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Assessment Rubrics: Capstone Project

Part 1: Artifacts portfolio (max 5 points, 1 point for each of the artifacts)

Rubrics for assessing written artifacts

➔ Task is fully completed, all questions are addressed.
➔ Content matches the task and shows independent critical thinking and analysis.
1 ➔ There is a clear structure, logic, and coherence in idea development.
➔ Appropriate academic vocabulary and grammar are used. The academic writing style is

➔ Task is fully completed, all questions are addressed.

➔ Content matches the task and shows some critical thinking and analysis.
0.7 ➔ Writing is not clearly organized, there are some logic gaps in idea development.
➔ Appropriate academic vocabulary and grammar are used. The academic writing style is
mostly followed.

➔ Task is partly completed, not all questions are addressed.

➔ Content matches the task but fails to show critical thinking and analysis.
0.5 ➔ There is some structure and coherence in idea development.
➔ Poor use of academic vocabulary and grammar. The academic writing style is compromised.

➔ The assignment is not submitted.

0 OR
➔ The assignment is found to be plagiarised.
➔ The content does not match the given task.

Rubrics for assessing recordings

➔ Task is fully completed, all questions are addressed.
➔ Content matches the task and shows independent critical thinking and deep personal
1 ➔ The recording is within the acceptable time range.
➔ The speech is produced with no or limited reliance on notes.
➔ Confident delivery: eye-contact, appropriate body language, vocal variety and intelligible

➔ Task is fully completed, all questions are addressed.

➔ Content matches the task and shows some independent critical thinking and personal
0.7 reflection.
➔ The recording is within the acceptable time range.
➔ The speech is produced with some reliance on prepared notes.
➔ Delivery needs improvement in 1 or more of the following aspects: eye-contact, appropriate
body language, vocal variety and intelligible pronunciation.

➔ Task is partly completed, not all questions are addressed.

➔ Content matches the task but fails to show independent critical thinking or personal reflection.
➔ The length of the recording is outside the time limits.
0.5 ➔ The speaker heavily relies on prepared notes or reads off the script.
➔ Delivery needs improvement in 1 or more of the following aspects: eye-contact, appropriate
body language, vocal variety and intelligible pronunciation.

The assignment is not submitted.

0 OR
The assignment is found to be plagiarised.
The content does not match the given task.
Assessment Rubrics: Capstone Project
Part 2: Reflection screencast (max 5 points)

➔ Task is fully completed, content matches the task and shows independent
critical thinking and deep personal reflection.
➔ Reflection consistently relates to the learning outcomes of the course.
➔ The explanations/justifications for all eight chosen artifacts are clearly
articulated and develop a coherent argument.
➔ Each of the explanations/justifications is evidenced by specific examples of
5 progress or effort towards progress.
points ➔ Reflection is forward-looking.
➔ The recording is within the acceptable time range.
➔ The speech is produced with no or limited reliance on notes.
➔ Confident delivery: eye-contact, appropriate body language, vocal variety and
intelligible pronunciation.

➔ Task is fully completed, content matches the task and shows some
independent critical thinking and personal reflection.
➔ Reflection sometimes relates to the learning outcomes of the course.
➔ The explanations/justifications for the chosen artifacts are well articulated and
attempt to develop a coherent argument.
➔ Some of the explanations/justifications are evidenced by specific examples of
4-3 progress or effort towards progress.
points ➔ Reflection is forward-looking.
➔ The recording is within the acceptable time range.
➔ The speech is produced with some reliance on prepared notes.
➔ Delivery needs improvement in 1 or more of the following aspects:
eye-contact, appropriate body language, vocal variety and intelligible

➔ Task is partly completed, content matches the task but fails to show
independent critical thinking or personal reflection.
➔ Reflection does not clearly relate to the learning outcomes of the course.
➔ The explanations/justifications for the chosen artifacts are not well articulated
and fail to develop a coherent argument.
➔ The explanations/justifications lack specific examples of progress or effort
towards progress.
2-1 ➔ Reflection is not forward-looking.
points ➔ The length of the recording is outside the time limits.
➔ The speaker heavily relies on prepared notes or reads off the script.
➔ Delivery needs improvement in 2 or more of the following aspects:
eye-contact, appropriate body language, vocal variety and intelligible

The assignment is not submitted.

0 points OR
The assignment is found to be plagiarised.
The content does not match the given task.

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