case, Submachinegun: When used in the Living
Modern Arms Guide Spycraft campaign, this weapon operates like a 9mmP
All standard-issue weapons, weapon accessories, and CZ Scorpion submachinegun (see the Modern Arms Guide,
ammunition in the Modern Arms Guide are approved for use in page 101). All modifiers in the gadget description still apply.
Living Spycraft games, without exception or modification. The weapon is assumed to be loaded with standard military
Special Note: All standard-issue weapon modifications in the ball ammunition — if the agent wishes to use another type of
Modern Arms Guide are also approved for use in Living Spycraft ammunition, he must requisition the bullets separately.
games, per the modified rules for applying them (see page 16).
• Bug Detector, Acoustic Unit: This gadget is not available in
the Living Spycraft campaign.
Modern Arms Guide
Expansion: Volume I (PDF) • Cigarette, Dartgun: When used in the Living Spycraft
campaign, this weapon operates like a standard dartgun
All standard-issue weapons and ammunition in the Modern
(see the Spycraft Espionage Handbook, page 113).
Arms Guide Expansion: Volume I are approved for use in Living
All modifiers in the gadget description still apply. The weapon
Spycraft games, with the following exceptions and modifications.
is assumed to be loaded with a knockout or lethal poison I dart
• Pepper Spray: Any lingering Constitution damage inflicted by — if the agent wishes to use another type of ammunition,
this weapon is recovered in full at the end of each serial. he must requisition the dart separately.
• Pepperball Launchers: Any lingering Constitution damage • Cigarette, Flamethrower: When used in the Living Spycraft
inflicted by these weapons is recovered in full at the end of campaign, this weapon operates like a Chinese Arsenal Type 67
each serial. flamethrower (see the Modern Arms Guide, page 132).
All modifiers in the gadget description still apply.

Living Spycraft MRD
• Cigarette, Grenade: When used in the Living Spycraft • Shoes, Shock-Tip Shoes: When used in the Living Spycraft
campaign, this weapon operates like a standard fragmentation campaign, this weapon operates like a standard taser (see the
hand grenade (see the Modern Arms Guide, page 42). Modern Arms Guide, page 35). All modifiers in the gadget
All modifiers in the gadget description still apply. description still apply.
• Cigarette, Pistol: When used in the Living Spycraft campaign, • Voice Modulators, Larynx Implant: This gadget is not
this weapon operates like an ACCU-TEK HC 380 pocket pistol available in the Living Spycraft campaign.
(see the Modern Arms Guide, page 89). All modifiers in the
• Watches, Explosive: When used in the Living Spycraft
gadget description still apply. The weapon is assumed to be
campaign, this weapon operates like 1/2 lb. of C4 (see the
loaded with standard military ball ammunition, and may not
Modern Arms Guide, page 132). All modifiers in the gadget
be loaded with an alternate ammunition type.
description still apply.
• Cigarette, Spray: When used in the Living Spycraft campaign,
• Watches, Garrote: When used in the Living Spycraft
this weapon operates like aerosol mace or knockout gas
campaign, this weapon operates like a standard garrote (see
(see the Spycraft Espionage Handbook, pages 111 and 238,
the Modern Arms Guide, page 35). All modifiers in the gadget
respectively). All modifiers in the gadget description still
description still apply.
apply. The weapon is assumed to be loaded with standard
pepper spray or knockout gas — if the agent wishes to use • Weapons, AF Hush Puppy: When used in the Living Spycraft
another type of ammunition, he must requisition the gas campaign, this weapon operates like a Colt M1911A service
separately. pistol (see the Modern Arms Guide, page 89). All modifiers in
the gadget description still apply. The weapon is assumed to
• Clothing, Standard Liner: When worn in the Living Spycraft
be loaded with standard military ball ammunition — if the
campaign, this clothing operates like a personalized tuxedo
agent wishes to use another type of ammunition, he must
liner (see the Modern Arms Guide, page 142). All modifiers in
requisition the bullets separately.
the gadget description still apply.
• Weapons, Umbrella Gun: This weapon gadget may be applied
• Cosmetics and Jewelry, Micro-Grenade Earrings: When
to any handgun in the Modern Arms Guide. The cost of the gun
used in the Living Spycraft campaign, this weapon operates
must be paid separately. At the conclusion of a serial during
like 1/2 lb. of C4 (see the Modern Arms Guide, page 132).
which the agent adds this gadget to a weapon, the agent may
All modifiers in the gadget description still apply.
include the weapon in his personal gear by allocating a
• Cosmetics and Jewelry, Taser Cufflinks: When used in the number of his personal BP equal to the weapon’s total cost,
Living Spycraft campaign, this weapon operates like a including the weapon’s base cost and all masterwork
standard taser (see the Modern Arms Guide, page 35). modifications and other options, as well as a number of his
All modifiers in the gadget description still apply. class-granted GP equal to all gadgets added to the weapon.
See page 15 for more information about upgrading and
• Cosmetics and Jewelry, Woman’s Compact: When used in
adding masterwork modifications to gear. The agent may not
the Living Spycraft campaign, this weapon operates like 1/2 lb.
allocate mission-granted BP or GP to retaining a customized
of C4 (see the Modern Arms Guide, page 132). All modifiers in
the gadget description still apply.
• Weapon Enhancements (All): At the conclusion of a serial
• Explosives, Explosive Pen: When used in the Living Spycraft
during which the agent adds 1 or more enhancement gadgets
campaign, this weapon operates like a standard flash grenade
to a weapon, the agent may include the weapon in his
(see the Modern Arms Guide, page 42). All modifiers in the
personal gear by allocating a number of his personal BP equal
gadget description still apply.
to the weapon’s total cost, including the weapon’s base cost
• Explosives, Magnetic Flask: When used in the Living Spycraft and all masterwork modifications and other options, as well
campaign, this weapon operates like 1/2 lb. of C4 (see the as a number of his class-granted GP equal to all gadgets
Modern Arms Guide, page 132). All modifiers in the gadget added to the weapon. See page 15 for more information
description still apply. about upgrading and adding masterwork modifications to
gear. The agent may not allocate mission-granted BP or GP to
• Eyewear and Eye Drops, Faceprint Lenses: All faceprints
retaining a customized weapon.
stored in this gadget are lost at the end of each serial.
• Weapon Enhancements, Match Grade Weapon: This gadget
• Eyewear and Eye Drops, Otherman Drops: All eyeprints
may only carry over from mission to mission if the agent
stored in this gadget are lost at the end of each serial.
devotes mission-granted BP and GP to the weapon as described
• Shoes, Blade: When used in the Living Spycraft campaign, earlier in this section. The agent may not pay triple the
this weapon operates like a standard stiletto blade (see the standard GP cost to retain the weapon enhancement.
Modern Arms Guide, page 35). All modifiers in the gadget
• Weapon Enhancements, Weapon Accurizing: This gadget
description still apply.
may only carry over from mission to mission if the agent
• Shoes, Gun: When used in the Living Spycraft campaign, this devotes mission-granted BP and GP to the weapon as described
weapon operates like an ACCU-TEK HC 380 pocket pistol earlier in this section. The agent may not pay triple the
(see the Modern Arms Guide, page 89). All modifiers in the standard GP cost to retain the weapon enhancement.
gadget description still apply. The weapon is assumed to be
loaded with standard military ball ammunition — if the agent
wishes to use another type of ammunition, he must requisi-
tion the bullets separately.

Agent Growth
1960s Decade Book • New Belt Options, Sword Belt: When used in the Living
All personal gadgets in the 1960s Decade Book are approved Spycraft campaign, this weapon operates like a standard
for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following exceptions machete (see the Modern Arms Guide, page 36). All modifiers
and modifications: in the gadget description still apply.
• New Ring Gadgets, Standard Garrote Ring: When used in • Protective Gear Options, Fibermesh Armor: At the conclu-
the Living Spycraft campaign, this weapon operates like a sion of a serial during which the agent adds this gadget to a
standard garrote (see the Modern Arms Guide, page 35). piece of protective gear, the agent may include the protective
All modifiers in the gadget description still apply. gear in his personal gear by allocating a number of his
personal BP equal to the weapon’s total cost, including the
• New Weapon Gadgets, Crossbow Bracer: When used in the
protective gear’s base cost and all masterwork modifications
Living Spycraft campaign, this weapon operates like a stan-
and other options, as well as a number of his class-granted GP
dard crossbow (see the Modern Arms Guide, page 42).
equal to all gadgets added to the protective gear. See page 15
All modifiers in the gadget description still apply. The weapon
for more information about customized gear. The agent may
is assumed to be loaded with standard crossbow bolts — if the
not allocate mission-granted BP or GP to retaining a piece of
agent wishes to use another type of ammunition, he must
customized protective gear.
requisition the bolts separately.
• Protective Gear Options, Hardened Joints: This gadget is
• New Weapon Enhancements, Mercy Edge: At the conclu-
not available in the Living Spycraft campaign.
sion of a serial during which the agent adds this gadget to a
weapon, the agent may include the weapon in his personal • Protective Gear Options, Reflexive Joints: This gadget is not
gear by allocating a number of his personal BP equal to the available in the Living Spycraft campaign.
weapon’s total cost, including the weapon’s base cost and all
• Protective Gear Options, Reinforced Joints: This gadget is
masterwork modifications and other options, as well as a
not available in the Living Spycraft campaign.
number of his class-granted GP equal to all gadgets added to
the weapon. See page 15 for more information about • New Gadget Weapons, Rifle Cane: When used in the Living
customized gear. The agent may not allocate mission-granted Spycraft campaign, this weapon operates like a Daewoo DR-300
BP or GP to retaining a customized weapon. assault rifle (see the Modern Arms Guide, page 93).
All modifiers in the gadget description still apply. The weapon is
Faceman/Snoop Class Guide assumed to be loaded with standard military ball ammunition —
if the agent wishes to use another type of ammunition, he must
All personal gadgets in the Faceman/Snoop Class Guide are
requisition the bullet(s) separately.
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, without exception or
modification. • New Gadget Weapons, Microwave Cannon: This gadget is
not available in the Living Spycraft campaign.
Fixer/Pointman Class Guide • Weapon Enhancements (All): At the conclusion of a serial
All personal gadgets in the Faceman/Snoop Class Guide are during which the agent adds 1 or more enhancement gadgets
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, without exception or to a weapon, the agent may include the weapon in his
modification. personal gear by allocating a number of his personal BP equal
to the weapon’s total cost, including the weapon’s base cost
Gentlemen’s Agreement and all masterwork modifications and other options, as well
Season Book as a number of his class-granted GP equal to all gadgets
added to the weapon. See page 15 for more information
All personal gadgets in the Faceman/Snoop Class Guide are
about customized gear. The agent may not allocate mission-
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, without exception or
granted BP or GP to retaining a customized weapon.

