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Exercise 1
a) Research has shown that when people read, they become better writers. This
is because readers use the sentence structures and ideas that they read in
their essays. Thus, they are able to state their thoughts clearly and write
better essays than their friends who do not read.
b) Besides, students can also save money by cooking their own food as eating
out can be costly. They should not spend too much time outside the campus
because this can tempt them to buy unnecessary things.
c) However, as human, counsellors too have different personalities. You may
find some of them kind while others impolite and not very courteous.
d) They are often exposed to dangers such as rape, snatch theft and other forms
of attacks.

p. 21
Exercise 1
He joked. (A fragment)
She telling a story. (A fragment)
Because she is good. (A fragment)
After dinner, we will leave. ( Not a fragment)
Standing by the beach. (A fragment)

p. 22-25
Practice 3
Exercise 1 (It is important for students to develop reading habits.)
Sentence 1: The reading habit will be beneficial to students because it will enhance
their knowledge on vocabulary and grammar.
Sentence 2: Students who have excellent knowledge on vocabulary and grammar
will help them ace their essay writing exams compared to students who do not read.
Sentence 3: This is because students use the word choices and ideas they read in
their reading.
Concluding sentence: Therefore, every student should take reading as a habit that
will bring them many benefits.
Exercise 2 (Students should not be allowed to carry mobile phones to school)
Sentence 1: Students will be less focus in class if they had their mobile phones near
Sentence 2: Instead of paying attention during class time, students will be more
interested to look at their phones because they find the apps on their phones are
more exciting than the teacher in front.
Sentence 3: Too much screen time will cause them to learn nothing, and this will
affect their academic performance.
Concluding sentence: In order to help students to prioritize their learning, they
should not be allowed to bring their mobile phones to school property.

Exercise 3 (The government can curb road accidents by building better roads)
Sentence 1: Research has shown that one of the main causes of road accidents is
because of low quality roads.
Sentence 2: The government is responsible to make highways safer by building
better roads that could help curb road accidents.
Sentence 3: Unavoidable accidents like this should not be happening because this
is what we will show to people who visit our country.
Concluding sentence: The government is fully responsible for citizens’ road safety
and should not let silly mistakes like road filled with holes cause someone their
whole life.

Exercise 4 (The forest department should enforce strict laws to protect wild animals
from going extinct)
Sentence 1: The forest department should fine anyone that is guilty of forest
deforestation that will destroy animal habitats which is the main factor of animal
Sentence 2: This will ensure zero harm to natural life because no one really likes
wasting their money paying fines.
Sentence 3: This action not only will help with fauna extinction but also flora
Concluding sentence: Mother earth will absolutely thank the forest department who
protect living life with love and empathy.
Exercise 5 (Malaysia has a special place in my heart because of its beautiful places)
Sentence 1: Malaysia’s beauty has given pride to every Malaysians.
Sentence 2: Tourist attraction such as Langkawi have received positive
compliments from visitors from other countries due to its fascinating view and make
Malaysian more known to people from other countries.
Sentence 3: I am grateful that I can easily visit these places to enjoy the beautiful
view without having to boom a flight because I am already living in Malaysia.
Concluding sentence: This is definitely why people of Malaysia should appreciate
Malaysia’s beauty.

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