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Quarter 1 – Module 6:
Colors of Light

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines

Science – Grade 8
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 6: Nature of Biology
First Edition, 2019

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Published by the Department of Education

Assistant Secretary:

Development Team of the Module

Authors: Nelia V. Lofamia MT ll , V.E Fugoso Memorial High School, SDO

Editor: Jonathan P. Derez, PSDS SDO, Manila
Reviewers: Name Rebecca M. Roxas, EPS, SDO Manila
Management Team: Maria Magdalena M. Lim-Schools Division Superintendent-Manila,
Aida H. Rondilla-Chief Education Supervisor, Lucky S. Carpio-EPS and Lady Hannah C.
Gillo, Librarian II-LRMS

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Science 8
Quarter 1 – Module 6:

Introductory Message

For the facilitator:

This module covers only the most essential competencies on Light and colors. The simplest
presentation of concepts was made in order for the learners to understand quickly. Please
encourage your learners to take time to read the module. Simple activities are designed
so that learners can easily follow with or without the teacher’s guidance, also there online
activities, virtual experiments and lectures suggested in case the student cannot come to
school for face to face learning.

For the learner:

The module can be used as alternative delivery mode in understanding lessons about
Light and Colors. Simple activities and experiments were picked to support experiential
learning, also online activities and virtual experiments were suggested to that may
enhance learning.

Before going into the module, carefully listen to your teacher’s instructions. You are
expected to accomplish all activities at your pace, and so therefore lesson mastery
depends on how you work with it. In case there are concepts that are still too difficult for
you to understand, your teacher is there to guide you all throughout the module.

What I Need to Know

Imagine a world of black, white and gray. It would not be as interesting or as

beautiful as the world surrounds you ever day. Did you know that colors can affect your
mood and behaviour? Bright colors tend to make you feel happy. Gray or dark colors
tend to make scene sober and sad. How rainbows form? Why s the sky reddish at sunset
and blue at noon? These are just some of the few questions we commonly ask whenever
we see rainbows and even sunset. And so to finally unlock these interesting queries, a
module about VISIBLE SPECTRUM was developed.

This simple but practical module contains the following:

A. Pre Assessment Test

B. Lesson 1: Dispersion and Refraction of light
C. Lesson 2: Characteristics of Visible Spectrum
D. Lesson 3: Scientific explanations of certain observable phenomena

After going through the module, learners are expected to:

Essential Competency: Explain the hierarchy of colors in relation to energy.
( S8FE-If-27)
1. Explain Dispersion and Refraction of light

2. Examine and analyze the chart of visible spectrum

3. Infer how wavelength, frequency and energies of color related to one another

4. Based on the concept of properties and characteristics of light, explain the occurrence
of the following observable phenomena.

a. How rainbows form?

b. Why is the sky blue at noon and reddish at sunset?

c. Explain why it is wise for people walking along a road at night to wear white

What I Know ( Pre –Assessment


Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer

1. Which color within the visible spectrum has the highest frequency and
shortest wavelength?
A. Green C. Red
B. Violet D. Blue
2. Why does the sky appear to be blue?
A. Clouds reflect the color of the ocean
B. Molecules in the atmosphere scatter blue light the most
C. Molecules in clouds absorb blue light
D. Clouds disperses blue light
3. As the frequencies of the pure spectral colors increase, the wavelengths of the
A. Decrease B. Increase
C. Remains the same D. Increase then decrease
4. Sunset often have reddish color associated with them. This is attributable to
the phenomenon of _____
A. Polarization B. Diffraction
C. Dispersion D. Refraction
5. What color comes between yellow and blue?
A. Red B. Orange C. Green D. Indigo
6. What do you call the separation of light into its component colors?
A. Refraction B. Dispersion
C. Reflection D. Polarization
7. What wave property can best explain the apparent bending of pencil when it
is dipped into a glass of water?
A. Refraction B. Dispersion
C. Reflection D. Polarization
8. __________ is a type of electromagnetic wave in which human eye can see.
A. Radiowaves B. X-ray
C. Microwave D. Visible light
9. When light is refracted, it changes direction. This statement is
A. True B. False
C. Partially True D. Partially False
10. As the frequency of color increases, the amount of energy;
A. also increases B. decreases
C. increases then decreases D. nothings change