Soldier/Wheelman Shadowforce Archer

Class Guide Worldbook
Only the following personal gadgets in the Shadowforce
All personal gadgets in the Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide are
Archer Worldbook are approved for use in Living Spycraft games,
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following
with the following exceptions and modifications:
exceptions and modifications:
• Cell Phone Models (All): No exceptions or modifications.
• New Attaché Case Gadgets, Attaché Case Bomb: When
used in the Living Spycraft campaign, this weapon operates • Diving Equipment (All): No exceptions or modifications.
like 1 lb. of C4 (see the Modern Arms Guide, page 132).
• New Evidence Analysis Items, Dedicated Unit: All smell-
All modifiers in the gadget description still apply.
prints stored in this gadget are lost at the end of each serial.
• New Attaché Case, Attaché Case Rocket Launcher: When
• New Evidence Analysis Items, External Unit: No exceptions
used in the Living Spycraft campaign, this weapon operates
or modifications.
like a Hawk M-1 rocket launcher (see the Modern Arms Guide,
page 132). All modifiers in the gadget description still apply. • OmnID Cards (All): No exceptions or modifications.
The weapon is assumed to be loaded with a standard 40mm
• Palmprint Identifiers, Mark 1 Model: No exceptions or
HEAT rocket.
• Palmprint Identifiers, “Backfire” Edition No exceptions or

Living Spycraft MRD
• Palmprint Identifiers, “Blowback” Edition: When activated • New Clothing Gadgets, HAZMAT Underwear: When worn in
in the Living Spycraft campaign, this weapon operates like a the Living Spycraft campaign, this gadget operates like a
standard fragmentation hand grenade (see the Modern Arms standard NBC suit (see the Modern Arms Guide, page 143).
Guide, page 42). All modifiers in the gadget description still apply.
• Palmprint Identifiers, Tracking Modification: No exceptions • New Clothing Gadgets, Standard Remote Restraint:
or modifications. No exceptions or modifications.
• Patches, Brainscanner Patch: No exceptions or modifications. • New Clothing Gadgets, Sound Damping: No exceptions or
• Patches, Caffeine Boost Patch: No exceptions or modifica-
tions. • New Clothing Gadgets, Static Repulsion Generator:
No exceptions or modifications.
• Patches, Calm Emitter Patch: No exceptions or modifications.
• New Clothing Gadgets, Standard Stealth Environment
• Patches, Panic Emitter Patch: No exceptions or modifications.
Suit: When worn in the Living Spycraft campaign, this gadget
• Rings, Hologram Projector: The agent must describe the operates like a standard NBC suit (see the Modern Arms Guide,
hologram image when he requisitions this gadget. page 143). All modifiers in the gadget description still apply.
• New Surveillance Gadgets, Houseflies: No exceptions or
modifications. Archer Foundation
Chamber Book
• New Surveillance Gadgets, Mosquitoes: No exceptions or
Only the following personal gadgets in the Archer Foundation
Chamber Book are approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with
• New Surveillance Gadgets, Roaches: No exceptions or the following exceptions and modifications:
• New Diving Equipment, Air Tooth: No exceptions or modifi-
• Synthetic Skin, Memory Flesh: No exceptions or modifica- cations.
• New Diving Equipment, Fluid Breathing System: No excep-
• Synthetic Skin, Smart Skin: No exceptions or modifications. tions or modifications.
• New Diving Equipment, Rebreather Pen: No exceptions or
African Alliance modifications.
Chamber Book
• New Diving Equipment, Underwater Jet Shoes: No excep-
Only the following personal gadgets in the African Alliance
tions or modifications.
Chamber Book are approved for use in Living Spycraft games,
with the following exceptions and modifications: • New Diving Equipment, Underwater Lenses: No exceptions
or modifications.
• New Clothing Gadgets, Standard Basic Blacks: No excep-
tions or modifications. • New Diving Equipment, Underwater Weapon Conversion:
At the conclusion of a serial during which the agent adds this
• New Clothing Gadgets, Bubble Coat: No exceptions or
gadget to a weapon, the agent may include the weapon in his
personal gear by allocating a number of his personal BP equal
• New Clothing Gadgets, Standard Funeral Gown: to the weapon’s total cost, including the weapon’s base cost
When worn in the Living Spycraft campaign, this clothing and all masterwork modifications and other options, as well
operates like a personalized tuxedo liner (see the Modern as a number of his class-granted GP equal to all gadgets
Arms Guide, page 142). All modifiers in the gadget description added to the weapon. See page 15 for more information
still apply. about customized gear. The agent may not allocate mission-
granted BP or GP to retaining a customized weapon.
Further, when this clothing’s weapons are drawn and used in
the Living Spycraft campaign, they operate as follows: • New Document Gadgets (All): No exceptions or modifications.
Stilettos: These operate like standard stiletto blades (see the • New Weapon Options, Directional Mine: No exceptions or
Modern Arms Guide, page 35). modifications.
Throwing Knives: These operate like standard throwing knives • New Weapon Options, Flute Gun: When used in the Living
(see the Modern Arms Guide, page 42). Spycraft campaign, this weapon operates like a standard
blowgun (see the Modern Arms Guide, page 52). All modifiers
Mini-Grenades: These operate like standard concussion
in the gadget description still apply.
grenades (see the Modern Arms Guide, page 42).
• New Weapon Options, Magnet Knuckles: When used in the
Taser: This operates like a standard taser (see the Modern
Living Spycraft campaign, this weapon operates like a
Arms Guide, page 35).
standard set of brass knuckles (see the Modern Arms Guide,
As with the armor, all modifiers in the gadget description still page 35). All modifiers in the gadget description still apply.
• New Weapon Options, Rocket Launcher Cast: When used in
• New Clothing Gadgets, Hat Gas Mask: When worn in the the Living Spycraft campaign, this weapon operates like a
Living Spycraft campaign, this gadget operates like a standard Hawk M-1 rocket launcher (see the Modern Arms Guide,
gas mask (see the Modern Arms Guide, page 143). All modi- page 132). All modifiers in the gadget description still apply.
fiers in the gadget description still apply. The weapon is assumed to be loaded with a standard 40mm
HEAT rocket.

