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Instruction :

 Write down your name (in full) on the left of the answer sheet.
 Read all the questions carefully before answering.
 Do not make any other mark on the questionnaire.
 Give slash (/) mark on the answer sheet according to the correct answer.

1. A telecommunication service between specified fixed points provided primarily for

the safety of air navigation and for the regular, efficient and economical operation
of air service, is called :
a. Aeronautical fixed service
b. Aeronautical fixed telecommunication network
c. Aeronautical fixed station
d. Regular station

2. A station in the aeronautical fixed service, is called :

a. Aeronautical fixed service
b. Aeronautical fixed telecommunication network
c. Aeronautical fixed station
d. Regular station

3. An aeronautical fixed telecommunication network station where messages and /

or digital data are accepted for transmission over the AFTN, is called :
a. AFTN origin station
b. AFTN station
c. AFTN destination station
d. AFTN communication centre

4. An AFTN station whose primary function is the relay or retransmission of AFTN

traffic from ( or to ) a number of other AFTN stations connected to it, is called :
a. AFTN origin station
b. AFTN station
c. AFTN destination station
d. AFTN communication centre

5. An AFTN station to which messages and/or digital data are addressed for
processing for delivery to the addressee, is called :
a. AFTN origin station
b. AFTN station
c. AFTN destination station
d. AFTN communication centre
6. How many categories of messages shall be handled by the AFTN ?
a. 21 messages
b. 10 messages
c. 8 messages
d. 6 messages

7. In the Aeronautical Fixed Service, movement an control messages are in the

categories of messages
a. Flight regularity messages
b. Flight safety messages
c. Service messages
d. Urgency messages

8. Priority indicator movement and control messages, is :

a. DD
b. GG
c. SS
d. FF

9. The teletypewriter message format shall comprise the following parts :

a. Starting pulse, Heading, Address, Origin, Text, Ending
b. Heading, Address, Origin, Text, Ending
c. Address, Origin, Text, Ending
d. Address, Origin, Text, Ending with the exception of the message separation

10. The heading shall comprise in the following sequence :

a. Starting pulse, start of message signal, transmission identification, spacing
b. Starting pulse, start of message signal, transmission identification,
c. Start of message signal, transmission identification, diversion indicator
d. Start of message signal, transmission identification, spacing signal

11. A combination of the characters ZCZC, is called :

a. Start of message signal
b. Starting pulse
c. Transmission identification
d. Tape feed sequence

12. The transmission identification shall comprise :

a. Starting pulse, circuit identification, channel sequence number.
b. Circuit identification, channel sequence number.
c. Starting pulse, circuit identification, channel sequence number, spacing
d. Circuit identification, channel sequence number, spacing signal.
13. The circuit identification shall consist of :
a. The characters ZCZC, the transmitting terminal letter, the receiving terminal
b. The receiving terminal letter, the transmitting terminal letter, the channel
identification letter.
c. Starting pulse. the receiving terminal letter, the transmitting terminal letter.
d. The transmitting terminal letter, the receiving terminal letter, the
channel identification letter.

14. The second letter of the circuit identification identified :

a. The transmitting circuit
b. The receiving of the circuit.
c. The chancel identification letter.
d. The channel sequence number.

15. The third letter of the circuit identification identified :

a. The transmitting circuit
b. The receiving of the circuit.
c. The channel identification letter.
d. The channel sequence number.

16. The channel sequence number consists of three digits from

a. 000 to 100
b. 001 to 000 (representing 1.000)
c. 000 to 000 (representing 1.000)
d. 001 to 100

17. In the AFS, which of the following messages the highest priority indicator?
a. Aeronautical administrative messages
b. Aeronautical information service messages
c. Meteorological messages
d. Flight safety messages

18. Meteorological advice of immediate concern to an aircraft in flight is in the

category of :
a. Flight safety messages
b. Flight regularity messages
c. Meteorological messages
d. Urgency messages

19. Telecommunication logs, written of automatic shall be retained for a period :

a. No more then 30 days
b. At least 30 days
c. Less then 30 days
d. At least 40 days

20. Meteorological advice of immediate concern to an aircraft in flight is or the

aircraft about to depart, the priority indicator is :
a. GG
b. SS
c. KK
d. FF

21. For the purpose of short term retention, an AFTN communication centre shall
retain, a copy of all messages, in their entirety (heading, origin, text and ending)
for a period of :
a. A least one hour
b. One hour
c. At least two hours
d. Two hours

22. Aeronautical telecommunication log is :

a. A record of the activities of an aeronautical telecommunication station.
b. A record of aircraft movement.
c. A record of aircraft performance.
d. A record of meteorological messages.

23. Priority indicator for flight safety messages is :

a. FF
b. GG
c. DD
d. SS

24. Priority indicator for urgency messages is :

a. FF
b. GG
c. DD
d. SS

25. When the receiving station detects that more channel sequence number are
missing from XJA012 to XJA019, it shall send a complete service message :
a. SVC QTA MIS XJA012-019
b. SVC QTA MIS XJA012,019

26. The priority alarm signal of a message received is shown by the following
component part of the message :
a. Heading
b. Address line
c. Origin line
d. Text

27. Among the following services, which one to broadcast information relating to air
navigation ?
a. Aeronautical Fixed Service
b. Aeronautical Mobil Service
c. Aeronautical Radio Navigation Service
d. Aeronautical Broadcasting Service

28. Three digit channel sequence numbers from 001 to 000 shall be assigned
sequentially by telecommunication stations to all messages transmitted directly
form one station to another.
a. True
b. False

29. The three letter designators are listed in :

a. Document 8585
b. Document 8400
c. Document 7910
d. Annex 10 volume II chapter 4 – Aeronautical Fixed Service.

