O-Ii Islamiyat

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SESSION 2021 – 2022

Level: O. II Max. Marks: 25

Name: ________________________ Time: 1 hour

Answer question 01 and one another question:

1a. Using the Qur’an passages set for special study in the syllabus, outline the relationship
between God and two of His Messengers: • Adam, • Abraham, • Jesus. [10]

b. God’s Messengers experienced trials. How can their responses help Muslims face difficulties
in their own lives? [2.5]

































2 a. Giving references from the set Hadiths you have studied, outline the Prophet’s (peace be
upon him) teachings about care in the community. [10]

b. How can the teachings of the Prophet (peace be upon him) concerning care in the community
be applied today? [2.5]




















3 a. Write a detailed account of belief in: [10]
• God as the Supreme Lord and Master of all creation;
• God alone is entitled to worship; and
• God is known by His most beautiful names and attributes.
b. Why is associating partners with God (shirk) regarded as a great sin? [2.5]











































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