Agent Growth
European Commonwealth • New Sonic Gadgets, Phone Unit: No exceptions or modifica-
Chamber Book tions.
Only the following personal gadgets in the European
• New Watch Gadgets, Geiger Counter Watch: No exceptions
Commonwealth Chamber Book are approved for use in Living
or modifications.
Spycraft games, with the following exceptions and modifications:
• New Weapon Gadgets, Cell Phone Dart Gun: When used in
• Currency Gadgets (All): No exceptions or modifications.
the Living Spycraft campaign, this weapon operates like a
• New Document Gadgets, Memscan Device: No exceptions or standard dartgun (see the Spycraft Espionage Handbook,
modifications. page 113). All modifiers in the gadget description still apply.
The weapon is assumed to be loaded with a knockout or lethal
• New Infiltration Gadgets (All): No exceptions or modifica-
poison I dart — if the agent wishes to use another type of
ammunition, he must requisition the dart separately.
• New Watch Options, Magnetic Pocket Watch and
• New Weapon Enhancements, Refrigerated Clip: No excep-
Extending Chain: No exceptions or modifications.
tions or modifications.
• New Weapon Options, Disintegrating Bullets: No excep-
tions or modifications. Vehicles
Hand of Glory Threat Book
and Vehicular Options
See the Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide, Chapter 4, for the rules
Only the following personal gadgets in the Hand of Glory concerning the acquisition and use of vehicles. These supercede
Threat Book are approved for use in Living Spycraft games, the rules in the Spycraft Espionage Handbook in the Living Spycraft
with the following exceptions and modifications: campaign.
See the Spycraft Espionage Handbook, page 105, for the rules
• Fringe Science, Blueprint Recorder/Projector: This item is a
concerning the acquisition and use of vehicular gadgets.
standard Agency gadget, unconnected to any supernatural
The following Spycraft, Shadowforce Archer, and Stargate
elements, in the Living Spycraft campaign.
SG-1 vehicles and vehicular options are approved for use in Living
• Fringe Science, Terrorprints: This item is a standard Agency Spycraft games at this time.
gadget, unconnected to any supernatural elements, in the Special Note: When a serial limits the number of GP that may
Living Spycraft campaign. be spent to requisition each of the team’s gadgets, this limit does
not apply to vehicles (though it does apply to vehicular gadgets).
Pan-Asian Collective Special Note: Some vehicular options feature new costs,
Chamber Book weights, or other values in the Living Spycraft campaign (and some
of these even intentionally contradict the official Spycraft/SFA
None of the personal gadgets in the Pan-Asian Collective
errata) — when a discrepancy arises, defer to the MRD Tables
Chamber Book are approved for use in Living Spycraft games.
document: Living Spycraft Vehicle Options,
Special Note: Standard-issue gear, standard-issue weapons,
Shop Threat Book and personal gadgets are covered in separate sections.
Only the following personal gadgets in the Shop Threat Book
are approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following Spycraft
exceptions and modifications: Espionage Handbook
• New General Options, Touched by Genius: At the conclusion The vehicles in the Spycraft Espionage Handbook are not
of a serial during which the agent adds this option to a approved for use in the Living Spycraft campaign. Instead, Living
gadget, the agent may include the gadget in his personal gear Spycraft players should consult Chapter 4 of the Soldier/Wheelman
by allocating a number of his class-granted GP equal to the Class Guide for vehicle options.
gadget’s total cost, including the gadget’s base cost and all All vehicular gadgets in the Spycraft Espionage Handbook,
options. The agent may not allocate mission-granted GP to however, are approved for use in the Living Spycraft campaign,
retaining a customized gadget. with the following exceptions and modifications:
• Card Gadgets (All): No exceptions or modifications. • Concealed Machinegun: When used in the Living Spycraft
campaign, this weapon operates like a 7.62mm vehicular
• New Explosive Gadgets, Cell Phone Bomb: When used in the
machinegun (see the Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide,
Living Spycraft campaign, this weapon operates like 1 lb. of C4
page 102). All modifiers in the gadget description still apply.
(see the Modern Arms Guide, page 132). All modifiers in the
The weapon is assumed to be loaded with standard military
gadget description still apply.
ball ammunition — if the agent wishes to use another type of
• New Explosive Gadgets, Food Poisoning Explosive: ammunition, he must requisition the bullets separately.
No exceptions or modifications.
• Rocket Launcher: When used in the Living Spycraft
• New Eyewear and Eye Drop Gadgets (All): No exceptions or campaign, this weapon operates like a 70mm vehicular rocket
modifications. launcher (see the Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide, page 102).
All modifiers in the gadget description still apply. The weapon
• New Medical Gadgets, Hypodermic Pen: No exceptions or
is assumed to be loaded with standard fragmentation rockets
— if the agent wishes to use another type of ammunition,
• New Security Gadgets (All): No exceptions or modifications. he must requisition the rockets separately.
• New Sonic Gadgets, Distracting Bug: No exceptions or

Living Spycraft MRD
1960s Decade Book • Props Suite: No exceptions or modifications.
All vehicular gadgets in the 1960s Decade Book are approved
• Surveillance Suite: No exceptions or modifications.
for use in Living Spycraft games, without exception or modifica-
European Commonwealth
Battlegrounds Sourcebook Chamber Book
Only the following vehicular gadgets in the European
All vehicles in the Battlegrounds Sourcebook are approved for
Commonwealth Chamber Book are approved for use in Living
use in Living Spycraft games, without exception or modification.
Spycraft games, with the following exceptions and modifications:

Faceman/Snoop Class Guide • Computer Suite: No exceptions or modifications.

All vehicular gear in the Faceman/Snoop Class Guide is • Gear Workshop Suite: No exceptions or modifications.
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, without exception or
• Weapon Workshop Suite: No exceptions or modifications.

Fixer/Pointman Class Guide Hand of Glory Threat Book

None of the vehicles in the Hand of Glory Threat Book are
All vehicles and vehicular modifications and gadgets in the
approved for use in Living Spycraft games.
Fixer/Pointman Class Guide — including drones — are approved for
use in Living Spycraft games, without exception or modification.
Pan-Asian Collective
Gentlemen’s Agreement Chamber Book
Season Book None of the vehicles or modifications, gadgets, and ordnance
in the Pan-Asian Collective Chamber Book are approved for use in
All vehicles and vehicular modifications and gadgets in the
Living Spycraft games.
Gentlemen’s Agreement Season Book are approved for use in
Living Spycraft games, without exception or modification.
Shop Threat Book
Modern Arms Guide Only the following vehicular gadgets in the Shop Threat Book
Expansion: Volume I (PDF) are approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following
exceptions and modifications:
All vehicular modifications in the Modern Arms Guide
Expansion: Volume I are approved for use in Living Spycraft games, • High Performance Suite: No exceptions or modifications.
without exception or modification.

Other Agent Options
In addition to the many standard agent options listed in the
Class Guide previous sections, many Spycraft, Shadowforce Archer,
All vehicles and vehicular modifications, gadgets, and ordnance and Stargate SG-1 books contain new agent options specific to
in the Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide are approved for use in Living the topic or period presented (see each book for specifics).
Spycraft games, without exception or modification. The following Spycraft, Shadowforce Archer, and Stargate
SG-1 new agent options are approved for use in Living Spycraft
U.S. Militaries Sourcebook games at this time.
All vehicles in the U.S. Militaries Sourcebook are approved for • Cover Identities: Cover identities may be requisitioned as
use in Living Spycraft games, without exception or modification. gear (see the MRD Tables document: Standard-Issue Gear
World Militaries • Intelligence/Mission Resources: Unless a serial expressly
Sourcebook states that one, more, or all intelligence/mission resources are
All vehicles in the World Militaries Sourcebook are unavailable, the agents may requisition them at the listed costs
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, without exception or in the field.
The following intelligence resources are available in the Living
Spycraft campaign: advance team reports, aerial reconnais-
Shadowforce Archer sance, air strikes, artillery fire support, backup, blackout,
Worldbook carrier strike group intimidation*, combat air patrol,
Only the following vehicles and vehicular gadgets in the cryptologic supercomputers, diplomatic station support,
Shadowforce Archer Worldbook are approved for use in Living disguise crew, diversions, embassy security detail, evacuation**,
Spycraft games, with the following exceptions and modifications: fallback caches, gun grab bag, law enforcement authority†,
martial law, medical services, quarantine, satellite reconnaisals
• Battle Bus: This vehicle is a semi tractor and box trailer
intercepts, smuggling, team projects, team research.
(see the Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide, page 101), though its
cost and statistics remain as printed in the Shadowforce * This intelligence resource’s duration is always “mission” in
Archer Worldbook. the Living Spycraft campaign.
• Battle Bay: No exceptions or modifications. ** When the GC spends 1 action die to activate this resource’s
complication, the serial’s primary villain gains 1 additional
• Garage Suite: No exceptions or modifications.
minion squad. If the serial’s primary villain commands more
• Medical Suite: No exceptions or modifications. than 1 standard minion squad type, or the serial features more

Agent Growth
than 1 primary villain, the GC chooses 1 squad from all Living Spycraft agents may only gain decorations as certs
available options and increases its quantity by 1. If the serial’s granted by serials — the GC may never award them.
primary villain commands no minions, or the serial doesn’t
Future versions of this document will incorporate rules for
feature a primary villain, this complication option becomes
creating and playing military agents from other world military
unavailable to the GC.
† The GC determines the Agency’s leverage within the target
• Training Programs: Barring ability-related exceptions, each
area, based on the serial’s details about recent events in the
agent may undertake only 1 training program during each
area and the general outlook of the area’s population.
serial, during the Gearing Up phase. The agent is assumed to
pass the final exam, but must pay the program’s full cost and
• Nature, Red in Fang and Claw: Animals may be trained in
spend the program’s full recertification time during the
the field or requisitioned as gear (see pages 17 and the MRD
Gearing Up phase in order to gain its benefits. When a Living
Tables document: Standard-Issue Gear Options, respectively).
Spycraft serial does not specifically mention how much time
Living Spycraft agents may not convert or import animals
is available to the agents during the Gearing Up phase,
from other d20 games.
a maximum of 8 hours are available.
• Presence: An agent must possess the Jet Setter feat in order
The following training programs are available in the Living
to use these rules (see page 41). All remaining presence effects
Spycraft campaign: Agency orientation, air assault training,
are lost at the end of the current serial. For more information
basic airborne training program, basic disguise training, basic
about presence, see the European Commonwealth Chamber
firearms training, basic interrogation training, basic self defense
Book, page 82.
training, coercion resistance training, covert operations
• Rank and Promotion: An agent conceived as part of a U.S. training, cultural immersion training, dive certification, escape
military Armed Force may begin play at any rank up to the and evasion training, first aid certification, “fumigation” train-
maximum rank possible according to his current promotion ing, guerilla warfare training, impersonation training, military
points. operations in urban terrain (MOUT) training, political indoctri-
nation, prisoner handling instruction, psycho-linguistics train-
When one or more military agents are present at the start of
ing, recon and retrofit program, tactical disruption training,
a Living Spycraft session, the players determine the team’s
tactical medicine primer, technical maintenance training, top-
leader during each mission, with the GC resolving the
down entry technique, U.S. Air Force Basic Training program,
situation if the players can’t come to a quick consensus.
U.S. Army Basic Training program, U.S. Coast Guard Basic
A military agent gains the skill check bonuses listed in the Training program, U.S. Marine Corps Boot Camp training pro-
Benefits of Rank and/or Warrant Officer sections only when gram, U.S. Navy Basic Training program, weapon certification
interacting with the U.S. Military. A military agent never gains training, wilderness survival training.
the bonus BP or GP described in these sections, even if every
• “Welcome to the Menagerie”: Animals may be trained in the
agent on the team is part of the same military force.
field or requisitioned as gear (see pages 16 and the MRD Table
The rules in the Disciplinary Action section are not in effect as document, respectively). Living Spycraft agents may not
part of the Living Spycraft campaign. Instead, the GC and convert or import animals from other d20 games.
players are encouraged to utilize the modified isolation rules
The following Spycraft, Shadowforce Archer, and Stargate
when discipline is required, whether from the Agency or from
SG-1 new agent options are not approved for use in Living
the military. Whenever a military agent suffers one or more
Spycraft games at this time.
isolation effects, he also suffers a promotion point penalty as
follows: • Allegiance.
• Backgrounds (including Backgrounds Revisited).
Table 4: Military Isolation
Isolation Condition Promotion Point Penalty* • Chemical Monster Rules.
Administrative Leave –1 • Deathtraps.
Suspension –3 • Fringe/Other Side: Fringe options available in the Living
Disavowed –5 Spycraft campaign are described throughout this document.
Burned Drummed out** • Gadget Creation.
* This penalty is lost when the isolation condition is
• Gear Abuse and Maintenance.
** The agent loses his military status and may never regain • Long-Term Gearing Up.
it. This is tracked in the Certs column of the agent’s career • Mastermind Classes: Though these options may not be
dossier, along with the text: “Drummed Out: Isolation”. chosen by Living Spycraft agents, they are frequently used to
design Living Spycraft NPCs.
The Agency enforces all isolation effects — even those justified
• Mystic World: Some mystic options are available in the Living
as military disciplinary action.
Spycraft campaign, as described throughout this document.
The rules in the Chain of Command section are only in effect
• NPC Classes: Though these options may not be chosen by
when every player at the table is playing a military agent and
Living Spycraft agents, they are frequently used to design
when the GC and every player at the table votes to enforce
Living Spycraft NPCs.
them. Otherwise, they have no effect upon Living Spycraft
play. When in doubt, the GC determines whether any action is • Plate/Power Armor.
ignores or is in direct opposition to a team leader’s orders.
• Psionics.

