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Techmarine 'Servants'

Unlike Inquisitors, Techmarines do not have 'followers'. They do have servants - thralls,
servitors etc. and there are members of the Adeptus Mechanicus who will serve under a

As a Techmarine, you're typically going to have access to (or have built) various Servitors.

You also (as a Techmarine) have had a "Mind Impulse Unit" (MIU) placed in your head which
allows you to control or issue orders to Servitors in range (more below) with simple mental

I'd like you to pick 4 Servants (can be any mix of the below, and can be eg. all Combat
Servitors, or all Skitarii etc). Pick things that interest you, so if you want a band of all
mechanicals, go with 3 Servitors and the Skulls, or 2 Servitors, the Skulls and a Techpriest.

If you'd rather more minions, go with Skitarii and maybe a Techpriest. I'll do the rest after you
pick the mix.

Servo Skulls (set of 2, named Huginn and Muninn, like Odin's ravens)

- made from the skulls of valued servants, these are generally

used for reconnaissance and extra fire support

- they 'fly' (hover), and normally 'sit' on your shoulders

- controlled by your MIU, they also can relay their senses (IR,
Visual, Sound etc) back to you so can be used to scout an area
ahead of your forces

- if out of LOS (ie scouting) you have to concentrate to control/

see through their senses

- as they are small, hover etc they are relatively stealthy/hard to spot, as well as harder to hit
with ranged weapons

- they can only carry small weapons, and ammunition is limited based on the weapon

- typically this would be a choice of:

- standard bolt pistol (Not the Marine one Lazo carries), moderate ammo

- Las pistol - limited damage, but lots of rounds

- Plasma Pistol - high damage, limited ammo, chance of misfiring and damaging skull

- Splinter Pistol - you 'liberated' these from the cultists on the Asteroid, fire small poison
needles, moderate damage except vs armored, high # of rounds

Combat Servitors

- these are part man, part machine (Cyborgs) with

enhanced strength, toughness, targeting lasers, implanted
armour etc. They have no independent mind.

- can be directed by your MIU - if in LOS can basically just

directed them each round as a free action - if out of LOS
they will follow previous orders (defend area, fire, sit still,

- slow movement and crappy reflexes for the ranged guys,

only slightly better for the melee guys

- Servitors can be configured as all-melee, mixed ranged/

melee or all ranged

- typical melee weapons are chainfists

- ranged weapons can be 1 Heavy or 2 Basic

- Heavy Weapons are things like Heavy Bolters, Grenade Launchers, Missile Launchers, Heavy
Stubbers (machine guns, higher rate fire but less damage than bolters), Heavy Flamers
(flamethrowers - hard to use properly) and even a Rotor Cannon (minigun)

- ammo is a backpack, integrated into the servitors body and obviously dependant on the type
of weapon

- Basic Weapons are things like Boltguns, Hellguns (high powered semi-auto laser rifles),
Galvanic Rifles. Basic weapons have more ammo

- Melee servitors have extra armour instead of ammunition


These are technically members of the Adeptus Mechanicus (which

as a Techmarine you are also a member of). They agree to serve
under you as an assistant.

Techpriests (unlike Servitors above) are individual (humans), so are

more like the Inquisitor's followers. They are typically trained in
Tech-Use and similar. They do carry weapons, often nice high
tech ones. Not technically warriors, more Engineers. Not heavily


These warriors are also members of the Adeptus Mechanicus, who would
be tasked to protect you. They are typically armed with Galvanic Rifles,
have bionics (usually legs, eyes). Also they are humans (with bionics).
They can be equipped with other weapons - I can pull from a random list
for surprise or you could pick "Heavy" or "Melee" or "Basic"

Other Notes

Techpriests and Skitarii can gain XP, and so learn new things. The Skitarii are limited though in
this to combat related talents and skills, whereas Techpriests can learn all sorts plus receive
additional bionics (as time goes on).

The Servitors don't gain XP, but will gain upgrades over time in lieu of experience (similar idea).

The Cyberskulls don't die unless they take massive damage - you can repair them if they're
disabled (less than 1 wound).

The Weapon Servitors can be healed/repaired, but if they take major damage they are

Techpriests and Skitarii have single use Fate points that can prevent their deaths. A Techpriest
has 2, a Skitarii has 1. So the second time a Skitarii takes fatal damage it is truly dead.

As the GM, I've been taking care of XP and advances for all. And of course, XP assumes your
guys make it back from the planet Samech. The next mission has the 3 of you and your
followers landing on an enemy planet, Samech, trying to contact a resistance movement, and
trying to destroy a weapon being built on that planet before it can be used against the Empire.

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