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1. The young girl drunk a glass of milk (I)

Subject: The young girl

Past participle: drunk

drunk should be drank

Then it should have been changed to: The young girl drank a glass of milk

2. Before she left, she had asked her mother for permission (C)

There are two clauses: “Before she left”, and “she had asked”

Simple past tense: she left

Past perfect tense: she had asked

Since the verb used after the helping verb is correct that is the past participle of the third form

3. Having finished the term-paper, he began studying for the exam (C)

Since the verb used after the helping verb is correct that is the past participle of the third form

And since there is no repetition of his subject, then this sentence is correct

4. The secretary has broke her typewriter (I)

Subject: The secretary

broke should be broken

Since after the helping verb verb the verb forms to two instead of to three, then this sentence is

5. The installer should have completes the task more quickly (I)

Subject: The installer

completes should be completed

Since after the helping verb it is supposed to be the verb of the third form, then this sentence is

6. He has often become angry during meetings (C)

Subject: He

Past participle: become

Since the past participle is used after the helping verb that is the third form, then this sentence
is correct

7. She has rarely rode her horse in the park (I)

Since the past participle is used after the helping verb that is the second form, then this
sentence is incorrect

Supposed to be: She has rarely ridden her horse in the park

8. Having saw the film, he was quite disappointed (I)

saw should be seen

Since the past participle used the form to two, then this sentence is incorrect.

Then it should have been changed to : Having seen the film, he was quite disappointed

9. Tom has thought about taking that job (C)

Subject: Tom

Past participle: thought

Since the past participle used the third form, then this sentence is correct

10. You might have respond more effectively (I)

Since after the helping verb, the past participle is used that is the first form instead of the three,
then this sentence is incorrect.
Then it should have been changed to : You might have responded more eeffectivel


1. At 12.00 Sam is eat his lunch (I)

Adverbs: At 12.00

Subject: Sam

Since this sentence is active, then after being verb should have used the present participle.

Then it should have been changed to :At 12.00 Sam is eating his lunch

2. We are meeting them later today (C)

Subject: we

Present participle: meeting

Since this sentence is active and uses the present participle then this sentence is correct

3. The message was took by the receptionist (I)

Subject: The message

Be verb: was

Since this sentence is passive supposed to use past participle instead of benthic verb to two,
then this sentence is incorrect.

Then it should have been changed to: The message was taken by the receptionist

4. Being heard was extremely important to him (C)

Since this sentence is passive form and uses past participle, then this sentence is correct.
5. The Smiths are build their house on some property that they own in the desert (I)

Subject: The Smiths

Since this sentence is active form, it should after be verb use present participle, then this
sentence is incorrect

6. It had been noticed that some staff members were late (C)

Since this sentence is a passive form and uses the verb of the third past participle, then this
sentence is correct

7. The report should have been submit by noon (I)

Subject: The report

Be verb: been

Since this sentence is passive but on the sentence uses the verb of the first form, which is
supposed to be changed so past participle, then this sentence is incorrect.

8. Are the two companies merge into one? (i)

Because of this the question form sentence should be started with a helping verb

Since the verb used the first verb form then this sentence is incorrect, as it should have used the
past participle or it could also present participle.

9. He could be taking four courses this semester (C)

Since this sentence is active form, and uses present participle, then this sentence is correct

10. The score information has been duplicates on the back-up disk (I)

Subject: The score information

Since this sentence is passively supposed to use the verb form to the three past participle, then
this sentence is incorrect

1. The salesclerk might lower the price (C)

Subject: The salesclerk

Modal: might

Since this sentence already uses the basic form verb, then this sentence is correct

2. The television movie will finishes in a few minutes (I)

Subject: The television

Modal: will

This sentence is wrong because it doesn’t use verb first form

3. Should everyone arrive by 8.00? (C)

Subject: everyone

Modal: should

This sentence is correct because it uses a basic verb

4. The method for organizing files can be improved (C)

Subject:The method

Modal: can

Since this sentence is a passive form, it must use past participle and since this form be verb is
already a base verb, then this sentence is correct

5. The machine may click off if it is overused (I)

Subject: The machine

Modal: may

Because after said modal, it should have used base verb, then this sentence is incorrect
6. Every morning the plants must be watered (C)

Subject: the plants

Modal: must

Since this sentence is passive so must use past participle, but there is already an auxiliary verb
“be” which is base verb, then this sentence is correct.

7. The houses with ocean views could sell for considerably more (C)

Since in the sentence already uses base verb, then this sentence is correct

8. Would anyone liked to see that movie? (I)

Subject: anyone

Modal: would

This sentence is incorrect, because it does not use base verb

9. I do not know when it will depart (C)

There are two clauses: “ I do not know” & “It will depart”

Connector: When

Modal: will

Because after said modal already uses base verb, then this sentence is correct

10. She will work on the project only if she can has a full-time secretary (I)

There are two clauses: “she will work on the project only” & “she can has a full-time secretary”

Connector: If

Because after said modal does not use base verb, then this sentence is incorrect.
EXERCISE (skills 30-32)

1. I have gave you all the money that I have (I)

This sentence of active form

Since after verb, it does not use past participle, then this sentence is incorrect.

