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Advertising is all around us; it is an unavoidable part of everyone's life.

Some people say that

advertising is a positive part of our lives while others say it is a negative one. Discuss both
views and give your opinion.

Many people contend that advertising plays a useful role in virtually fields of daily life in this day
and age, whereas others claim it is quite aggressive and tries to control people's behavior as well
as style of living. From my perspective, I completely advocate the former speculation.

While the second phenomenon is true to some extent, I believe that it is not entirely sensible. In
actuality, the celebrity endorsement of the product is one of the major advertising campaign
strategies. This greatly affects the public’s choice for purchasing things due to a widely held
belief that the prominent person would most likely use only high-quality products. On the flip
side, some people, especially youngsters, are much more liable to devote themselves to buying
the products promoted by that kind of advertising. As a consequence, this aspect will lead to a
detrimental situation that they cannot resist the offers of new modern goods and spend enormous
amounts of money with the purpose of seeming wealthy and fashionable.

In addition to the aforementioned argument, I strongly assert that advertising has been appealing
effectively to people in this day and age. The first and perhaps the most significant reason is that
the flexibility of advertising truly opens up the possibility of understanding new goods and
services arising to the market. Most importantly, it can help people save their money. For the
reason that by watching advertising through social networking sites, people may have a chance to
buy the products they really need with a huge discount. A further positive point would be the
promotional campaigns play the conspicuous role in creation of diversity of media content. Some
people who have their own websites on the Internet are able to put banners' on their pages and
receive some money growing their remuneration.

In summation, it seems to me that the advertising is firmly an essential tool for all sides of our
life. As a matter of fact, it should be well-balanced with others aspects of social life, so in this
case the negative effect will be diminished.

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