ISTN3ND Tutorial Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 (Transport Layer and Network Layer)


1. What does the network layer do? Where does it sit in relationship to the other four layers of our
simplified network model?

2. What are the parts of TCP/IP and what do they do? Who is the primary user of TCP/IP?

3. Compare and contrast the three types of addresses used in a network.

4. What are the different classes of Internet addresses and how are they different?

5. What is a subnet and why do networks need them? What is a subnet mask?

6. How does dynamic addressing work? What benefits and problems does dynamic addressing

7. What is address resolution? How does TCP/IP perform address resolution for network layer
addresses? How does TCP/IP perform address resolution for data link layer addresses?

8. What is routing? How does decentralized routing differ from centralized routing? How does static
routing differ from dynamic routing? When would you use static routing? When would you use
dynamic routing? How does static routing differ from dynamic routing? When would you use
static routing? When would you use dynamic routing?

9. What are the differences between connectionless and connection-oriented routing? Discuss this in
detail. When might UDP be used? TCP? What is a virtual circuit? What is Quality of Service
routing and why is it useful?

10. Compare and contrast unicast, broadcast, and multicast messages. Explain how multicasting

11. Explain how the client computer in the LAN figure in the book (Figure 5.15) would obtain the
data link layer address of its subnet gateway.

12. Explain how TCP/IP works in a high level way, using a detailed diagram including the different
roles of TCP vs. IP, and the times at which each function is utilized in the process.

13. List and describe five reasons why TCP/IP has become the predominant protocol for Internet level
transport applications. What do you think is the future market share potential for proprietary
standards? What are some limitations of TCP/IP in terms of future Internet growth capabilities?

14. What is a routing table? What is the simplest form of a routing table?

15. What is a virtual circuit?

16. Suppose a client computer wants to access a web page on a web server. Assume that it knows all
of the IP addresses and data link layer addresses in the network, except those for the web server
itself. Describe how the client would obtain the IP address for the web server.

17. What is ARP and how and why does it work? What is MAC address resolution and how does it

18. Suppose a client computer wants to access a web page on a web server. Assume that it knows all
of the IP addresses and data link layer addresses in the network, except those for the web server
itself. If the web server was on the same subnet as the client, how would the client obtain the data
link layer address for the web server?
19. Under what conditions does decentralized dynamic routing provide better performance than
decentralized static routing?
20. What is DHCP and why would network managers want to use it?
21. What four pieces of information does a computer using TCP/IP need in order to send messages
using TCP/IP. Explain why each of these is required.
22. Suppose your manager asks you to discuss how the company’s backbone network functions in just
about four paragraphs to take to senior management. How would you answer the question?
Discuss two or three major points. Your manager doesn't understand technical terms so be sure to
explain any jargon you use.
23. What is the difference between centralized routing and decentralized routing? What is the
difference between static routing and dynamic routing? What is a distance vector algorithm and
what is a link state algorithm? What is interior routing and what is exterior routing? Define and
describe RIP, OSPF, EIGRP, BGP protocols using these terms.
24. Be able to convert back and forth between binary and decimal notation for IPv4 addresses.
25. Describe how Domain Name Server works and is hierarchically organized. What happens if a
URL is not in a local DNS server?
26. List and describe the three ways that a network manager can connect to a router and configure and
maintain it.
27. Describe how a TCP three-way handshake vulnerability can be exploited.

********* The End ***********

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