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Plant and Design-Build FOR ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL PLANT, AND FOR BUILDING AND ENGINEERING WORKS, DESIGNED BY THE CONTRACTOR | © coon ONE 190 Nepet is pear Sivan omr maw semi e atahe FIDIC is 0 Fencn scroryn tor the Intemational Federaton of Coneuting Exgheor DIG wee founded m 10:3 by tees netenal associations of cursing feghanis win Luc, The costars of fora the edbeston wa Fromatem coma bo seeasoral Flea ot tho mate aes ara te sconce svoraton cf iereat to memows of ts compares tana oy FOI rebar umber mor than 60 cous om pate ne ‘hobs ars efor opener tof he eve race consi erghoars nite wt 0 arargos soins, czeeces ad ater erertsin he furtherance os ‘gis manterance of high aca and peacoora anc ecTange ot ‘ena andiotion ocuson of peas of maul Conon arn rae eocatrs ond refeseniaives of te resol srancl elton 2d (velopment fhe covet ergnerg nian desepng core, OC puoicatens ude prosodings of vue conkers and sina FRonraton for consaing exper, prec owner and reamatonG ‘Seopment ogerces, sana prequafeaon Tome, coniact ocr a ‘G/coreutart geomet, They ae maki orn sectelaatn Slee, cence nerstra co rie Cra FOI) T2ISGENDIA 15 Gna Foe iaiz2 m0 00 feet meta Conditions of Contract for PLANT and Design-Build FOR ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL WORKS: [AND FOR BUILDING AND ENGINEERING WORKS DESIGNED SY THE CONTRACTOR, ‘GENERAL coNDTIONS, upaNce FoR TE PREPARATION OF PARTICULAR CoNoMONS Fons oF Levren oF ‘TENDER, CONTRACT [AGREEMENT AND. DISPUTE. ADJUDICATION RGREEMENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Fedkraten beratorsle dee Ingbrieus Console (FIC) cxtnds soil ‘hanks ho tolowing membars fs Update Tak Group: Cestonner Wace (Group Loads), SYVEC0.VBB, Swecer: Peter L Booen Prncoa’ Dra) (GES La, UK Hemenn Bayecon,rontnor Gemany Crsonier F Seopa (Legal Advsaf, Whe @ Case, Fanco, ard Jose F Spade, ITASA, agenins. Contacts Commitee uhich ‘comprised Join & Bowcock. Corsutng Engineer, UX (chermir; Michiel Moremat Havre, SwedPomer Seder anc fe Vokear ago: Sort Reuter Pan, Goran, gether mn (for Noms a Specel Acer (rs woe rosowe by many cers and oarsaters, nang res ts bow. Thr comers wae cy sased oy De Uo Tsk Group and, whore ‘deed coop, have nivrceahe wor ol thecuses. May ret, Nesenk Pate Pa Baty, Poet Buocoy ean. USN: Rodan borane (ire Chaco, Naranas Chas @ Batch. Swede, Secor: Maras ‘ooge, Larmor Feuanona, Gamay: Fano Bsn, "YPSA. Soon: Noo Bur Corsstng Eger don ln Fess Bas Cater Halnge & are New “Zur: Goode. OW rer, UG Dan WCraran, rains, Cock & ‘Garaat UN Mat Qi, tine & hana UK: Gacy Hankey Craig Egroy UK: Hess & Starbarga, VN, Germany Pau E Hised,Fearpr, ‘rma: Geren Uy eran fd At & Mergen. UK: ln denen (Chatren cf FOC Quy Meagaret Corwnitte) CON, Cerca Phi vot Dewpoe. Sash Sic Neu Metal, Woe td Newlan UK: Tan era, (Const & Corser, UK: Math NoodrLang, Vlora Puss & Pa Tye, Beryrare Lace Naver UK: Dade Re Wgwron & Gordo tera, Naber ‘atarson Uc the Assan of acarean Caaieg Een he Coon rates Aono ha Prepnes Exopeen onateal Convair: ORGANS Lisson Inlser Migs, Eroptrnes CORGALME, tho hlomators! Dessoaten of Desgna Conactr: 86 Momatcnd Bar Asscoatn: an Benoront Bare tn th nd Bane nicer of rowers Ses ot meant sich pacer ena appre he wag of ak canes CIC wishes o ent aprecton ftho tn ane tor dete bya he sbve. | FOREWORD {he Fcaon arsine ts gio: Cont FOX pubes. 7900, Het, Eston oftaune sacar ms ot coach, Cenc of Contra or Const, ‘nich a reconardd fo bldg or enacting works dared by the [Epo ry is opesartate, heise Une tho uns mrargererts fer fs too of couche Contacto const the works aceon wna den 9rd ye Eo. However wens mey PURE sme ‘teres c) Comecracagrea chy mcranes aectrea aor cmrinesen were \Sonetors of Conran ns Dasign Bus, Uhh aereconrarda rhe prove ileal ror mecca ln. Sr fro asa ane exciton of barge ngs wrk. Unc tae hut arargunerts rie po of cone the Concorde sn pris, m accorcane wh he Foyer ecuronen pnt ar oat Werk: wich may ude ay cometeten oc, rechnc, eirea contin of Cana r EBCMTary Prot, ‘heh may be sul fe he aonaon an 9 ine base of 8 process ot ower par of afore er ily ofr actus pao et Soo dvcopmert wae (6 Nghe deg of ran ltl ge as tin rogue, ae) te Cora tae ots espns ‘re Geog ns exaen re p athe relent of eC: Une he Usual arargerant for hmiay prac the Caneclr caren cut ate Erghooitg, ocucrart a Conetuien (EPO! Pewang My 2a/EbE0 fay ead aeration ate rn te hon Fam of Cena whch i ecommerce fr buldng or enghseeng wero ea ca ‘hota abe eparag ont ype ol ne ard he craton, rm "y ako be sue fo combate of fo ve, parouary 1 Th Soleo repeive ek week of ston daaton. Unde the ca rargoers for ype of eres he Constr conc wor | accordioe wih a esi preva oy Oe eeopr by Meenas Ary at ser aya be sera on enc vy ompises, Contatorcosred eld, moctnica, ets! ener The forse a commenced Sr genes! use te Sends ved on an ‘lamatora bots hoists nop be egures Moa edt, pure ‘ha Corton oto be won coment coreets FOI coca th Sd Auris ts te he voor hfe erga angugs he eepraton of te Conan ct Cartas er Prt na Despre was ‘ecg a lo re ar mary scour wih Wl be pera pica, there ore eon sub causa von mat” assur take sent of § ses croreinece rar! 10 the gotaubr core. The subcastes wich wee ‘anadeed to bo aban fo rany a at al orks have baw nce ne (Giro Sono nerf tes har oepaaton of ch co ‘hm Gara Condtons on the Pateusr Coane wi egerer oamotso the anaes ot Contact govaring fie ard srs paren be {uke octane oe su dave n he Genera Cordene ton terion he Parcs Condon ets cubestn, hs Gaeta Coren wo popes ont oki as ram soymars, eae