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Angela Kathryne V.

Colina September 22, 2021

Grade 9- AIR

Activity 4: THE HUMAN HEART (asynchronous activity)

Guide questions:
1. How big is the heart? What is its function?
➢ The heart weighs between 7 and 15 ounces (200 -425 grams) and is
a little larger than the size of your fist. The function of the heart is
to pump enough blood to deliver continuous supply of oxygen and
other nutrients to the brain and the other vital organs in our bodies.
2. How many chambers does a heart have? What are they?
➢ Our heart or a mammal’s heart has 4 chambers. The left and right
atriums (upper chambers), and the left and right ventricles (lower
3. Why are valves important?
➢ Valves are important because it prevents blood from flowing into
different directions.
4. What is an oxygenated blood? Where does it come from?
➢ An oxygenated blood is a blood cell with large percentage of
oxygen and low in carbon dioxide. Oxygenated blood is brought
back to the hear by the pulmonary veins which enter the left
5. What about deoxygenated blood?
➢ Blood that has low oxygen saturation relative to blood leaving the
lungs. It flows towards the heart.

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