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— . Bele i me ee ‘gad Pein EXERCISE BOOK by ra 4 BR ae REED COLLEGE LIBRARY “ PORTLA! ND, OREGON 97202 0 9.499 22 9999.999999999999999995 TO THE ART TEACHER Good handwntng should be the basis ofall formal wnting, and formal writing should. be the basis of lettenng. Inthe Justory of scripts ot is the rule that a senipt onginates as a forms of cursive wntiig handwriting and is later regularized as 4 formal bookhand e~ still later is lettered .1.¢..drawn. Lt seems then that the sound. approach in teaching the letterarts iF to eran the student to write one alphabet in all tts daqnes of informal ty c= formality.’The script offering the widest varity of woes 15 Ttalve. By concenitnateng on Hus one script for all purposes the student would acquire ansight unto the nature of esters hus skill. compared ta present standards of aclvevernent, would. beastoneshing The {jreatest change, however, would be a lugher degree of lderacy é better morale. These are the results where thes mettod ts used. Elementary schoo. beginners work xm pencil. Evxerases 1072 are forthem. All exercises upto No. 20 could be done in pencil. As soon as they have grasped the letter forms, givechem pen eink. Bein tach of- the exercises with a C-2. Progress to the smaller sizes. tse Spwedball ¢ sents powsand Cont pens for large sign projects. For use with the Osmeroid Broad nub. have the— student cli half a shect of typing paper onto the detachable guide at the back of thus Excercise book. Use the § pen-width scale first. For lettening- projects, make— frre tracings of Speedlball or Cout writing, or wie with double pencils and improvise will pointed pen or pointed brush. (see O4gis-An Alphabet Source Book”) 4 Note that all exercises from number ste 22,ondusive, aredonewith an Osmiroid Broad nib. Furthermore, all pen exercises are reproduced én the original size, to make it casi er for the student to compare his work with the models. €Fairbanks “A Hand: writing Manual “e~ Gourdics Italic Handwriting are the reammended texts on Ttalic.¢ These books e supplies are avadlable‘at the Reed College Book Store: € Always emphasize specing e=™mae tach exercise a prjectin DESIGN. August, 1956, Reed College = je No.1. Order er divection of strokes. tiabbtcé dee fjqish ipkekliominooppigir se riLUVWAyy2 ye A BE iD BE Guy Id KLM MNO PAR S TUVW 1 No. 2. Italic lowercase. Pencil. 1. Basic; 2. Cursive; 3. Old oe abedefghijkimn opgr STUVWX yZ adn ign npruv WXYZ 7 120 3457968 a ‘aaa No.6. Alphabet sentences. Oval rhythms A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Picking fust six quinces, new /farmhan d L proves strong but lazy. nununumun nan cndnengng+ubuhukun Lumpur 4 onononononononon common motion mutiny inner monotonous noontime humid. lithography calligrap hy noun 6 Ree a Eek abba baa a esas edad ad dee ‘No.7. Beginnings ev endengs. Write mummy — not emmy. Or: minimum common mine time inner hum momentous animation magnitude fountain canny Mountain UNLON ocean iN | imminent million andminuteun made luminous gnomons manual community amity emulation inner think ovals, concentrate on ovals; avoid baskets e7 fishhooks if youcan. | ammonia canyon multitudinous Wd oRESEbEEDEDDDEDSSSOOS SSS IdbS No. 8. Plain Italic Capitals one strate: C1 | LOSUVWYZ Tw stokes BDG KM PORT XY & rhree stokes: Ai FH N Athens, Basel, Colophon, Dublin, Eden, Florence, Haarlem, Genoa, fle de France, jerusa lem, Kyoto, Leipzig, Mainz, Naples, Oxford, Paris, Quincy, Rome, Subiaco, Tours, Ulm Venice, Winchester, Xanadu, Yedo & Zion 3 aren eN eee ew neue Oyen a TD No.9. Old Style figures. Old Style: 120 68 34579 4 July 1776 4 vif 1776 Modern: 1234567890 4 JULY 1776 1.2,3.4,5; I caughta hare alive. 