Corruption and Corruption Eradication Commission in Indonesia

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Corruption and Corruption Eradication

Commission in Indonesia

Aprillia Endah Puspita Sari (8111417161)

Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES)
Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia

Abstract— The criminal act of

corruption is an act of bribery and
unlawful acts that harm the state or harm
the general welfare. One of the causes of
corruption is very difficult to eradicate
because the perpetrators of corruption are
from government officials themselves.
The criminal act of corruption has been
regulated in Law Number (No). 31 of
1999 jo. 20 of 2001. The criminal
corruption that has occurred in Indonesia
increasingly apprehensive. The
development continues to increase from
year to year, both from the number of
cases that occur and the amount of state
money losses

Keywords— (corruption)

Abstrak— Tindak pidana korupsi adalah

suatu perbuatan menyuap dan perbuatan
melawan hukum yang merugikan negara


atau merugikan kesejahteraan umum.
Salah satu penyebab korupsi sangat sulit
diberantas karena pelaku-pelaku korupsi
adalah dari pejabat-pejabat
kepemerintahan itu sendiri. Tindak pidana
korupsi telah di atur dalam Undang-
Undang Nomor 31 Tahun 1999 jo. 20
Tahun 2001. Korupsi kriminal yang
terjadi di Indonesia semakin
memprihatinkan. Perkembangannya terus
meningkat dari tahun ke tahun, baik dari
jumlah kasus yang terjadi maupun jumlah
kerugian uang negara.
Kata kunci— (korupsi) Progress of a country is
determined by its ability and success in
carrying out development. Development
as a planned change process covers all
aspects of people's lives. Effectiveness
and success of development is mainly
determined by two factors, namely human
resources, ie (people involved from the
planning samapai on implementation) and
financing. Among the two factors that are
the most dominant are the human factors.
Indonesia is one of the richest countries in
Asia in terms of the rich diversity of its
natural resources. But ironically, this love
country compared to other countries in
Asia is not a rich country even a poor
country. One reason is the low quality of
human resources. The quality is not only
in terms of knowledge or intellectual but
also concerning the quality of morality
and personality. Moral morale and the
low level of honesty of the state apparatus
cause corruption. Corruption in Indonesia
today is already a very dangerous social
pathology (social disease) that threatens
all aspects of social life, nation and state.
Corruption has resulted in huge material
financial losses of the country. But even
more concerning is the occurrence of
deprivation and depletion of state funds
collectively carried out by the members of
the legislature under the pretext of
comparative study, severance pay and
others beyond the limits of
reasonableness. This form of deprivation Nowadays the most troubling
and extermination of state finances occurs corruption is the bribery case of E-KTP.
in almost all regions of the country. It is a Many people are waiting long to get an E-
reflection of low morality and shame, so ID card in the card. But, in fact until now
that stands out is a greedy attitude. many people who still use ktp while made
Corruption comes from the of hvs paper is very vulnerable damaged.
Latin word corruptio which means Yet ID cards are very important for the
rotting, corrupting, destabilizing, twisting, community to identity themselves. One of
bribing. Meanwhile, according to Law no. the fartor is the lack of material to make
31 of 1999 Jo Law no. 20 of 2001 the E-KTP card. This may be one of the
Chapter II Article 2 of the meaning of consequences of E-KTP corruption that
corruption is: "Any person who leads to the slow distribution of materials.
unlawfully commits an act of enrichment The eradication of corruption
of himself or another person or a has been intensively conducted by the
corporation that may harm the state's government through the Corruption
finances or the economy of the country." Eradication Commission (KPK), which is
The corruption of this the state institution that is sent to carry
corruption is already widespread in the out the problem of corruption in
society, even almost a day's food by the Indonesia. According to Article 2
community. Corruption criminal paragraph (1) of the Corruption Law
corruption continues to increase from year states any person who unlawfully
to year, both from the number of cases commits the act of enriching themselves
and the amount of state financial losses. or others or a corporation may be
Corruption crime has existed since the detrimental to state finances or the
colonial era, bad habits that are difficult economy of the country shall be subject to
to be abandoned by the nation of imprisonment of at least 4 years and a
Indonesia as a nation that has been maximum of 20 years and a fine of at
independent. Index released by least 200 million rupiah and a maximum
Transparency International, indeed of 1 billion rupiah.
Indonesia is not included in the 10 most Although there is already a law
corrupt countries in the world. However, that regulates the act of corruption, in fact