“It takes sunshine and rain to make a rainbow. There would be

no rainbows without sunshine and rain.” ― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in
the Heart.
Aren’t rainbows just the most
beautiful natural occurrence in the
world? It looks so perfect! Isn’t it? Have
you ever noticed you can sometimes see
rainbow-like occurrences in a prisms and
crystals too? How does this happen? Well,
this happens because of a
phenomenon known as ‘Dispersion of
Light’ alongside refraction. Let us study
more in-depth and find out “How are
demonstrated in light?

What’s In

Dispersion of Light can be defined as

the splitting of white light when it passes
through a glass prism into its constituent
spectrum of colors (i.e. violet, indigo, blue,
green, yellow, orange and red). Dispersion
figuratively means ‘distribution’ and hence
that’s exactly what is happening in the picture
above. The white light splits into its
constituent colors at various frequencies and
various angles.

A prism is a transparent refracting
device bounded by five plane surfaces
inclined at some angles. It bends the light
two times and emergent ray is at an angle
to the incident ray.

Dispersion of White Light By a Prism

Refraction is the bending in the path of the light when it travels from one
medium to another. The degree at which refraction will occur depends on
the wavelength of the light. Each light wave has a different wavelength and will
therefore deviate differently. White light is composed of light of different
wavelengths (colors) i.e. violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow and red. Red has the
highest wavelength and violet the lowest.
Wavelength is
inversely proportional to the
deviation in the path of the
light. Red light suffers the
least amount of deviation
and violet the most. When a
white light is made to pass
through a prism, formation
of a spectrum of seven colors
occurs showing white light is
a combination of seven
separate colors.
Prism only acts as a
medium for the dispersion of
light made of the seven colors. Refraction occurs when the light falls on the
prism. The wavelength and frequency of these deviated colors is different, they
deviate differently at different angles due to the velocity difference of the prism.
The color red therefore deviates the least since it has maximum wavelength and
color violet deviates the most since it has the least wavelength.
Refraction is the bending of light (it also happens with sound, water and
other waves) as it passes from one transparent substance into another.
This bending by refraction makes it possible for us to have lenses,
magnifying glasses, prisms and rainbows. Even our eyes depend upon this

bending of light. Without refraction, we wouldn’t be able to focus light onto
our retina.

Change of speed causes change of direction

Light refracts whenever it travels at an angle into a substance with a

different refractive index (optical density). This change of direction is caused by
a change in speed. For example, when light travels from air into water, it slows
down, causing it to continue to travel at a different angle or direction.
Refraction of light in water
When light travels from air into water, it slows down, causing it to change
direction slightly. This change of direction is called refraction. When light enters
a more dense substance (higher refractive index), it ‘bends’ more towards the
normal line

One of the interesting effects of caused by refraction of light is mirage. A
mirage is an apparent shift in the position of objects caused by refraction of light
in different densities. During hot days, the layer of hot air is in contact with the
ground and its molecules are farther apart. Hence, light travels faster through
the hot air, causing light rays near the ground to bend upward, this makes the
image appear upside down, as it were reflected from a surface of water.
The amount of bending depends on two things:
● Change in speed – if a substance causes the light to speed up or slow down
more, it will refract (bend) more.
● Angle of the incident ray – if the light is entering the substance at a greater
angle, the amount of refraction will also be more noticeable. On the other
hand, if the light is entering the new substance from straight on (at 90° to
the surface), the light will still slow down, but it won’t change direction at

