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Course: IELTS 6.

5 14/04/2021 @TN
Lesson: Week 11W - Writing Skill Lesson 9 (Task 2: Discuss Both
Essay Question: Essay Prompt 1

Student: Đàm Quang Thanh Tú

Student’s Answer:

Many people contend that the elderly should be looked after as well as supported by the
authorities, whereas others claim they ought to make savings for the future. Personally,
I advocate the former speculation.

When people need to have their own savings, there are both positives and negatives.
On the one hand, retired people should save their own money to live independently and
not become a burden for their children. With their savings and pension, the elderly may
afford to cover various expenses such as housing-related costs, utility bills and daily
necessities. Nonetheless, if retirees want to ensure a healthy pension on retirement,
they will have to work diligently on the given tasks. This leads lead to being under be
under pressure, exposed expose to more occupational hazards and having have
sensory impairments at old age. To illustrate, having glued to the computer screens for
protracted periods, people have a tendency to suffer tendency suffer from skeletal
injuries, vision loss and inappropriate posture.

In essence, government involvement is needed to assist the elderly. The first and
perhaps the most significant reason is that low-income groups usually have an inability
to cover various expenditures. Due to the fact that they lack insufficient savings to pay
for these expenses, the so the government should provide funding for them to make
sure senior citizens are able to access more access to more commodities and
amenities. Another pragmatic approach to this phenomenon would be that the be
the aged should receive better social welfare from the state including medical expenses,
attendance allowance and bereavement support allowance since they contributed a lot
in their young age.

In summation, I firmly believe that the government should be liable for providing the
elderly with financial needs and ensuring their well-being. Additionally, government
support will inevitably make them capable of living comfortably.

Teacher’s Markup:

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