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surpising amount of wort, relation, and socaing can be ex. ‘wacted fama single wee-heur day. Alackof tine, therefore, Sat rou) to explain why so many shdents fel nerfed Sowhat oes ean tls phenomenen? The answer, 35 tums eu, has Ire more todo with Row we work than what we're yng toa comps ‘As hurmang our minds have eiobed to prefer shoe em tasks such as“tunaay fom that lot or"ebt fod Therefore. when you walkin the Koray ana Sinsy morning with ha gal of fishing lof yourhomework and ving paper your banishappy The “deo of pening ght consecsehout trapped ina ty car dlpeting Pas kes hardto focus forthat ang so pretty soon gue ‘il et in yourconzntation vill wander, and every distraction wi ‘sudenly seem impodsiy appealing, Before you know the day wi be over an you realize that you have accomplished much pro- vetve work a all The next dy, ne asslgnments val pl onto ‘those you did’ rsh on Suny, andthe tedious process tarts all over gain Jason, right A shident fom the Unies of Penna, ses the ter “pseudo iwokg” to dsb this common approach te studying The pseudo oks and feels the sartone who le working hrt—te or she Spends a ln ne te tay nd is rot afd te push on lat Into the ight—but, because of ack ‘of focus and concentration, dees actualy aecomyssh mth Ths ‘bad habs endemic on mest college campus. For example 3t Dartmouth there was a Seton ofthe main iar at was open ‘sen four hows 2 day, al he stents used to ae in here late at night huddle in groups, ulin coffe ant piping about their tarps, were definitely peeudo-vorking, The roommate whe ips though her chem notes onthe couch white wate ng TV omudosnortng The guy who brings tree meal, Blan et and sbepack of fd Bll othe study founge In preparation er a alk ay paper araton is ako pieudo-wocng By acing temsehes i distracting environments and insiting on working ia long Neus stretches, these students ate erpeting ‘heir brain's abiy to thnk ey and ect accomplish the ‘sk a hand The result is itigue headaches and luster ut ‘hebgge problem het that ost students dont even ele ‘tat thee pseudosneking. To ther pseudosvork works ‘ow they've aays doe ai thaw al ofthe ends do everrosts thelr sind tat hee might bea beter way, Stralght- {A tudes, on the other hand, know all about pseudo-work They ‘ear nde good reason ne only wastes ime, butts also men- ‘aly alan, There fost 9 way tobe well-sanced, apy. and cade scaly regula bring thrcugh you fee oursin lng, painful stretches cf ieticent studying, The students intentewed fr this book ermpbasied again and agoln the impor tance of aoiing th tap In fod, when asked what one el Was mostimpetantin becominga ren ind straightAstudent mostof ‘heme bly to get wordone qu and wit minima of wate or Sohaw do these stent achieve tls goa A big part the so- luton timing ey gaa eficency by compressing wor ito fo: use burs To understand the poneraf this approach consider the fol eng frmuta

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