Living Spycraft MRD
• Reputation. Finally, A Living Spycraft agent may only gain 1 agent level at
the end of each serial, no matter how much XP he’s accumulated.
• Shadownet.
Excess XP is not lost, however — the agent’s total accumulated XP
• Standard Minion Types Revisited: Though these options may carried into his next mission, after which he may, again, only gain
not be chosen by Living Spycraft agents, they are frequently 1 agent level, and so on.
used to design Living Spycraft NPCs. Special Note: It has come to our attention that some GCs are
not awarding serial XP in the proper fashion. The official rule is
Special Note: New rules are covered in a separate section.
that if the agents successfully complete two or more graded
objectives within the same reward tree, they earn the XP for the
highest-grade objective they complete.
AGENT GROWTH Example: A serial’s Rewards section contains the following
reward tree:
The following rules concerning agent growth apply at all
times in the Living Spycraft campaign. A. Killing one or more [enemies]: 50/75/100/125 XP per agent.
B. Capturing one or more [enemies]: 100/150/200/250 XP per
Agent Experience agent.
The Living Spycraft campaign awards experience in the If a first-tier team of agents completes both of these
following ways only: objectives, killing one or more enemies and capturing one or more
enemies, they each earn 100 XP. This is the case even if they kill
• An official Living Spycraft serial — Each agent participating in
every enemy but one, and capture that last enemy.
an official Living Spycraft event earns the same amount —
a precise amount determined by the objectives completed
during play. The GC calculates the amount of XP earned Game Control Experience
according to the Rewards section of the serial played. Living Spycraft wants to reward everyone and anyone who
helps the campaign grow. As such, each time a GC runs a serial,
Special Note: A Living Spycraft agent may gain experience
he gains the following XP, which may be applied to any 1 of his
when playtesting an officially sanctioned global or regional
personal agents:
serial in progress (i.e. one that is written but not edited).
This experience may not be applied to the agent until the • When a GC runs a serial for the first time and has not played
serial is officially released to the public, however — the agent it personally (i.e. he “eats” the serial), he gains a flat 500 XP.
records it on his career dossier as standard, but does not A GC may earn this XP reward only once per serial. This must
factor it into whether he gains a new level at the end of each be tracked in the Certs column of the GC’s career dossier,
serial until the serial releases. Further, any changes made to along with the text: “Lost Serial:”, followed by the serial’s
the serial’s Rewards must be incorporated into the agent’s name and “(+500 XP to ______)”, where ______ is the name
XP gain when it is applied (i.e. if a serial’s XP rewards are of the GC’s agent receiving the XP.
lowered or raised after playtesting but before official release,
Example: “Lost Serial: Agent Down (+500 XP to Donovan)”
the agent must change his XP gain accordingly).
• When a GC runs a serial he has previously played or ran,
• Action dice earned during play in an official Living Spycraft
he gains a flat 200 XP. A GC may earn this XP reward as many
event — The agent gains a flat 25 XP per action die he is
times per serial as he is willing to run it. This must be tracked
awarded during play, and the maximum XP he may gain from
in the Certs column of the GC’s career dossier, along with the
action dice during any 1 serial is limited to 1 die per agent
text: “Event:”, followed by the serial’s name and “(+200 XP to
level he possesses. The agent may still use any action dice he
______)”, where ______ is the name of the GC’s agent receiv-
gains beyond this limit as standard, but is granted no XP for
ing the XP.
earning them.
Example: “Event: Agent Down (+200 XP to Donovan)”
Example: A 4th-level agent may gain experience from up to 4
action dice (100 XP) during any single Living Spycraft serial, In all cases, the GC’s agent dossier must be signed by at least
though he may gain and use any number of action dice 2 of the players participating in the serial, all of whom must
during the same serial. provide their full names and RPGA/other #s, in case later tracking
is required.
• An official Living Spycraft cert — The amount of XP listed on
Special Note: This rule does not apply to serials run prior to
the cert is added directly to the agent’s cumulative XP total.
the release of version 1.5 of the Living Spycraft Master Rules
As yet, we have only released 1 XP cert, at Origins and GenCon
Document (MRD). Our apologies, but trying to go back and track
who ran what, where, and when is just impossible.
A Living Spycraft agent may never gain XP from any other Special Note: A Living Spycraft GC may gain first-run and/or
source. multiple-run experience when playtesting an officially sanctioned
Further, a Living Spycraft GC may never award XP outside the global or regional serial in progress (i.e. one that is written but not
precise numbers provided in an official Living Spycraft serial or edited). This experience may not be applied to the GC’s agent until
cert, or by awarding action dice (and then he may never award the serial is officially released to the public. The GC records it on
more XP than listed earlier in this section, even if he awards more his career dossier as standard, but does not factor it into whether
dice to a single agent during play). he gains a new level at the end of each serial until the serial
Also, though broken up by scene, mission objectives, and releases.
(rarely) the Debriefing phase, all Living Spycraft XP is rewarded
at the serial’s end. Living Spycraft agents may never gain levels

Playing the Game
the enjoyment of his fellow players. For more information
Gaining a Level about isolation certs, see Printed Rules — Faceman/Snoop
Each time an agent gains a level, the player must choose the Class Guide, page 39.
class in which the agent gains the new level. There is no penalty
• Limited: This certificate represents a condition that may only
in Living Spycraft for multi-classing (i.e. mixing levels from
affect the agent once at any given time (e.g. a disease).
different classes).
An agent may only possess 1 of each named limited certificate
A Living Spycraft agent may only gain 1 agent level at the end
at any time. Each additional limited certificate with the same
of each serial, no matter how much XP he’s accumulated. Excess
name is discarded when acquired.
XP is not lost, however — the agent’s total accumulated XP carried
into his next mission, after which he may, again, only gain 1 agent • Minimum Level-X: This certificate is a reward of higher-level
level, and so on. play, and may not be awarded (or traded) to any agent whose
total agent level is lower than the indicated minimum.
Gaining Vitality
• Rare: This certificate represents an extremely rare item,
The number of vitality points a Living Spycraft agent gains
condition, or other benefit (e.g. an item which is known to be
when he rises in level is based on the vitality die of the class in
present in only small numbers across the globe). Only 1 agent
which he gains the new level, as follows:
may benefit from each named rare certificate during each
Die Type Vitality Gained event round. If the agents cannot agree about who gets to use
d8 +5 a named rare certificate, each agent with the same rare
certificate rolls 1d20, adding his agent level, and the agent
d10 +6 with the highest result may either use the certificate or
d12 +7 choose who uses it. Ties are re-rolled.
Example: Donovan gains a level as a soldier (vitality die d12). • Unique: This certificate represents a condition, item, or other
He gains 7 additional vitality points. benefit that is known to be unique in the Living Spycraft
setting (e.g. Agency Assistant Director).
Commendation Certificates Any cert without any of these flags may be possessed and
(or ‘Certs’) used in any quantity during any event round.
Commendation certificates — or ‘certs’ — represent specific All certs must be signed in ink by the awarding Game Control.
prizes or accomplishments a Living Spycraft agent earns during Any unsigned cert must be confiscated and destroyed by the GC
play. The specific use or effect of each certificate is described on of the current round (unless the GC knows for a fact that it’s an
the certificate (or explained as part of the GC’s text in the serial). honest mistake, in which case he may sign it himself).
When an agent receives a certificate, it must be tracked in the
Certs column of the GC’s career dossier, along with the text: Identical Certs
“Cert:”, followed by the cert’s name and any notes or fill-ins
Unless otherwise stated on a cert or in this document, certs
required by the cert.
are not cumulative. That is, when an agent gains two or more
Example: “Cert: Enmity of W.A.R.D.” copies of an identical cert, only one of them applies at any time.
As always, the agent’s sheet must be signed by the GC who
handed the cert out. Important Note
Some certs are flagged with rules-specific qualities, as follows: When an agent completes a serial without gaining certs or
lingering agent options or effects that are recorded in the Certs
• Accomplishment: This certificate type represents a particular
section of his career dossier, the GC or player must draw a line
accomplishment and may not be traded to or used by any
cleanly through the box in pen.
agent except the agent to whom it is originally awarded.
Accomplishment certs rarely affect play directly, but rather
serve as triggers for events during later missions. Trading Certificates
Certificates may only be traded between players, never
• Cumulative: The effects of this certificate are cumulative.
between agents controlled by the same player.
Unless otherwise stated in the specific cert description, when
Once traded away, each certificate may never be traded back
an agent gains more than 1 copy of this cert, he is subject to
to the same player, ever.
the combined effects of all copies of this cert in his possession.
Example: Simon trades 1 of Donovan’s certs to Steve. That cert
Example: An agent possesses 2 copies of the Enmity of
may thereafter be traded to another player, but may never be
W.A.R.D. cert, each of which inflicts a –3 penalty with Bluff,
traded back to Simon. If the cert is later traded to a third player,
Diplomacy, and Gather Information checks targeting
it may never be traded back to either Simon or Steve, and so on.
characters loyal to W.A.R.D. The agent suffers a –6 penalty
under these circumstances. When a certificate is traded, it must be tracked in the Certs
column of the GC’s career dossier, along with the text: “Traded
• Finite: This certificate type features a number of check boxes
Cert:”, followed by the name of the cert, then the name of the
(possibly as few as one). One of these boxes is marked off in
trading player and the name of the receiving player, in that order,
ink each time the certificate is used. A finite certificate with
in parentheses.
all check boxes filled is permanently expended and may no
longer be used in any future serials. Example: “Traded Cert: Enmity of W.A.R.D. (Simon to Steve).”
• Isolation: This certificate represents a negative sanction placed The agent’s sheet must be signed by the GC who observed the
upon the agent by his Agency, usually due to breaking basic trade, as well as both trading players.
tenets of the global intelligence network or interfering with

