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National Service Training Program

Civic Welfare Training Service

Visca, Baybay City, Leyte, PHILIPPINES

War on Trash: Battling Environmental Crisis through Recycling


Rodrigo Jr. D. Bantilan, 09704559026,

July 13, 2021

I. Project Summary
Improper solid waste disposal can lead to unsanitary conditions, which can
lead to contamination of the atmosphere. It also poses a risk of pollution of soil and
water, which could damage the habitats of plants, animals, and fresh water
supplies in the region. Paper, plastic, glass, metal, and organic waste are all types
of waste that can be classified. Ineffective solid waste management may have
significant negative environmental consequences, such as infectious diseases,
contamination of land and water, drain obstruction, and biodiversity loss. This
project focuses on waste management system based on recycling. Critical for
raising community consciousness of the value of reducing solid waste's
environmental effects. To avert this impending disaster, the War on Trash: Battling
Environmental Crisis by Recycling has provided the neighborhood with
environmental education materials for long-term community growth. This project
shown a positive effect on the environment and to generate action plans to address
solid waste issues. To reduce waste, reduce the need for new raw material
harvesting, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and save money. This project is
critical to the community's current needs, particularly given the prevalence of
various waste materials such as plastic bottles, wrappers, cans, and papers in
streets, seashores, canals, and other areas. By all accounts, the primary goal of
this project is to address the troubling problem of increasing garbage in a society,
particularly through recycling. Furthermore, this is intended to avert a looming
energy crisis that threatens to destabilize socioeconomic conditions. Beneficial use

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
National Service Training Program
Civic Welfare Training Service
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte, PHILIPPINES

of solid waste entails assisting people who produce wastes in identifying beneficial
uses for such wastes rather than disposing of them in landfills. Plastic bottles,
were transformed into flower pots, pen organizers, containers, and other
decorative products. Solid waste management is handled routinely in this project
which ensured the sustainable best practices integrated into environmental
planning. Our air is safer, and health threats and dangers are reduced when waste
is properly disposed. The world's population is growing, and so is the amount of
waste being made. More garbage is generated, which necessitates a large amount
of space in waste streams for trash to be incinerated. Since the amount of space
available on Earth is currently very small. Many items, such as plastic bottles and
aluminum, are 100 percent recyclable, but their potential is wasted. As a result,
large quantity of single-used plastic bottles were collected during the second week
of implementation.
The project support the proponents' immediate local community (families,
friends, and local people in their community) the recycled and eco-friendly items
made from plastic bottles have been processed and introduced to the local
community to kick off the project's goal of combating the environmental crisis by
recycling the wastes especially plastic bottles. It is now their task to initiate at their
own guidance the movement for environmental conservation and sustainable
development action to arise.
During the Implementation of the project was widely seen in some of the
evidences. First was during the orientation lack of community participation was the
main hindrance. Though we have pleased every neighbor we had to partake in the
focus group discussion but they’re also busy handling their daily lives. So, I have
come up with the idea that in order for us to have a community engagement. I have
manage to visit every household in our community to get plastics bottles and
lecture every member of the family the advantages in doing recycling. Second
hindrance was encountered during last week of implementation. The lack of plants
to be planted in every plastic bottles had arisen. And one way I’ve done to cope-
up with this problem is that some of the product outcome we made was then given
to our neighbors for them to use and the nice thing about it, is that I also creates
community engagement.

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
National Service Training Program
Civic Welfare Training Service
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte, PHILIPPINES

II. Project Details

1. Project Purpose
This project was initially aims to alleviate the current environmental crisis
by reducing the amount of waste plastic and/or paper in each household or group
and the man target of the original proposal was the community where I live. This
project aims to present how a small actions may result to a large scale of changes,
including environmental conservations. Big changes starts small, by recycling
single-used plastics, waste materials laying around bearing harmful effect to the
environment will be lessen. And on the other hand, planting on the recycled
plastic waste will increase its usability thus giving those unappealing plastic waste
its desirable aesthetics. This project presents products that are visually appealing
for the community to be inspired to be give single-used plastics a pleasing yet
helpful usage. Recycled and eco-friendly items made from plastic and paper
wastes has been creatively processed and introduced to the local community to
kick off the project's goal of combating the environmental crisis by recycling the
wastes listed.