in fact from day to day corruption cases in there are still many people who commit
Indonesia increasingly prevalent. acts of corruption even now many local
The perpetrators of corruption in leaders who are netted by the Corruption
Indonesia are not ignorant people who Eradication Commission. Local leaders
have no knowledge. But the corrupt / who should be honest, actually
corrupt actor is a tied and educated person melunturkan people's confidence and
with a bachelor's degree or something. make people disappointed. The KPK is
They deliberately take advantage of the currently imposing an OTP (hand-
position and knowledge they can to gain a catching operation) system to reduce
great advantage for themselves. The tie of corruption in Indonesia. Indeed since the
the tie casually uses the money for the presence of OTP many state officials are
less fortunate people to live their own caught red-handed, but it is not yet
lives. There are many reasons and reasons efficient to reduce corruption. The
why they are corrupt. One is the desire to government should be more incentive to
live a life of luxury quickly, low salary, provide punishment for the corruptors so
prestige, and low shame and low legal as not to harm the country's economy.
able to completely investigate corruption
cases out there. The government
formulates anti-corruption laws consisting
of four elements, namely the abuse of
authority, the self-enriching or corporate
element, the element of financial harm to
Increased corruption cases in
the state and the element of lawlessness.
Indonesia are seen from corruption
If proven to commit acts of corruption,
eradication data conducted by the
the perpetrator can directly be charged
corruption eradication commission (KPK)
with allegations of the four elements.
from 2004 to 2013. Data on corruption
The impact of corruption is very
are dominated by bribery cases,
harmful to many people. The impact of
procurement of goods and services, and
corruption is directly felt by the nation's
budget misuse. There are also cases of
development. In democracy will
levies, licensing. The bribery case became
complicate good governance, corruption
a favorite corruption practice carried out
in public governance leads to imbalances
by officials. There are also cases that are
in community service. Criminal acts
not less dangerous is money laundering
indirectly erode the ability of intuition
crime, has now become a mode for
from the government and fade a sense of
corruptors to hide the results of
public confidence to the government
corruption. From data handling corruption
declining. With a lot of corruption
by profession / position dominated by
committed on the part of the government
member of DPR / DPRD, officials,
tentunta slow development and the
private and regional head. From these
existing system in society. For example,
data indicates that the increasing of oral
with E-KTP corruption, it slows the
spreading all fields, both executive,
distribution of E-KTP materials.
legislative, and judicative.
While in the field of economy,
Of the two data above, only a
corruption also complicates economic
small proportion of cases have not
development by making distortion and
covered all corruption cases in Indonesia,
inefficiency high. The case of corruption
because the KPK does not handle all
in the economic field is certainly a major
corruption cases in Indonesia, but also by
impact for the economy in Indonesia. For
the police and prosecutors in the regions.
example, it is a case of a gay aristocrat
Corruption is now not only done by the
who has been found guilty of money
center alone, but there are also many
laundering and embezzlement in the tax
cases of corruption in the regions even up
sector where he works. This is certainly
to the village level. So the impact of
very influential for the economy of the
corruption is already widespread to the
country. Tax money from the public that
countryside as well. In fact, almost 50%
should be used for public purposes, but
of heads of regions are suspected of
instead goes into individual pockets for
personal gain. Corruption measures
Indonesia as a country with a
diminish the quality of government and
majority of the population is Muslim,
infrastructure services, and add to the
should uphold honesty because honesty is
pressures on government budgets.
the main thing in the Islamic religion. The
Corruption actions disrupt
current government has not found the
market mechanisms and natural resource
maximal results for the increasingly
allocations. Corruption also reduces the
rampant corruption cases in the country of
ability of governments to make
Indonesia. Even the KPK has not been
improvements in the form of rules and proclaim corruption eradication, but it
controls due to market failures. When seems did not find the point of light how
policies are carried out under the to eradicate corruption appropriately to
influence of strong corruption, the make the deterrent criminals. The
imposition of regulations and policies, government must be more assertive to
such as banking, education, food make punishment for the corrupt. China
distribution, etc., will encourage for example, the Chinese government is
