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Attention to Detail and Traditions Calendar of RSCA Events

e fall season is full of annual traditions focused on family, RSCA’s Pumpkin Decorating Contest
Last call for photos of your best pumpkin decor!
gatherings, decor and food. e covid caution isn’t new anymore,
See for details and to submit
and as we see rising vaccination rates, decreasing hospitalization
your entry. Photos are due by 11/10/21.
rates, and approach the cdc’s yellow tier, restrictions will continue

Share Your Traditions, Recipes & Memories!

to be removed. Please visit for local
information about covid-19, including vaccination clinics, and for San Mateo county’s response to the pandemic. Tell us about your annual traditions and favorite
in the meantime, our Shores community is invited to reflect and festivities. Send photos of decorations or
share their favorite traditions through pictures and written notes. celebrations, and as much detail as you like using
Please visit for details. the form available at
in the meantime, this edition of e PiLoT has many important RSCA’s Light Up The Shores Contest
This annual tradition continues! Submit photos
community updates that we hope residents are paying attention to,
of your holiday decor and RSCA members will be
such as the ‘Save Our Shores’ petition, bus route changes,
entered in a drawing to win a prize for their
redistricting, new swans coming in 2022, become an RScA board
efforts! See for details and
member and more! RScA needs your support to maintain and
to submit your entry. Photos are due by 1/10/22.
improve on services in the Shores, by contributing to our annual

RSCA’s Annual Meeting —February 3, 2022

membership campaign (check your mail and/or email).

Mark your calendar for the annual meeting of the

in addition to communicating and being The advocate for issues

Redwood Shores Community Association (RSCA).

affecting Shores residents and businesses, RScA is dedicated to

This is a great opporunity to hear from local leaders

helping everyone stay safe and prepared for possible disasters or

about projects, programs and items of interest to

emergencies. is month it’s time for our “Show Your Cards” drill.

everyone who lives, works or visits Redwood Shores.

Members of the Community Emergency Response Team and local
Boy Scouts are joining efforts on Saturday, November 13th
beginning at 9am to count your GReen/oK signal cards Stay tuned for additional community events,
meetings and opportunities coming up.
(on display for drill purposes), and go Scouting For Food (collection

You can always find more information about these

of canned and non-perishable items for those in need). if you don’t

and other community events on our web site at:

