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5 Best Panchatantra Moral Stories You Should Read Often

Panchatantra is a collection of ancient educational stories that teach children a way of life
disguised as funny short stories. Although Panchatantra stories in English are more popular
than the regular Sanskrit versions, the moral teaching it provides is the same. So please have a
look at these five amazing Panchatantra Moral Stories and tell them to your kids.

1. Owls and Crows

Once in a Jungle, birds are dissatisfied with King Garuda with his ignorance. They decided to
choose a new king, and the owl seemed a wise and capable candidate for the new King
Because owls can see in the dark and protect them at night. But on the day of the coronation,
the crow speaks to the bird and speaks up about the flaws owls have, like they sleep in the day
and are unable to protect them when they are awake and doing their chores. So Suggesting the
Garuda remain the King of birds. Owl was furious after hearing the thoughts of the crow and
vowed to take revenge on the crow.
Moral of the Story - These Moral Panchatantra Stories Tell that Never give your opinion where
it's unnecessary.

2. Hermit and Mouse

A hermit lives in a small cottage and earns his living with alms from the villagers and stores
them in a pot. But a mouse steals his charities and food daily from the pot. Hermit was angry at
the mouse but wanted to get rid of it without harming the mouse. So one of the following hermits
suggested that he find the storage of the mouse and destroy it, then hang the pot with the roof.
Hermit did the same and waited for its result. The hermit destroyed the mouse's entire food
storage and was unable to reach the pot for fresh food. So the mouse left without the food, and
after a few failed attempts to get the pot, he left the hermit's house in search of a new place with
Moral of the story: These Panchatantra moral stories teach us to strike the enemies source of
strength to defeat him.

3. The Cobra and Crows

These Panchatantra moral stories Vishnu Sharma is about a cobra who is constantly attacking
the crows' nest and stealing them. Crows are furious with the action of the cobra and decide to
end his facade once for all. They asked a fox for a solution, and he gave them a unique Idea.
One crow steals the queen's jewel and starts flying slowly so soldiers can follow him, drop the
gems in front of the cobra, and run away. Soldiers find the treasure with the cobra and kill him to
retrieve the jewels. Crows were overjoyed with the death of the cobra.
Moral of the story - this Amazing Panchatantra Stories in English Teaches us that you can be
defeat even the strongest of the enemy with the right approach and Intelligence.

4. Loud Mouth Tortoise

This Panchatantra morals Story is a tale of a loudmouth Tortoise who lived in a pond in a jungle.
In that pond, he befriended two cranes with his talks. In the summer season, water in the pond
started depleting, and everyone was scared. Tortoise Crane's friends suggested he move to a
distant pond where water is present, and the tortoise was happy and asked his friends to bring
him there. One of the cranes asked the tortoise to grab a stick with his mouth so they could
transport him to a new pond. The crane started flying while catching the end of the bar, and the
tortoise was holding the stick with his mouth. Soon they reached near the pond where a few
men were fishing, and they saw this phenomenon and started gossiping about it. Tortoise got
frustrated about their gossip and asked why they were talking about it. As soon as the tortoise
opened his mouth, he fell to the ground resulting in his death.
Moral of The Story: These Panchatantra moral Stories tell us to keep our mouth shut and wait
for the proper Movement.

5. Monkey and King

This story is the final story of the Panchatantra Moral Stories list. In this story, King found a
young monkey in the jungle and took him under his care. Soon the King is in love with the
monkey, and he keeps the monkey near him every time. One day King was sleeping in his bed,
and the monkey was playing near him and started catching a fly but soon got frustrated with the
fly. Then the monkey took the King's dagger and started attacking the Fly and Accidentally
cutting off the nose of the King.
Moral of the Story - This Story teaches us that a fool's friendship will always cost your Glory.

Final Say
I hope you found these Panchatantra moral stories entertaining and educational. Would you
please read and try to implement these teachings in your life?

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