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Eurika Nicole L.


11- Stem B Simplicity


Critique of the Proposal (Guide Questions)

Review the proposal in terms of the following questions, and write in terms of their order.

1. What are the unique features of the project proposal if compared to a research proposal?

The academic research proposal obviously will include a discussion of the research question, why it is
important, what you hope to investigate, your hypothesis (if any), a review of existing literature, how you
intend to go about the research and where, significance or benefits of the study, names and credentials of
your co-investigators, your own credentials, and how much funding is needed to support your study.

The project proposal includes a description of the project, why it is needed or what value it will have, benefits
to the institution being asked for support, benefits to the community, any potential drawbacks and why
they’re overshadowed by the benefits, similar projects that have been done elsewhere, projected costs, the
amount requested with a budget showing how the money will be allocated, sources and amounts of funds that
have already been committed, names and affiliations of any other supporters or interested parties, your name
and credentials, the names and credentials of any collaborators.

2. Does the title give a clear and concise description of the scope and nature of the project proposal?

Yes the title gives a clear and concise description of the scope and nature of the project proposal, by just
reading it you can already see the aim of the study and identify its area as well as its perspective. Reading the
title of the given project proposal gives a lot of information clearly in a few words, it is brief but
comprehensive. It was short and clear but it expressed what needs to be said without unnecessary words.

3. Does the proposal able to justify the problem? why or why not?

Yes, because the proposal showed us its use or aim to do.

4. Is/are the objective(s)/purpose(s) clearly stated? Does it/do they express what the proposal intends to
accomplish? Is/are the objective(s)/purpose(s) directly based on the identified and formulated problem(s)?

Yes it is clearly stated, and they express their proposal intends to accomplish which is to install solar panel
and rainwater harvesting system in their three tallest building to get much sun rays and rain water as well.
Yes their objectives is based ln the identified and formulated problems which is the water shortage and the
great use of electricity.

5. Does this section point out the benefit(s) to get if the proposal is done and to whom it is important?

Yes this section point out the benefits to get if the proposal is done and to whom it is important, it was clearly
stated that by installing solar panel and rainwater harvesting system the buildings will greatly save electricity
and water which has a lot of benefits in the budget of the school, it will be very water efficient and energy

6. Is the scope of the proposal limited and for what reasons? Does/do the writer(s) describe the extent to
which he/they believe the limitations degrade the quality of the research?

The scope of the proposal is limited to the rainwater harvesting system, the storage capacity limits supply
because the supply of water from a rainwater collection system is not only limited by the amount of rainfall
but also by the size of the collection area and storage facilities.

7. Is a detailed timetable and place for performing the project provided?

Yes, it was provided in this project proposal where the schedules and cost plans are included.

8. Are procedures to follow for conducting the proposal described effectively? Is it consistent with the

Yes, it was effective that it made me attached to this project proposal too, it is consistent because they stuck to
what the project proposal was all about. They did not shift to other topics or go far from it.


In Conclusion, This project proposal has excellent benefits when it comes to the bills of the school and also
helps to have an eco-friendly environment because it conserves or saves water and electricity.

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