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A. Background Of Study

5.0 Society era has become a hot topic discussed by people around the world.
Current technological development are growing rapidly and are starting to find changes.
Espiciallay in this era of pandemics, For example Cellphone which are modern
communication tools currently used by people around world. All over the world.
Talking about Cellphone which have brough changes so the world’s life so that people
in it really feel enjoy life and really feel comfortable.

Education is now an important point to face this 5.0 society era. With Education
we will not miss important information, with education we can know the world, and
with education we can also change the world, With school will be a place the pattern of
development of this modern era, all of which are instant and practical.

Social media and human are closely related, the presence of the internet also
support the development of an increasingky recognized era, Increasingky sophisticated
technology where information an be accessed anytime and anywhere. The ease with
which technology provides us in our world must remain vigilant because it is not certain
wether the news is true.

Seeing the presentation of students who have not continued school in the world.
Especially in indonesian, which makes the world angry and angry because of the rapid
development of technology like this, student who drop out of school will lose their
direction, will be ignorant,and also miss out on information.

We as student actually have to improve the quality of human resources by means

of our education. We need intelligent human resources, who will later carry out the
continuation of the future of the indonesian nation. Let’s faces ourselves in facing the
5.0 society era with positive things that can grow a smart and quality nation.

B.Identify the Topic of Discussion

5.0 society era which is the development of the industrial revolution 4.0 society
era where at this time everything has been facilitated by the name of technology,
everything is easy and everything is instant. Then what will we discuss about the
problem og the 5.0 Society Era?

 What changes occured in the 5.0 Society Era?

 How do we prepare ourselves to face the 5.0 Society Era?
 As students, what obligations should we do in facing the 5.0 Society


A. Solution

Through Education,Prepare your self to face the Development of Digital

Technology in the 5.0 Society Era

5.0 Society Era is a challenge from the development of the industrial 4.0 society,
in an era like this education is very important because it is increasingky advanced in this
era, Quality education will print quality future generations as well. In 5.0 society era the
technology is very developed, so until now there have been many changes that have
occure, for that we as student must always move quickly to recognize important
information at this time. All current information can be reached easily, because there is
already 5G network, that is there are no longer obstacles to geeting important
information. Now there are also many house that have been installed by the Wi-Fi
network, Not only in urbans area but also in remote areas such as rural areas.

In this 5.0 society era, we as student, we as the future generation of the nation,
we must have radiness to face this very instant era, continue to study diligently and
enthusiastically and become student who are really serious in studying can be a guide in
this era of globalization. Instant and practical, so that we are able to think and have
integrity between humans and technological develoments.

Currently social media has become a primary need which is not only the
indonesian people, but also people around the world, starting from the east end the west
end, from the north end to the south end. Now times have changed. Everyone can talk
and see each other and can share moving image to anyone, anytime and anywhere. In
5.0 Society era we should not to also use technology arbitrary. Must comply with the
rules of small example: Many small children are familiar with gadged, so it is important
for us to always supervise so that negative things can be avoided and the positive impact
can be felt.( 1 )

1.Dr.Prijambudo,Tjatur.2019.MATAN.Surabaya:East Java PWM Public health a

dvisory council.

In facing the 5.0 society era, we as students must prepare themselves with the
following things:

1. Fast Motion Information :We as students who are generally familiar with
information and communication technology,we must move qiuckly in
recognizing deeper and deeper information, We must dig up information and
follow the pattern of the times.
2. Think Critically : Being able to think critically is something that must be
done by all people in the world, we as student do not have to think critically
in class, but also in 5.0 society era we relly become social being where we
always need the help of others.
3. Increase Creativity : In this Pandemic era,let’s use technology. Social media
with something creative, For examplr : We use our gadged to sell online:
Whether it’s on WhatsApp, Instgram, Facebook, Shoopy, lazada and others.
So that way we are really not ignorant in increasing creativity and following
the pattern of the times.

In Era like this, it is necessry to improve the quality of human recources, quoted
from the book” Teachers of human” By Munif Chatib which we need to know that the
quality of education in indonesian is ranked 4th from the bottom ( Ranked 102 out of
106 countries). We must remain optimistic and not pesimistic,instead we must be a
triger to be more creative and intelligent. We believe that the quality of education in
indonesian will rise and become a take off destination to fly high.( 2 )

So we must improve intellignece human resources. Let’s continue to be

passionate about learning and working to become dignified student for the sake of a
trully great 5.0 society Era.

2.Chatib,Munif.2019.Teachers of human.Bandung : PT.Mizan Pustaka.

B. Analysis

In the 5.0 Society Era discussion, the data is analyzed using intelligence, namely
through technology. Based on the analysis that has been carried out, it is found that
technology has an important role in the 5.0 Society Era, as evidenced by the percentage
that indonesian ranks 4th from the bottom ( 102 out of 106 countries ), which can be
concluded that we need to improve human resources in order to create indonesian
people who are smart and creative.

In this 5.0 Society Era, character values must be developed, empathy and
tolerance must be nurtured along with the development of competencies in which we
must fast motion, Think critically, and increase creativity. Indonesian’s human
resources must be improved in quality and must make efforts and innovations to give
birth to various creations that contribute to the progress of the environment and society
in general.

3. Conclusion

There is no other choice but to always learn and always be ready to adapt by
making new innovations, Indonesian students must continue to learn and continue to
instill the Pancasila character, so that they can form students who fast motion of
information, think critically, and increase creativity, and have the ability to solve
problems in the 5.0 Society Era.

The existenceof ceativity, Indonesian students in the ability to transform in

industry 4.0 make Indonesian able to make a big leap by giving birth to millenials who
are ready to build advanced indonesian, glorious Indonesian, and prosperous


1. Dr.Prijambudo,Tjatur.2019. MATAN.Surabaya: East Java PWM Public health a

dvisory council.
2. Chatib,Munif.2011. Teachers Of Human.Bandung : PT.Mizan Pustaka

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