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Viktoriia Stambulska

Instructor: Liubov Didyk

11 May 2021

Methods of teaching English

There are many methods of teaching English. It is difficult to identify the best
method because each person is unique and everyone must find a method that will be
best for her. That is why it is better to classify methods of teaching English not by
their effectiveness but by their popularity.
One of the most popular methods is "Grammar and Translation" which
involves studying grammar and text analysis. This method is effective because it
performs two functions at once: learning grammar and increasing the vocabulary of
words through the written translation of the text.
There is also a method called "Natural" which is based on repetition and
correction. The main idea of this method is not to use the native language at all, this
is how you can overcome the language barrier. The method that became very famous
was created by Robin Callan, this method is to answer the question as quickly as
possible. Unlike previous methods, the method "Kalan" is useful because it is to
improvise and reproduce what has already been learned.
Another good method is "Audio". However, it is very difficult to learn English
just by listening to conversations between English speakers. In this situation, you act
as an observer and listener, perhaps this method would be more useful if you have
before you the text you are listening to in order to better understand speech.
The last most popular way, however, is "Language immersion". This method is
not so popular because few people have the opportunity to live abroad. However, in
my opinion, this method is the fastest of all, because with it you can learn English
perfectly in the shortest possible time.
Each of these methods is effective, you only need to choose the ones that will
suit you. After that, learning English will bring only pleasure and progress.

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