ot up sum Gerace, we made ttre roomed, be al ypesty be sas on nearer speed soteaue (@ te warding inne Canara Conatone noses utc, ha tess iis so desptvo te woud fw fo be etal te roy Reaver sub dasa make rene Ns cea bong etaned {he Aap Tanda, re da ator baba peated by ho Ero Dang nae he Tender i) stores essa I Geral Coors dls th mater en which ‘Sere cote ae we ha o Do appteab fr eT cos, rrcpes coped nwt he sb-case we (6) es oud kom conver ay rose wich hey et ‘en a) cou Bh be dk ont ea, han ase {ea had obo wt >be Prose Cendtons| ezeuse the Gone, retire st com ferret oe (©) fo over cases, whee the appkaton of (as thug 10 be Tuppcpite, he i dase cotare tm BovEOre WHEY Wore Coranes appease et cnt For mpl, S-Class 14.2 chance Paya sneha for cmserinee nat becaie 0 by FOC pokey fn ‘omoct of uoraoe patats. Th Cae comes haplean vent et oad ts reprdn yc peg te ‘sro ct fe adorn. fs ere ts ole! ta sme of the proiions oneiresin be Germ Casio ray 9 Be apres a GEoaeY Ya] Fut vomaten on those aspects, arg wenn br ch arenes rt ‘hae excoorynlal ar aripio Narg to asst he prensa of Part’ Corns avd the ofertas coz, ae neh wt ptosten 8 Gucinca for ine Ptoataten of ie Paicuar Cows. Boor repating any scp wo, kus bck to ona tH 3 hy ‘ite ore pata rosacea tt bo anaraed \ihee sari wordng ame, ain a caste where ar amenemsrts ct ‘date we made, oe mua be tanto err tat wey cond ae scr atl hee car ait, and tbe oso pcpaRton ofthe taser ‘ici, ered t persue to veurat rawr, nha th ‘contac tcl and pocraner sak, ‘his pubseatoncoeises wih ero trms oho Ltr of Tra ho Agere to Tero Grog & check ofthe lana uch ro othe Cort ‘Ravamr, 2d attrates er tho Dszte Aauseon Agent Ts ple ‘jin Agito ex. ne ayoorart bates Bo ENDL the Contact anateprsn arportes to a ahr a se adusentrcr aa mamta a tnexperaen depute aideston boas ana wouporae (ten) lemsinth Aopen oe Goer Coons OC wranas © puoien guce 1 me use ot te Conta of Cana or CConemten Yor Part and Gesgh ula an fo EPCMukey Pls. Avot: ‘dt AIC ubseston “vied Proosdae. ofich proven 8 oes Sproat foe elcton tao deca ae eet of ses norte 9 arly ma cansence of Catal sts, feresce maybe mid he ‘Sars onthe ant wo pasando e Sub Obes tata low ome SOs rues af to sate nto chat The chat ao uate and at ma be {akon mo craton hs eaten fe Coreen of Coa Man 8 197 Baeoe S82 & G1 Commencement oat 188 & 42 Petamanee Sey 1147 & 43 memPamon cevese SS 8 82) Tre lr Compton fe ania ud 84) A235 8 101 TaempOve Gates LISS 8 121 testa Compton tary 1187 8 111 Dooce Nemaien Pood ta oendes ind 1.) {388 & 19 Resamaree Goto & & 1184 & a1 ToabenCorauen & « a TAA & VA19. FhalPent cates ‘pcs sequence of Pinipal Events ding Contes or Plant ane Design Bd 1. The Tine Compton toe sated the Appa 0 Tense esa aur of iyo which i ade spears ote urd 8.0 Oise 2, omrto desta th ocune of er, ho sow daa asad vp ha ame of th Contr fing to cany wh Sa Oinse 82 8, The Des Noten Parad 0 Be ete ha Ago Toa | ied ny extensors unt Sub ase 113 4 Danang or eye of Wer, ot ater Coston may ao be ead. arb oy owe ic octet etngnae 47 Ee contest taerien ——epapeioge ‘ot ene Power'Gxitale Gotener re Levcirmosrasme etorrcee 143 onl om cone Fra" ‘Typical Sequence of Payment Events Envisagod in Cause 14 Peyome — 2hwee 204 ara we wsnrymay 204% ‘Typical Sequence of Dispute Events Envisaged In Clause 20 ee Conditions of Contract for PLANT and Design-Build FOR ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL WORKE. [AND FOR BUILDING AND ENGINEERING WORKS DESIGNED BY THE CONTRACTOR, Generat Conditions PREPARATION OF TENDER. CONTRACT DisPuTe: ABIUDICATION ssciuctammenntans ERRATA to te Ft Eon 1000. General Conditions CONTENTS 12 epee 33. Conmneatons 14 Cawana anges 15) Provty of Cocuments 18 Conc aioe 17 seagate 18 Cao ans Supp of Dcuents 10. Erowinte erpoye'e Rasuromants 10 Enploya' Un of Conactr's Docarerts Lit Convactrs Un ot Enpter's Documents 12 Gono Osta 133. Cometane wes Ls 114 Sontand Sexe Uabiy 2 MEEWrLoVER 221 Fa’ ot Aceh ore Sto 22 Paris Ucoose or pons 25 Emotes Prone 22 Empoyers Franca Aranginenis 25 Emotes Game 9 THE ENGINcER 5) Engneore Dios ont shes 82 Doepsten by he Endre 13 rewotore ote Fognaee 88 Repocement oe Exgneer 5. Detomaons 4 THe CONTRACTOR 441° Contactors Gana Cctons 42 Paromaree Sey 45. sears Repesratve “8 3 a0 an ae a oe 38 8 63 6s 610 rm te 18 Nomad Sitcontaies co oreaion Satrgout Say Poco hay Aes Stee Suny one Accepted Corvect Amours Urteseebi ys Conctons Ares fi ae ori srobanos of erence Doone Pete Jannat of Goods Canvacto's Eadomant ett Wate os Eneloer erento re Maer i rages rap Sect of 0 tO [Sniacr's Opn ov Ste i ene Datgn Chats Contactors Doone Tear Senda ans Regulars rea Doonan Sperton ara Marten Maat Dasgn Cor SEF AND LABOUR ct Enagoront of Sat and Latour Fone wags a Carts tbo Pavone nto Sono Erne Wore Hows Heat ara Sy Conrcis Saperinsecce entrar Pecarsof Commas Pearland Equant PLANT, MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP ...0..0.cssss esses 8 Sorpee ‘pana ijn Fema re Onna 2 Prt and Matas orates 18 COMMENCEMENT, DELAYS AND SUSPENSION . eel 82 TimaterCompuize 83. Feganme 84 Baterion ct Troe Corpion 85 oayeCascos by Aerts 86 Fatoot Payor 87 aay Damage 83 Simonson at Mk 89 Corenquercn of Susprion 810. Payree er Pent and Mato mn vere Suspenaco 811 Reorges Sapmson 812 Peoungton er nore 9 TESTSON COMPLETION 7 co 81 ConraiorsChigaions 92 bases ts 58 Felony Bt Fatue 9 Pate Teton Capleton 30 BUPLOVER'S TAKING OVER os ooos es eceececeessseeeneeeee B® 1011 ting veo i Weis and Sactons 10.2 ‘wHrg Ow Pars eine Wor 1013 tcearon wth en Compton 104 sursee Require nrettorare 1 EFECTS UABILTY 11.1 Corpton of uktardng Work ana Reroing Bees 14.2 Costa Remedng Deets 11.3 onde of ts Naenton Pees 14d Fanrete Remedy Dees 15 Remon 6 Dolo Wee 188 Rater fate 12 gw deca 118 Contact fo Soweh 1.9 Pencrmanca Canto 11 Untied gate 1144 Gana ot Se 12 TESTS AFTER COMPLETION = 121 Preosdue br Ts ater Cerpeton 122 Deion Tests 128 Patong 124 Fonroto Pass ets ter Comstin 19 VARIATIONS AND AOJUSTMENTE «. 