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Melania Navarro A Waterways Project Publication Richard Spiegel Barbara Fisher codirectors Thomas Perry administrative assistant Miriam Lock Teacher East Brooklyn Congregations School for Public Service in Bushwick Shirley Edwards Principal Stephen E. Phillips superintendent Alternative High Schools & Programs ©1997 Ten Penny Players with funding support from the NY State Council on the Arts L wish to be a butterfly because I love to fly and to be a peace lover as the other. Another fantasy is to fly to all the countries in the world being a butterfly. Touch the sun Touch the snow up in the sky Touch the rain up in the sky Doing all that is being a great person. A day that I remember is when I graduated from Junior High School. That was a great time because that meant that I was going to High School. All ready. Tt also meant many memories because of all the good things I have done. The person I respect is my mother because she is the one that gave me life, gave me an education and many more things that have helped me be an educated person. She is also a person who cares for me. That is why I respect my mother because I don't have nothing to pay to her for all that she has done. The only thing is to respect her, behave well, listen to her, etc. My favorite pet is a cat because with a cat you could feel a companion. I love cats because they are so playful. But cats can be bad because when you are bad with them they could jump you because they are mad with you. Iam grateful for today that could do many things that means : that I could walk, talk, touch, see and especially breathe. Without these things you can't live. Many people don't give thanks to God for these things and others that are willing to have some of this. The people that have it sometimes don't appreciate it. Something I think is worth working hard for is your studies because with them you could some time be something in the world. To achieve this goal I need to study hard and work hard. Now is the time to do that because I am still in high school. By working hard for what you want you could sometime achieve what you said you will achieve. In 10 more years I will see myself studying working and taking care of my parents. Also doing good things. Helping other people with problems. If I have money help the poor because that is a good thing. T have a teddy bear that my aunt gave to me when I was about 5 years old When I look at that teddy bear I think of her. When my mother wants to throw it out I tell her not to do that because I like it very much. My aunt gave it to me for my birthday. In Search of a Song Volume 295 CO GPT YS Sr Mca tncerilios anda aicben peo a waterways publication

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