Refractive index of some transparent substances

Substance Refractive Speed of light in Angle of refraction if incident ray

index substance enters substance at 20º

(x 1,000,000 m/s)

Air 1.00 300 20

Water 1.33 226 14.9

Glass 1.5 200 13.2

Diamond 2.4 125 8.2

All angles are measured from an imaginary line drawn at 90° to the surface
of the two substances this line is drawn as a dotted line and is called the normal.
If light enters any substance with a higher refractive index (such as from
air into glass) it slows down. The light bends towards the normal line.
If light travels enters into a substance with a lower refractive index (such
as from water into air) it speeds up. The light bends away from the normal line.
A higher refractive index shows that light will slow down and change
direction more as it enters the substance.

Refraction can create a spectrum

Isaac Newton performed a famous experiment using a triangular block of

glass called a prism. He used sunlight shining in through his window to create
a spectrum of colours on the opposite side of his room.
When white light shines through a prism, each colour refracts at a slightly
different angle. Violet light refracts slightly more than red light. A prism can be
used to show the seven colours of the spectrum that make up white light.
This experiment showed that white light is actually made of all the colours
of the rainbow. These seven colours are remembered by the acronym ROY G BIV
– red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet

Newton showed that each of

these colours cannot be turned into
other colours. He also showed that
they can be recombined to make
white light again.
The explanation for the
colours separating out is that the
light is made of waves. Red light has
a longer wavelength than violet light.
The refractive index for red light in
glass is slightly different than for
violet light. Violet light slows down even more than red light, so it is refracted at
a slightly greater angle.

The refractive index of red light in glass is 1.513. The refractive index of
violet light is 1.532. This slight difference is enough for the shorter wavelengths
of light to be refracted more.
Adapted from:

Notes to the Teacher
As classroom manager, no one knows your students well but you.
Providing different learning style is important in order to tap
different learning abilities of your students. Considering online
learning resources and activities will make your tasks easy, these
learning resources may support learning and help students
accomplish the modules objectives. Video clips, online educational
games and animation are great tool also to enhance learning.

What’s New

DIRECTION: Translate Hexahue code to identify terminologies used to further

understand Color of Light.

1. _________ is waves created as a result of vibrations between an electric field
and a magnetic field.

__ _____

2. The distance between successive crest of waves specially points in a sound

wave or electromagnetic waves

3. Describes the number of waves that pass a fixed place in a given amount of


4. The distribution of colors produced when light is dispersed by a prism.

_____ ________

5. The measure of the bending of a ray of light when passing from one medium

into another.

_____ __ __________

What is It

ACTIVITY 1.1 Colors of the rainbow… Colors of light


● Mirror
● Prisms
● Sunlight

Part A; R, o, y, g, B, V on paper


1. Place the bowl near the window. Make sure that there is plenty of
sunlight in that part of the window.
2. Set the mirror partway into the water facing the light as shown in
the figure on the right
3. Hold the piece of paper up to intercept the reflected beam.
4. Adjust the position of the mirror until you see color bands on the
piece of paper

Part B: ROY G. BIV using a prism


1. Position a stack of books near the window where there is plenty if


2. Place a white sheet of paper on top of the stack of books.
3. On top of this sheet, place the prism. Make sure that sunlight from
the window reaches the prism.
4. Position the prism until a rainbow or the colors of light appear on
the white sheet of paper.
5. Use the table below to note refractive indices of the colors of light in
acrylic or crown glass.

Material/Color of light (nm) n
Red 650 1,488
Orange 600 1,490
Yellow 550 1,497
Green 500 1,495
Blue 450 1,502
Violet 400 1,508
Crown Glass
Red 650 1,512
Orange 600 1,515
Yellow 550 1,518
Green 500 1,520
Blue 450 1,525
Violet 400 1,530
1. List and arrange the observed colors according to how they appear on
the paper.
2. Describe the position of the different colors after passing through the
3. Explain the dispersion of white light. Why is the prism or water able to
separate the colors of white light?
4. Compare your results in the first part with your results in the second
part. Are there any differences? What might account for the differences?
5. What did you observe with the indices of refraction of the colors of light
in the acrylic prism?

