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1) What is the most common cause of death in trauma patients?

a) Internal bleeding
b) External wounds
c) Shock
d) Cardiac arrest

2) Components of the circulatory system include all of the following EXCEPT

a) The pipes” arteries, veins capillaries
b) The Fluid blood cells and other blood components
c) The pressure wave the pulse
d) The pump the heart

3) The lower chambers of the heart

a) Are smaller than the upper chambers
b) Do most of the actual pumping
c) Are called atria
d) All of the above

4) The upper chambers of the heart

a) Serve as reservoirs for blood
b) Are called atria
c) Are less muscular than the lower chambers
d) All of the above

5) The red blood cells

a) Have a search and destroy function
b) Carry oxygen and carbon dioxide
c) Interact with one another to form blood clots
d) All of the above

6) The white blood cells

a) Consume bacteria and viruses
b) Interact with one another to form blood clots
c) Serve as a transporting medium for other parts of the blood
d) All of the above

7) Which of the following statements regarding the pulse is incorrect

a) Taking a patients pulse is the same as counting heartbeats
b) The pulse is the pressure wave generated by the pumping action of the heart
c) It does not reflect the heart rate
d) It is caused by blood being pushed into the main arteries

8) Shock or failure of the circulatory is not caused by

a) Pressure loss
b) Pipe failure
c) Fluid loss
d) Pump failure
9) If the heart is incapable of pumping enough blood to supply the needs of the body
a) Blood can back up in the vessels of the lungs causing congestive heart failure
b) Cardiogenic shock may occur
c) The patient may have had a heart attack
d) All of the above

10) Shock as a result of capillary expansion includes all of the following EXCEPT
a) Shock related to respiratory failure
b) Shock induced by fainting
c) Anaphylactic sock
d) Spinal shock

11) Psychogenic shock

a) Is the least serious type of shock caused by pipe failure
b) Is known as fainting
c) Will correct itself if the patient is placed in a horizontal position
d) All of the above

12) Anaphylactic shock

a) Is caused by fluid loss
b) Is usually caused by haemorrhage
c) May be accompanied by itching, rash, hives or swelling of the face or tongue
d) All of the above

13) Shock caused by a temporary supply of blood to the brain is called

a) Anaphylactic shock
b) Psychogenic shock
c) Cardiogenic shock
d) All of the above

14) Shock caused by an allergic reaction to food , medicine, or insect stings is called
a) Anaphylactic shock
b) Psychogenic shock
c) Cardiogenic shock
d) All of the above

15) Signs and symptoms of shock may include all of the following EXCEPT
a) Nausea and vomiting
b) Confusion, restlessness and anxiety
c) Thirst
d) Decreased capillary refill time

16) Which of the following is false regarding shock

a) You should not allow a shocked patient to stand
b) Raise the patient’s legs 12” to 18” off the floor
c) If the patient is having chest pain and no spinal injury is suspected place the patient in a
sitting or semireclining position
d) Assess the patient’s ABCs at least every 5 minutes

17) General treatment for shock includes

a) Giving the patient sips of water or other fluids
b) Getting the patient to walk as soon as possible
c) Maintaining the patient’s ABCs
d) All of the above
18) Positioning a patient who show signs of shock may include
a) Placing a blanket under the patient
b) Elevating the patient’s legs
c) Placing the patient flat on his or her back
d) All of the above

19) Patients experiencing shock caused by pump failure may present with
a) A rapid weak pulse
b) Cold clammy sweaty pale skin
c) Rapid shallow respirations
d) All of the above

20) Which of the following is not part of the treatment of a gunshot wound
a) Begin CPR if the patient’s heart stops within 5 minutes of the injury
b) Examine the patient thoroughly to be sure you have discovered all entrance and exit wounds
c) Arrange for prompt transport of the patient
d) Maintain the patient’s body temperature

21) If an object is impaled in the patient

a) Remove the object and apply a stabilizing dressing
b) Remove the object and apply a regular dressing
c) Leave the object in place apply a stabilizing dressing and arrange for transport
d) Remove the object apply a stabilizing dressing and arrange for transport

22) An amputated part should be

a) Located and placed in a clean plastic bag
b) Kept cold
c) Taken with the patient to the hospital
d) All of the above

23) Signs and symptoms of internal blood loss include all of the following EXCEPT
a) Rectal and or vaginal bleeding
b) Coughing or vomiting blood
c) Abdominal tenderness rigidity or distension
d) Bleeding from a wound

24) Which of the following is false regarding a closed wound

a) it is a bruise or contusion
b) it is an injury to the soft tissue beneath the skin
c) it causes discolouration and swelling
d) it includes abrasions and lacerations

25) An occlusive dressing

a) Is used for open chest wounds
b) Is used to maintain air pressure in the lungs
c) Can be plastic wrap or aluminium foil
d) All of the above

26) A respiratory burn

a) May cause breathing problems
b) Will not cause any pain
c) Will be visible immediately
d) All of the above
27) You are called to the scene where a 16 year old boy has been beaten severely and is
unresponsive. You should first feel for a pulse at which artery?
a) Brachial
b) Radial
c) Carotid
d) Temporal

28) After a patient has fainted and has been placed in the correct position, you should maintain the
patients ABCs and then
a) Shout at and shake the patient until he or she becomes responsive
b) Treat the cause of shok if possible
c) Call for help and keep the patient extra warm
d) Call for help and watch for signs of responsiveness so you can immediately lower the
patient’s legs

29) Which of the following signs can develop quickly in a person who is in anaphylactic shock
a) Rash
b) Pale skin
c) Strong pulse
d) High blood pressure

30) Muscles that can be contracted and relaxed by a person at will are called
a) Voluntary
b) Involuntary
c) Cardiac
d) All of the above

31) The mechanism of injury refers to

a) How to move an injured patient
b) Whether a patient can move an injured limb
c) The means by which an injury has occurred
d) The type of transport needed for injuries

32) An injury that causes tears and separation of the bone ends is a(n)
a) Open fracture
b) Sprain
c) Dislocation
d) Closed fracture

33) One way a dislocation differs from a sprain is that in a dislocation

a) Fewer nerves are damaged
b) There is less pain
c) The supporting ligaments are torn from the joint
d) The bones always realign into their natural position into the joint

34) Most splinting operations require two people the first applies the splint the second
a) Inflates the splint
b) Distracts the patient
c) Stabilises and supports the limb
d) Makes sure the splint is applied properly
35) The normal pulse rate for children is
a) 30 to 50
b) 50 to 70
c) 70 to 150
d) 150 to 200

36) the initial part of the primary assessment includes

a) a medical history
b) a SAMPLE history
c) a physical examination
d) forming a general impression

37) pupils that remain constricted may be an indication of

a) cardiac arrest or head injury
b) stroke or brain damage
c) use of narcotics or central nervous system disease
d) none of the above

38) if an adult patient is conscious where should the pulse be assessed

a) carotid artery
b) brachial artery
c) radial artery
d) femoral artery

39) all of the following are vital signs except

a) blood pressure
b) pulse
c) respiratory rate
d) lung sounds

40) flushed reddish skin often indicates

a) shock
b) fever or sunburn
c) lack of oxygen
d) liver problems

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