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Name : Sinta Faulina

No./NIM : 33/126203202115

Class : TBI-3B



(The Gifted)

By: Sataporn Panicharaksapong

The gifted is a drama series that has several themes. They are friendship, school, super
power, and caste of grades. The most theme shown in this drama is friendship. It always shown
in every episode of drama that starting with Pang has a friend named nack. They are bestfriend
since middle school. But their friendship breaks after Pang entered the special class, “the gifted”.
He should keep the secret about his class from others, including nack. But, nack thinks that Pang
won’t tells his new class because he’s arrogant and forget him as his friend. Beside Pang’s
friendship with nack, he also made friendship with another “gifted” students. They unite together
to find the secret of their school. Their friendship was shown in almost every part of drama. The
second is school. It is show all of their activity always school in each episode. The third super
power. It starting by the test to determine the student who has sepecial ability or super power.The
test got ten students who has it. Pang is one of them that has the power controls someone’s mind.
The last theme is caste of class. The classes are distinguished according the score that they have.
This class divided into 1-8 and 1 “gifted” class. The classification of this class not only
differentiate by the score, but the facility too. The first grade is for student who is genius, clever,
and diligent. In this class, all of the class facility was really nice. They get the first service,
including in the canteen. They got all of good things. The eighth grade is for student who is
stupid, lazy, and not interesting to school. And sadly, they got the baddest facility. All of the
service is just the leftover from the first class. Meanwhile, the “gifted” class has the special one
for their facility, the lesson, and the practice more than the first class. Also, they can breaks the
school rules without get punishment.
The first character that shown is Pang. He is the last gifted student that know his power,
but he is also the strongest one who can use his power perfectly. He can control someone’s mind
dan do thing as he wants. Wave is the first student that knows his power by touching a computer
and hacks the system, just same as his intelligent. He is the smartest one. Ohm have power to
move something. Accordance to his forgetful character, he often lost the stuff he borrowed,
including Namtarn’s pen. After he can control his power, he can gets back the stuff that he lost.
But, if he too use his power, he will gets nosebleeding. The next character is Korn. At first, he
confuse to his power, because he can’t sleep for days. He really stressful about his insomnia, as
the effect of his power. He has the fast regeneration, so that he don’t need to rest at all without
being tired. It’s the coolest one. Punn is ambitious to dominate every competition that his school
participated by using his power wich is duplication. He can imitate and learn someone’s ability
faster. But, the effect of his power is he has multipersonality that he didn’t realize. The next is
Namtarn that always courious about something. She has power to see background story of
someone by touching the stuff from someone’s own. But, after she use her power, she will het
hypertension. The next is Claire that always suspect all people dislike her. With her power, she
can seeing the color of someone wich symbolized as behaviour of that person. But, when she use
her power too often, her eyes will be get red. The next is Mon with her super power. She is is
very strong because of her power and utilizing that to follow matrial arts in school. And she can
defeat her enemy easily. But, when she is sweating and splash into another students, they will bet
get mad and tell the truth hidden. And the last are the twins jack and jo that has the power
usually own by the twins. But this is more special. When one of them slapped, the another one
also feel it. Even when only one of them eats, both of them will feel full. That’s unique.

This drama using linear plot and backward plot. Starting with the introduction of the
school held the test to find student who have a “gift” and will be entered into the “gifted” class.
This clas got 10 students wich are from the different class. All of students are from first class,
except Pang that from the eighth class. Even tought they entered into gifted class, they still study
in their normal, class, including Pang that in the eighth class. But he got an exception that can’t
be punished by the school dicipliner. Because of that, his friendship with nack was done. Pang,
who is confusing about this program, try to find the information about the “gifted” class
program. He feel that the assignment from this class was not support his normal lesson in the
eighth class at all. More and more studying in this class, he more feel something weird. After he
search more about the “gifted” program with all the “gifted” students, they find that the “gifted”
class is for student who has potential to develop their supranatural power inside their body. But,
Pang doesn’t feel that he can entered into this class. Because he feel he just an ordinary student
that don’t have any special ability. In that class they should find their power and control it so that
can’t causing bad effect. In each episodes, one by one student was find their power except Pang
and Korn to be the last gifted student who find it. Actually Korn has been found his power, but
he still confuse. But after that, he try to accept his power even tought he didn’t know what is the
use of his power. And Pang, realized his power when his ex-friend follow his word to bump his
head. Pang who is always curious about something, try to find all the information about the
“gifted” class with all of “gifted” student. After they unite, they try to find the mystery behind
the school together by using their power. But the effect of their power started to weak their body,
even Namtarn should drop out from the school because her condition going bad. The begin of the
clonflict is when Pang was regarded fail to leads class, and make his friends in danger. Ther
friendship was break, and they don’t believe Pang as a leader anymore. After that, Pang decided
to find the mystery alone but Wave still wants to help him. After that, another “gifted” students
realized Pang always try his best to leads them, they finally unite again and helps Pang. The
turning point of this drama is when they has find the mystery of school but caught by school
security and threatened to be drop out if they continue their quest finding the mystery. Pang,
who’s considered as the main problem, his memory was erased using the power his tecaher. But,
Pang promises thet he will be back soon. The ending of this drama was hanged on. At the last
scene of the episode, the class was back to the normal with Pang’s memory has erased, and the
gifted class also erased. But, at the last, Pang appear again around the “gifted” students. the
episode, and it ended with hanging ending. And then backward plot, can be seen from namtaan’s
vision. When she used her power and touch something, we will see the background story of the
owner. Like when she touch a tear of paper, she can the background of the story why that paper
get ripped.