inefficiency. The existence of corruption not playing games to punish the
also makes government programs do not corruptors. One death sentence was
reach the target, because the amount of handed down to Xu Maiyong, former
funds that go into the private pockets than deputy mayor of Hangzhou and Jiang
for the government programs themselves. Renjie, Suzhou deputy mayor in 2011.
The increasing number of They were found guilty of having bribed
corruption cases in Indonesia makes 100 million yuan and 200 million yuan
government more extra in giving deterrent each - which, if accumulated, reached 50
effect to corruptors. Today the msih million US dollars. In contrast to the
prison jail is the most powerful weapon to Japanese state, in Japan if there are
punish the corruptors. In fact, even the officials who proved to conduct
imprisonment does not result in a corruption immediately resigned from his
deterrent effect for corruptors. Many post.
corruptors can still go in and out of jail In Indonesia only impose life
for vacation and get the luxury facilities sentences for corruptors. The government
inside the prison, which should not be lacks courage in taking legal action for
done by the prisoners. It proves that, jail the people's money-eaters. Indonesia
law also can not make the jeraa of the Corruption Watch (ICW) said that during
state money thieves. With the conviction the first half of 2015, the average judge
of corruption cases inmates can go on only sentenced 25 months or two years
holiday and the existence of luxurious and one month to the defendants of
facilities to add negative perceptions of corruption. That does not include
the community about law enforcement remissions that will certainly shorten the
officers. The money that the corruptors time of detention. It means to alleviate the
use to go abroad on vacation, could be the punishment of corruptors.
result of people's money corruption as Currently the Indonesian
well. It even makes the country auang government has not been able to impose
less. Penalty penalties are not worth the the death penalty for the corrupt, so only
money people they use. Of course, by to impose maximum prison sentences and
simply sanctioning the penalty of a fine penalties to penmembbernya penalties.
that does not make the state a profit but Maybe that's what causes a lot of
still a loss. corruptors who roam out there who
The eradication of corruption is menguai public money for
still the homework of the government and kepentinagnnya own. The Corruption
the state officials. Relying on the KPK Eradication Commission was formed with
alone is not enough. Given the case of the aim of reducing corruption in
corruption has existed since the era of Indonesia. But not infrequently in some
colonialism and corruption is the worst cases, there is criminalization and case
case of corruption during the New Order engineering against leaders and staf KPK,
era. Since the era of the new order, reform until the weakening KPK. In order to
is indeed the government continues to combat this increasingly rampant
corruption, Rais Syuriah of the Nahdlatul intensive, and sustainable manner. Yes,
Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board KH the institution is the Corruption
Masdar Farid Mas'udi once mentioned to Eradication Commission or KPK.
punish the deaths of corruptors in order to Before progressing further, it
give a deterrent effect as did China and helps us to retreat a little trace the
Vietnam. On the other hand the death background of the establishment of this
penalty is considered to violate human independent institution. KPK was
rights. This creates a dilemma. Prisons established in 2003 by Megawati
and fines did not make deterrent Soekarnoputri who was then president of
criminals. Indonesia. The existence of the KPK
Corruption certainly makes the because Megawati assessed the
state's money float with great waste. The prosecutor's office and the police who at
money that should be used to improve the that time was authorized to uncover
infrastructure and the needs of the corruption cases are too dirty so it is
community is instead used by considered not able to catch the corrupt,
unscrupulous individuals to enrich especially eradicate corruption. In fact,
themselves and take vacations abroad. since the reform era in 1998, the
Whether the state money they stole could awareness of the adverse effects of
return with their arrest and imprison and corruption, collusion and nepotism
impose fines. Of course not all fines can (KKN) has been widespread in the
return the money they have taken. For community. The society that has angered
that the government must rack my brain these criminals has demanded
to make what punishment in accordance investigation and prosecution against
with the actions of the corrupt. officials who practice KKN. From there,
For example, pay a fine but began to establish various agencies or
must be double-folded. It aims to return institutions to prevent and prosecute
the money the people they take. In perpetrators of corruption acts such as
addition to paying double-folding fines, State Supervisory Commission (KPKPN)
dismissal and also impose sanctions in the and the Combined Corruption Eradication