181 Fgho van 124 Pama Atel Cure 185 Prion Sune 738. Dawere 127 Acjutment er Coangasi selon 1 Acstment fer Orangasin Cost 14 CONTRAGT PRICE AND PAYMENT 42 Advaroo Payment 112, Aonien bin Pym Cartots 14a Schoo of Pumerts 145 Prt nd ei tended fort Woes 148 fate a nem Pamet Csriestes 142 Payment 128 Debye Pagar 149 Payne at Retaton Morey 1410 Salomon at Compiien 1411 Aap or Fe Payer Cait 1412 Deeherge 141 uso na Pajares 154 Cesar ol pons Lnnity 1418 Coven Poymer 18 TERMINATION BY EMPLOYER Meee 181 Note to Comet 352 Tamron oy Emaojer 188 akon t Dee of Tecan 14 Poymer ae Tomson 185. Enpoye’s Ettore Temhaicn 16 SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION GY CONTRACTOR 181 Cormasors ramen to Suspend Work 182 Temeton oy Contmcor 163 Corton of Ware ard Rano. of nestor Eupment 164 Famer en Toman RISK ANO RESPONSIBLITY... 12 dorntes 17.2 Cowactore Cue ote Werks 173. Employers Fake TZ Conbeponoat et raoyere ike 175 Wetec ensue Aghie 17.6 maion ony V8 INSURANCE oo seeeessseeeseeeesense 181 Goes Retomers er rranes 12 outros Wars ane Canarias Eauberane 122 Inmarcn appl yt Posen cs Orage Pros 14 innee ke Cortes Penns! 19 FORCEMAIEURE ..sessseesseseeceseeseee sr 19.1 oetnten or Force Mase 192. Notre of Foes Maw 193 Duy wns Cy 104 Conceoueese a Force Magare 195 Foes Maa ecg Sucortacor 126. OstonTomaton, Soprrt and Rene 19°7 ence fom Peon ude La 20 CLAMS, DISPUTES AND ARBITRATION ° 23. Conta Chine 202 ecartrent tro Depue Aaseaton Boe 203 Faluoto Ayo Depts Aduaaton Boon 204 Obaning Dope Aesten Sats Deckon 28 Mivaiko 20,7 Favs o Comply we Osu Aateaton GoactaOscalen 208 Fxpayo Dept Aadestos Boar's Apsara, apPeNo (GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CISFUTE ADIUEIGATION AGREEMENT NOEK OF SUB-GLAUSES 6.0.05. ecsessiieieesesseseiretecsenessead Dein sas 14133 1432 nae 1128 1164 sts s1a8 1182 1163, 24 na290 1x64 nae ions listed alphabetically ecepad Coast Aout open Ter Comenceret Date (Conese: Ageorent Cconvet Pree comet Comet Eason contacts Parsornd cones Perse! Conracer's Raroertat ccouny oy esc noeton Pore Eres Expy East ‘Erpojers Poca Ereojers Roquremans Egor FOC Feat Payran Cavite at Storont Force Meus Ferwan Careney ter Payment Contete 1185 1348 ssa 1149 1180 1487 sane 1196 1168, 139 General Conditions Later ot Accutane i Motors Pooaaa Paty c Paes Cait Prarmarce Seeuty Pamsrant Wore Pet Pron Sum etrten Menoy Sana of Paymens oxcten ot Taeng Over Cartas Ted Tat ter Compton Tests on Cameleon Timo Corin Lroseaabte Genéral Provisions Inthe Cordsons of Cana hase Coens, which nce Parity Conons snd tees Gane Conan, he bung weds ad oxrossons stl have ha meanings sated, Yes ncabng pesore cr pris cuca a ar op erties exept were the cores cures ews or 1n6 hae “contact means ne conract Asm, me Ltr oF Access, {he te of Tena: ace Concer, he Epo" equranare.e Scheslcs, te Cortacers Preposs ands kaha doar ay) wren a ltod im tno Conaet Agreomant or In the Lato ot Deoeptan “Contract greet mae Ine cnc sree any foe ton o-Cise [ooaract Aero Late of Acceptance” aan he of al acceptance ses by she Emons © Ltr of Tnderneung any acme ee vaing ayant bone une ras by be Pee. Far ‘uc taro accoancs, ha expen ter ol Acceptance news hs Conact Aga and se dle of su roeveg tho ie ot ecectance ans ne das of aging me Cort Ape “Leta of Trae avs a decent ents cl ec, which was corto ye Conc nd neloes he ogres ora ne Eee “Employer's Requirements” rains ho dosunar ents aroo's ‘eauremaris, ee Pease ie the Corte, ono ary ass and ‘Rodeo o eich docu In gecosnce wh the Conta. Such Goarren socces wre pps, Sepa, andr igh alo or (eee co ert Wer "Schedules reas to sumed) ete staan cap by te Cnc and sae wth te Ltr of Tot 8s need fe Censest Sieh cocurare ray clude Gas, lao and sehesuen ot payor art eae “Contactors ropora oars he dower ents oposal ich fhe (Constr uomites win hater Yde asus oe Caa Sich doaureet my reuse te Cones irra Gao Tender meas te Later of Tec ard a ar documents wich he (Cart suet Ltr Tony 35 nod i Cone “Aopen to Tender mae te cocked peas etd pcos tara when ee apcende 6 an flor par the eter Tara 1 132 i Dates, Tests, Perot snd Comoleion anne sia 1326 128 1128 “schedule of Guarantee an “Schedule of Payments” main tn (eonents 0 rem War) en ee Sorgtead Wo Soho. ‘ary meine Empleo th Conractr ecw oe “Employers he person rank as enpoyer the Apps: to Tonge ana tha eal econo neo a “ontrator ears tre pose] rena os contac nie Lato Tondo asad y the Englye afd the ga sucesso Fo Tos “Engineer” mana the person ecpore’ byte Empty to ot 36 he Engh: rte purposes ofthe Canela famed Se Ape “Tans oot enn app tom ie orm te Empoy a3 Toad tno Contacte inter Sun Clase 3% pooner a the Eueet “contrat Representation th psn ary the Cantor inte Contr eparted te trata yrs Carta ur Si (aise a3 (Contos Raposo), who act cr el the Cone “Employer's Personal an th Engr, ne asst treat SupnChnse 3.2 Dango bh Eger ane he a, rs (her e7o0jo08 of tho Enger a of rw Erploer ts any tet ‘osc! roles to he Carrastar by the Empyer be Engr, 28 ‘Eneoye's Parson “contractor's Peronna’ ans the Contactors Rrpeserttie ae st enornl we he Corser ews 0° St, who ay wee he St ‘ber ard erence Conactar and ech Swoorace, (a ay oh prsorna ssee fe Contactor i he exciton he Wor “Subcontractor