Living Spycraft MRD
The Living Spycraft Agent Level Restrictions
Hall of Heroes As of v1.7 of this document, Living Spycraft’s agent level
When a Living Spycraft agent dies, or gains his 20th agent restrictions have changed, as follows.
level, he is eligible to be submitted into the Living Spycraft Hall of
• Each agent’s ‘natural tier range’ is defined as within 2 levels
Heroes, a section of the Living Spycraft home page that will
of his current agent level (e.g. a 6th-level agent has a natural
appear soon.
tier range of 4–8).
In either case, the player should either send in a photocopy or
a legible computer scan of his agent sheet to the following: • Tables may be formed with agents of any level. The agents at
each table must collectively agree to play the current serial at
Alderac Entertainment Group
a printed play tier (i.e. first-tier, second-tier, third-tier, or
ATTN: Living Spycraft Hall of Heroes
4045 Guasti Rd. #212
Ontario, CA 91761 • When an agent’s natural play tier range includes the chosen
play tier level, he plays the serial without modification.
Example: An agent’s natural tier range is 4–8. He chooses to
Feel free to include up to 1 brief paragraph about your agent,
play a serial at second-tier (target average agent level 7).
and/or how he died (if appropriate). We’ll strive to include as much
He plays without modification.
information as we can in his eulogy/retirement announcement.
• Any agent 3 or more levels higher than the chosen play tier
Please be patient when you send in your agent. It may take up
level may choose to “tier down” to the chosen play tier.
to a month to update this section of our website.
This grants the GC 1 bonus action die per level of difference
between the agent’s natural tier range and the chosen play
tier level.
PLAYING Example: An agent’s natural tier range is 4–8. He chooses to
THE GAME play a serial at first-tier (target average agent level 2). The GC
gains 2 bonus action dice at the start of the serial.
This section addresses standard Living Spycraft play rules, • Any agent 3 or more levels lower than the chosen play tier
and issues that may arise during play. level may choose to “tier up” to the chosen play tier.
This grants the agent 1 bonus action die per 2 levels of
Living Spycraft Contacts, difference between the agent’s natural tier range and the
Forum, and FAQ chosen play tier level. The agent does not gain any XP
for these bonus action dice, nor are these bonus dice counted
If any of your questions are not answered by this document,
in the calculation to determine the GC’s starting action dice.
please feel free to drop by the official Living Spycraft forum…
Example: An agent’s natural tier range is 4–8. He chooses to
play a serial at third-tier (target average agent level 12).
The forum contains the official FAQ, serial release information, He gains 2 action dice at the start of the serial.
event descriptions, and one of the most informative, fun-loving
• If the agent’s natural tier is lower than the lowest available
gaming crowds on the internet.
play tier for a serial, he may play at the lowest play tier by
Alternately, you could consult the official Living Spycraft FAQ “tiering up” as described earlier in this section.
directly at the following URL…
• Each agent gains XP at the chosen play tier or their natural tier, whichever is lower. This means that some agents at the
table may gain different XP for the same event.
If all else fails, drop a line to your Regional Branch Director…
Example: An agent’s natural tier range is 4–8 and he plays a
Australia: Pending.
serial at the first-tier (target average agent level 2). He tiers
Canada: Angus Chan ( or Michael
up, gaining the serial’s first-tier XP reward.
Yingbull (
France: Christophe Mouchel ( Example 2: Following the previous example, the same agent
Germany: Arne Reuter ( plays the same serial at the second-tier (target average agent
United Kingdom: Megan Robertson ( level 7). He gains the serial’s first-tier XP reward.
or Dave McAlister (
Example 3: Following the previous two examples, the same
United States: Adam Stein ( or Patrick
agent plays the same serial at third-tier or fourth-tier (target
Kapera (
average agent levels 12 or 17, respectively). He gains the
serial’s first-tier XP reward, which falls within his natural tier
Minimum Agents Per Table range.
Unlike standard RPGA-sanctioned events, Living Spycraft may
be played with three (3) to six agents per table. This rule
supercedes any instances of four to six agents in official
documents (including serials).
This may create conflicts with RPGA reporting, for which AEG
and the Living Spycraft Branch Directors are not responsible and
cannot help. All players must agree to risk not losing RPGA
credit for the serial when before starting play at a table hosting
3 agents.

Playing the Game
Enforcing the Rules
RPGA Die Bumps and When a player is found to be breaking the rules, it should be
Other Certs everyone’s first instinct that he’s merely misinformed. The GC and
Official RPGA die bumps and other formally universal RPGA all players should make an effort to help less knowledgeable play-
benefits are sanctioned for use in Living Spycraft, save those with ers come to task with the rules, and learn from their mistakes.
obvious genre-based conflicts (e.g. bonuses to spell use, turning In the unfortunate event that a player is caught cheating,
undead, etc.). the GC should make every effort to discreetly resolve the situation
When an RPGA die bump or another RPGA benefit grants an at the event, taking the player aside (preferably under the guise of
action point or another randomly rolled numerical bonus, it something in-game, like something the player’s agent spotted),
always grants 1 action die of the agent’s standard type — even if and politely correcting him.
the RPGA die bump or benefit lists a higher die type or value. When a player is known to persistently circumvent the rules,
one or more of the GCs involved should contact their Regional
Example: Donovan, a 4th-level soldier, uses the GenCon 2002
Branch Director for instructions (see page 35 for a list of Regional
D20 Modern bonus button, which grants him a bonus action point
Branch Directors and their email addresses).
(+1d6) to any 1 roll. He gains +1d4 to 1 roll in Living Spycraft.
A GC is permitted to eject chronic troublemakers, but should
Further, XP is never gained from any RPGA die bump or other only do so under the most dire circumstances, in which the
benefit, even if the die bump or benefit is written to grant bonus offending player will ruin the game for everyone if he stays. Any
experience. Thus, gaining an additional action point/die from an GC who takes such drastic measures should contact his Regional
RPGA die bump or benefit grants the bonus, but not the associate Branch Director at the first available opportunity and report the
XP a Living Spycraft agent gains when he earns an action die incident.
during play. Special Note: In most cases, player and agent behavior can be
Finally, each agent may use no more than to 1 RPGA-sanc- kept in line using the isolation rules (see page 39). Reporting and
tioned bonus per session/round per 5 agent levels he possesses. ejection should only be considered when players intentionally
Thus, a 3rd-level Living Spycraft agent may use only 1 RPGA- cheat, spoiling the game for other players.
sanctioned bonus per session/round, while a 14th-level Living
Spycraft agent may use up to 3 RPGA-sanctioned bonuses per Reporting Heroism
Shortly, hopefully in the next MRD update, we’ll be instituting
If a question arises concerning a specific RPGA benefit, the GC
a system whereby acts of selfless heroism are rewarded amongst
has ultimate authority (though questions may be directed to the
the online Living Spycraft community. Watch future versions of
Living Spycraft Board of Directors, as standard).
this document, and the Living Spycraft website, for details.