have a diSASTeR SiGnAL cARd from previous years, use the ones
provided in the centerfold to display for the drill, to keep handy and
use following an emergency. (Please do not display your card all year.)
You can learn more about what to expect when a disaster occurs in
the Shores, and how you can plan and prepare for your household
by reviewing While no one can prepare for every
possible scenario, planning and practice do help you adapt when
an emergency situation arises.
don’t forget to set your clocks back when DaylighT SaviNgS
TimE ENDS on Sunday, November 7th. it’s also a great time to
replace batteries in smoke detectors, and check your flashlights!
Best wishes to you and your loved ones for a happy ThaNkSgiviNg
on ursday, November 25th!
Please join Save Our Shores in petitioning the Redwood City
Planning Commission and City Council to act now and reject
the Redwood Life Development Project proposal.
Submitted by a committee of concerned Shores residents that formed email:
to review impacts of large development on the everyday lives of Shores Redwood city council Members:
residents and ensure that the community’s concerns are not ignored. Assistant community development & Transportation director:
Longfellow and PGiM real estate developers are proposing to Sue exline
redevelop the technology campus located on Marine Parkway Planning dept: Ryan Kuchenig
between Bridge and Shell Parkways. e proposed development
would replace the 20 two-story buildings with 16 five to six-story Please review for previous articles on this topic.
buildings, adding 2.4 million square feet of life science office space,
employing up to 8,000 people. e required number of parking
spaces for the project is 9,784 and the number proposed is 7,188.
is project will be built in four phases over a period of 10-20 years.
We are opposed to this development project for the Are You Ready to Make a
following reasons:
1. Release of TOXiC ChEmiCalS & FlammaBlE
Difference in Our Community?
mEThaNE gaS. Prior to construction of the current technology For many people, the ideal way to do that is to serve on a nonprofit
park, the site was used as a municipal waste landfill. A cap was board. each year, millions of individuals dedicate their time and
applied with the recommendation that it not be penetrated; expertise to shape the future of nonprofit organizations through
buildings were allowed to only be two-stories high. construction board service. Board members provide the critical intellectual capital
of larger buildings will require deep pile driving, resulting in and strategic resources to power nonprofit success and strengthen
destruction of the cap and release of toxic chemicals into the bay communities. yOu COulD BE ONE OF ThOSE iNDiviDualS.
waters and air. —
2. DECaDES OF CONSTRuCTiON TRaFFiC & NOiSE! Redwood Shores Community association (RScA) board members
3. Commute TRaFFiC. Traffic concerns comprise both traffic are volunteers committed to advocacy and care of the Shores, for
in the Shores as well as hwy 101, which is currently often the benefit of all residents and businesses in 94065. due to aging,
congested and grid-locked, and will worsen with the biotech moving and new projects, our board member list has gotten much
projects built and already planned for the east side of San carlos. shorter in the last year. OuR COmmuNiTy NEEDS yOuR hElp!
if you like to know what’s happening in the Shores, and in advance
4. SaFETy. e addition of thousands of employees and guests
of decisions that affect the quality of life for our community,
to the heavily populated mix of residents and workers already in
RScA is the organization for you to join!
the Shores further burdens our over-stressed personnel and
services. in the event of an emergency or earthquake, vital e RScA board meets on the 2nd ursday of each month
personnel and services will not be able reach the Shores in a (except december) and board members serve as a liasion for
timely manner due to traffic gridlock and as there are only two committees, attending or reviewing information related to topics
ways in and out via freeway overpasses. such as: Redwood city, Belmont, San carlos, San Mateo county,
Schools, ceRT, AdB, heron court, Shores Landing, maintenance
5. maSSivE BuilDiNgS. The proposed buildings will be
and new development, and planning community events such as the
2-3 times the height of the existing buildings, over 2 million
eGGstravaganza, Sounds of the Shores, Levee cleanup, halloween
additional square feet of office space, and will be located much
Parade and Santa’s visit (which we hope to resume next year).
closer to the property boundaries of the Peninsula Landing and
Boardwalk communities. To learn more about the board roles, and get involved, please send
As evidenced by the renovations that have been underway for many an email to and we’ll set up a time to talk.
months, the vision of the proposed life science development can be if you’re not ready to become a board member, you can still
accommodated within the current campus. Demolishing a technology support the efforts of RSCa in our 50+ years of service to Shores
park that has an abundance of office and life science space that is residents and business owners, by contributing $45 to our annual
attractive, contemporary and minimal in terms of height, a desirable membership campaign which kicked off in october. You can pay
