Marques 1994

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Computers& Smcrures Vol. 53, No. 2. pp.

449-W 1994
Copyright 0 1994 Elxvier Science Ltd
Pergamon 0045-7949(94)30226-R Printedin Great Britain.All rights reserved
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S. P. C. Marques? and G. J. Creust

TDepartment of Structural Engineering, EES/UFAL, and iDepartment of Civil Engineering,
CPGEC/UFRGS, Av. Oswald0 Aranha, 99 Porto Alegre, 90135-190 RS, Brazil

(Received 25 November 1992)

Abstract-The time-dependent response of polymeric matrix laminated composites subject to mechanical

and hygrothermal loads is considered. The analysis is based on an incremental total Lagrangian
formulation which allows the treatment of finite displacements and small strains. A three-dimensional
degenerated finite element model is employed to analyze the plates and shells. The material is considered
as linear viscoelastic and hygrothermal-rheologially simple. Numerical examples for isotropic and
graphite-epoxy laminated plates and shells are presented.


Fiber-reinforced polymeric matrix composites are Investigations have shown that the mechanical
increasingly used, particularly in the aerospace indus- properties of the commonly used advanced fiber-
try, due to their high mechanical performance, light- reinforced epoxy laminates can be significantly
weight and great flexibility in design. On the other affected by environmental agents [ 1,8]. Temperature
hand it is well known that the mechanical character- changes and moisture absorption in the resin matrix
istics of polymers are significantly affected by en- cause dimensional variations and alter the mechan-
vironmental agents, particularly temperature and ical characteristics of the material, in particular the
humidity [ 11. The time-dependent deformations of resin-dominated properties. Hygrothermal actions in-
polymers increase with both temperature rise and crease the viscoelastic response of the resin matrix
moisture absorption. Hence, to properly account and, consequently, the laminate can exhibit an
for the effect of hygrothermal loads on composite important time-dependent behavior [2].
materials, a viscoelastic model is required [2]. Moisture causes lowering of the glass transition
Few works using the finite element method for temperature of the matrix and also includes a degra-
viscoelastic analysis of composites systems have been dation of the material with time. Graphite fibers,
published in the literature [3,4]. Most available stud- unlike glass fibers, appear not to be affected by
ies are concerned with special cases for which the exposure to moisture [ 1, 51.
classical lamination theory may be applied [2,5]. In The resin matrix absorbs moisture directly from
this paper, a finite element procedure for the analysis the atmosphere by diffusion. Moisture concentration
of the viscoelastic behavior of fibre-reinforced poly- inside a laminate can be approximately evaluated
meric matrix composite laminates is presented. The through Fick’s second law which is expressed as [8]
procedure is based on an incremental total Lagran-
gian description [6], that allows the consideration of aH(z, t) Ka=H
large displacements with small strains, and on a linear at
az2 (1)
viscoelastic constitutive model in which the time-
dependent strains are evaluated by a state variables In this equation H represents the concentration of the
approach [7]. A three-dimensional degenerated finite moisture through the laminate thickness, K is the
element formulation for shell analysis is employed [6]. diffusion constant of the material, t the time and z
Numerical examples showing the time-dependent the space coordinate in the direction of the thickness.
behavior of graphite-+poxy laminates subjected The solution of (1) may be obtained for specified
to mechanical and thermal loads are presented. Cases boundary conditions by means of ref. [8]. The moist-
of viscoelastic snap-through of isotropic and lami- ure diffusion process in composite materials is gener-
nated shells are analyzed; a numerical example of ally slow and can require months or even years for the
thermal buckling of an elastic laminated plate is also equilibrium condition to be attained, while tempera-
presented. ture transmission is in general a much faster process.

