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BSBA MM-3101

“Ethics in Sales Management”
In relation with our course, Marketing Management, we were asked to watch the first
short clips entitled “Ethics in Sales Management” which showed how ethics is an integral part of
the formation, process, and the continuing of a business. The video was fun to watch as visual
presentations were shown, had a clear audio which made the reception of information easier, and
although short, provided the fundamentals of the said topic.

Now, more than ever, consumers have become more aware of the products or services
they acquire. The adoption of E-Commerce has been quick and thus, the ways of purchasing
products also quickly changes. Although the convenience that comes with these changes is one
way of developing a business-consumer relationship, consumers have also become keener on
looking on whether the brand or the business they support follows ethical standards or not. Thus,
knowing the basic ethical codes and some examples of unethical practices or behaviors, as
shown from the video, helped me to improve my knowledge about it, knowledge which I would
surely use in the future as I enter the fieldwork. I also found it interesting how ethics should
really be the core of not only those who work in the field of sales or businesses, but it is just
important to all other industries such as the medical industry. I also realized that the ethical
framework of a company could determine how long a business would stand in the market as it
could be the foundation of how a company could create positive impacts to its stakeholders.

BSBA MM-3101


“Ethical Principles”
Nowadays, features from online shopping sites like Shopee and Lazada, such as product
reviews wherein consumers can assess the product even before they get it, have become
attractive for consumers. As a future professional working on the field of sales management, it is
important for me to know what ethics is, its principles, its importance, and how it shall be
implemented towards the company I will be working for.

As I watched the short clip, I learned that ethics really help companies in creating,
developing, and maintaining an effective business-consumer relationships. Today, the world just
becomes more and more connected, a product from outside your country can reach you at a
speed you do not expect. This, however, is not the only thing that consumers have become
mindful of. Consumers of today have also become sensible of whether their brands behave
ethically which I think is such a good thing. After I watched the video, I did not only learn the
benefits of ethics as a future employee of the industry but also as a consumer. I realized how
important it is that we look at the values the brands we support upholds; whether or not they pay
their employees well, whether or not they negatively impact the environment, etc. Being honest,
respectful, responsive, transparent, knowing your customer needs, engaging in corporate social
responsibility, and engaging in environmental initiative programs are just few of the ways and
ethical principles companies should have in order to provide better customer service which
would surely strengthen the brand equity and/or the brand image.

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