aspect in an area that is primarily residential, is beyond wasteful. membership dues online at if you do not
Subjecting our community to decades of construction noise, debris have a login, forgot it, prefer to send a check, or have any questions,
and traffic is unjustified. email (Please include your address.)
Redwood Shores is a planned community. A development of Your partnership is important to us, especially as RScA continues
this size and in this location is not compatible with the peaceful its mission to keep the Shores a wonderful community to live,
community we desire and enjoy. work, and learn! We are grateful for your support.
Page 2 November 2021 e PILOT
Show Your Cards Drill and
Scouting For Food on
Saturday, November 13th, 2021
did you know that every home in Redwood Shores must comply
For 12+ years, RScA has provided
with cc&Rs (covenants, conditions & Restrictions). AdB is the
each household with a Red/GReen
custodian and administrator of the cc&Rs for homes west of Shell,
Disaster Signal Card designed to help
which were developed before, and are not part of, a homeowners’
emergency responders quickly assess
Association. AdB reviews plans for home modification to assure
who needs immediate hElp and
new projects follow the rules and fit in with the Shores. cc&Rs
who is Ok. if you don’t have one
are in addition to and separate from city code enforcement.
from a previous year, it is printed in the centerfold of this PiLoT.
e architectural Design Board (aDB) will not be accepting
Keep this card where you can locate it quickly! residential additionals in the month of December. contact
Also keep tape nearby so that you can quickly put it where it can us for other home modifications such as roof, fences, solar, paint.
be seen clearly from the street. is may be in a front window Please email if you have question.
or on your front or garage door depending on the layout of your
particular neighborhood. especially if you need assistance, this
card will help you get the quickest response. e card should
noT be displayed year-round.
Grateful for Our Contributing Members
RScA’s fundamental purpose is to promote an enjoyable
“Show Your Cards” Drill on November 13th! community to live. Behind the scenes, RScA works in tandem
on Saturday, november 13th local ceRT members and Boy with all Redwood city departments and the city council to ensure
Scouts will team up to conduct a “windshield survey” looking Shores residents’ interests are represented. We fight battles of all
for the gREEN/Ok cards displayed where they can be seen from significance, from senior services to levee height, park maintenance,
the street, while also “Scouting For Food”. and pedestrian safety, to improve life quality. RScA also provides
e PiLoT magazine to all residents and businesses each month
and owns and operates the electronic signboards on each parkway.
“Scouting For Food” on November 13th Advertisements placed in e PiLoT cover the costs for its
Your non-perishable food donations can make a real difference printing and distribution each month, which directly supports our
right here in our community! is year, many families are still in mission to communicate with all residents about important issues.
need of support and your contributions can make a big impact. RSCa wants to thank all of the individuals and companies who
Scouts BSA Troop 27 is here to help and will be gathering submit content to e pilOT.
donations throughout Redwood Shores on Saturday, november RSCa also wants to thank our community members who make
13, 2021 from 9am to 12pm. For your safety and convenience, their annual dues contribution, and especially those who donate
we will be providing contactless pickup and drop off options for an additional amount to support our community events, townhalls
your donations. Simply leave your non-perishable food items in and advocacy efforts as it is all reinvested in our Shores community.
bags in a clearly visible location outside your house by 9am on Your annual $45 membership payment supports 50+ years of
November 13 or drop off at Marlin Park in Shores. We accept RScA’s continuing service to the community. our CommuNitY
any unexpired non-perishable food Association is not affiliated with Redwood Shores owNerS
items such as canned goods, pasta and Association (RSoA), nor do we receive financial support from any
rice. We cannot accept expired food, homeowner association dues or fees. Whether you rent or own,
perishable baked goods, refrigerated whether or not you live in one of the Shores’ hoAs, RScA
items or items in damaged packages. supports all community members. We look forward to your
Last year, we collected and donated partnership, especially as RScA continues its mission to keep the
almost one ton of non-perishable Shores a wonderful community to live, work, and learn!
food items to local food banks. is We encourage you to pay your membership dues online with
year, we need your help to do even if you do not have a login or forgot it, or
better for our community! prefer to pay by check, please contact us at
P.S. Join our email list! Sign up at or send an email to to be added to our database.
anks for your support!
Page 4 November 2021 e PILOT
274 Redwood Shores Pkwy, PMB #603
Redwood Shores, cA 94065 - 1173 |
Board of Directors
nina Boire connie Munevar
Martha cullimore Sue nix
carol Ford Xiao Pan
Rona Gundrum Ben Ploshay
Shannon Guzzetta Bob Slusser
don Long Steven Tsujisaka
tHANK You For Your DeDiCAtioN!