450 S. P. C. Marques and G. J. Creus

Crossman et al. [l] have presented results of exper- and T* and H* are temperature and moisture values
iments on graphite-epoxy composite subjected to corresponding to the strain-free state. ei, ai, T and H
combinations of different temperature and moisture are field variables and thus change in general from
values. From these tests the viscoelastic character- point to point, even when this dependence is not
istics of three classes of structural graphite-epoxy explicitly stated.
composites were evaluated. At this point we assume the material to be hy-
To perform an analysis of a composite system we grothermal-rheologically simple, and therefore we
must know the temperature and moisture distribution write
through the thickness of the laminate, and the corre-
sponding properties of the material. Using the hy- bij(T, H, r) = Dij(To, Hop 5(j)> (3)
grothermal-rheologically simple material concept [S],
creep or relaxation properties at different moisture where To and Ho are reference values, and tij are the
contents and temperature combinations may be com- reduced times which are determined through [4]
puted from reference values using the appropriate
shift factors [9, lo] as shown in next section.
5ij = ’ Vi,(T(r)v H(7)) d7, (4)
OF A LAYER where ‘pij are the horizontal temperature-moisture
shift factors to be determined experimentally [ 11.The
Figure 1 shows an orthotropic linear viscoelastic hypothesis of the hygrothermal-rheologically simple
layer for which the principal material directions are material represents fairly well the behavior of actual
coincident with the axes 1, 2 and 3. For mechanical materials used in composites [ 1,2]. Substituting (3)
and hygrothermal loads, the constitutive relations of into (2) we have
the layer, referred to the principal material directions,
may be written as [7,9, lo]

e,(t) = &(T,fLt-7)



+ Ui(T,H)dT+ “bi(T,H)dH, (5)

+ cri(T, H) dT
P 5 H*

+ “p,(T,H)dH, i,j=l,... 9% (2) l;jj = ’ cp,(T@), H(d)) dti. (6)

s H* 50

where e,(t) and a,(t) are the components of the strain As we are concerned with small strains, we can
vector {e} = {e,,, eZ2,2eu, 2e,,, 2e,,} and stress vec- decompose the total strain components e, into visco-
tor {o>= {c,1,c22,c12,c ,3r a23}, at time t, respect- elastic &, thermal e’ and hygroscopic e” parts
ively, ek,represent the components of the small strain
tensor and ak, are the components of the engineering e,(t) = &(t) + e’(T, H) + er(T, H). (7)
stress tensor. T and H indicate the temperature and
the moisture content, respectively. The components Upon integration by parts, the first integral in (5) may
e3, and a,, are not considered here. be written
In eqn (2), b,,(T, H, t - t) are the creep functions
corresponding to components e, and a,, uj(T, H) are
the thermal expansion coefficients, that in general
depend on moisture content and temperature, - d~Di,(T,,H,,C,-r:i)a,(r)dr. (8)
/l,(T, H) are the hygroscopic expansion coefficients s

Approximating the creep functions by a Dirichlet-

Prony series we have

Dii(To,H,,,<ii-[;i)=D:j+ ; D$

r[l -exp( -?)I, (9)

where D$, D$ and 07, are parameters to be deter-

mined from experimental results. M is the number of
Fig. 1. Coordinate systems of an anisotropic body. significant terms in the series and depends on the
Finite element analysis of composite materials 451

accuracy desired. The parameters 67, are called retar- 4. NONLINEAR FINITE ELEMENT FORMULATION

dation times.
The expression of the virtual displacement prin-
Substituting (9) into (8) we have
ciple in a total Lagrangian formulation may be
written as [6]
cf(t) = oij(ro, Ho, O)ai(t)

d?j(To, Ho, <ii- <ij)Fi(r) dr, (10) k+;Sij~k+‘o~,,odV =k+‘R, (16)

s OV
where k+ ‘R is the external virtual work in the k + 1th
(11) incremental step, k+i S,, , k+A~ij are components of
the second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor and Green-
Lagrange strain tensor in the k + lth step, res-
and no summation takes place on i,j. pectively, both referred to the initial configuration,
We may still write and ‘V is the initial configuration volume of the
We may write the following decomposition
zi(t) = D,(To, Ho, 0)0,(t) + 2 f: qZ(t), (12)


q;,(t)= ‘~~,(To,Ho,51,-T;,)a,(r)d7 l)Cij = tt,j + CJCfjY (17)
where ,S, and o~ij are the increments in stress and
#2(t) = ‘&,(T,, Ho> t,2 - 5;2)~2(T) dt
strain components, respectively, in the k + 1th step.
I’ 0
The strain increment may still be decomposed into
linear oeij and or7i,nonlinear parts

d’s(t) =
J 0
‘d%(To, Ho, tss- t;sb&) dt (13)
OtijEOe,, + O'lij. (18)

are the state variables.