Living Spycraft-Specific On Decorum

Rules While Living Spycraft is a game about cloak and dagger
The following rules are in effect at all times when playing
mischief, and the agents are routinely tasked with all manner of
Living Spycraft, and supercede all rules stated elsewhere when a
secret mayhem, it’s still important that no one ‘cross the line’
conflict arises.
(especially during convention and in-store play where underage
children may be present). Please be courteous of those around you
Spycraft Errata and avoid gratuitous descriptions of potentially questionable
Unless otherwise specified within this document, all Spycraft activities (including but not limited to theft and assassination).
errata is in effect at all times. The official Spycraft errata Further, Living Spycraft players are expected to conduct
document is available at the following URL: themselves honestly and to be considerate of the rest of the Living
Spycraft community. Massive scale games such as this are only
possible if everyone strives to reach a common ground. Should any
disputes arise that cannot be resolved with a minimum of fuss,
Limited-Use Abilities contact your Regional Branch Director for a recommendation.
and Feats Have fun!
Many Spycraft and Shadowforce Archer abilities and feats
indicate they may be used a fixed number of times per session. Printed Rules
Each 4-hour Living Spycraft round is considered 1 session for this
The following sections detail which printed Spycraft rules are
purpose. During continuous events that require 2 or more rounds
used to run the campaign. All GCs and players are required to
to play, each agent may begin to use such limited-use abilities
adopt and adhere to these rules at all times.
and feats after the final encounter of each 4-hour period (as if
beginning a new session). Unused limited-use abilities and feats
do not carry over to later rounds. Spycraft
Espionage Handbook
Playing Multiple Agents All rules in the Spycraft Espionage Handbook are approved for
use in Living Spycraft games, with the following exceptions and
A player may maintain as many Living Spycraft agents as he
likes at any time, though no player may participate in any single
serial more than once (it’s therefore impossible that two or more • Chapter 4 — Action Dice (page 99): During continuous
of any player’s agents play the same serial as well). events that require 2 or more rounds to play, the GC and each
agent discard all remaining action dice and refresh to their
standard starting supply after the final encounter of each
4-hour period.

Living Spycraft MRD
• Chapter 5 — Gearing Up (page 104): The agents may When the team requisitions a vehicle, the team has access to
requisition standard-issue gear from any approved source a like vehicle in every scene through to the end of the current
(see page 24). The agents may only requisition standard-issue serial (even if subsequent scenes take place on different
weapons from the Modern Arms Guide and later books as continents). Some serials may restrict the agents from
described earlier in this document (see page 26) — Living requisitioning certain vehicles or limit the agents to only a
Spycraft agents may never choose weapons from the Spycraft small number of vehicles. This is a facet of the serial, not a
Espionage Handbook. general Living Spycraft rule.
At the beginning of each serial, each agent may requisition • Chapter 6 — Combat (page 156): The Living Spycraft
gear as described on page 104 of the Spycraft Espionage campaign utilizes the fluid initiative system presented on page
Handbook. The Gearing Up (and planning) phase may never 9 of the Modern Arms Guide, not the standard initiative
take longer than 30 minutes per session (or an amount of time system presented in the Spycraft Espionage Handbook.
noted in the serial text). The GC should move on to the If the GC and every player at a table decides to use the
serial’s first scene immediately at this point, after which no classic Spycraft initiative system instead, they may, however.
additional gear choices may be made before the action begins. If the GC or even one player objects, the fluid initiative system
Gear choices made after the Gearing Up phase are subject to remains in effect.
the standard Spycraft rules for requisitioning gear in the field
• Chapter 9 — Game Control Tools, Action Dice (page 226):
(see the Spycraft Espionage Handbook, page 106).
The GC gains no XP when he gains action dice, or based on the
Each serial’s mission budget is based on its starting threat number of action dice he possesses at the end of a serial.
code. If a serial’s threat code rises during play, each agent
• Chapter 9 — Game Control Tools, Rewards (page 239):
gains the difference between the bonus mission budgets of
All Living Spycraft XP rewards are determined by the serial, not
the old and new threat codes.
the guidelines presented in the Spycraft Espionage Handbook.
Living Spycraft agents do not roll randomly when determining
• Chapter 9 — Game Control Tools, Designing New Gadgets
their mission budget and field expenses. Instead, each Living
(page 240): These rules do not apply in Living Spycraft.
Spycraft agent is assumed to roll a ‘7’ for both purposes.
• Chapter 9 — Game Control Tools, Mastermind System
Some serials feature one or more scenes before the Gearing
(page 242): Living Spycraft serials are designed for use with
Up phase. During these early encounters, Living Spycraft
the Mastermind System, but only to facilitate home games.
agents do not benefit from mission budget (but retain their
The Mastermind System is not approved for use in the Living
personal gear).
Spycraft campaign.
Some serials also permit the agents to exchange some or all of
• Chapter 9 — The Disposition System (page 269): When a
their mission budget after the Gearing Up phase. This is a facet
serial does not expressly set an NPC’s starting disposition,
of the serial, not a general Living Spycraft rule.
the NPC’s starting disposition is assumed to be neutral.
All gear and gadgets requisitioned for, or acquired during, The GC may set the NPC’s disposition to either friendly or
a mission is automatically returned to the Agency at the end unfriendly at his discretion.
of each serial (with the exception of expendable items as
Further, even when an agent scores a a critical success with his
described later in this section). This includes all items acquired
disposition check or otherwise permanently adjusts an NPC’s
during the Gearing Up phase, as well as those requisitioned in
disposition toward him, all dispositions reset to their starting
play or purchased with field expenses.
grades at the end of each serial. An NPC’s disposition toward
Expendable items that are part of an agent’s personal gear an agent may never permanently change unless the agent
(such as flares and ammunition) — as well as personal gear gains a certificate that expressly states otherwise.
that is lost or stolen during a serial — are replaced at the end
of each serial. 1960s Decade Book
• Chapter 5 — Gadgets (page 105): Unless otherwise stated in Only the following rules in the 1960s Decade Book are
a serial’s text, when the agents are gearing up or requisition- approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following
ing gadgets in the field, no single gadget they requisition may exceptions and modifications:
cost more than a number of GP equal to 3 + the team’s aver-
• Chapter 7 — Gambling Revisited (page 176): These rules are
age agent level divided by 4 (rounded down, minimum 0).
approved for use in the Living Spycraft campaign, either
Some serials may include a list of gadgets costing 4 or more according to official serial text or per the GC’s discretion.
GP that are approved by the Agency for use during that
• Chapter 7 — Seduction Revisited (page 183): These rules —
mission only, and some serials may permit the agents to
including the optional seduction quality — are approved for
requisition any gadget costing up to a set number of GP,
use in the Living Spycraft campaign, either according to
or may even lift the GP maximum altogether. This is a facet of
official serial text or per the GC’s discretion. The rules for
the serial, not a general Living Spycraft rule.
using disposition in the Living Spycraft campaign still apply
• Chapter 5 — Vehicles (page 147): The agents may (see page 38).
only requisition vehicles from the Soldier/Wheelman Class
Guide and later books as described earlier in this document
(see page 31) — Living Spycraft agents may never choose
vehicles from the Spycraft Espionage Handbook (though
vehicular gadgets may be chosen from the Spycraft
Espionage Handbook with only a few exceptions and
modifications — again, see page 31).

Playing the Game
• Chapter 7 — Long-Term Contacts (page 186): These rules • Chapter 7 — Stress (page 187): These rules are approved for
are approved for use in the Living Spycraft campaign, with the use in the Living Spycraft campaign, either according to
following exceptions and modifications. official serial text or per the GC’s discretion. All stress effects
are lost at the end of each serial unless unless the agent gains
A Living Spycraft agent need not designate a previously
a certificate that expressly states otherwise.
encountered character as a long-term contact; instead, he
may simply choose to acquire a long-term contact whenever
he gains a new level, devoting 1 or more skill points to the Agency Sourcebook
acquisition as standard. The agent may only gain long-term None of the rules in the Agency Sourcebook are approved for
contacts when he gains a level, and may only choose long- use in Living Spycraft games, except for agent options allowed
term contacts from the Specialists and Street Contacts section elsewhere in this document.
of the Fixer/Pointman Class Guide (see page 81 of that book).
The following costs supercede the costs described in the Battlegrounds Sourcebook
standard rules: None of the rules in the Battlegrounds Sourcebook are
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, except for agent
Contact Relationship Cost Disposition*
options allowed elsewhere in this document.
Information sharing (level 1) 1 Friendly
Exchange of favors (level 2) 2 Helpful
Field assistance (level 3) 3 Ally Faceman/Snoop Class Guide
* Rather than act as a prerequisite, a long-term contact’s dispo- Only the following rules in the Faceman/Snoop Class Guide
sition toward the agent is determined by the chose relationship. are approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following
exceptions and modifications:
A Living Spycraft agent may later upgrade a long-term
contact’s relationship and disposition when he gains each • Chapter 2 — Jury-Rig and Elbow Grease (page 40):
additional level, by spending a number of skill points equal to These actions may be undertaken by any Living Spycraft agent
the difference between the contact’s current relationship and possessing the listed class abilities, but all improved gear and
the desired new relationship. vehicles are lost at the end of each serial.
When an agent acquires a long-term contact, it must be • Chapter 2 — Multitasking (page 43): These rules are
tracked in the Certs section of his career dossier, along with approved for use in the Living Spycraft campaign, either
the text: “Long-Term Contact:,” followed by the contact’s according to official serial text or per the GC’s discretion.
name and his Specialists and Street Contacts statistics block in
• Chapter 2 — Skill Check Caps (page 56): These gear options
may be chosen by any Living Spycraft agent, but all improved
Example: “Long-Term Contact: Frederick Forth (activist)”. gear is lost at the end of each serial.
Each time a long-term contact is brought into play, he gains • Chapter 2 — More Power! (page 58): These rules are
the statistics block in the Specialists and Street Contacts approved for use in the Living Spycraft campaign, either
section that is closest to and lower than the current serial’s according to official serial text or per the GC’s discretion.
target average agent level.
• Chapter 3 — Forensics (page 68): These rules are approved
Example: Donovan possesses an activist long-term contact. for use in the Living Spycraft campaign, either according to
During a level 6 serial, the activist gains the 7th-level statis- official serial text or per the GC’s discretion.
tics block (as 7th level is closer to level 6 than 3rd level, and
• Chapter 3 — Interrogation and Interviews (page 74): These
11th level exceeds the current serial’s target average agent
rules are approved for use in the Living Spycraft campaign,
either according to official serial text or per the GC’s discre-
Long-term contacts are always under the GC’s control tion.
(though the agent summoning each long-term contact is
• Chapter 3 — Profiling (page 69): These rules are approved
expected to provide instructions and orders, within the limits
for use in the Living Spycraft campaign, either according to
provided in the standard Long-Term Contacts section).
official serial text or per the GC’s discretion.
Long-term contacts possess basic gear related to their career
• Chapter 3 — Records (page 78): These rules are approved for
or focus totaling no more than a number of BP equal to 2 ×
use in the Living Spycraft campaign, either according to
the summoning agent’s total agent level (usually, but not
official serial text or per the GC’s discretion.
always, including the gear outlined in the Specialists and
Street Contacts section). The GC chooses all gear carries by • Chapter 3 — Surveillance (page 80): These rules are
any long-term contact. approved for use in the Living Spycraft campaign, either
according to official serial text or per the GC’s discretion.
Once acquired, a long term contact may never be lost — even
if a contact is killed during a serial, he is replaced by an • Chapter 4 — Handoffs (page 94): These rules are approved
identical specimen at the start of the following serial. for use in the Living Spycraft campaign, either according to
Consequently, a Living Spycraft agent may never regain skill official serial text or per the GC’s discretion.
points spent to acquire a long-term contact.
• Chapter 4 — Area Pursuits (page 95): These rules are
Finally, a long-term contact may never be overextended in approved for use in the Living Spycraft campaign, either
the Living Spycraft campaign. according to official serial text or per the GC’s discretion.