form that the official should no longer Team (TGPTPK). KPKPN and TGPTPK
hold me in the same or higher position. share tasks to combat corruption. KPKPN
Prison sentences must have no minimum has the main duty to oversee the assets of
punishment, all convicts must be State officials, while TGPTPK is tasked
sentenced to life imprisonment, because to trace suspected corruptors who are
they are very disturbing to the public. The hiding outside the State of Indonesia.
purpose of sanctioning the fine of In the early days of its founding,
multiples, to return the money they stole the KPK experienced many difficulties,
and the money could make the such as permit examination that is not
infrastructure and public services even easy to go down, leave to officials who
better. will be examined by the KPK only a few
hours according to the needs of inspection
time and controversy from some parties
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION who doubted the performance of the KPK
for fear if the Commission was the same
In Indonesia, there is an as law enforcement agencies and
independent body established under Law corruption eradication agencies
No. 30 of 2002 which is mandated to previously ineffective work. But it can
eradicate corruption in a professional, not be denied, the establishment of the
KPK is also a new hope for eradication Nursalim, and arrested the representatives
and prosecution of corruption that has of the people who actually suck the
been rampant in the earth Indonesia, the people's money.
Commission also gives fresh wind to the The KPK has a very simple
public to optimist eradicate corruption. target or goal of clearing Indonesia from
The position of the chairman of corruption, but behind its simplicity there
the first period of KPK was filled by is tremendous complexity and struggle to
Taufiqurrachman Ruki who sparked good realize that simple goal. Obstacles and
and clean governance with KPK's role not obstacles continue to deter the KPK to
only arresting the perpetrators of eradicate corruption, not to mention the
corruption, but also preventing corruption backlash from unfortunate corruptors or
from getting rampant. But of course to even a grudge against the flying of these
make it happen is not easy. Corruptors are independent institutions. KPK runs its
like eels that are slippery and agile when duties with clean up first, clean up the
exposed to threats, especially if someone existing system in the KPK ditabih first.
is deliberately protecting or even helping Then they began to invite the community
to hide them. In this period, the KPK to jointly eradicate and prevent corruption
succeeded in ensnaring some corrupt in Indonesia.
officials such as Abdullah Puteh In carrying out its duties and
(Governor of Aceh), dismantling realize its objectives, and armed with the
corruption cases within the General authority that exceeds other law
Election Commission including the enforcement institutions does not mean
drafting of Nazarudin Syamsuddin, the Commission works alone without the
dismantling the case of bribery of help of other law enforcement. The KPK
Supreme Court justices in Probosutedjo should be able to utilize existing
case, and fisheries at the time, Rokhim institutions to serve as partners in
Dahuri to prison due to fund corruption in eradicating corrupt crime. That is, the
the marine department. The second Commission becomes a driver for other
period, Antasari Ashar was chosen to institutions that deal with corruption
replace Taufiqurrachman Ruki. He is also crime issues such as kepolocian and
not far from the controversy, he is prosecutor's office. The KPK also has a
considered unfit to be chairman of the strategic role with various pillars in the
KPK because it is considered development of a national integrity
unsuccessful when handling cases system, in particular with a civilian
involving the family of sandalwood. He is ministry or civil society institution. This
also considered not glorious while can be done by KPK by encouraging and
undergoing a profession to be a controlling ministries or institutions and
prosecutor, even some parties considered communities to run the integrity system.
him a deposit from parties - parties for the On the other hand, the KPK and the
private interests of those people. The ministries or agencies are encouraged and
public is worried if the KPK is being controlled by civil society so as to
colonized by corruptors who will establish a pattern of timbait relationships
undermine the eradication of corruption in that can guarantee the national integrity
Indonesia. Amidst the gossip in the system that will impact on the legal order,
community, Antasari continues to show sustainable development and quality of
its performance and able to dismantle life.
several cases such as the bribery case of KPK is a State institution
Prosecutor Uri Tri Gunawan by Syamsul established with the aim of improving the
efficiency and effectiveness of eradication indication of criminal acts of corruption.
of corruption that is independent and free Rather institutionally, the KPK should
from any influence of power, and has five have an obligation to provide protection
guiding principles in carrying out its against witnesses, even if the witness /