The viscoelastic strain Fi is formed by two com- Writing the strain increments decomposed into in-
ponents, the instantaneous e; and the deferred ey stantaneous, deferred, thermal and hygroscopic com-
given, respectively, by ponents we have

e: = D,(T,, Ho, O)a,(t)

o~ij=oE~+o~~+o~,~+o~~. (19)

The linearized relation, as in [6], between stress and
strain increments may then be written as
By differentiating (13) with relation to the upper limit
r we have
Osij= oGjrs[oers - 0eb - 0eL - oeffl. (20)

Using the eqns (16H18) and (20), we obtain

oGjrsoe,3~oecjodV +

(1% = k+lR _ tSij?ioeijodV

This is a system of linear first-order uncoupled differ-
ential equations that together with the initial con-
dition q$ = 0 at t = 0 allows the determination of the
state variables knowing the stress history. This system

may be solved incrementally by finite differences, as

indicated in Sec. 5.
oC+(oeL +oeWoeijodV.
452 S. P. C. Marques and G. J. Creus

Working with the finite element method and using

matrix notation, the above equation may be written {OF”} = 2{ [~BL]T[oC]{oe"} “dV,, (26)
y-1 0’;
for each element

1’0 = 5 j [~~LITIOCl~o~T~
OdV, (27)
q=I 0’;

IOFH)= f j [~~LITIOCl~o~“~od~,,.
q=l “Vq

= ik+‘R} - [;B,]r{;S}odV In the expressions above [k&l and [:K,,] are the
5 0) linear and nonlinear tangent stiffness matrices, re-
spectively, corresponding to step k, { ‘+ ‘R} is the
+ [{BL]r[K’]({oe’} + {“e’} + {OeH})OdV, vector of external loads at step k + 1, {;F} is the
s OV vector of nodal point forces equivalent to the element
(21) stresses at step k and, finally, {OF”}, {‘Fr} and {OF”}
are the vectors of viscoelastic, thermal and hygro-
where {U} is the nodal displacement increment vec- scopic loads, respectively.
tor, [iBL] and [:B,,] are the linear and nonlinear
strain-displacement transformation matrices, re-
spectively. (For more details on these last matrices,
see [6].) Here [.I’ indicates transpose of the matrix. The numerical solution of the problem formulated
Evaluating the volume integrals above on each of in the last section is implemented through an incre-
the N layers of volume V, we may write mental-iterative procedure. Thus, the nonlinear equi-
librium equations (22) are written as

= {k+l~} _ {k+;,c}‘-’

+{oF”}‘+ {OFT}‘+ {OFHJ’, (29)

where the index i indicates the number of the iteration

step. The viscoelastic, thermal and hygroscopic load
vectors are taken as zero for i 2 2. For i = 1, these
vectors are determined by means of eqns (26), (27)
and (28), respectively.
For the solution of the nonlinear equilibrium
equations (29), the Newton-Raphson method is used
together with the displacements convergence criterion

or, in compact form

where [II!?\/ is the norm of the displacements incre-

+ {OF”)
+ {OFT}
+ {OF”} (22) ments vector at iteration i, IIUOi,lis the norm of the
vector of total displacements at the same iteration
being and p is the tolerance factor.
Considering a small time-interval At, we can write,
using (11) and (13), the following equation

u,(7) dr. (31)

Finite element analysis of composite materials 453

Taking u(t) as constant along the interval At and gence. The analysis proceeds in the same way for
equal to a(t), we can integrate to obtain [A the next t, until t,.
6. We go to the next loading stage, etc.

The computer code was written in FORTRAN 77

and runs on PC, WS and Cray YMP computers at
+ DC{ 1 - exp( +‘)]o,(r). (32)
Using (32), it is possible to evaluate the variables q$
6.1. Plate of graphite-epoxy subjected to temperature
at time t + At as functions of their values at time t.
Other procedures may be seen in [ll].
In the computational code the values of the time This example refers to a laminated symmetrical
intervals are chosen in order to have similar deferred plate with eight unidirectional graphite-expoxy layers
strain increments at each step [ll]. To that end, we subjected to an instantaneous change of temperature
assume that the time-dependent behavior of the from 350°F to 75°F. The laminate is a [O/45/90/-45],
material is modeled by the series (9) truncated after with a width of 1 in and 2 in length. Each layer
the first term, with the shortest retardation time 0. has a thickness of 0.0055 in. The material is modeled
Considering an axial stress c on this simplified with elastic behavior in the fiber direction and visco-
model, the deferred viscoelastic strain increment be- elastic behavior in the other directions. The elastic
tween times t and t + At is given by properties of the material are shown in Table 1. The
creep functions adopted for the material are (with t
Ae” = e e-““[I _ e-A@]/E (33) in min)