means any parson nsmd the Canest a6 a bcos e ary eoaonapporod ata coral ‘Works nd og sexes i sch a eas pore DAB" owns he parson or bee pests 20 ed in he Coco ur gis) spared uncer Suo-Cave 202 apannen of the Dg Acpaton Care Sub-Cae 203 Pare 0 Agree Oop ‘Acjscaon Boe “FIDIC meen te Firion rere dee neues Cost, he ‘lonstora eaten coring ene “ate Dat’ mare dt 28 day porto tet cate ose ce ln “commencement Date” means the dite lies under Sub Couze 8: [Commerce Wes, “Tene for Completion mes he se fer comply 0 Works o @ ‘Sexton se cae yoo ure Sub Caes 82 [Tre Cait). ‘hata inte Appa oan thay extern nae ue Cos Nonwy and Payments 1199 1148 146 284 rsone Tet Comat) couete tan he Cammrencmert “Texte on Completion ans hes what soled nh Caract yearby ba Pres cnr a aaron an utente ‘tnd Claus ets an Complete) ale ne Wks xe Sten ae th can yl ar aro ye Bone “Taking-Over Corileats® moans 9 oes lees unde Cee 10 Enso ake On Tests fer Completion” marshes ic ne spaced fe Cee an unions credo uot Caves 12 Pats eter Comoe] ste the Ws or @ Seton [os he cove abe ae a exe y Te Erte Detects Notston Peas esse pet or thm psn ite Wiowe ora Secon (ao cae may bo) ung Sum Cauoo 1 [Carton ofCtarcg Wak ae Frac Dee) ms ate ‘Appa Tec thay earn unde SCs 1.9 (eran (tates Rethonton Proc enctes ore dae om hc he Woks Seaton sled ws our Su Cs #0 hy One of ‘ho Wes and Sacto, -Portormance Conical” sas ta coca eed ut Su Cae 118 Ferorance wetcae, “day! mans aca anc Year means 385 cys “Accepted Contract Amount sans the rout ecepadn Me eto Aeoeraren fore exoten ard comgeon of the Woes and th ranaogng ot ary delle Conract Pree” mest? the ors shed In Sib-CaK 161 The CCamact Ped an neces ase haccorcarce ihe Cac “Cont” nears al oxen ees reared or tobe neues byte Contacts wetter on oF of Ste. cud OvREad and nar hares, but das nie et “Final Payne Carica” aus payne crate sued weer, Sub Gaioa 1413 fue of Fn Fayre Cae, “Frat Stalement” means be satarant cred in Sib Cae “4.41 ocean Fal Payor’ Cee -Forion Cureney”reens 9 rany inte pat ral oe Catac Peels peje but the Loca Cureny “inain Pament Cefcte”rers & payin cafes ed net (case 14 Carta eo ra Parte on ro Fa Paper Coes. 1.148 “Local Cunanoy aan tne canny he County 14.49. ‘Payment Ceriate’ nears epeyrent cette ssn Case 1 (Canaccord Payment. oreo 3 pn a nm sas Other Detnons tas 1412 1152 158 1158 1188 1164 Proviso Sn” sew iy wie wad fC as ‘posora sum tr re easton oa pat re Worse rho aco (Pan, Mea or sone under SubChate 12.5 Prova Sura Rantion Monoy' avs th soars enon moors wich the rp ta de Sub Case 13 Jayteatio rb Paya? Contes) ana faye uncar SupCnise 140 [Payment of Reno Mong “Statoment area starr aie by be Contactor a part ft spleaton, under Cause 1 canta Pesan Payne ayer “conustors Equipment mars at eepouiue, machine, wre and cher tinge oat fro recon ard comple tthe Wor athe fermyg arora Homo Osnactrs Eup! cues ‘oreo Wera, Erpvert Equa Fay, Pet Nato ore her ig sere crtoring pao he Parmar Wik, Goods" moans Corrct’s Equi, Matl, Prt ar Temporey er yo ee appro, ‘sto rans igs of al kn ote han Paro om or ‘er prt of he Pemsoert Wes, nous He eae sara nyt be spies by he Comat unt he Coract. Permanent Works” sas th caranant Woks to be ec bythe Commer rth Cana “Fant: mars te soca, restr ad verics ane te or ‘erm pu Paar “Section” sansa ha Works pin th per Terr as Seton ary amporary Works mean al parry wots of wry i (te than CContetrs Err eared on Stoo" me eceston a arson ‘ine Damanat Wat tl hovered oan ast “Were san he Porarer iste ant Temporary Ws ate of ston appre. “Contactors Doeumente ears ke ltons, corpter pore archer sate, dsungs, merule, eae ans ote docment ot ‘ocnia ratr i an) enptod by tho Contactor ono” ths Cora ‘desooad Sub Chase 82 aac Daca) Ceunty’ mean he cay when he Ste (mest aft oat, ‘were thePomaront Wome ao bo sts, “Employers Equpment insane to spears, nasi ana rl ff nym svtooe by the Evloye fr te ute of the Grace ne ‘ication ne Wer shen he Emersons tt ces ‘et cle Pet whe a ok ba okon coo bye Erle “Force Majors dered n Oo 19 Force Lue. 12 Imereti Communications Law and Langage 168 “Lava mers a nod (se epitn,ses,oxanoes ars tr a, ar ogutons od bya ofan gay concede avery Petonnance Secery’ mers the seouy (rescind Sw. Chis0 42 Poromares Sry, 16. “Ste” meas he ces wher the Pocraen! ths 0 ued ‘ee tonncn Part ora Vata tobe dears, and wy are aces ‘sive opectod nthe Goi! os omg pot oft ke “Unoreseabe” rears not mascraby treseeable by an expenood Contec y he Gate frame he Td “Vasation’ eons any charge to the Employes urements or the Wong, wach © nance o” sep ao vren inden ee 3 Demat ens aches ni Goraae, not whe Ro con ene ter: e e ® « words nang oe gener a gener rds cen te Sir a0 eae th pa rd wid ating te url ah ee he sgt ‘rene incur De WoT “age. “aged” oF “area emuro to yeemnt o be cords ng. nd str of “i untng” mesa ancien, typewriter oe slecorcly med, ad siting @paraner ca “hw maga! wor and oto hangs sha nt be taken lo condition the rasion en Concions ‘om nase Condens powder he okra cesunao sepa, cat, rns, eterna, res and egies, ae crate dal be ® o bn wig and deere by hae fags vcs by milo co, or area uehg ary oto agood ase of cctene Wararisen Se Stated nt Appa oT ar Cer, sr orraremteadto me aoa fr hvecclasconmunestint Slt Oferta Hoover: ie elo ohesnoon of ache ass comune eh ‘heater be caer acer 19 ite eopent hash ted cer when cust an agra oe ‘aon, abe set tans fon rich ta neju eSe opr, caticctes, consents and dalerinatone shal ot bo seatently wet cr dyed. When 3 crete sad toa Pry tha caer sal ser a py othe ier Pay, When artis wae to a Paty by toca Pato Engroot 3 coy eats soto vo Engrecr