30. ICAO three letter designator for aircraft in flight is :

a. ZZZ
b. ZCZ
c. ZTZ
d. ZQZ

31. The priority indicator of service message is :

a. GG
b. FF
c. SS
d. As appropriate

32. When the receiving station detects that a message has a Channel Sequence
Number less than that expected, it should advise the previous station using a
service message with a text as follows :
b. Not send any SVC message
c. SVC LR…… EXP……

33. A method in which telecommunication between two station can take place in
both directions simultaneously, is called :
a. Simplex
b. Duplex
c. Ground to air communication
d. Air to air communication

34. Automatic relay installation is a teletypewriter installation where non automatic

equipment is used to transfer messages from incoming to outgoing circuit.
a. True
b. False

35. An agency responsible for operating a station or stations in the aeronautical

telecommunication service is called :
a. Aeronautical telecommunication agency.
b. Aircraft operating agency
c. Meteorological agency
d. Travel agency

36. If you receive an SVC message from Ujung AFTN communication centre as
follows :

You will :
a. Repeat the message XJA034
b. Repeat the message XJA035
c. Repeat the message XJA036
d. Repeat the message XJA035-036

37. An aeronautical fixed station which relays or retransmits telecommunication

traffic from (or to) number of other aeronautical fixed stations directly connected
to it, is called :
a. Tributary station
b. Communication centre.
c. Aeronautical station
d. Destination station.

38. Penerimaan Distress Message oleh station AFTN tujuan harus di acknowlege
dengan mengirim acknowledgement of Message ke :
A. AFTN origin station dengan priority indicator SS
B. Previous station ( station lawan ) yang merelay berita tersebut
C. Originator yang mengirim berita tersebut

39. Apabila relay station menemukan berita yang tidak termasuk kedalam salah
satu catagori berita yang boleh dikirim lewat AFTN maka station tersebut :
A. Tidak perlu merelay karena tidak termasuk dalam catagori AFTN
B. Meneruskan berita tersebut dengan menurunkan priority indicator yang
paling rendah
C. Merelay berita tersebut sesuai dengan address dan memberitahukan
origin station bahwa berita tersebut tidak layak dikirim lewat AFTN

40. Meteorological information yang disamapaikan ke pesawat in flight dapat

digolongkan catagori berita dengan priority sbb:
A. Meteorologi message dengan priority GG
B. Meteorologi message dengan priority FF
C. Flight safety message dengan priority FF

41. First in first out berlaku dalam system AMSC bila secara berurutan berita
dengan priority indicator FF, DD masuk dalam atrian system dan sebelum berita
keluar, masuk pula berita dengan priority indicator SS maka urutan berita yang
akan keluar adalah dengan priority sbb :

42. Diantara tiga kelompok tanda baca / sign terdapat satu tanda / sign yang tidak
boleh digunakan dalam AFTN yaitu pada kelompok :
A. ? –
B. ( / +
C. ) $ =

43. Jika originator sangat perlu untuk menulis angka romawi dalam text berita yang
dikirim lewat AFTN dapat dilakukan dengan :
A. Menulis angka biasa didahului kata roman
B. Menulis angka biasa dibelakangnya kata romawi
C. Menulis angka romawi

44. SVC MIS CH 1400 LR JBA231 berarti

A. Channel check tidak diterima dalam jarak waktu 3 menit
B. Chaneel check jam 1400 tidak diterima dalam jarak toleransi waktu 3
menit, berita terakhir diterima nomor JBA231
C. Channel check diterima dan berita terakhir yang diterima nomor JBA231

45. SVC RCV JXA010

BAD FORMAT berarti :
A. Berita JXA010 diterima dengan address garble, berita tidak diteruskan ke
B. Berita JXA010 diterima garble, berita diteruskan ke alamat
C. Berita JXA010 diterima dengan heading tidak benar , berita diteruskan ke

46. Suatu berita yang dikirim langsung dari BO Biak dengan tujuan APP Ambon,
maka berita tersebut akan melalui urutan sbb : BO Biak – AMSC Biak – AMSC
Upg – AMSC Ambon – APP Ambon, maka dalam hal ini kedudukan AMSC Biak
adalah sebagai :
A. Origin station
B. Originator Station
C. Relay station

47. Apabila me-reroute saluran berita, digunakan instruksi ALTR sedangkan sub
menu yang dipilih adalah (A) maksudnya adalah :
A. Untuk berita dengan tingkat prioritas pertama
B. Untuk semua tingkatan prioritas
C. Untuk berita dengan tingkat prioritas kedua dan ketiga

48. Periodic message adalah berita yang dihasilkan oleh system AMSC secara
periodic, jenis berita ini teridiri atas berapa macam ?
A. 1 macam
B. 2 macam
C. 3 macam
D. 4 macam
49. Address berupa kombinasi 8 huruf alamat absolut atau pre-determined
maksimum address terdiri dari
A. Tiga baris maksimum 7 alamat tiap-tiap baris termasuk spasi dan
priority indicator hanya pada baris pertama
B. Tiga baris maksimum 7 alamat tiap-tiap baris termasuk spasi dan tiap-tiap
baris di beri priority indicator
C. Satu baris maksimum 7 alamat tiap-tiap baris termasuk spasi dan priority

50. Pembetulan suatu berita yang terlanjur dikirim dengan mengirim SVC MSG yang
dalam text diawali SVC CORRECTION ……. Ke
A. Semua station tujuan dimana berita tersebut telah dikirim
B. Semua station tujuan dan station perelay dimana berita tersebut
C. Semua alamat sesuai dengan alamat berita yang akan diperbaiki

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