where E is the Young’s modulus in the direction Q*(t) = [0.8596 - 0.0318 exp(-t/300)
of the stress. Making the deferred strain increments,
- 0.0659 exp( - t/6000) - 0.0476
given by (33), equal to Ae” at t = 0 and considering
the initial time increment At,, as a fraction f of the xexp( -t/120,000)] x 10-6(psi)-’
retardation time 0 (At0 = e/f), we obtain [I l]
At = -0 ln[l - exp(t/@ + exp(t/e - lif)] (34)
-0.0924 exp( - t/6000)
f = e/At,, can be chosen. Whenever the expression
-0.0641 exp(-t/120,000)]
between brackets in eqn (34) is negative, we adopt the
same time increment of the preceeding step. The use x 10w6(psi)-’ (in shear).
of (34) provides values of At that usually grow with
time, due to the reduction of the slope of the creep These creep functions were obtained approximating
curves. the power-law functions presented in [3], using an
iterative procedure.
Procedures of the analysis
Analyses were performed with both large and small
1. The loading history (mechanical, thermal and displacement formulations. The differences observed
humidity loads) is divided into stages, each begin- were small, as already expected due to the type of
ning at ti and ending at t,; load are applied at the problem. Figures 2 and 3 show the strains and
beginning of the interval in a predefined number stresses obtained in the analysis. We observe that
of increments. both strains and stresses diminish with increasing
2. After each load increment, the program performs time. The strain and the stress (in the 0” layer)
iterations until equilibrium is reached. components, in the x direction, obtained at t = 0 were
3. After all the loads corresponding to one stage have c,(O) = -4.5551 x 10m4 and q,(O) = 5380 psi. The
been applied, the time-dependent analysis takes analyses were made using At,, = 200 min and a shift
place, until the end t, of the stage is attained. factor equal to 1.00.
4. For each incremental step in the viscoelastic analy-
sis, at any loading stage, we begin determining a Table 1. Graphite-epoxy material
value of At, by eqn (34). For this value of time properties [3]
interval (i.e. for t = t + At), we determine the Constant Value
values of the state variables, using eqn (32), then,
E,, 18.0 x 106psi
the components of deferred viscoelastic strain I .4 x lo6 psi
using eqn (14) and the increments of viscoelastic G,, 0.9 x 106psi
loads according to eqn (26) for t = t + At. “I2 0.34
5. The viscoelastic load increments are applied for ,%I 0.2 x IO-6i”F
i = 1, afterwards, iterations are made until conver- u22 16.0 x lo-+F
454 S. P. C. Marques and G. J. Creus

- Angle -Ply

‘----Cross-Ply -

Time (hours) 0.0. 1 / I I j
0 100 200 300 400
Fig. 2. Normalized strains in a graphite+poxy laminated
plate subjected to a temperature change. t (hours)
Fig. 4. Strain t, in angle-ply and cross-ply laminates.

6.2. Plate of graphite-epoxy subjected to mechanical

load Case III: T, = 350”F, T, = 75”F,
In this example a graphite-epoxy plate is subjected
to an uniform distributed tension load of 100 lb/in in cp = 50.0 (T = 75”F, H = 1.45%)
the x direction until t = 200 hr, and then unloaded.
The plate has a length of 2 in and a width of 1 in.
Case IV: T, = 350”F, T, = 122”F,
Each layer is 0.0055 in thick. The same material
properties of the example in Sec. 6.1 are used. The
creep and recovery responses for a symmetrical angle- cp= 171.79 (T = 122”F, H = 0.14%),
ply [45/-45/45/-451, and for a symmetrical cross-
ply [O/90/0/90], laminates are analyzed. The results where Ti and T, indicate the initial and final values of
are presented in Fig. 4 and in Table 2. As expected, the temperatures, respectively, and cp is the shift
the most significant creep response is exhibited by the factor which was supposed independent of the direc-
angle-ply [45/ - 45/45/ -451, laminate. tion. The values of cp were obtained approximately
from curves for graphite-epoxy T300/934 published
6.3. Laminated spherical shell under temperature
in [1], corresponding to reference temperature and
moisture indicated in parentheses.
The spherical shell shown in Fig. 5 is made of a The shell boundaries were assumed to be simply
symmetrical cross-ply laminate [O/90/0/90], with supported. Figure 6 shows the increment of the
R = 100 in, a = 30.9017 in and h = 0.044 in. The ma- vertical displacement at the shell top along time. As
terial properties are the same given in the example in expected we see in Fig. 5 that a more accelerated
Sec. 6.1. The shell is subjected to instantaneous time-dependent deformation process occurs for
temperature changes according to following con- higher temperature levels and moisture contents.
ditions Also, the greater the temperature and moisture values
the lower the stabilization times; this fact is implicit
Case I: Ti= 350”F, Z”= 75”F, in the shift factor concept.
The vertical displacements in the top of the shell at
cp= 1.O (T = 75”F, H = 0.00%)
time t = 0 were found equal to -0.0510 in for cases
Case II: T, = 350”F, T,= 75”F, I, II and III and to -0.03675 in for case IV.