Should have been changed to: I have given you all the money that I have

2. The articles were put in the newspaper before he was able to stop production (C)

This sentence of active form

Since after be verb already uses past participle, then this sentence is correct

3. All the tickets for the concert might already be sold (C)

Modal: might

Because after Word modal already uses base verb, then this sentence is correct

4. He was so thirsty that he drunk several large glasses of water (I)

There are two clauses: “he was so thirsty” & “he drunk... water”

Connector: that

5. The deposit will has to be paid before the apartment can be rented (I)

This sentence is a passive form

Modal: will

Because after said modal does not use base verb, then this sentence is incorrect
Has changed to have

6. He objects to being held without bail (C)

This sentence of active form

Since after being verb uses a past participle sentence, then this sentence is correct

7. Having completed the first chapter of the manuscript, she decided to take a break (C)

Since after the modal word, it already uses past participle, then this sentence is correct

8. If Steve had really wanted to pass his exam, he would has studied much more (I)

Since after the modal word on the second clause, it does not use base verb, then this sentence is

9. He thought that he should have be invited to attend the conference (I)

This sentence of active form

Once the capital word “should” already use base verb it is correct,

This sentence is a combination of skill 30, 31, dance 32. But since be verb does not use the past
participle form, then this sentence is incorrect

10. Before the speaker finished, many guests had rose from their seats and started for the door (I)

Since after “had” Does not use past participle, then this sentence is incorrect
TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 30-32)

1. Alice in wonderland, first published in 1865, has since being translated into thirty languages


Subject: Alice in wonderland

Adjective clause: first published in 1865

Since that “has” is always followed by “been” then “being” is incorrect

Then the uncorrect word is: C

2. The Peace Corps was establish on March 1, 1961, by then President John F Kennedy


Subject: The Peace Corps

Since this sentence is passive, it should have used past participle. Then the word “establish” is
incorrect. Then the uncorrect word is: C

3. The advisor told himself, while listening to the speech, that a dozen other reporters would has


asked that question.

There are two clauses: “The adviser... himself’ & “a dozen..... question “

Adverbial clause: while listening to the speech

Because on the second clause contained after the capital word “would” does not use base verb.
Namely changed from “has” so “has”. Then the uncorrect word: C

4. At the start of the American Revolution, lanterns were hung in the Old North Church as a signal


the British were came

There are two clauses: “lanterns... Church” & “the British... came” connector: that

5. Linus Pauling has wins two Nobel Prizes: the 1954 Nobel Prize in chemistry and the 1962 Nobel



Subject: Linus Pauling

In verb “has” It should be followed by past participle because of the form of the active sentence,
then “wins” should be “won”.

6. On the huge Ferris wheel constructed for a world exhibition in Chicago in 1893, each of the


cabs could held sixty people.

There is a capital word “could” that should be followed by base verb, then that “held” should be
changed to “hold”. Then the uncorrect word: D

7. To overcome rejection of a skin graft, a system for matching donor and recipient tissues has be



There is after the verb “has” is supposed to use “been”. Then the word “be” is incorrect. Then
the uncorrect word: D

8. Nails are commonly make of steel but also can contain substances such as aluminum or brass.


There on the first verb after the word “are commonly” is supposed to use past participle. Then
the “make” is changed “made”. Then the uncorrect word: B

9. A patient suffering from amnesia may had partial or total loss of memory.

There is in the sentence there is a modal word “may” which is supposed to be followed by base
verb. Then the “limit” should have been changed “have”. Then the uncorrect word: C

10. The idea of using pure nocitine to help smokers stop was first tries in the mid-1980’s with the


nicotine laced chewing gum Nicotette.

There on be verb after the word “was first” is supposed to use past participle because this
sentence is passive form. Then “tries” should have been changed “tried”. Then the uncorrect
word: D


1. ..... separates Manhattan’s Upper East Side from the Upper West Side
a. Central Park
b. Where Central Park
c. Where is central Park
d. Central Park which

Answer is option: A

2. Bioluminescent animals ..... the water or on land.

a. Live
b. Are living either
c. They are found in
d. Can be found in

Answer is option: D

3. The purpose of a labor union is to improve the working conditions, ..... and pay of its
a. Jobs are secure
b. To be secure
c. Job security
d. The job’s security

Answer is option: C
4. When ..... on July 4, 1789, the federal tariff, intended by the Founding Fathers to be the
government’s primary source of revenue, was remarkably evenhanded.
a. Was first enacted
b. First enacted
c. Was enacted first
d. It first

Answer is option: B

5. ..... inclined to push for such a reduction, it would probably not be successful
a. The office of management
b. The office of management was
c. In the office of management
d. Were the office of management

Answer is option: D

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