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How to install OpenBravo ERP on Windows Living in Lahore, just completed MS
Labels: programming (CS). I love Innovation, Business and
Softwares. Doing web programming for
last 3 years. You can write me
I have just installed Open Bravo ERP (OpenbravoERP_2.40-windows-installer). Here is how I proceeded.
at "asifsh7 {at} gmail {dot} com"

OpenBravo requires JDK, Ant, Tomcat, PostgreSQL. You can install these applications before starting
OpenBravo installation or during the installation (I downloaded and installed during OpenBravo installation).

Just start the OpenBravo installation wizard and choose “next” .. “next” … you know. OpenBravo business (1)
installation wizard ask for following: entrepreneurship (1)
1. JDK innovation (5)
a. Download and install Ver. 1.5 or later.
leadership and management (6)
b. Wizard will automatically detect where it is installed. (or locate it, if it ask).
programming (3)
2. Ant
psychology (3)
a. Download and install
software business (2)
b. When OpenBravo wizard asks for it, select ant-installation-dir/bin/ant.bat)
software design (2)
3. Tomcat
Startups (1)
a. Download and install
uncategorized (4)
b. Select the installation-dir. when wizard asks for it.
4. PostgreSQL (so that OpenBravo can install ERP database on it)
a. Download and Install PostgreSQL Subscribe
(simple “next”, “next” process). Choose and remember password and port number (5432 default)
which you configure during installation process.
b. When OpenBravo installation wizard asks for it, locate PostgreSQL base-dir/bin directory.
Blog Archive
c. Input hostname = “localhost”, and port = 5432 (or that you configured earlier during PostgreSQL
installation). OpenBravo wizard will run the PostgreSQL automatically.
d. Type your PostgreSQL superuser password.
e. Choose a password for user “tad”. OpenBravo uses it to talk DB.
5. The setup continues … Keep reading wizard status, it tells what’s going on.
6. After installation finish. Start you Tomcat /tomcat-dir/bin/startup.bat
7. Hit your browser at: http://localhost:8080/openbravo
8. OpenBravo default user is “Openbravo” and Password is "openbravo” to login.
9. Here is the welcome page:

I have installed Ver 2.4, i think there should not be much difference in installation of later releases.

I want to configure its Sales and Warehouse management modules for a trading company. I will share later, if i
found something useful.

Tahir said...
Nice work. I am following your instructions while configuring it on my system. 2011/04/08
Innovation | Technology: How to install OpenBravo ERP on Windows Page 2 of 3

Its great thing to study. If it really helps to create a MIS thing for a small business, then its really a
worthy thing.

February 1, 2010 1:41 AM

AskGear Webmaster said...

Why I didn't follow these steps before, yesterday I also done using same steps before reading this
guide. nice work dear...

I want to use it for stock items. If u have any idea how to proceed further please let me know how...
January 25, 2011 5:07 PM

Asif Shahzad said...

Initially, I wanted to write more about it, but now, not enough time ... little apologize.
February 14, 2011 5:37 PM

smtp. said...
Thanks Asif bhai...You are simply GREAT!!!!
February 19, 2011 12:42 AM

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