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PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness

1 Lesson 1 – Physical Fitness

Module 2 Physical Fitness

Based on the World Health Oganization (WHO), Health refers to, a state of complete,
physical, mental, and social well-being.

The new definition of health is not only limited to the absence or presence of diseases or
injuries; but rather, it refers to the totality of how you feel and how you react to several
changes within and around you.

The Dimensions of Health

There are three (3) dimensions of health, and these are:

1. Physical Fitness – “Your Body”

Physical Fitness refers to the processes and structure of your body and how it
performs work. It deals with your over physicality and how your body reacts to
loads or stimuli placed upon it during specific situations.

2. Mental Fitness – “Your Mind”

Mental Fitness refers to how well you process and analyze information presented
to you at a given period. Aside from this, mental fitness also guides you to balance
your emotions and feelings based on how you consciously perceive your world.

3. Spiritual Fitness – “Your Spirit”

This last dimension of fitness refers to how you perceive and believe the existence
of things in your environment.

Factors that Affect Health

1. Lifestyle
Lifestyle refers to how you consciously choose to live and manage your well-being.
Among all the other factors that affect health, lifestyle accounts for most of the
common diseases you can obtain because of bad habits.
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
2 Lesson 1 – Physical Fitness

2. Genes/Hereditary Traits
Genes are the inherited traits that you got from your parents. They are deeply rooted
within your DNA and are found within every cell of your living body.

3. Environment
Environment refers to the external surroundings that you find yourself in at a given
time. Where you live and what type of environment you are always exposed to
affects your health and general state of mind.

4. Human Ecologic Interactions

Human Ecologic Interactions is the last contributing factor to a person’s health. It
refers to how you relate and react to factors within your environment. It also
includes how you deal and interact with different kinds of people at a given time.

Wellness refers to having an optimal health and vitality. It is a continuous process of
becoming aware of and making choices towards a more successful existence.

Dimensions of Wellness

1. Physical Wellness
This dimension of wellness is focused on how well you eat, exercise, rest, avoid
harmful habits, get regular checkups, and prevent or protect yourself from obtaining
any unnecessary injuries.

2. Emotional Wellness
The second dimension of wellness is known as Emotional Wellness. This dimension
refers to how you constantly monitor and explore your thoughts and feelings.

3. Mental Wellness
Mental wellness refers to how you maintain an active mind. It is also about how you
continuously seek new challenges and experiences that would help you develop your
critical thinking and creativity.
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
3 Lesson 1 – Physical Fitness

4. Spiritual Wellness
Spiritual wellness is a dimension of wellness that focuses on your possession of
guiding beliefs, principles, and values. These things ultimately give meaning and
purpose to your life. They help shape your morals and how you are as a growing and
maturing individual.

5. Interpersonal and Social Wellness

This dimension of wellness focuses on your ability to build good relationships with
others. It also deals with how well you establish good communication with the people
around you.

6. Environmental/Planetary Wellness
The last dimension of wellness is known as, Environmental or Planetary Wellness.

Behaviors that Contribute to Wellness

As mentioned over and over again in this module, living a healthy and well life is a
constant choice that you should make for yourself every single day.

Here are some behaviors that can help you improve on the different dimensions of

1. Regular physical activity

2. Healthy Diet

3. Maintain a healthy body weight

4. Manage stress effectively

5. Stay away from bad habits

6. Protect yourself from diseases or injuries

Physical Fitness
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
4 Lesson 1 – Physical Fitness

In the past (1970’s), Physical Fitness is defined as: “The ability to meet daily routines
without undue fatigue and still have extra energy left for leisure, recreational
activities, as well as emergency situations.”

Today, Physical Fitness is defined as: “A set of physical attributes that allow
the body to respond or adapt to the demands of stress and physical effort.”

Physical Activity vs. Exercise

Now you know what physical fitness is all about, it is important to know how you can
achieve and maintain it in your life. Physical activity and exercise are the key ingredients
to keeping a physically active and fit lifestyle. Both may seem the same but, their actual
functions are different.

Physical Activity
Physical Activity refers to bodily movements produced by the skeletal muscles. All of these
movements require certain forms of energy expenditure that eventually, produce
progressive health benefits.

Exercise on the other hand, is a type of physical activity that requires planned,
structured, and repetitive bodily movements with the objective of improving one’s
physical fitness. Exercise aims to develop a specific component or several components of
fitness which we will discuss later on in the lessons.

Quiz 1.0

Will be given by the teacher.

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