Giver Lesson 5

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Giver by Lois Lowry ì

Lesson 6 (Chs. 12-13)
Created by Melissa Zaniewski
ì  Prohibited from copying, sharing, or distribu<ng
without prior permission from M. Zaniewski


ì  Direct Characteriza,on
ì  author makes a statement about the character. For
example, Jonas was ‘’careful about language.’’

ì  Indirect characteriza,on. Someone can be

characterized indirectly in the following ways:
ì  the character’s own words and thoughts
ì  the character’s ac<ons
ì  other characters’ words or thoughts
ì  other characters’ ac<ons
Refer to Transcript for Practice!
Ch. 12

ì  Jonas conceals his dream of sledding from his

family and claims that he slept soundly. Think about
what this quota<on reveals:
ì  ‘’Again and again, as he slept, he had slid down the
snow-covered hill. Always in the dream, it seemed
as if there were a des<na<on: a something –he
could not grasp what—that lay beyond the place
where the thickness of snow brought the sled to a
Reaction to Quote

ì  What is the ‘’something’’?

ì  What is the ‘’des<na<on’’?


ì  ‘’He was leP, upon awakening, with the feeling that

he wanted, even somehow needed, to reach the
something that waited in the distance. The feeling
that it was good. That it was welcoming. That it
was significant. But he did not know how to get
ì  What is Jonas thinking about?
Jonas’ and Fiona’s Relationship

ì  This <me, Fiona changes. Lowry writes, ‘’It seemed

to be just her hair. And just for that flickering

ì  The Giver responds, ‘’You’re beginning to see the

color red.’’

ì  ‘’The Giver chuckled suddenly. ‘ We’ve never

completely mastered Sameness. I suppose the
gene<c scien<sts are s<ll hard at work trying to
work the kinks out. Hair like Fiona’s must drive
them crazy.’’
ì  What is ‘’Sameness’’?
Pleasantville (1998)

The concept
behind the movie
is that these two
modern-day kids
are transported
into an old, black
and white
television show.
Movie Trailer

ì  Discussion Ques<ons:

ì  Do you see any similari<es between the characters

in the book and the movie?

ì  Do you see any similari<es between the problem or

conflict in the book and the movie?

ì  The movie clip men<ons the phrase ‘’the loss of

innocence’’ and ‘’ the power of change.’’ Explain
how these two phrases relate to the novel.
Jonas: ‘’Why can’t everyone see colors?”

ì  . The Giver responds, ‘’Our people made that

choice to go to Sameness…We gained control of
many things. But we had to let go of others.’’ To
which Jonas responds, ‘’We shouldn’t have!’’

Giver responds,

ì  ‘’You’ve come very quickly to that conclusion. It

took me many years. Maybe your wisdom will
come much more quickly than mine.’’
Chapter 13

ì  Jonas’ a_tude is changing…

ì  He states, ‘’I want to wake up in the morning and

decide things!’’

‘’A sound of rage and grief and it seemed to never end.’’

Jonas returns home…

ì  Tries to transmit memory to Lily and Father


ì  Conflict is a problem or struggle

ì  Two types: Internal and External

Conflicts in the novel

ì  Jonas vs. self
ì  Jonas vs. society
Internal Conflict (Man vs. Self)
External Conflict

ì  Man vs. Man

ì  Man vs. Nature

ì  Man vs. Supernatural

ì  Man vs. Society

Jonas’ Internal Conflict

ì  Something in this society

isn’t right…

ì  I want choice!

ì  What am I going to do with

this Assignment?

ì  How can I give the

community the right to
choose back?
Jonas’ Future

ì  A spouse (wife)?

ì  Giver says,’’ So there will be a whole part of your

life which you won’t be able to share with family.
It’s hard, Jonas. It was hard for me…You do
understand, Jonas, that this is my life? The
Importance of the Giver

ì  Giver states, ‘’It was chaos. They really suffered for

a while. Finally it subsided as the memories were

ì  Giver responds, ‘’And you will. It’s my life. It will

be yours.’’
Chapter 13 Discussion Questions

ì  How does ‘’loss of innocence’’ relate to Jonas? In what

way was he‘’innocent’’ at the beginning of the book?
What is causing him to lose that innocence?

ì  Why is the Giver’s job so important to the community?

ì  What did the society sacrifice by choosing ‘’Sameness’’?

ì  Does Jonas have what it takes to be a hero in this story

and save the society from Sameness? Why or why not?

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