or ater Party. ae Be case ay te “Tre Oot sal be goer by th lw fhe coy fr eb at stated ne Aeporan to Trae recime 5 ; 1 eee verso ry pst of he Contac when te wn of than 98 19 Ifthe Contactor ses deny aco cis Costas ett of an eo nthe language ta verge wich on era nage satan Apps Toe Erorin tho Employers Enpigor's aqua, end an expetckd contactor exerciong die ce stot pol Roques ‘ould net have coved he tr when sensing he Eevee Unde Sub Cause 6. oerra Dosgn Obit, re Corto hak ae nob) “Tro knouage er caneuncalone sab tht ain the pence Trdc 9 1G the Engnes ard sal be ould exdoct to Sa-Cuse 201 Canactr’ langue & ted Wve, he engage communications sat bo me Braga Gael Unb he Conact or mes feito. (0 an extern of tie oy sich cay. cameo so be ae as Ui Sub Cave tena oF Te for Camabon re erty of Baciments_ ‘The doses orn the Crract are be ae smu etary of one (0) payment ot ary ston Cast ps ssc ich wa a kas inthe ein For tw pupa of nla, to prey oe ozcurents al DO | Cente Pc. 3 ‘teocance withthe flour sence | ‘or ocovng is nat, he Enger eal possi secrtans wm Sb-Ouce (te contac: Agsement a Stats henge 135 Detemnatons ages or tern Qe ane fs] tet the fro’ cous ns ees hae ens done i tha rts ese 3) the Lote of Tena. xb paragrapns (2) anf) above rt to thie ett. i (te Parser consis (a) tea Gow Contos, 110 (the Enaoyrs Requires, Employers Useof Astin th Parts, ho Coat sha! lane copra seca to Sonaues nd CConvactrs Documents cron) nts th Oonoct’ Decuria anther Seg coer as by ‘contact Aaroomont ‘care ane Supiy of @) be Contac’ Popes and ay ctor documnts foring pat ofthe Cone Han ambiguy or dsreparey found nthe cours, to Engr sa is8 ay neceeny cette erro “The Parte sl ro Canactre in 28 ay er the oxtrcir ‘roses the Ler of Boren. west ag Sense. The Covwoxt ‘eyo sal be Sted pn he for anne oe Patou Ooo. The ‘aus emp as ara amr charges ay peed by ow cornet wh ‘ryt he Carat aout shal be bom by ne Epon Nott Party sal assign De whole ary pat ofthe Carat any art or bret no rca he Conte: ower eu Par may anon ne noo an at ne sear oh a Pa 18) genset niaur or ane or rarietton, ee Re ra oy ‘moray 10 Bosra, ich of he Conkacta's Decree eal be In th custody and it of the (Cones, reo ad url ake oe ty he Empoyer ee omen std feo Contact, tw Cont sh eal 0 te Ege sx Spee of aco he The Constr ra oop onthe Sto, oop oe Gora pub mara ‘to trobyor qdeenrts, te Cartcloes Ooeunars en ators arc he ‘Sovrureatena glen ur te Caac.To Erpioyere Perna wal have Oe ‘ight soos oa awe dose eal essa es Pony besos ayo of n oor or dr 2 ee! paso na doosrart “aN as prepared for wse enc che Werks, the Pay sol promt ve ‘eto fo oer Pry of ue ror eet Conisent Osta (erenbanaon he Contacte. “The Contact shal bo deca hy sing the Catach oho Emcoy © novterantie ranleabe rovenchae raya fonea to oop wee ad ‘armaneate ine Grecia Graces ney arg end ig ets (8) apy toehout actor rors working Ho vhchareorge ee falar paso he We (8) rte any person in sopee psetson ote art pao he Wt to tp ue en camara the Cotas Coen pps ot mpl, cpsin, matanva, aime aust pat ara ran Betis, wns (entre cae of Canara’ Docunants which ar he fo of compar Drogas and oe sonar par Dor seo cn ary campy ane Sars Sher sot a enisagad by tne Coil, iing pacers cf 3) ‘puts soe by Po Contac. ‘he Contact's Documents ane cre deen cures made by fn bso the Contactor shal ok aot tie Coico carr bs Uied coped ot ‘cranes 2a pry Ey on barat oe ee Tr prose ee ‘fetta permit er Sub Cue, ‘A atueon the Pats, the Crwioye sha ran the conyight and other ioctl roar maemo Engiyera Requteren ard ct SOcunanis ade on ben he Epler Te Carrs may ei ont op, { ebtah canmancaion of hae documents for Be puposas of Canoe. ‘ey sal not woul he Enpoyes cnet be cope, Used commonest toa thd pay bythe Conracor excep an neconay fr Ho prpone o he Tro Concer sna dcogo at ach conceal and cher nfarmaon a8 the Enger may oearabyrequs caf ery Ue Canactos caance Wt tno Cowecr oreesoe 7 ot Several Lsbity F > “mo Comactor sal paromns he Cotas, compl wh apes Lave, Uses ne sos inte Prue Conon {8} oseoy shat hav oxakos (rer ean me parang, 2o0%g Crave perio fo te Parrarrt Wis, and ay er parisons decd h {he Emaljors Posies os aang bean fr bag) bese By ho [Enpeyor a he Empty aati ena had he Carta aes ‘gansta fm ba carsenstoas cto tla 9 sr (8) te conracor sat gue at ote, py a Es, des ara es, oe cian peri esse an sepreval eed by te Lave aa 1 he Satoh, exccaon ond coneon cf fe Wona andthe remeing ty ‘cs ar the Contac sh nary and hod re EMD Paes Spinal ana tothe carsaquneas faye 3 to Conacter cores unde ppc La) 8 fet verte, cna or ‘ore unnecparien rasrg ow eve pene (6) to pass shat bo eared ob ard every ab to henge ‘ertraperomenc lhe Gate (0) tae persons cha rt Pe Er Boye of tor ec ha chal naw aerty toons te Contact anc ache bese pre 00 (©) Conacer chat rz aris composton aga sa wih to gree rent he Erp The‘Empioyer Fg ot cass to ‘he Sie ‘The Employer shall vo the Conratr sgt of acc 0, and aosoasn ct pat oFne Sts winnie te (or me) sald ne Aopen Tender The ht ns possession may note exclave o he Coat und be Cosi, De Erol is requre Yo ge fo the Contact) possesson of wy ura, ‘uct, part or moore of acca, he Emly shal db 9 nth re nd framner sd Te Enplyers Requreares. Hower ne Eryloye Mey ‘ants any auch gto” posaceson wt tne Poromance Sec a Bose fn sh tne sts nt Aopen Tne th Empayrshal ie the ‘Corsa tacos a sapere Sen sh ese ey beefs to eb the Corto posed nexcodsce wi be aya ‘bee unde Sub Ose 8.9 ere) 1 he Contact aflorsclry anor nc Costa est of tas by the [Enpbyerogvo ay exh rat oan atin sh ee Contr at fhe rola io the Engr an sl bm ers et io Sb-Cl 29 {Conactar Cume} se (0) an scaraon 2 tn or ay un 8a, compan ov be ved ‘rer Su Casa taal of Tne ler Comte, (©) baymont at any a Cox ps easenebe pot, eh eal bo Rousesin the Const Be ‘0 rcshog hs roto, to Enger hal poco naocordaves wth Sub be S35 bstaratand age oder tame mato ee Aoprovals 29 Emotyers Porsomal Employers anc ‘eargemens| 25 Emoloyers Cis Howmet ar to the ert tat he Empty’ ft wes case by any eo cr ‘2oty ya Comair neg anon, or aye aan lar Connetors Dacumarta ie Cana sal rete tad mah eet lie, costo ret. ‘Te Erpoyr oma ano ho an poston 6 9] pros eae setae too Covtrtr el he equ che Corectr (8) by cberg cops ofthe La of the Court which a elvan o 2 Conwact 0 a ott cab, and fe) lore Corsair stato rary pants, arcs or pas as ya Lave oo Coury etka Contacte is rie Io cian unr S.