Activity 1:2 Colors in White Light


To investigate how the colors of light make up white light.

● 2 cardboard disks, each 5 cm in diameter
● 2 buttons at least, 3 cm in diameter
● red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet colored papers, felt pens, or
● glue or double-sided tape
● 1-meter long piece of string or thread
● pencil, straightedge, scissors
Procedure and Observations
Part A
1. Use the straightedge to mark off six nearly equal pie-shaped sections on one
side of disk.
2. Put a different color on each section of the disk. Do this by cutting and pasting
the colored paper sections or using markers or paints on the disk.
3. Paste one flat button in the center of the disk on the blank side.
4. Punch two holes in the center of the disk by pushing a pencil point through
two button holes.
5. Thread the string or thread through the two holes. Tie the open ends together
with a knot.
6. Slip one index finger through each end of the string. With the disk in the
middle of the string, twist the string at least 20 times.
7. Pull on the string in opposite directions, as shown. Loosen your pull as the
string twists in one direction and then the other.
8. Watch the disk when it twirls the fastest. Record the color you see.
9. Repeat steps 7-8 several times.

Part B
1. Draw some black lines in patterns on the disk.
2. Repeat steps 6-9.

Part C
1. Repeat Part A, except divide the disk into halves, color red and blue.
2. Record the color you see.

Analysis and Conclusion

1. Explain why you saw different colors in Part A and Part C.
2. What effect did the black markings have on the color you saw in Part B?

What’s More

ACTIVITY 1.3 How to Make A Prism

Note: In case a Prism is not available, you may try this activity as other
Things You'll Need
o Clear glass
o Water
o Flat surface
o Two sheets of paper
Fill the glass with water so that it’s slightly more than half full. Place the
glass on the edge of a coffee table or other flat surface, so that almost half of the
glass’s bottom hangs over the edge. Be careful that the glass does not fall over
the edge. Place the two sheets of paper side by side on the floor next to the coffee
table. Turn the flashlight on and point it toward the glass so that the light goes
through the glass and onto the sheets of paper on the floor.
Adjust the position of the flashlight and the paper until you can see the
characteristic rainbow on the sheets of paper. This may require a trial and error
to get the angles just right. You may also get more than one rainbow.
o Use the sun as an alternate source of white light. Set the glass on
the edge of a window sill and adjust its position to get the sunlight
to make the prism effect on the paper.
You can also make a prism using a CD. Poke a small hole in a piece of
aluminum foil and fold the foil over the flashlight. Shine the flashlight onto the
back of the CD.

ACTIVITY 1.4 Word Search

DIRECTION: Find and circle the words listed below in the word search grid. Look
for them in all directions including backwards and diagonally.






INTRODUCTION: Light is the visible spectrum-the small range of

electromagnetic wavelength that humans can see.

Electromagnetic radiations with shorter wavelengths than visible are

called ultraviolet, X-rays or gamma rays progressively. Electromagnetic
radiations with longer wavelengths than visible are called infrared, microwaves

or radio waves progressively. Microwaves have wavelengths on the order of
centimeters, while radio waves are on the order of meters

Though electromagnetic waves

exist in a vast range of wavelengths, our
eyes are sensitive to only a very narrow
band. Since this narrow band of
wavelengths is the means by which
humans see, we refer to it as the visible
light spectrum. Normally when we use
the term "light," we are referring to a type
of electromagnetic wave that stimulates
the retina of our eyes. In this sense, we are referring to visible light, a small
spectrum from the enormous range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation.
This visible light region consists of a spectrum of wavelengths that range from
approximately 700 nanometers (abbreviated nm) to approximately 400 nm.
Expressed in more familiar units, the range of wavelengths extends from 7 x 10-
7 meter to 4 x 10-7 meter. This narrow band of visible light is affectionately known

The separation of visible light into its different colors is known
as dispersion. Each color is characteristic of a distinct wavelength; and different
wavelengths of light waves will bend varying amounts upon passage through a
prism. For these reasons, visible light is dispersed upon passage through a
prism. Dispersion of visible light produces the colors red (R), orange (O), yellow
(Y), green (G), blue (B), and violet (V). It is because of this that visible light is
sometimes referred to as ROY G. BIV.

