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Women Empowerment

Women empowerment may sound like gender equality but it is a poor excuse for giving power to
women, giving power to women may or may not solve everything, majority of women do have good
intentions but some are still wicked in thinking and power that goes to the wrong hands may cause
disruption in the society. Wording must also be fixed when it comes to the term “woman
empowerment” some people may think women empowerment may be the giving of authority and
power but it may also mean the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in
controlling one's life and claiming one's rights. Based on the right wording women empowerment may
be understood right and not be mistaken as authorization focused on women, but it will never be the
same as gender equality because women empowerment focuses on becoming more confident and
stronger as a woman but gender equality is an ideal and a theory that strives to equalize every gender
amidst a lot of differences, gender equality protects all and doesn’t discriminate men, women, nor other
genders, in women empowerment, it focuses in women being weak and they need to be strong to
protect themselves making dishonourable men as their enemy but men are always targeted by women
misinterpreting their actions and intentions, based on a study conducted by Wiley Blackwell, contrary to
the common perception that only women and girls are discriminated on the basis of sex, discrimination
against men and boys can also happen, and in some cases, it can be even more evident. This is the main
argument of David Benatar in his new book, The Second Sexism. By the term ‘second sexism’ Benatar
means the wrongful discrimination against men and boys on the basis of sex, which he claims is
unrecognized that the mere mention of it will appear laughable to some. The primary purpose of this
book is to make this type of sexism visible and to present second sexism as a new addition to the
concerns of policy makers, human rights activists and feminists. The qualities of an empowered woman
should be based on what the word empowered means, this word means having the authority and power
to do something and/or to make someone stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their
life and claiming their rights. Empowered women should have qualities both on the meaning of the word
“empowered,” they must have some authority to do something so a civilization, organization, or
community doesn’t have biased overwhelming power of the opposite gender, women should also have
qualities like being strong physically, emotionally, and mentally. All women should be more confident
and good at controlling their life, they should claim their rights thus they must fight those who steal and
take those rights from them like violent and unfair people.

Women in the old times were supressed like in the times where Spaniard still had control over the
Philippines, women would only stay home and clean the house while men are allowed to learn in school
and become politicians unlike women, women today now have stronger support and have multiple
groups made just for the purpose of supporting women in becoming strong, women are still harassed to
this day which is a bad thing but most of women now have rights equal to everyone and they’re not
unwelcomed in society. Women in these times are a bit extremely overpowered in these times because
even a slight misunderstanding from you talking or posting something in social media that might attack
women or is remotely even connected to women’s rights being taken is going to cause you a lifetime of
trouble, cancel culture can ruin your personal life and just because you said or posted something that
even remotely attacks women. A lot of people in the internet or even around the world are just too
sensitive and blabber about being in the side of the righteous or defending what is right when in reality
they are just bystanders who know nothing and doesn’t even do something, they just talk about people
being bad when in fact they are just the same for not doing anything. The saying goes, “actions speak
louder than words” and people are just forgetting the true meaning of the phrase, sometimes the
phrase “ignorance is bliss” is very rare in this day and age, when people know nothing about something
that is happening they just jump to conclusions and immediately accuse someone possibly innocent of
being in the wrong, first one must investigate and obtain information to know the truth then act wisely
after analyzing information collected, or you can just ignore someone being unnecessarily rude to
everyone because all those type of people want are attention. People must also do action and strive for
equality, women and men are respectfully equal but they are different and so the right state to achieve
is not equality but balance, balance exists around the world, balance controls everything, it gives
happiness and sadness, balance is a principle that teaches people there is a time and space for
everything. If there is harm, there will be good, this is the perfect concept of balance that can be applied
to the problem of women empowerment, men are different to women but are on a plane where the
two sides can coincide in harmony where women can be strong yet weak at the same time and men are
the same, balance applies to everything but the whole world disrupts this state by constantly doing
things one-sidedly people team up towards the wrong cause and they think they are in the right, I
believe that the day balance may return to its original state is near and balance will remove everything
that disrupts it. Balance between genders and races may seem impossible but with power that can
support balance, coinciding in the same plane is now possible and disturbances shall be removed even if
it may be a large power.

We can empower women by training them to become emotionally, mentally, and physically strong. We
can make them practice the usage of power and authority to do something so they can make something
good for the society, we can teach them self-defense to protect themselves from people with wicked ill
and wrong doing, we can teach them what is right and wrong to differentiate what is happening now,
we can make them apply the balance theory where they can coincide with others different from their
own, women can be whatever they want and men must not interfere like women won’t interfere with
them. Place women as leaders and give them decision making roles that can be for the betterment of all,
invest in women’s entrepreneurial ideas, emotionally and financially, mentoring women professionally
and personally. My personal icon of a strong woman is a woman who strives for something great and a
woman who can represent their own cause, a woman who doesn’t strive for equality but strives for
balance that shows women who have ideals that can contribute to the balance that forms the world,
women are strong even when they are not, I believe in that for women are beautiful beings just like men
that make up the balance in this world, when women are suppressed, men will be too, the balance
theory protects all and avenges all. A woman who represents balance is a woman of strong ideal and
excellent form, a woman who can change the world into excellence is a woman who may rule over it.
The Second Sexism: Discrimination against Men and Boys by David Benatar-

“Empowered” definition for more clarification-


Ways to empower women-

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