-C 113 IComotono wath ave iy Srnecavery a oom, ncuang cunanen neo ces ae Oh rte eran of Consctors Eaiemar whan svcd Hem he The moloer that bo espns tr nang ha te Ersoy Feral ora he ropes her contactor one Ste 9) Scat nr is in She 48 a (©) lm actons start has unite Carrer reife te urs ‘sap oro Sub Clic 4 (Ste Proceoe) ard under ‘Sip: 8 Protect te Fert ‘he Ecoy oval eur tin 28 cays sar ting ery veut tom Be Conwactr “onosbl erent enlarges have bee rade a3 bang mastaned wich wi ent te Cpe py the Cote Pros ‘nimi at tral oosocrce we loo enact Poe an Payer # the Empoje riers o make ay rate change oi eal arargerets. Be Erocjr shal gue rote foe Corer wan Seated partes i te Epp consis hes obo oe ary payer ce ry Cue ot ‘hose Condtena a cannes 1 comecson ner te Comox. ano to ay ‘tenaon a fa Oras Ntenton Prod he Egle oe Eien ie ‘one an parca tthe One Hower cea ee hr pamenis os unas Sub-Omes 410 (Boone) tor ard Ga ude Sub lage 420 (Eero Eqanman an Fee hase Moto oo senses Oy ‘he Conan ‘Thor stl bs von as soo as pactcatle ar ne Eyer Beoamo er ot tte err crourstorces rg fo dam. Anotos reagan eeson no Oc Netceon ved orl bs quan oxlvw Ne oxy ou ered “Te partir anal pool tn Clee one bose of m,n ar nee “ibranision of the aroun ade eter o whore Enoioys ona ‘ocosdin accoreanes wih So-Cuss 35 Datemraton| ooo ot cea he Whe aneurin) which be Epes ted to be pty te Cott, nc th entero (ay fh Cats Neteton Pa in sconce wth ‘tb Co 1 Teena o Dts Notation Perea, ‘is smavrt my te ded 88 8 dodulen ne Conroe Pree an Poment Green Tre Epoyer sl ony be ated fo oat of aneet & ako ay ocucton fom en arourt cred na Payment Cats ero atarase care ‘Saara the Contoctr,m secoraznco wih he Sut Con rma Brainese a Eghoore Dus ac aber az Delegation bythe Engines: ‘he Ener shal appt he Eee wh shal cay cut he ie ser to inthe Coa. Th grea a shal cide sua us egies a Cher pressor whe ae compatnt cay om hace cies. ‘ha Ergnos sha ave ro ator osend tha Cora ‘Tho Erg may xi the eutory sturabl the Ege ssa incr ‘Faces to be ngs tn he Cera he Crane 9 aban ho pocal eC slo rer spaced aurory ereq.rerets Sak Sp a se nthe Parr Coon. Ths Erpover undetese no oreo ‘Gitex conants on he Ege uty except aj wih ie Coat. Howes where the Cognser amickos 2 spcted extort for whlch the [poy peo sequen re purposes ot te Canad te orgs ste ceed fo Poe gh appro rcpt a ober sated nthe Coston: (2) wren cay ot tos or xen sory spect ot moo by the Corrs, te nahes” dbo doors ar or Enpoet (©) tstrgar has euhaty oreo ele Poy ny cates eats cr ‘eran nd ti Cort 3 (@ trpeepioa chee, cation, conser, etamnon, repetition, Tate proces rau, eto emir acto he Enger cdg abeos| saggro st olse he Carrace fom ay repens he hs tneer te Carvel redng espera or eres, arbors, dsaeperoos dean compton, ha Enger mayo ro ee asin cs an celeste sutras, nda at rks tah ekg oF dejan. Tees costs Tay Poke 3 ‘eed eng aor ncependart pects appar reps an et Iams of Part ansfr Matar, The scene, tenor orton chat ba wg 2nd sel ot tke tet Ur apes have bean racked by bath Pars. mer ree anon area bh Pave he Ergo eet Sega hs ‘ery to etemne any ef ccercae win Gab 5 Pema) ust shal beauty cps persons, whe ae compete to cary a hese Gites are ores The suerty. and Who ate Nant Mo ngage fer ‘rmeraone Std in Su Chana 14 Yaw ans La99 Each asa to wham cts tae been aed ratory has bon cea, ‘St ony be outorsed oes nature he Carter he ecal ees aa Iratrctons ofthe Engineer Peplacemont ofthe Engroor as Deteminatons| by ne dootn. Ay spruces, cats, conn examina, nepeton Fevveton neice, popoed, auc We er sar ae by an eset ‘zone wih the cop sal hve the ri act 86a 2 had been an at othe Engree However: (6) ary tue to tapgrove eny werk, Panter Maes hel rot conto {sopra and nal rer et aides at fe ergo ee! ho ‘rk Par otters (0) Tine corsacerqucrene ay stern ot etn of so ast tho Connery ste ater tothe Engheet who sl py cane, ror0o of vay De deacon a natu, The Ene ray ss 1 he Contactor a ary tin naan which rey be ces or the sxecon of he Werks ad omega sets. Sordaco wih the Cara. To Cartas el ny tke nate em Ergonsr or ror ass fo uno re apocrine ny ts ee eng tidy the Caco. an nae costes Vraion, Case 13 Vareions a ‘users sa 0. ‘Te Contractor sal comply wth he inriciens gen bythe Engh cles eet, ony ati 9 e Coat. he eusion alo gon A wate. ne Emoyer snp the Ene the Eno shal, tos thn 42 Cay bor ra reads cate ct pacar. gre rape to te Corto ot fame, sadose ord fewer execs of fe Fleded epbcorent Eger The Erp ast nt eine th ener wth ere agar whom io Conraser ‘es ena cto st fo the Enpoper wih sporty percuas ranmor aco Cantor pods shat he Enger sl posted nsorrsanco weve Sus Cos 880 ag como ay mate "ghee ea ara ‘ac Pry nan encroach eo years ached he none en mi tar cetormmnston coc wine Cor no segesofal nae ceammtocos “The Egashira oth Partin of ach agent er eration, wen cupeonng