Characteristics of the visible spectrum

The frequency of a light wave is how many waves move past a certain
point during a set amount of time -- usually one second is used. Frequency is
generally measured in Hertz, which are units of cycles per second. Color is the
frequency of visible light, and it ranges from 430 trillion Hertz (which is red) to
750 trillion Hertz (which is violet). Waves can also go beyond and below those
frequencies, but they're not visible to the human eye. For instance, radio waves
are less than one billion Hertz; gamma rays are more than three billion Hertz.
Wave frequency is related to wave energy. Since all that waves really are
traveling energy, the more energy in a wave, the higher its frequency. The lower
the frequency is, the less energy in the wave. Following the above examples,
gamma rays have very high energy and radio waves are low-energy. When it
comes to light waves, violet is the highest energy color and red is the lowest
energy color.

Related to the energy and frequency is the wavelength, or the distance
between corresponding points on subsequent waves. You can measure
wavelength from peak to peak or from trough to trough. Shorter waves move
faster and have more energy, and longer waves travel more slowly and have less

Color Wavelength Frequency Photon energy

Violet 380–450 nm 680–790 THz 2.95–3.10 eV

Blue 450–485 nm 620–680 THz 2.64–2.75 eV

Cyan 485–500 nm 600–620 THz 2.48–2.52 eV

Green 500–565 nm 530–600 THz 2.25–2.34 eV

Yellow 565–590 nm 510–530 THz 2.10–2.17 eV

Orange 590–625 nm 480–510 THz 2.00–2.10 eV

Red 625–740 nm 405–480 THz 1.65–2.00 eV

Interpreting Data
1. Which color has the longest wavelength? Shortest wavelength?
2. Which color has the highest frequency? Lowest frequency?
3. Which color has the highest energy? Lowest energy?
4. What happens to frequency as the wavelength decreases?
5. How do you think the energy of color is affected when frequency is increased?
6. What is the relationship between frequency and wavelength of light?
7. What is the relationship between frequency and energy?
8. What is the relationship between wavelength and energy?

What is It?

ACTIVITY 2.1 Colors of Light

Materials Needed
· Color Spectrum Wheel Pattern Cardboard or illustration board
· white screen
· plastic filters (green, blue and red)
· 3 pieces of high intensity flashlights
· button fastener
· glue or paste
Part 1: Color Wheel

1. Cut the two art files that make up the wheel as shown below.

2. Cut along the lines drawn on the top wheel. Cut the 2 sides as shown. The
small window near the center of the wheel should be completely cut out and

3. Punch a hole at the center of the two wheels. You may use a button fastener
to secure the two wheels together one on top of the other, but they should be free
to rotate relative to each other.

4. When you see a region of the Color spectrum show up in the open window and
the “W, F, E” that correspond to that region showing up under the flaps then you
know that you have done it right.

Part 2: Characteristics of Light

1. Try out your Color Spectrum Wheel by positioning the inner most of the flaps on
COLOR SPECTRUM. This will simultaneously position the other flaps to ENERGY,
2. Turn the upper wheel and observe the combinations.
3. Fill in the table below with the corresponding combinations you have observed using
your Spectrum Wheel.

