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Government College of Engineering,

CA1 - Professional Elective 5- Analog IC Design


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2. Roll Number *

3. PRN Number *

All questions are compulsory.

Multiple Choice Questions

4. What is the voltage gain of given circuit as below *

Mark only one oval.


gm(ro || RD)


5. A MOSFET operates in the ________________ Region when VGS > VGS(th) and VDS
> (VGS- VGS(th)) *

Mark only one oval.





6. Threshold Voltage is negative for *

Mark only one oval.

N Channel Enhancement Type MOSFET

N Channel Depletion Type MOSFET

P Channel Enhancement Type MOSFET

Both B and C

7. In weak inversion, MOSFET follows *

Mark only one oval.

Exponential Characteristics

Linear Characteristics

Square Law

Quadratic Equation
8. The SI unit of the body effect parameter is *

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9. Which simulation command is suitable for plotting sinusoidal waveform in Spice?


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10. Match the following *

Mark only one oval per row.

Low Input Low Output High
Impedance Swing Current Gain

Common Source

Source Follower

Common Gate

Cascode Current
11. Due to body effect, the value of Vth *

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Increases then Decreases

Independent of body Effect

12. Consider the following statements for an MOSFET, Which of the following
statement is correct? *

Mark only one oval.

As channel length reduces, Channel resistance decreases.

As channel length reduces, threshold voltage remains constant

As channel length reduces, ON State Current increases

As channel length reduces, transconductance increases

13. The voltage Gain of Source Follower is less than unity *

Mark only one oval.

Due to Miller Capacitance

Due to Parasitic Capacitance

Due to Body Effect

Due to Short Channel Effect

14. When gate voltage is negative for depletion type nMOS, the direction of Electric
Field due to gate voltage will be *

Mark only one oval.

Metal to Semiconductor

Semiconductor to Metal

Electric Field does not exist.


15. P channel depletion type MOSFET operates *

Mark only one oval.

In enhancement Mode for Positive Value of VGS

In enhancement Mode for VGS < 0 and in depletion mode for VGS > 0

In enhancement Mode for VGS > 0 and in depletion mode for VGS < 0

In depletion mode only

16. Hot carriers are not responsible for *

Mark only one oval.

Carrier Multiplication

Field Ionization

Tunneling Effect

Punch Through Effect

17. The ratio of Iref to Iout is *

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18. Which type of MOSFET exhibits no current at zero gate voltage? *

Mark only one oval.

N Channel Depletion Type

P Channel Depletion Type

N Channel Enhancement Type

Both A and B

19. The Compensation Circuit can be designed by *

Mark only one oval.

R and C

L and C

R and L

R and G
20. What will be the value of Vout? *

Mark only one oval.





21. Cascode Current Mirror Circuit has *

Mark only one oval.

High Output Impedance

High Output Swing

Low Output Impedance

Both A and B
22. Which of the Following is a correct decreasing order of the Current Mirror
circuits according to their output impedance? *

Mark only one oval.

Cascode, Wilson, Source Generated, Simple Current Mirror

Cascode, Source Generated, Simple Current Mirror, Wilson

Wilson, Cascode, Source Generated, Simple Current Mirror

Simple Current Mirror, Source Generated, Cascode, Wilson

23. An N Channel MOSFET and its Transfer Curve is shown in Figure, then the overdrive
voltage is *

Mark only one oval.

1V and the device is in linear region.

3V and the device is in linear region.

1V and the device is in saturation region

3V and the device is in saturation region

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