2. Project Accomplished
The project has begun with the general orientation for family members in
the preliminary stage or in the first week of the implementation. During the
formulation of desired project outcome, availability of the resources around the
community was the main focus. One of the first steps we have done is that we
have list of all necessary materials and finalize the planned outcomes. The
orientation turned out be a two-day period that all participants have reached an
agreement. Second stage, purchased of the listed and agreed tools was done.
The materials purchased was then used and utilized on reusing waste materials
according to the desired products. The raw materials (plastic bottles) was then
organized and clean in preparation for the production. In addition to this stage, the
recyclable materials from the neighborhood and surroundings that are becoming
a problem to the community had been collected. The allotted time for the collection

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
National Service Training Program
Civic Welfare Training Service
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte, PHILIPPINES

of materials is from May 24- 29, 2021 was utilized. When the needed materials
are ready, the process and production takes place. During the production, one
starts creating the by parts of the product then assemble it into its desired form
with the final touches. After the process, the recycled products has been finally
used for its respective purposes. Plants are then planted on the plastic pots made.
The process, production, and implementation stage last for 26 days.
The project’s main objective is to recycle and repurpose materials that
would otherwise be discarded around the community or the neighborhood. The
project attained its objectives by recycling the collected plastic bottles and turned
it in items that have functional uses and are decorative. Project objectives had
been successful through proper budgeting, orientation, and resource collection,
and all these steps that come before the main goal of recycling.
During the second week of the project implementation, plastic bottles were
collected in every household. Over a hundred of plastic bottles was recovered
around the neighborhood. However, only few of the plastic bottles were then
created to the desired outcome. Hence the main agenda is to show the community
how a small actions can benefit their own as well as the next generation.

3. Project Challenges and Lesson Learned

This project has implemented successfully however, hindrances was also

encountered during the implementation. Challenge in collecting plastic bottles was
encountered and well be the most significant challenge throughout the
implementation. Most of the houses during weekdays were closed and no one’s
at home to provide us their unused plastic bottles.
This project present various opportunity that can be unleash doing small
acts. One of those opportunity is that it has its power to generate job opportunities.
Plastics bottles that were turned into creative plant pots can be sell. This project
helps to identify further actions that can be taken to alleviate rapid climate
changes. Recycling contributes to environmental protection, reduces emissions
caused by various wastes, and helps to conserve natural resources.

Page 4 of 7
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
National Service Training Program
Civic Welfare Training Service
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte, PHILIPPINES

This project boosted the morale of the people who have been directly
impacted by the planned recycling initiative. Stronger community fellowship had
been derived greatly through this project.
Owing to the pandemic, the proposal has been carried out by members of
the family rather than the community. However, community engagement is also
seen during the implementation. It would have carried greater impact if people
were gathered in one place and created the pot plants simultaneously.

4. Project Sustainability

This project has its focused of recycling an eco-friendly items made from
plastic and paper waste and then processed and introducing it to the local
community was the start of larger action for us to combat the environmental crisis
by recycling the single-used plastics. By continuing the started project, attaining a
sustainable future for us and the next generations isn’t that hard anymore.
Outcome of this project are planned be disseminated throughout the
community for it be seen by locals and could boost others morale in environmental
As seen in the reactions of the neighbours, this project can be a
contributing factor to the creation and maintenance of a sustainable future for


PENN STATE. (2012, August 9). What is Community Engagement? (Department of

Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education). Plone Site.

Page 5 of 7
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
National Service Training Program
Civic Welfare Training Service
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte, PHILIPPINES

Pineiro, Dithrich, Dhar. (2018, September 6). Financing the Sustainable Development
Goals: Impact Investing in Action. The GIIN.

NI MBLY. (2020, September 16). DIY PLASTIC BOTTLE PLANT POT [Video]. YouTube.


Page 6 of 7
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
National Service Training Program
Civic Welfare Training Service
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte, PHILIPPINES

Page 7 of 7
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.

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