The Point of View of this drama is using first POV. There are not only use the first POV
when Pang starts to do the Monolouge with “I”, but this drama also contains dialouge wich used
the 2 and 3 POV. It can be proven when the characters talks each other and use those POV, like
“you”, “he”, and mentioning someone’s name also include in this drama.
While the setting in this drama is only the inside of school, but took may different rooms
include school dormitory, canteen, sports center, infirmary, teacher’s room, principal room and
several types of classroom. It started with Pang when he do a Monolouge in his room, and
continued his activity in his class, the eigthth class. He was bored following the class, and
decided to run from class and eats at the canteen. He meets Wave there and fight because Pang
spill his food to Wave’s shoes. They ends in dicipliner’s room and got the punisment. The story
continue when the “gifted” student has finded. They start to find their weakness in different
places. Ohm still can’t control his power, and because of that, he omit his friend when he pushes
him into the toilet. Then, Mon that follow matrial arts activity took place in sports center, while
Namtarn always go to infirmary because she has hypertension. Wave always in the computers
room to hacks the school system to solve the mystery. It also took place in library when tries to
study together and finding mystery. When one of them make a mistake, they also bring into the
principal room. They also find the secret room where the biggest mystery of their school appear.
The timing of this story can said took 24 hours. Every scene of each episode took the diffrent
timing. Like when Pang and nack wants to steal the exam paper at night, the time when they
study, and when they took the mid exam until midnight. The atmosphere of this drama in
cliffhanger because they always face the danger of the effect of their power. They also should
face with their headmaster often because the regarded as the thread toward the school secret that
he is hiding all along. Some of the scene may me show how ordinary them as the student like
love between Claire and Punn, happines, and sadness from Korn condition. But the cliffhanger
situation dominate this story

Moral value

There are several moral message that taken from this story. The first moral message is
about cooperation. Some people feel that when they are smart or smarter than others they can do
everything on their own and can, as it were, conquer others. Just like the scene where Pang and
his fellow friend collaborated to prevent Wave from open the secret about the “gifted” class.
Wave was obviously good at math and computer as if beaten by other talented classmates. The
thing that caused Wave to lose was that he was working alone, while the others were working
together. The second moral message is about justice. It's actually happening in real life where
sometimes people who have everything seem to have a better facility. So that those who had
nothing were just become like a trash. The Gifted seems to teach us that the distinction between
one student and the other only leads to social jealousy. The third moral message is that it is
difficult to destroy the waking system. Pang and Wave were determined to expose a talentless
class to the Thai ministry of education who at the time came to the school. It's just that their
strong enough efforts can't beat him. It's as if it teaches us that the system is already awake
sometimes, it's very difficult to tear down even with cooperation. The fourth moral message was
students from the “gifted” class were in fact not completely perfect. Because if they use his
abilities too often and overreach, then it has a negative effect on him or anyone else. The final
moral message is that in fact the students from the “gifted” class don't easily get it all. They try
harder even harder than the average student. Pang, at this point, seemed to want to give up and
couldn't find his talent. However, it seems to suggest that the ability is not easily achieved, but
with hardwoks, it can.

Background of the producer

Complete name : Sataporn Panicharaksapong

Born : December, 27th 1967
The name of a pen : Tha, K’Tha
Work : Producer, Managing Director
Nationality : Thai

Sataporn Panicharaksapong, also known as Tha, is a Thai buisness executive in Thai

entertaiment conglomerate GMM Grammy. He is currently serving as the managing director of
GMMTV. He was born in Thailand, 27 th of December 1967. Sataporn graduate with bachelor
degree in jounalism and mass communication from Thammasat University in 2014, he complete
the Director Certification program (DCP) from the Thai Institute of Directors Association. In
January 2007, he was serving as deputy managing director of GMMTV. He became the chief
excecutive officer of GMM 25 on 16th of September 2018.

Background of the Drama

This drama was inspired from the gifted America (2015) and the novel from
Dhammarong Sermrittitong. This story was written under the pen named sandotnim, before it
finally was picked up by GMMTV and the production affiliate Parbdee Taweesuk. This series
was announced by GMMTV on 1st January 2018.

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