(email us if you would like to become a board member.)

RScA’s Board of directors meet on the 2nd ursday • Attention to detail and Traditions .................................Page 1
of each month, now at the Sandpiper community center. • RScA events calendar ..................................................Page 1
our next Board Meeting will be at 6:30pm on: • Save our Shores!............................................................Page 2
November 11th, 2021 • Make a difference in our community..........................Page 2
• Show Your cards drill & Scouting For Food
on november 13th, 2021...........................................Page 4
ArchitecturAl Design BoArD (non-hoA areas): • Architectural design Board Reminders ..........................Page 4
• Grateful for our contributing Members ...........................Page 4
For cc&R copies & information, email <> • ank You veterans! ...........................................................Page 5
• From the Mayor: diane howard ...................................Page 6
• catalytic converter eft Prevention Tips .........................Page 6
deAdLineS for e PILOT • Black Swans coming Soon to the Shores! ..........................Page 8
Space reservations are due at the end of the first week of each • classes offered in the Shores..............................................Page 8
month, with articles and artwork due by the end of the second • Silicon valley clean Water Updates .............................Page 10
week of each month, for the following month’s issue. • disaster Signal cards ...................................................Page 12
Please email <> for a precise schedule. • Message from council Member Jeff Gee......................Page 14
PUBLISHER: Redwood Shores community Association • old Trees, neighbors, and hummingbirds.....................Page 14
e PILOT is the official monthly publication of • Astrophotography in the Shores...................................Page 16
the Redwood Shores community Association. • Rotary club Musings by Jack Murray..........................Page 16
CIRCULATION: 6,000 Shores households & Businesses • Redwood city Public Library information ..................Page 18
• Redwood Shores Tennis club ......................................Page 18
opinions published in e pilOT are solely those of the
authors and not the expressions of RScA unless so officially and • it’s elementary School Updates ........................................Page 20
expressly designated. • eagle Scout creates Little Library at Marlin Park.............Page 20
• SamTrans to Reduce Shores Route 260 ............................Page 20
• Shores Business classified Ads .....................................Page 22
• Shores Perspective on Redistricting ..............................Page 22
• Redistricting Mapping exercise....................................Page 23
e PILOT November 2021 Page 5
from the mAyor Many communities continue to suffer from acts of discrimination,
hate, crimes and microaggressions. We unwaveringly stand in
DiaNE hOWaRD solidarity with all those who have suffered at the hands of senseless
REDWOOD CiTy violence and hate. i’ve said it before, and i will say it again —
as leaders and community members, we must gather to jointly say:
dear Redwood Shores community,
With the holiday season upon us, i am so grateful and proud of
how welcoming this community is and how we honor the diversity in community spirit,
and individuality of our residents. Diane Howard
Working with several partners, Redwood city will once again be Mayor of Redwood city
hosting a series of events to support uNiTED agaiNST haTE WEEk,
november 14th - 20th. United Against hate was created by civic
leaders in response to the sharp rise of hate in our communities.
e movement empowers local residents to take action and alter
Catalytic Converter eft Prevention Tips
the course of this growing intolerance. United Against hate Week
is a call for seven days of civic action by people in every Bay Area
community to stop hate and implicit biases that are a dangerous
threat to the safety and civility of our neighborhoods, towns
and cities. i encourage you to visit to find
ways to participate. Additionally, Redwood city Stands United
Against hate signs (in english and Spanish)
will be available for people or businesses to
pick-up from all Redwood city libraries,
city hall and Fair oaks community center,
or to download and print yourself. Although
it may seem like a small gesture, displaying a
poster in your window sends a strong message
that hate has no place anywhere, and certainly
not in Redwood city.
Redwood city is dedicated to creating an inclusive community
where success is not predictable by race, ethnicity or zip code.
e intentional and unintentional actions of government at the
federal, state, and local level have created and perpetuated
disparities based on race, income, ability, and gender that
continue to negatively impact our community. ese impacts are
overlapping and intersectional. Rectifying these inequities is
critical to the development of a vibrant community and a high
quality of life for all residents.
We are committed to taking tangible steps to normalize, organize,
and operationalize equity principles and tools, with an eye toward
impactful and sustainable outcomes that create a more equitable
community. e city recognizes advancing equity is transformative
work that requires both urgency and intentionality at every step to
ensure changes work and that they persist.
Redwood city believes in the values of equity, equal justice and
equal opportunity, and is dedicated to diversity, inclusion and equal
justice as core parts of who we are and what we stand for, and we
recognize that we can always do better. We are committed to
rooting out all forms of bias, discrimination or harassment within
city government, wherever that may exist. Further, the city
council is committed to serving with the conviction that we are all
equal, practicing equal treatment of others on a daily basis and
having the courage to oppose bigotry when we see it.