Characteristics of Color Lights

Color Energy Frequency Wavelength Frequency X

Spectrum (eV) (THz) (nm) wavelength








4. You will need to convert the equivalents of frequencies to Hz and the equivalent
wavelengths to meters.
Note that terra (T) is a prefix for 1014 while nano (n) is a prefix equivalent to 10-

1. Which color registers the highest frequency? Shortest wavelength?
2. Which color registers the lowest frequency? Longest wavelength?
3. What do you observe with the wavelength and frequency of the different
4. What did you observe with the product of wavelength and frequency for
each color? What is the significance of this value?
5. What can you say about the speed of the different colors of light in air?
6. Give a plausible explanation as to why white light separate into different



When the Sun is shining and there is rain as well you may see a rainbow
in the sky!

As sunlight passes through the water

droplets, it is bent and split into the colors of
the rainbow. Sunlight is known as visible or
white light and is actually a mixture of all
visible colors. Rainbows appear in seven colors
because water droplets break white sunlight
into the seven colors of the spectrum (red,
orange, yellow, green, and blue, indigo, violet).

You can only see a rainbow if the Sun is behind you and the rain in front. The
main rainbow becomes visible at an angle of around 40" from the horizon. You
might be able to see a second rainbow above the main
one in which the colors are in reverse order. You can
even make your own rainbow using a garden hose or
water sprinkler to form the water droplets in the air
on a sunny day.
When the Sun is low in the sky, during sunrise
and sunset, sunlight travels through a much greater
thickness of atmosphere than it does when it is
overhead. Earth's atmosphere contains molecules of
gas, mostly nitrogen and oxygen, as well as smaller
amounts of carbon dioxide, aerosols, dust, and ozone.
These particles scatter wavelengths of light. When the
Sun is low in the sky, and the light travels through a
greater distance of atmosphere, light comes in contact

with more particles and more wavelengths of light are scattered including longer
wavelengths like green, yellow and orange. Only the red light comes through to
your eyes. So, the setting sun often looks red!
To understand why the sky is blue, we need to understand what light and
color are all about!
Sunlight, or visible light, is
white but it is made of all the rainbow
colors: red, orange, yellow, green,
blue, indigo, and violet. Visible light
travels in waves. The waves are too
small and travel too quickly for us to
see. Colors like red, orange and yellow
travel in longer waves and have less
energy. Colors like blue, indigo and
violet travel in shorter waves and have more energy. When waves of light are
moving along and run into some type of matter, they can transfer some energy
and certain types of light waves can be scattered.
Earth's atmosphere contains molecules
of gas, mostly nitrogen and oxygen, as
well as smaller amounts of carbon
dioxide, aerosols, dust, and ozone.
These particles scatter some waves of
light more easily than others. The
shorter waves, such as violet and blue,
are the most likely to be scattered. The
sky is blue because our eyes are not
very sensitive to the violet light that is

What is it?

Activity 3: The Artist in Me

At the end of the, you will be able express emotion through art work and
scientifically explain the phenomena

1 Oslo paper, coloring material (water color, crayons, craypass)

1. Choose only one from these observable phenomena; Rainbows, Sunset,
and Blue Sky.
2. Draw a rainbow, or sunset or sunrise, then extend it to show where
each wavelength of the visible spectrum would be placed.
3. Prepare for an oral presentation of your master piece and scientifically
explain reason behind observable phenomena that you have chosen.


Completed Completed
Artwork is
artwork artwork is neat
Neatness incomplete or
exceptionally with some parts
extremely messy
neat less neat
Learners worked
Learners did not
for entire period Learners worked
work much during
with superior most of the period
the period and
Work Habits focus and does and needed few
needed several
not need reminders to stay
reminders to stay on
reminders to stay on task
on task
Learners has
Learners has met Learners has not
most expectations met few
Expectations expectations of
at his/her ability expectations of
his/her ability
level his/her ability level
Completed Completed
Artwork showed
artwork showing artwork showing
Modern Art with some
proper few characteristics
Characteristics characteristics of
characteristics of of Modern Art
Modern Art Style
Modern Art Style Style
Delivery is not
Explanations are
smooth and
easy to Delivery is not
audience attention
understand and smooth but able to
often lost.
Presentation there is no script maintain interest
Explanations are
reading or of the audience
very vague and the
definition most of the time.
presenter settle with
reading the scrift