6,78,9,10; | ler him go again. Magic square: 16 3 2 13 ( from Divers “Melancholia’ ) 415141 Number of atoms i inthe universe: 3.10 74 2 Penny Cree ne ee eee anew en No. 10. Joms nanbnondnenenfrgnhniink buy nanynz (Joons ane viv derlined.) am inner feast top at rest tip ave near err is love awve day hill most next way arian at bicycle hodgepodge minimum auto dejected decision art fewon maximum manager note into inclination planning lazy ate Wo. 11. Flourished Capitals. aAbBCDEFGHIJIK LMNOPQRSTUVW . tes Am Bill eel Fred George Hal Ian John Jan Kathi Lois Markvid Nancy Ole Phyllis Quixote Ralph Sharon Tom Ullman Virguma Weston Xenia Yorick Zilch 7:30P.M.. Phone FA s-1234 : 11 b - ae re FURR kkk keke ees e deed ee No. 12. Hortzontals onubaonubaonubaonubaonuba acgg Fpsiy rt appreciate adverb rejoice zebras Psian page tray star dust arc dazed crazy fragrant lacy plastic arrogant focular yesterda zany lazy forest glamor prejudices star jackals foist light world Brace at praise “ny speak friend wordart late porta quest gratitude vest a2 No. 13. Horizontals (contd) + horizontals again concentrate prayer clay age doctor address propaganda dizzy add subtract bray stay gray sagebrush dusty Grass past protop lasm Galactic parade avaricious chrysalis sad bad | fried correct carfish drizzle ¥ Ssh. bread rarity artizan cap Begg Fisk bread rarity artvgnn cap carry furred cedar bark drag charred strap ice cream chocolate dancer rock race radish castor 5 ODDRREDORRESAADASIS ODDO SSIES No. 14. Ellipse: right side. obphlnn probe bolo public robable able hobble ‘park bench black ball not benchmark quibble bobolink on pabulum probability pa rika Pe ie alte people pepper parable mope nape colophon member broom lope imbibe imbue barb pole barbarous babble trouble poodle operation 14 No 15. Ellipse: left side. oacde oaocodocogoqoaocodocogoqoao adore adage quote catalog dodig hag acquatint dog quotient got decalog slag | program qu mire odor cog codger dope ba ip edge 4 goatajpadrangle equinox equal equate quorum quality quick gagged doodle good gore flood economic loquacious odious ode 15 "No. 16- Counters. nup etc Make similar counters the same size and the same “Pi «kya sruadgaph rkhe edge brunt quarry grip adage quip had piquant bisque brink gaunt hark haul applique horvendus Guarantor rhetoric approval purr ‘placque ‘printing cartography park Arvighi art cartography calligraphy equal Poke kebab db dd dade dedddadaeed No. 17. Distinction between cere. ce not cee. ace ate cerise ice race excise ceiling cereal echo secede science cease célerity pace decent crease peace crescent surcease eclectic recipe complacent facet concert delicious electric recipe cement place cent raceme mace novice lancet malice scene lace lattice fuice cube cute hence incense process prease hievarch rejoice incident rice cinescope i ice inescop No.18. Diagonals. Down steep V3 then-way over V4 VWA- ‘y nit Vor WY Y.. write Rand not, k¢ Zany Craw Wavy Wwaxen work box wrinkly wheezy yew yolk yap yo-yo pie ert witty vartety expressive why vestry verity vixen klaxcon view watery weave hex valve vortex extra wolverine whinny kiva kiosk extravagancy exewnt yes vice-versa exam kickshaw yo-yo 18 EW xe SSP S PITTI TETITTIETTT Tris) No. 19. Distinction between verr Vturnsin, Pout. VT nr VY TiVer very viver vive ravine varnish rave curve rave vair receive ravage recessive deliver raven revel voracious trover varsity university liver vee reconvert receptor vecover reoveative revery carve engrave trawerse vaster vulgar vulture vivarium vesper mover vilric vizier terre vert viridran lover 19 ‘No. 20. Doubles ex ties. The ties ber are not recommended for general USE. y ft tt qq qq St shzz ss i Saf ‘fluff € of efflorescence affluence tact Spreges reagy happy cast i pat hatter stu sr “flow zzy arrange baggy stagger ie Saf “sl Bi huff : paste totter fleet coast slattern fizz effect raffle Spent ele Stay Sill raft diffidence hasty azz PEEbaDDaDODDDSSDOdSaaaaaddaOD No. 21, Formal Italic, lower case. hbk black hardly lc nmur murmur blooming fist prince all fe all ready already bleak. lumber meadow blue heron hald eagle meadow lark. racoon pheasant barn owl chipmunk brown bear mountainlion rabbit rouse quail thrush blue jay mag- : on night-hawk, fe beak sparrow wren mallard skunk elk deer doe antelope marmot porcupine Bab dob edd ddedaddaddaadadiaaaar "No. 26. Margins e7 layout. BF punctuation marks Wi at

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