Page 6 November 2021 e PILOT

Classes Offered in the Shores
check out these classes and programs that will
be held at the Sandpiper community center;
797 Redwood Shores Parkway. Please register
with the instructor/staff on the first day of class.
gentle yoga
dates: Tuesdays 10/12-12/14 (omit Dates: 11/11, 11/25)
Time: 9:00am-9:45am Fee: $100/10 Week Session
classes focus on slow, deliberate movement, unified with breathing
to support your wellness, balance, and fitness. is class will be
mat based and beginners and experienced participants are welcome.
Chen Family Style Taiji
dates: Tues & ursdays 10/12-12/16 (omit Dates: 11/11, 11/25)
Black Swans Coming to the Shores Soon! Time: 8:00am-9:00am Fee: $100/10 Week Session
Traditional Taiji Quan can be practiced solely for health benefits
Greetings everyone! and or internal Martial arts. Research has shown that when Taiji
Many thanks for your interest in Milo and in having swans again is practiced with a graceful, slow and light movement-it can
in our waterways. As you may be aware, in May 2021, Milo, a enhance longevity in old age. With its deep regulated natural
muted swan was found in a distressed state and taken to the SPcA. breathing, relaxed frame of mind and smooth circular movements.
Apparently muted swans require a special Today regular and consistent practice of Taiji has proven and
permit listing responsible parties. ere shown remarkable success as curative for many health problems.
was no such permit in place for Milo. ping pong
A bird sanctuary in Southern california dates: Tues & ursdays 10/12-12/16 (omit Dates: 11/11, 11/25)
obtained permits, and Milo was Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm Fee: FRee!
subsequently relocated there. Keep your eye on the ball, while staying active and sharp during
drop in table tennis nights. Players will have access to two tables to
To avoid a repeat of Milo’s fate, myself and a small group of
play on. Paddles and balls available, but feel free to bring your own!
neighbors have agreed to take responsibility for the well-being of
any future swans. i have agreed to be primary care provider. We Shores Seniors Walking group
will be responsible for ensuring the swans are provided fresh water dates: Tues & ursdays 10/12-12/16 (omit Dates: 11/11, 11/25)
Time: 9:00am-10:00am Fee: FRee!
daily. A balanced diet of protein pellets, vegetables and fruits.
Seniors 60+, stay active and social with us as we walk the Shores!
We initially contacted RScA, and the Fish & Game department, Pedometers available to keep track of your step count. coffee and
John Krause Wildlife environmental representatives in charge of treats will be provided on the last ursday of each month.
our waters. We were told the only way to have swans return to Blood pressure Screening from Sequoia hospital professionals
our community is to purchase and care for swans ‘like pets.’ dates: First ursday of the month beginning november 4th
White muted swans are an endangered species, Mr. Krause Time: 10:00am-12:00pm Fee: FRee!
advised us to explore the option of purchasing black swans. Seniors, keep track of your blood pressure and discuss the results
A local resident who works for SPcA referred us to a breeder of with experienced health professionals at the Sequoia hospital’s
Australian black swans, Mr. charles Wang of hollister, california. monthly blood pressure screening. Free on-going monthly blood
Mr. Wang inspected the primary area the swans will be housed, our pressure screenings available in your community by a community
neighborhood and waterways three times before agreeing to work health Registered nurse from dignity health Sequoia hospital.
with us. We are about to purchase two young Australian black are you interested in volunteering or teaching a senior class?
female swans. initially the swans will be housed in a private secure Please call Bruce Utecht at 650-780-7306. We would also like to
area. over the course of three months, and under the direction of hear your ideas for senior classes and programs in Redwood Shores!
Mr. Wang, the swans will be gradually acclimated to our waterways. You are invited to come and talk to Redwood city Parks,
Recreation & community Services staff members on ursday,
Like you, many neighbors have expressed interest in donating to
november 4th between 10am and 12noon at the Sandpiper
the swans. if you’re still interested in donating, please go to:
community center. Light refreshments will be provided!
Community Event on ursday, November 4th at 10:30-11am:
Sincerely, Carmen miranda, redwood Shores resident and realtor WhAT iS An oMBUdSMAn? come meet Bernadette Mellott,
the executive director of ombudsman Services of San Mateo
county. Bernie will discuss services and best practices for residents
in long term care facilities. You may also review
Page 8 November 2021 e PILOT
e PILOT November 2021 Page 9
Silicon valley clean Water’s contractor partner, Barnard-Bessac
Joint venture (BBJv), has removed all the Tunnel Boring
Machine (TBM) components and its support equipment from
the Surge and Flow Splitter (SFS) shaft, after the TBM’s
successful break in 2 months ago. is month, BBJv is working
to install Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) pipe within the
completed tunnel. BBJv will be installing about 10 pipe
sections, with the first stick of pipe installed in the completed
tunnel at the SFS shaft. A pipe installer, equipment used to
carry and install the FRP pipe within the completed tunnel, is
being used to transport and install the pipe. e installer will
carry pipe from the Airport Access Shaft, situated at the
intersection of holly Street and Shoreway Road, to the SFS
shaft, which is approximately 2.3 miles away. Following the installing FrP pipe with pipe installer
installation of the first 10 pipe sections, BBJv will demobilize
from the SFS shaft and continue the pipe install work from the Airport Access Shaft site. Quality control and
Assurance checks on the pipe install work are ongoing daily to ensure that the installation work meets the required
quality standards and the finished slope established in the design of the gravity pipeline.