Living Spycraft MRD
• Chapter 4 — Persuasion (page 102): These rules are won’t be missed if killed in the line of duty. A burned agent’s
approved for use in the Living Spycraft campaign, either best option is to keep his head down, stay out of the limelight,
according to official serial text or per the GC’s discretion. and help his teammates enough to justify 1 or more improve-
The rules for using disposition in the Living Spycraft campaign ment commendations, as described later in this section.
still apply (see page 38).
When an agent already possessing 4 isolation grades gains
• Chapter 4 — Cover Identities (page 105): The agents may another isolation grade, the new isolation grade is ignored.
requisition cover identities as standard-issue gear in the Living
Though these isolation conditions infer that the agent is
Spycraft campaign (see the MRD Tables document: Standard-
removed from active duty, he in fact remains on the active
Issue Gear Options).
operative roster and may continue to participate in missions
• Chapter 4 — Identity Theft (page 106): These rules are (i.e. play in serials) as he wishes. In fact, this is the only way he
approved for use in the Living Spycraft campaign, either may reduce and eliminate isolation conditions, as described
according to official serial text or per the GC’s discretion. later in this section.
• Chapter 4 — Isolation (page 108): The isolation rules are Likewise, an agent may gain improvement commendations,
used in the Living Spycraft campaign in three circumstances, which represent his efforts to better his behavior or results in
as follows. the field. An agent gains improvement commendations by
merely completing serials without incident. At the end of any
When an agent fails to slip a restricted weapon or item
serial during which an agent possessing 1 or more isolation
through Agency channels, or an agent successfully slips a
grades gains no new isolation grades, the GC or any agent may
restricted weapon or item through Agency channels and his
choose to award him 1 improvement commendation.
insubordination is later discovered, the agent gains 1 grade of
If at least 1/2 the players present agree with the decision
isolation. For more information about defying the home office
(rounded up), the targeted agent gains 1 improvement
in this fashion, see page 23.
At the end of any serial during which an agent acts reprehen-
When an agent possessing no isolation grades gains 1
sibly (e.g. commits unwarranted acts of murder, torture,
isolation grade, he also gains the corresponding isolation cert
depravity, etc.), blatantly ignores standard Agency protocol
(see later in this section and page 39). Each isolation cert fea-
(e.g. unnecessarily reveals his employers to the public, allows
tures two columns of check boxes. The leftmost column rep-
known criminals or killers to go loose without an order or
resents the number of isolation grades the agent has accumu-
imminent need, etc.), or blatantly defies an Agency order or
lated, while the rightmost column represents the number of
mission objective, the GC or any agent may choose to impose
improvement commendations the agent has received.
1 grade of isolation. If at least 1/2 the players present agree
with the decision (rounded up), the targeted agent gains 1 All isolation and improvement commendations must be
grade of isolation. tracked in the Certs column of the agent’s career dossier,
along with the text: “Isolation Grade +1” or “Improvement
At the end of any serial during which the agents fail all of the
Commendation +1”.
mission objectives, the GC may choose to impose 1 grade of
isolation. If at least 1 player present agrees with the GC’s At the end of any serial, when an agent possesses more
decision, each agent at the table gains 1 grade of isolation. isolation grades than improvement commendations, he is
considered to possess a number of isolation grades equal to
When an agent gains his first grade of isolation, he is assumed
the difference between the two, and begins the next serial
to be on administrative leave, and suffers all the effects of
suffering from the corresponding isolation condition.
that condition. For each grade of isolation he gains thereafter,
he suffers all the effects of more severe isolation conditions, Example: At the end of a serial, Donovan has accumulated
as follows. 2 isolation grades and 1 improvement commendation.
He is considered to possess 1 isolation grade and begins the
Table 5: Isolation Grades following serial suffering from administrative leave.
Isolation Grades Isolation Condition* At the end of any serial, when an agent possesses an equal
1 Administrative Leave number of isolation grades and improvement commendations,
2 Suspension or more improvement commendations than isolation grades,
he loses the cert and stops suffering the effects of isolation
3 Disavowed
conditions (though he may still gain isolation grades during
4 Burned later serials, as described here).
* An agent may never suffer from the retirement isolation
Example: Continuing the previous example, at the end of the
condition as a result of isolation grades. following serial, Donovan has accumulated 2 isolation grades
and 2 improvement commendations. He loses his isolation cert
For more information about each isolation condition and its
and stops suffering from the effects of isolation (for now).
effects, see the Faceman/Snoop Class Guide, page 108.
An agent may never gain more than 1 isolation grade or
When an isolation condition prevents an agent from requisi-
1 improvement commendation per serial. All subsequent
tioning any type of gear, that agent’s BPs may not be spent to
isolation grades and improvement commendations gained
requisition that type of gear — even if the BPs are traded or
during the same serial are ignored.
given to another agent.
The decision to impose isolation is subjective, and should be
The GC is within his rights to use law enforcement and other
imposed only when an agent or team is obviously at fault.
NPCs to harry or even hunt down burned agents. An agent
Abuses of this system should be immediately reported to the
who possesses 4 isolation grades is a serious liability, and
region’s Branch Director.

Playing the Game
• Chapter 4 — Communications and Electronic Warfare • Chapter 3 — Blackmail and Coercion (page 77): These
(page 110): These rules are approved for use in the Living actions may be undertaken by any Living Spycraft agent or
Spycraft campaign, either according to official serial text or NPC, but all blackmail and coercion effects are lost at the end
per the GC’s discretion. of each serial.
• Chapter 4 — Intelligence Resources (page 113): The agents • Chapter 4 — Villain Core Abilities (page 102): These actions
may requisition intelligence resources in the field using may be undertaken by any Living Spycraft villain, without
gadget points, per the standard Spycraft rules. exception or modification.
• Chapter 4 — Advanced Cryptography (page 120): • Chapter 4 — New Security Options (page 116): These serial
These rules are approved for use in the Living Spycraft options are approved for use in the Living Spycraft campaign,
campaign, either according to official serial text or per the either according to official serial text or per the GC’s
GC’s discretion. discretion.

