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 The following are instructions written in the above simple machine language.
Rewrite in English.
 368A: lưu dl r6 vào đc A8
 BADE:nhảy đến đc DE nếu giá trị tại thanh ghi rA = giá trị tại r0
 803C:thực hiện AND r3 và rC ghi kq vào r0
 40F4:chuyển dl của rF vô r4
 7123:or r2 và r3 ghi kq vào r1
 40E1:chuyển dl của re vào r1
 A304:quay gtri r3 4 lần
 B100:nhảy đến đc 00 nếu dl r1 = r0
 2BCD:nạp gtri dl CD vào rB
 What is the difference between the instructions 15AB and 25AB in the simple
machine language?
15AB :nạp dl từ đc AB vào r5
25AB :nạp dl AB vào r5
 Here are some instructions in English. Translate each of them into the simple
machine language.
 LOAD register number 3 with the hexadecimal 56. 2356
 ROTATE register number 5 three bits to the right.A503
 AND the contents of register A with the contents of register 5 and leave
the result in register 0. 80A5
1. What logical operation together with what mask can you use to change ASCII
codes of lower characters to uppercase? What about uppercase to lowercase?

2. Identify both the mask and the logical operation needed to accomplish each of
the following objectives:
• Put 1s in the upper 4 bits of an 8-bit pattern without disturbing the other bits.
• Complement the most significant bit of an 8-bit pattern without changing the
other bits.
• Complement a pattern of 8 bits.
• Put a 0 in the least significant bit of an 8-bit pattern without disturbing the
other bits.
3. Identify both the mask and the logical operation needed to accomplish each of
the following objectives:
• Put 1s in the upper 4 bits of an 8-bit pattern without disturbing the other bits.
• Complement the most significant bit of an 8-bit pattern without changing the
other bits.
• Complement a pattern of 8 bits.
• Put a 0 in the least significant bit of an 8-bit pattern without disturbing the
other bits.
4. Identify both the mask and the logical operation needed to accomplish each of
the following objectives:
• Put 1s in all but the most significant bit of an 8-bit pattern without disturbing
the most significant bit.
• Filter out all of the green color component from an RGB bitmap image pixel in
which the middle 8 bits of a 24-bit pattern store the green information.
• Invert all of the bits in a 24-bit RGB bitmap
• Set all the bits in a 24-bit RGB bitmap pixel to 1, indicating the color “white”.
5. Identify a logical operation (along with a corresponding mask) that, when
applied to an input string of 8 bits, produces an output string of all 0s if and
only ifs the input string is 1000 0001.
1. Suppose the memory cells from addresses 00 to 05 in the machine described
in Appendix C contain the (hexadecimal) bit patterns given in the following
Address Contents
00 14
01 02
02 34
03 17
04 C0
05 00
If we start the machine with its program counter containing 00, what bit
pattern is in the memory cell whose address is hexadecimal 17 when the
machine halts?
2. Suppose the memory cells at addresses B0 to B8 in the machine described in
Appendix C contain the (hexadecimal) bit patterns given in the following table:
Address Contents
B0 13
B1 B8
B2 A3
B3 02
B4 33
B5 B8
B6 C0
B7 00
B8 0F
a. If the program counter starts at B0, what bit pattern is in register
number 3 after the first instruction has been executed?
b. What bit pattern is in memory cell B8 when the halt instruction is
3. Suppose the memory cells at addresses A4 to B1 in the machine described in
Appendix C contain the (hexadecimal) bit patterns given in the following table:
Address Contents

A4 20

A5 00

A6 21

A7 03

A8 22

A9 01


AC 50

AD 02



B0 C0

B1 00

When answering the following questions, assume that the machine is started
with its program counter containing A4.
a. What is in register 0 the first time the instruction at address AA is
b. What is in register 0 the second time the instruction at address AA is
c. How many times is the instruction at address AA executed before the
machine halts?
4. Suppose the memory cells at addresses F0 to F9 in the machine described in
Appendix C contain the (hexadecimal) bit patterns described in the following
Address Contents

F0 20

F1 C0

F2 30

F3 F8

F4 20

F5 00

F6 30

F7 F9



If we start the machine with its program counter containing F0, what does the
machine do when it reaches the instruction at address F8?

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