duties: legal certainty, openness, reporter also has problems with other
accountability, public interest , and criminal cases. This seems difficult to be
proportionality. Pursuant to Article 7 of done due to the MoU between the KPK
Law Number 30 of 2002, KPK has a role and the Prosecutor's Office in the witness
in performing coordination duties and is protection / reporting procedure due to a
authorized to: provision stating that the witness /
a. Coordinate the investigation, rapporteur involved in other crimes is not
investigation, and prosecution of given protection. During this time people
corruption. also difficult to obtain information, about
b. Establish reporting system in what are the rights of those who are in a
criminal eradication activities. position as a witness or reporter.
c. Request information about 3. Limited Position of KPK
corruption eradication activities to the Office. The KPK's current weakness is
relevant agencies. that the KPK office is only centralized in
d. Conduct hearings or meetings the capital city of Jakarta, it will have an
with agencies authorized to eradicate impact besides not optimizing corruption
corrupt acts. eradication work in the area, KPK also
e. Requesting the relevant tends to spend considerable cost every
agency's report on the prevention of time to investigate corruption cases in the
criminal acts of corruption. area. Therefore, according to the opinion
According to the records of of the writer is very necessary to hold
Non-Governmental Organizations such as KPK representatives in the provinces or if
Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), the KPK budget is minimal, then the
Judicial Monitoring Coalition, Anti- procurement of representatives can be
Corruption Studies Center of UGM, and done gradually by opening a
anti-corruption drive academics that some representative of the Regional KPK
69 problems or obstacles that occur in the office, because the knowledge of local
role of KPK eradicate and overcome KPK office writers only exist in Aceh
corruption as follows: province.
1. Socialization of the KPK has 4. Lack of bringing a deterrent
not touched up to the vast community in effect According to the authors that the
the remote areas which resulted in many efforts of the KPK to crack down and
reports of cases that are not KPK's tackle corruption at this time has not been
authority or not a corruption case but able to cause fear and deterrence to the
reported to the KPK. According to the corruptors. This is seen still a lot of
authors this could happen because the corruptors who were caught by the KPK.
public lacks the authority, duties and role Be preserved because it has
of KPK according to Law Number 30 succeeded in uncovering corruption cases
Year 2002. that harm state finances and harm society
2. Problems of public and injure the rights of the people. The
participation in combating corruption. KPK also succeeded in eradicating the
According to the writer's opinion that corruption to its roots regardless of the
public participation is not enough perpetrators and positions held by the
interpreted just to be asked to report an perpetrators of the corruption.
Corruption is a self-enriching So far the government continues to make
act that directly harms the state or the efforts in combating corruption. one of
economy of the country. Thus, the which is to establish a corruption
element of corruption involves two eradication agency that is currently
aspects. Aspects that enrich themselves known as the Corruption Eradication
by using his position and aspects of the Commission (KPK). besides the
use of state money for his interests. The government also take advantage of
causes are, among others, the lack and advances in information and
weakness of leaders, weaknesses of communication technology as a tool in
teaching and ethics, colonialism, assisting efforts to eradicate corruption in
colonialism low education, poverty, this country. but this would not be perfect
absence of harsh penalties, corruption, without the support of the main and
low human resources, and economic largest component of the general public.
structure. Corruption can be classified For it is actually the most
into three types, namely form, nature, and effective effort to eradicate corruption in
objectives. The impact of corruption can Indonesia is a good cooperation between
occur in various fields including, the field the government and the general public. In
of democracy, economy, and the welfare addition, improving the quality of human
of the state. resources (HR) will minimize the
The acts of a person who with or occurrence of criminal acts of corruption.
due to a crime or violation enriches itself Strict laws are also required to ensnare
or another person or an entity that directly these "rat ties" who steal people's rights.
or indirectly harms the financial or The combination of all the above
economic State and local or financial mentioned aspects is the perfect effort to
damages of another legal entity receiving combat corruption in Indonesia.
assistance from the state or regional
finance or entity other laws that use REFERENCES
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