cp= 2.5 (T = 75”F, H = 1.04%) 6.4. Viscoelastic snap-through of an isotropic spheri-

cal shell
1.2 To check the large displacement formulation
for the description of viscoelastic snap-through of
s ‘.O shells, we consider first a simply supported spherical
shell (Fig. 6) with R = lOOin, a = 30.9017 in and
q 06

z 0.6
Table 2. Strain c, in the angle-ply and cross-ply
6” 0.4 laminates (time in hr)
Time Angle-ply Cross-ply
02, , , I I I I
0 50 10 150 200 250 300 350 0 0.7420 x 10-j 0.2328 x 1O-3
Time (hours 1 200- 0.8206 x lo-’ 0.2349 x 10-j
2OOf 0.7867 x 1O-4 0.2112 x IO-5
Fig. 3. Normalized thermal stresses in the 0” layer of a 400 0.1456 x 1O-4 0.3520 x 1O-6
graphite-epoxy laminated plate.
Finite element analysis of composite materials 455

-0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10-11-12
w linl
Fig. 7. Elastic load-displacement curve of a isotropic shell
under a center point load.

{Fig. 7). For this analysis an iterative numerical

o 100200 300400 500600 700 procedure adequate to model softening post-critical
Time (hours 1 behavior implemented into the computational
Fig. 5. Vertical displacements on the top of a viscoelastic
code [12] was used.
laminated shell subjected to a temperature change. Afterward, several time-dependent analyses at
different load levels, were performed (Fig. 6). As
expected, the critical time increases when the load is
(Fig. 6) with R = lOOin, a = 30.9017 in and reduced. For a load P = 8800 lb, for instance, the
h = 3.9154 in. The shell is made of an isotropic linear results show that for t 2 2.0 the vertical displace-
viscoelastic material with E = 10,000 psi and ments in the shell top increase rapidly up to attain a
v = 0.30. The corresponding material creep functions, value for which the stiffness of the shell increases
for the axial and shear strain, respectively, are sharply, after the snap through. This occurs when the
vertical ~spla~ment is approximately equal to twice
~~,(r)=[O.lO-O.lOexp(-~/S)] x 10-3(psi)-’ the value corresponding to limit point shown in
Fig. 7.
L&(t) = [0.26 - 0.26 exp( -t/S)] x 10m3(psi))‘. We must recall that this is a quasi-static analysis.
A dynamic analysis could show some differences
First, an elastic nonlinear analysis was performed in during the fast snap-through jump.
order to know the elastic equilibrium path of the shell

g -5

o -4
0 2ooO 4000 6000 8000 10000
Time Imin)
Fig. 6. Central vertical displacements of an isotropic shell Fig. 8. Central vertical displacements on the top of a
for different values of the center point load. viscoelastic laminated shell as a function of time.

CAS 5312-O
456 S. P. C. Marques and G. J. Creus

6 posite systems subject to mechanical and hygrothermal

loads have been described. To this end, the large
displacement and small deformation formulation in [6]
was extended to include viscoelastic and hygrothermal
loads. Viscoelastic deformations are determined using
an efficient state variables approach and the hypothesis
of hygrothermal-rheologically simple materials. The
formulation was implemented into a finite element
program with three-dimensional degenerated shell el-
ements, including iteration procedures. With this code,
0 the time-dependent response of plates and shells was
analyzed, obtaining good approximation with the re-
Fig. 9. Effect of ply orientation on the critical temperature sults published in the literature. In particular, the effect
of an elastic simply supported angle ply plate. of ply orientation on the time-dependent behavior and
elastic buckling temperature of plates has been
confirmed. Numerical examples concerning isotropic
6.5. Viscoelastic snap-through of a graphite-epoxy
and laminated spherical shells demonstrated the
laminated spherical shell
efficiency of the formulation in the description of
Now we consider the snap-through behavior of a viscoelastic snap-through phenomenon.
simply supported graphite-epoxy laminated spherical
shell with a cross-ply [O/90/90/0] lamination scheme.
The thickness of the shell is of 0.044 in while the others REFERENCES

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