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Nama : Dewa Ayu Komang Trisna Dewi

No : 32

Kelas : XII IPS 1


Picture 1
Question :
1. What is done to the picture?
2. Who is shown in the picture?
3. When can this be done?
4. Where does this usually occur?
5. Why should this be done?
6. How to do this properly and correctly?

Caption :
Shaking hands is not something new for us. Shaking hands is often done by a worker with his
colleague or a subordinate with his superior in the office. Shaking hands is usually done when starting
and ending a meeting in the world of work or maybe when we meet with colleagues. We often meet
handshakes everywhere, such as in offices, schools, and other public places. A handshake is
commonly used as a traditional greeting to someone briefly as well as as an acknowledgment and
connection creation. As shown in the picture, a good handshake is done in a standing position so that
even colleagues will feel more appreciated.

Picture 2
Question :
1. What is shown in the picture?
2. Who should do this?
3. When is this usually done?
4. Where do we often find this?
5. Why is it important to do this?
6. How can this be done well?

Caption :
Queuing has become a habit for us, but not a few also often break through the queue. Anyone is
required to queue in accordance with the policies that have been implemented by a place. If a place is
busy, we will automatically be required to queue in order. As we often encounter in schools, fast food
places, hospitals, and others. Queuing is done to avoid chaos, just imagine if the situation is crowded
but the queuing policy is not implemented then everything will become messy and disorganized.
Therefore, the importance of getting used to the queue culture can train us to be more patient, teach
discipline, and learn to respect others.

Picture 3
Question :
1. What should we do when we meet relatives on the road?
2. Who should say hello first?
3. When does this usually happen?
4. Where do we often find this?
5. Why is this important to do?
6. How to greet properly and correctly?

Caption :
We often greet each other when we meet friends or relatives. Anyone can start first, with a polite and
kind greeting note. We can say hello whenever we meet with friends or relatives. We can meet
greetings at work with colleagues or on the road when meeting with friends. Greeting each other has
become a habit for our society, because by greeting each other the bond of friendship increases and is
maintained. Of course, greeting properly and correctly we must apply such as by greeting first, using
polite language to the other person, and not asking personal questions as shown in the picture.

Picture 4
Question :
1. What is happening in the picture?
2. Who is harmed by this?
3. When should it be prepared?
4. Where do we often find this?
5. Why is this not something worth emulating?
6. How to avoid this?

Caption :
Being late is certainly not a good habit. Being late is not only detrimental to ourselves, other people
around us will also be disturbed and feel aggrieved. It can start from ourselves, by starting to prepare
to wake up early and prepare everything needed for tomorrow. We often encounter this habit of
arriving late to work or school, attending meetings, and meeting people. Being late is not something
that should be imitated because it is a form of undisciplined attitude and disrespect for others, and will
also create a negative impression that will stick to someone. Therefore, to avoid this we need to
prepare ourselves by getting up early, dividing time well and disciplined, making notes of all schedule

Picture 5
Question :
1. What is shown in the picture?
2. Who is the picture referring to?
3. When was it done?
4. Where can we find this?
5. Why is this so important?
6. How to practice this habit?

Caption :
The picture shows 3 animated pictures of a child apologizing, asking for help, and saying thank you.
The picture is of course aimed at children, but it can also be seen by everyone. We apologize when we
make a mistake whether intentional or unintentional, say ask for help when we want to ask someone
for help, and say thank you when we get something from someone else. We can find it anywhere,
because we use these 3 words in our daily life. By familiarizing children from an early age to say
sorry, ask for help, and thank you will help children to be able to respect others and become a good
habit. Therefore, these habits can be started from small things at home by parents or family.

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