parce. Ea Pory Sl gh fet to each ayeonert of ‘Ghernbaton inte and ir teed under Cause 2 [ane Sepee seein, ThéGontractor a Conactrs Genera blgatione The Contac sa dog, eat ans comcnte We Works oocararco wi arr ae dat ard yale rie Wee Wen cored Wil betting purpoans er we he Wer a toned esha nh Conta. ‘re Conractr shat pode the Part nd Cortes Dum spected i the Cont a al Contacere Perens, Goode, coer ard oa lun nd ‘von whee cs porary or parent ne equim oo Sgn ‘mooi, compicton aed eee\ee o ose e700 1" ¥ a 8 j 3 Pattomanee Secu 2 “Te Woks shal che any ae wien nace to eat he Empoyes Foqtumars, Coruactrs Proposal and Schedles, oped by ho Cac nd al works wis atowge oe martened ita Carta neces"! ‘Sanat ao complete eae a peter oprah Wek ‘he Consater atl 0 regal fro adoqucy, Sty ne ay a Se Gpertire, ola methods erento ara dl be Woes ‘Tho Contactor shal, whence roqued bythe Engrs, subi dea of the serangemerte and matboge ven the Carta prposes to so0p The ‘rccuton of the Was. No egTifcant atereion to ese arznyoments ne ‘ihe be rade whoa! Ina hash sresuly Boon sted Yo the Egret ‘The Contactor sal chan atte costa Parerraca See Jor gros: Darcmance. he ours td cence stan nts Aopera 0 Teer Ft ‘Snourtic ot saa mt Apparat Tord te Sub Caos cent eBE ‘Te Cora ehel der he Paomance Seu oe Emetver wit 28 doy ate ronhing rw Ler of copa, a hol snd a py 9h Egret "Pe Ftorrance Scout shal aad by a a) sd tom rn @ coat at Jute) epored by ‘he Eels end feo the fam annexed fo the Pts Contes on snot term aioe tye me ‘The Canara ere tat the Promrans Sony ald greece Ul te Cowactor tus oaeuted ad coreleed to Wore and rons Oy ects e terre of te Petomance Seen spect fs xp dia and Pe ‘Canwstr ra re bacon crea to exe a Paroranc Cats ya lo 8 .cays kro the expy dao, e Caracal extan tre way of Ptormnon Soy ies bo Went Bion eos ae ay dete Nae beenrenedie “Te Encloyer oat nat at a cam under the Perene Seer, ect fr ours wtih he Ergon sented ino he Cantactin re sat ct (6) fare ty te Contacte oer tn eyo he Pormance Secu a8 ‘oto acon aravaph ne ov te py ey am fu anu lhe Peon Sci, (0) ‘aheoty hw Careacter tray ho Enel sn sont, ao ‘te Coast "damned uncer Su Cue 2 Eiployers i or Clase 20 (Game Denies ad Mirador, wai 2 anys afr ts fyuaren of doomaion. (©) ‘Gheo oy ne Caractef remasy aca win 42 days ater ecting [Erptyer's ate ease fe dou be rang. ot (© clarsunces veka eile tcl to temiaton und Sib-Csise 182 [emraton Gy Emcee), esac of waa” soe of ein as boon gen Tre Epa hl ery and od he Contact hams agate on chivags, sss ad owes fre vg log foes ara exceee) ree a 8 ‘sin de th Palmence Secty th eter fo wich De Empat Was ak ‘od make ec na Employer snl tn he Pama Saint Gott wihin 2 dys ser ecg a o2py a re Parumunce Casa, Cenactors Fepoceniative Subeontacore onintod ‘Subcontractors 46 Conperation The Oontactr stl pode the Contactors restate art gehen at sunny ncaa tact on te Canta’ berat uncer e Cn. nest Gonract'sReprcrzate snamadin tba Conteck, he Contd Br tothe Commercart De, cutmt he Enger for ana’ he are faricrs oft peson tho Caracartrouse 0 app sy Cowctors Poorer, # sneer: wither besa. rvckd, oe apc sn false Oana Repasetain,he Conary emt "herere and parr of nce suede psn ah apts “he Conractor shane, without me per conser ef he Cage che be sop cline Caracas Repost c appar ace “The whole tine oft Contact's Rapemntathe sal be glen to act Be Corsac's parlance to Corr He Cnt Pogrecetate 12 Be ‘erpomy ebset fom the te auteg the txzeton ot te Weis,» sulle ‘epicure peransrato soponia, soe oe ees’ pre camara ‘Potngrear hale ates aa “The Canasta easel al on bose Contec cents wee Sachs 3.3 renuctons a Re Sra, “Te Contractors Renrscrstve my de ar fone, unctore and ashory6 sy compu pon, and may aay Merah degen. Ay agen Fovecetin aia ro te of he Eagan roe enon se OY fo Conractor's Rexosenate nang Be casera sexys ta pone ‘uretens ard atorty bong dated cr re. ‘ne Conte's Repesrtave and a hse persons sal bef haan for corrureszere dined Sue Cub 1 Lat an aro, Te Contractor shallot subcorect he wie fe Wor ‘The Conecir cat be egpanscl oo sb asa any Suboonretr He perso erpoyes. fey we tm ote des he Cara Uns ‘Shorea aad re Paicuw Condare (8) te Conoztr sa rab gure cba coreerto sper of Maen, {rtonbcore! a whos he Subcontractor aed nthe Coach, (©) he pror conort Ine Ergnoer efoto obloned tober pepesad Sthoaraces me (9 te Conver sal ge te Engen not es than 28 as! roe of he rend at ore cormancunt fe Success are, aso ‘erence tien worcon ti Ste br he Suc, nomnwas Subcontractor maine Subcom when te Enger wns hus 13 lator ae users net ro Caacte o ‘py as SubsarrassIhe Contos b tara eoigon emo Smal Sorc gust wom te Cortera eae econ rete oe Ege a oon a acto, wih ener pared “ho Contacte sha, 2 pss ne Corea cra ase oy te Cage ow aoercerteopcortcs br cage wrk race 10 g é Soting Out Salty Procedures “ (a) 0 Emoto" Pavone 8) Sry anercontazer aretoys byte maby ant (©) thepearvel of ary gay cored dod puke Baers, ‘who my be omseyod in the ersten ener asthe Ste ry werk a ae Rina coreact, doy such rerun sal eoree a Varaten Hand oe ent at ae the Constr to ror Utena Gast Sencon fr theae psn ote ‘cnariore ay Fede te woof Cowracors Eaipren, Tengoray Wa et {ozeearangamets nih the pei of he Ore Tho Conectr salle esporsl er tis corset aco cnte St, rd sa coerirate he nn actos wth owe Of CPU carats 10 eet HS Spica he mpoyers Aecuromars 1, une ne erat ho Enotes eeu to Qh 1 te Contr gossnion of ey fosnaton. oct. plant or moans of acces fy socoaerce yeh envacere Docu, te Contactar stl suet 933 Sosa toe [Enger in ne tran rar sts thane’ Pace ‘ho Covwacta ha ote ra Wa ant og oes, nes ar ot ‘scans sowed th Conrat ot oid by ra Eng The Contre bo ‘apse ort cect pein oa pr he Wes, hal tly 7 ‘rerio postions, lw maven arrerrt he Vos, “Tha Eps Pl bo eeponebe ty er tan epecid roo ems ot retsenen, ite Conmccr sal Ue roasonata stot a ty at AY ‘tere ey used lee Contactor airs cio anor ners Cost fom sxaceng War wich was racesstate by an or hase tame ol elecos. a an opines act ‘el not etrety Fave scored sich er and vd the cy alr Coa, ‘te Contr ha ve nao to ne Eager Bol bo erode Si (hase 20 Panbacers Cars] [ean cxasion f tine or ary sch ay If comefon se be tye, Sica’ Sus Cas 8 ron of Tne er Compton, sn (2) pment tary ich Cos pus reasoned pol ich a bo eka nt onuaet ee, te: esing he on, te Cages pcos accordance Sb-Cl {58 iDosnbetor tao oF elon wheter an 0 we oe ne Soren ot vary Rv nn eco, wh ats nt Sue prego a abo wate oe. We Contactors (ah comp wha apa salty elt, | theca ho ay of prsone ert to boone So, (G1 toe reacnabe oferta to Hew te Sie at Wore csr of urmeeceay tsiueton oso mot ange to tose pasar, (prove era ie, cusrang ara etch oe Wer ui eoeieton {nung oer under Ce 1 employ Taig Ov an. a9 ualty Assrance ano ‘ts Data Suteancy ote ‘ecopted Canact ‘ee (0) prado any Tarporay Woks Qncucha roses, fstays gars at {ence when ay be nscassy because ofthe oe fe We, he ‘sand pasion oe pele ss lor nl rir of sae “Te Contato sol nt a guly amaenoe ate fo mora copince wa he eguroverts of e Carat. The ole Sal be ceva ae satin te Corto. The Exar eat be td oat ay expel he Dats of rocosen and carpe aocirats shit be aubrite to the Ergnee or maton bare cast cso and exacubon ago a comarca When any docu fx ncn se & sai to the Eg ean he ‘er apoval byte Contr tna shale sapere on te Gooumet Compince wth he cy asararce syste sal nt eee the Concir ary Sins ton, cose of eparabiee uct e Comace ‘The Epo sh have ma mv tthe Contacte ois maton, to 1s Bose Osta trom dts ito Brgoyore posasoon on austen aX) hycrbgca canons ate Ste, ncudrg avwormreta aspects, The elo Shot iy mek ala To the Contacte such da wich exe ta Ihe rote post crew Ba Dei. The Cancer ral be conse for leary a ca Toe sore wich as acct fakirg account costa ns, te Carackr {hal bedoenes to he oan racayrtrion at coringonaie ‘eee crerstaoss whch ay Wace ot allect De Tei fer. 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Sndion but clung cima cnt tite Gartacor counters as lysed coco wrch ne ents 0 Pawo been Unsoseb, tb Coresctr eral gho ete To the Enger at soon a2 posto, ‘Ths rte shal daseebe He pe ono, 2 Pa yen be nape by nergy re al et oth sone wy te Contact crabs eto be Ustrseesti. ho Carats cos acu ha Wo, va such erat ‘ra rosaracio messes es ae azpreprats lr fn pics condone hat ‘amy i enhanc te Eiowr may gv. Nar Mlusten cnerson ‘2 \iraton Obie 13 Variars ard isonet ral aoc. ano © me ears wat me Gracin secures crys onto when ae ‘Utrapeape ghee ssn area anastasia cra os dao ‘ons, th Cocactrdalbo ates eubcf Sud Case 207 Koreas ‘has: (8) a7 otensan ot tr tor sy sc day, ¥ compat rw bo dyed, Ud Sub. 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Hone, nat got oa addres cna = Dasara 0) seal ese recor, a he rye consion occured "Si pars fhe We, hl nat ont ane eon inte Gn Pos “Tho Ercor may tao ecco af ary who th phys! endonsfowseen phe Conract wren sabing te Tan whe mayb made sel ye Cena bt at ot bboy any sich ese ‘The Covtiacir sl bast a coi and charges fr pec nso amps ie facy wren Pe my reqre neg hese lr eos oe Ste Tho Crear ‘Shao van te kone ot ey ton oie cis he Ste wach he "oy eae tr pape ot Wks Tro Gantaco anal nat ner eracesaly ox repay ih |o)ecomenine tine pti, ‘Wanaport of Goods Contractor's Eeupment Proecon of he wormed 1b) te aceasta inn and ceoston of a od an cpt renee ure eso puna psec te ETB oF aa ‘he Concer tt ent nd noe ta motoyrramse spans om a meen, ues and expan acura aes ard eave) on et oy 72 Contacte el be ed 16 xe Boon eed ab v0 mo sutsbty an ‘atti of comm cesta ne Sk, The Conactr sal an rena et 9 ont any ras oF to Tow borg erage: by re Conacars ta ty he Conacio's Pesce Teor eats svat ude ha cpa ie of mH soap as atari ean ase Conor: (te Convacter smut es benoen ane Fares) ‘Ssp0rsbe fr any ‘rantnares neh ma aque er do Beet (eCourse pode cesar ans” drectors arg ocess Fran, ang Sat elon ay Bemis mich may Bo eure ah The ‘avant aihotie orus nfee,ean eco, (2) tmoyer aa tbs eapanat fr ary cle whe ayer Yom Ne Urea ener fay scx ous, (ete Erpoyer dove nt garanos tho sutaaty cally of preclr (e) Gots die 0 on stsbity oF nontaity, o the use raguhed by the (Centar of czas aes sal bo barre by sha Gori Une ote stata he Prt Corton (@teconctr ha gh he Engr nots than 23 cay’ otc fh de “nanhany ost oar tom of ter Goods i a deere () WeConactr stl bo repartee caning, bad, waeoorn, coun Urzeahg, eng and ptectng al So i es ge ote or Wins art (© o Cartas tat dewey ard hott be Epler names ain ant from a daroges lsu rd eran feng eel ase ane eens ‘ebung Yom a wasp of Goocs, and eal ght 2d ay al es ‘wong tom ban rare ‘Thm Coco al be teapertie ora Caactr' Equant. When boston {bine Su, Cowacors Equbmert cul be dooras to be ensscw¥ asad Exe ‘ese he Wor re Catrall ano Yom he Ste yar oe ‘toners augment wou ie cores fi Ege: Hower Comst al ‘ote ant meas worpartrg Good or Careato's Pasar ot 88 ‘Te Cawacte cate a easonatie ps0 ptt the rrr tho art “se Sarto lt cogs ard cares pos and sepa ong YOM Pston, re araome rsa of ns opi ‘The Contato shal ensue ta eon, eutocedechapes a our fom tho Conver eater st nl oiciad the velo meat ftw payers Fequterert, sn atl no xed he aus proceed oy cepa LENS or we 7 a 3

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