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 For patient with gastrostomy tube requiring longer period of enteral feeding
 These gastrostomy tube are for patients who are expected to receive enteral feedings for a
long time
1. Patient’s general condition
 Monitor the skin for any injury or wound at affected area
 Any body hair
 Assess toleration to feed to prevent aspiration
2. Environment – prepare appropriate working space
Tray containing:
• 1 feeding syringe 50mls
• 1 syringe 20mls (to aspirate gastric content)
• 1 container of fluid diet
• 1 container of clear water for flushing
• 1 galipot / receiver (to receive gastric juice)
• 1 protective sheet
• 1 box of tissue paper
• Adhesive plaster

To gain patient’s cooperation to reduce
1 Greet patient and explain the procedure
2 Provide privacy To protect patient’s self-image
Perform effective hand washing and wear To prevent transmission of microorganisms
3 gloves
Prepare patient:
 Place patient in fowler’s or semi- To prevent aspiration
fowler’s position (if there is no
 Expose the gastrostomy tube To ease the procedure and prevent
 Place protective sheet at the To protect patient’s clothes from getting
abdomen WAZIR wet or soiled
Pinch gastrostomy tube and open the
5 To prevent air from entering the gaster
gastrostomy port
Connect the 20 mls syringe and aspirate Test for acidity to ensure that tube is in
6 gastric contents place
Pinch gastrostomy tube and remove the To prevent air from entering the gaster
7 syringe ALIF
Connect feeding syringe 50mls with
8 To facilitate feeding
catheter tip to the gastrostomy tube
To determine patency of the gastrostomy
9 Pour in 10 – 20 mls of clear water
Pinch tube immediately with thumb and
10 index fingers once the fluid level had To prevent air from entering the gaster
emptied in syringe ATHIRAH CANTIK
Observe for any leakage from gastrostomy If dressing soiled, then to proceed with the
11 stoma dressing around the gastrostomy site
Pour in feeding slowly (nourishing fluids or
12 any blended diet) as ordered by doctor To ensure the feed flows in slowly

13 Pinch the tube slightly IRNA WAFA To ensure the feed flows in slowly
Ask patient how he/she is feeling. Observe To stop feeding if patient experience
14 for any nausea or complaint of abdominal abdominal distension, GI distress or
distension increasing residual
Flush in 10 – 20mls of clear water into To maintain cleanliness of the tube
15 tubing
Pinch gastrostomy tube, remove syringe
16 To prevent air from entering the gaster
and close the gastrostomy port ATHILAH
17 Wipe the gastrostomy tube To maintain cleanliness
Anchor the tube with its end facing To maintain patency of gastrostomy tube
upwards and to prevent leakage


Anchor gastrostomy tube

19 Instruct patient to be seated for about 30 – To ease in emptying of gaster and prevent

60 minutes GANU gastric reflux
20 Clear the equipment and tidy up the unit To facilitate patient’s comfort and to
21 Remove gloves prevent contamination
22 Perform effective hand washing
23 Ensure patient’s comfort
Documentation in intake and output chart For continuity of patient care and further
24 ELL FILZAH NEELOFA intervention

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