Grading: Range Grade
18-20 points 97
15-17 points 94
12-14 points 90
9-11 points 87
6-8 points 85
3-5 points 80
0-2 points 75

What I Have Learned

1. Light is a small range of electromagnetic wavelength that humans can

2. Dispersion is the separation of white light into its component colors, such
as Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet or simply ROYGBIV
3. Light bends or change direction when it enters another medium of
different optical density, this process is called Refraction.
4. In the Visible spectrum, Red has the longest wavelength and lowest
frequency while violet has the shortest wavelength and highest frequency.
5. The hierarchy of colors ROYGBIV is arrange in order of increasing energy,
increasing frequency and decreasing wavelength.
6. Scattering of light accounts for the red color of the sky at sunset and
sunrise, and the blue sky at daytime.
7. Rainbows appear after the rain. Each water droplets act as tiny prism
that break white sunlight into the seven colors of the spectrum (red,
orange, yellow, green, and blue, indigo, violet).

What I Can Do

Science and You The containers of all sunscreen products have a large
number written on them. This number stands for the sun protection factor, or
SPF. Do research to find out the practical meaning of this number. Also find out
what variables affect a person’s reaction to exposure to sunlight. Based on this
data, determine what SPF is best for you.

What I Learned

(Summative Assessment)

Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter
on a separate sheet of paper.
1. A beam of light travelling in air enters a glass medium. What changes does it
A. change in speed only B. change in frequency only
C. Change in wavelength only D. change in both speed and wavelength

2. In a rainbow, the most bend color is:
A. Violet B. Blue
C. Green D. Red
3. What color comes between blue and violet?
A. Red B. Orange
C. Green D. Indigo
4. Which of the following statement is not true?
A. Frequency and wavelength have similar relationship
B. Higher frequency light correspond to longer wavelength
C. Low frequency light corresponds to short wavelength
D. All choices are not true
5. Arrange the following colors according to decreasing energy, GREEN G,
6. What property of light explains mirage?
A. Prism B. Dispersion
C. Refraction D. Reflection
7. Which color of the visible spectrum has the longest wavelength, therefore
easily recognize by the eyes?
A. Green B. Violet
C. Orange D. Red
8. Why does the sky appear to be blue?
A. Clouds reflect the color of the ocean
B. Molecules in the atmosphere scatter blue light the most
C. Molecules in clouds absorb blue light
D. Clouds disperses blue light
9. Light separates into bands of colors when it enters a transparent medium like
prism. This process is called
A. Refraction B. Dispersion
C. Reflection D. Polarization
10. What EM waves in the electromagnetic spectrum is visible in the human
A. Visible light B. X Rays
C. Ultra violet D. Gamma Rays

Additional Activities

Learners may perform interactive activities in lieu of actual experiment and may
watch videos related to topic for more concrete explanation.

1. bending-light_en%20(1).html, Phet simulation

2. Professor Dave Explains

3. How rainbow is formed?

4. Power Point

Prisms Physics Tutorial

What I Know
1. B 1. EM WAVES 1. D
3. A 3. FREQUENCY 3. D
6. B 6. C
7. A 7. D
8. D 8. B
9. A 9. B
1o. A 10. A
Answer Key
Padua,Alicia et al. .2203. Practical and Explorational Physics Modular Approach

Vibal Publishing house , Quezon City

DiSpesio,M et al 1997. Science Insights Explkoring Matter and Energy. Addison-Wesley

Publishing Company USA

Hewitt, P.G.1993. Conceptual Physics. 7th ed.USA.Harpewr Collins College Publishers




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