Fixer/Pointman Class Guide Gentlemen’s Agreement

Only the following rules in the Fixer/Pointman Class Guide Season Book
are approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following Only the following rules in the Gentlemen’s Agreement
exceptions and modifications: Season Book are approved for use in Living Spycraft games,
with the following exceptions and modifications:
• Chapter 2 — New Fixer Special Ability Options (page 43):
These agent options are available to any Living Spycraft fixer • Appendix — Volcano Rules (page 82): These rules are
possessing his class’s special ability, without exception or approved for use in the Living Spycraft campaign, either
modification. according to official serial text or per the GC’s discretion.
• Chapter 2 — New Pointman Cross-Class Ability Options
(page 44): These agent options are available to any Living Mastermind Sourcebook
Spycraft pointman possessing his class’s cross-class ability, Only the following rules in the Mastermind Sourcebook are
with exceptions and modifications applying to each listed approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following
class ability as described in the appropriate sections of this exceptions and modifications:
• Chapter 1 — Snitches (page 13): Unless specified within a
• Chapter 2 — Agency-Issued Clothing (page 47): These rules serial, each minion’s knowledge is assumed to be average.
are approved for use in the Living Spycraft campaign, either
• Chapter 1 — “Welcome to the Menagerie” (page 16):
according to official serial text or per the GC’s discretion.
Animals may be trained in the field or requisitioned as gear
• Chapter 2 — Fencing Gear (page 49): This action may be (see pages 16 and the MRD Table document, respectively).
undertaken by any Living Spycraft agent possessing the listed Living Spycraft agents may not convert or import animals
class abilities, but any and all monies gained are lost at the from other d20 games.
end of each serial.
• Chapter 2 — New Villain Core Abilities (page 54): These
Further, when the agents suffer a critical failure, the agents actions may be undertaken by any Living Spycraft villain,
must sacrifice double the intended number of BP (to a without exception or modification.
minimum remaining team BP of 0). A critical failure with a
fencing attempt has no effect upon the agents’ mission Modern Arms Guide
budget during following serials.
All rules in the Modern Arms Guide are approved for use
• Chapter 3 — Ambushes and Chase Ambushes (page 60): in Living Spycraft games, with the following exceptions and
These rules are approved for use in the Living Spycraft modifications:
campaign, either according to official serial text or per the
• Chapter 1 — New Skill Descriptions/Upgrading Gear and
GC’s discretion.
Masterwork Modifications (page 6): Living Spycraft agents
• Chapter 3 — Harassment (page 63): This action may be may not requisition gear with masterwork modifications.
undertaken by any Living Spycraft agent or NPC, but all The only way for Living Spycraft agents to obtain masterwork
harassment effects are lost at the end of each serial. items and modified gear is by performing masterworks
modifications as described in the Spycraft Modern Arms
• Chapter 3 — Interrogation (page 66): These rules are
Guide (see pages 16).
approved for use in the Living Spycraft campaign, either
according to official serial text or per the GC’s discretion. Further, when a published and approved item, weapon, gad-
get, or vehicle features built-in qualities and modifications,
• Chapter 3 — Police Action (page 68): These rules are
the item and all of its qualities and modifications are
approved for use in the Living Spycraft campaign, either
considered one unit for the purpose of determining cost.
according to official serial text or per the GC’s discretion.
The agent need not devote additional BP to keep the item as
• Chapter 3 — Taking to the Streets (page 71): These actions part of his personal budget.
may be undertaken by any Living Spycraft agent, but all long-
• Chapter 1 — Fluid Initiative (page 9): The fluid initiative
term effects are lost at the end of each serial. The specialist
rules are the default in the Living Spycraft campaign, though
statistics beginning on page 81 are also approved for use in
an event round may choose to use the standard Spycraft
the Living Spycraft campaign.
initiative rules instead. This choice must be unanimous —
if the GC or any player objects, the fluid initiative rules are

Living Spycraft MRD
• Chapter 1 — Morale (page 12): The morale rules are not in Hand of Glory Book
use in the Living Spycraft campaign unless prompted by an None of the rules in the Hand of Glory Threat Book are
approved rule or official serial text. NPC reactions are either approved for use in Living Spycraft games, except for agent
described within serial text or left to the GC’s discretion. options allowed elsewhere in this document.
• Chapter 1 — Quick N’ Dirty Masterwork Items (page 16):
These rules are not approved for use in the Living Spycraft Pan-Asian Collective
campaign. Chamber Book
Only the following rules in the Pan-Asian Collective Chamber
• Chapter 5 — Recoil (page 56): The recoil rules are
Book are approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the
mandatory, not optional, in the Living Spycraft campaign.
following exceptions and modifications:

Modern Arms Guide • Chapter 3 — Cover Identities (page 60): The agents may
Expansion: Volume I (PDF) requisition cover identities as standard-issue gear in the Living
Spycraft campaign (see the MRD Tables document: Standard-
All rules in the Modern Arms Guide Expansion: Volume I are
Issue Gear Options).
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, without exception or
Shop Threat Book
Soldier/Wheelman None of the rules in the Shop Threat Book are approved for
Class Guide use in Living Spycraft games, except for agent options allowed
elsewhere in this document.
All rules in the Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide are approved
for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following exceptions
and modifications: Stargate SG-1 Rulebook
None of the rules in the Stargate SG-1 Rulebook are approved
• Chapter 3 — Races and Gambling (page 57): This action
for use in Living Spycraft games, except for agent options allowed
may be undertaken by any Living Spycraft agent, but any and
elsewhere in this document.
all monies gained are lost at the end of each serial.

Shadowforce Archer Available Serials

Worldbook Living Spycraft features three types of serials — global serials,
regional serials, and adapted serials — as follows.
None of the rules in the Shadowforce Archer Worldbook are
At present, all Living Spycraft serials — including global,
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, except for agent
regional, and adapted serials — may be played for XP gain, even
options allowed elsewhere in this document.
if they have expired with the RPGA. In the future, we may remove
certain serials from XP circulation, but this is not the case at
African Alliance present.
Chamber Book
Only of the rules in the African Alliance Chamber Book are Global Serials
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with the following Official Living Spycraft events are designated either premieres
exceptions and modifications: or archive events, as follows.
• Nature, Red in Fang and Claw: Animals may be trained in • A premiere event is a serial that is being run worldwide for
the field or requisitioned as gear (see pages 16 and the MRD the first time. When a player shows up to a Living Spycraft
Table document, respectively). Living Spycraft agents may not premiere event, he plays in the one serial identified in the
convert or import animals from other d20 games. event description. A premiere serial drops into the most
recent, incomplete archive the month after its release.
Archer Foundation • An archive events is a set of up to five serials that have been
Chamber Book around for a while, and which might not have significant draw
None of the rules in the Archer Foundation Chamber Book are on their own. By grouping them together, however, an event
approved for use in Living Spycraft games, except for agent coordinator can satisfy large groups of players who may
options allowed elsewhere in this document. already have played the newest premiere.
When running an archive event, all GCs on hand should be
European Commonwealth familiar with all serials in the archive, allowing any to be run
Chamber Book as needed. When players show up to an archive event, they’re
Only the following rules in the European Commonwealth broken into trams/tables according to the serials they have yet
Chamber Book are approved for use in Living Spycraft games, with to play, and gaming commences as usual.
the following exceptions and modifications:
Alderac Entertainment Group runs events of both types at
• Chapter 3 — Presence (page 83): These actions may be all the larger shows, and ask outside Living Spycraft event
undertaken by any Living Spycraft agent possessing the Jet coordinators to adopt the same system. Drop us a line with any
Setter feat, but all presence effects are lost at the end of each questions. We understand that this can be a lot of work, however,
serial. The rules for using disposition in the Living Spycraft and so we are happy if archive serials are scheduled by name as
campaign still apply (see page 39). well (it’s just not as effective for campaign growth).
• Chapter 3 — New Disposition Grades (page 86): These rules
are approved for use in the Living Spycraft campaign, either
according to official serial text or per the GC’s discretion.

Terrortory Season
The current global serial release schedule may be viewed at Agent Options
the following URL…
1. Several new agent options will become available during the Terrortory season, including allegiance. The GC can provide
details as they enter play (GCs can find this material in the
All global serials are available from the RPGA and at the
Terrortory season section of the MRD GC document).
Downloads page of the official Living Spycraft website… Serials
1. Serials released from February to July 2004 will be marked
Serials typically arrive at the official site much more quickly
with a “Terrortory” label, indicating that they are events in this
than at the RPGA, so you might want to check there first.
storyline season. Except for adjustments and new material
Regional Serials mentioned in each serial, and the following restrictions, all
standard rules for Living Spycraft play apply when running
The following serials are expressly designed for use with Living
one of these serials.
Spycraft, but often involve distinctly regional flavor and ongoing
storylines in which the agents may affect the course of events 2. All serials run from 01/01/04 to 08/31/05 are automatically
within the region, and beyond. Regional serials offer up to 1/2 the part of the Terrortory season, even if they don’t bear the
standard XP rewards of a global serial with the same target Terrortory label. When running a serial without the Terrortory
average agent level, and are distributed through each region’s tag during this period, the GC will provide additional context
Living Spycraft website pages, which can be reached from the about the serial’s place in the Terrortory storyline (GCs can
following URL… find this material in each serial and in the Terrortory season
section of the MRD GC document).
3. As much as possible, we’ve avoided restricting the serials in
Adapted Serials which players can participate as a result of this storyline.
However, three restrictions do exist, as follows.
Additionally, several serials originally released as print
products, promotional items, and for other campaigns are now • An agent may not play Nest after playing either Operation
available for Living Spycraft play, as follows. Snow Pigeon or any Terrortory serial.
• An agent may not play Operation Snow Pigeon after playing
• Back to Basics (online serial).
any Terrortory serial.
• Flashpoint (online serial).
• An agent may not play Nest, Operation Snow Pigeon, or any
• Gentlemen’s Agreement Season Book (published book). Terrortory serial after playing Revolution, the final Terrortory
• One Minute to Midnight (online serial).
• The Panacea Gambit (online serial). Campaign Conclusion
All online serials on this list are available at the following URL:
1. A new Living Spycraft campaign will begin on 9/01/05. Details about this campaign will be released in a forthcoming edition
of the Master Rules Document (MRD).

Beginning in December 2004, Living Spycraft is entering a
new phase of play. From this point forward, all Living Spycraft
events become part of a dedicated storyline season, according to
the real-world date on which they are run.
Each storyline season will push the setting forward, and some
will dramatically alter the play environment as well.
The first storyline season is called “Terrortory” and runs from
12/01/04 to 08/31/05. During this time, the following rules and
additional campaign material apply.

Regional Branches
1. All Regional Branches are separate extensions of the same
umbrella organization, and therefore, all events impacting
“The Agency” during this season affect every Regional Branch
in the same fashion.


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