At the San carlos pump station site, work is underway to connect a new
pipe to convey wastewater flows from the San carlos and Belmont sewer
collection systems to the new gravity tunnel. A hydraulic jacking frame
has been installed within the vertical shaft constructed east of the San
carlos Pump Station structure to conduct pipe jacking operations, which
is a trenchless construction method to install pipe below the ground surface
with no excavation at the surface required outside of the vertical shaft.
BBJv has also set up a support frame in the new gravity tunnel where the
pipe that will be installed from the San carlos shaft will connect to the
pipeline in the new gravity tunnel.

Support frame in tunnel for connection to new

pipe carrying San Carlos and Belmont flows
Read more about what’s going on at SvcW by visiting and more about the ReScU program at

Page 10 November 2021 e PILOT

e PILOT November 2021 Page 11
For more information about the purpose and usage of these cards, please see page 4 of the PiLoT or
The Ow Team
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Compass is a real estate broker licensed by the state of California and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity Laws. License #01527235. All materials presented here is intended for informational purposes only and is
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A Message From Big Old Trees,
Council Member Neighbors, and
Jeff Gee Hummingbirds
diversity is one of our community’s greatest strength and it is by Harvey radin
often overlooked. i am very interested in the new census data to
better understand the diversity in Redwood Shores and in Sometimes it’s the vibes, the longer you’re in a place. e longer
Redwood city. you’re in your home. Your neighborhood. Your community. i
ursday, November 4 is Diwali. diwali is india’s biggest and was thinking about vibes… feeling them on an unusually warm
most important holiday of the year. Also referred to as the and balmy, late afternoon, last month, as i was kicking back, out
Festival of Lights, from the row of lights that are lit outside of back at our place, about an hour before sunset.
homes symbolizing the inner light that protects homes from e vibes were about the same as they were decades ago, when
spiritual darkness. india’s business community considers this the we first moved to Redwood Shores.
best time to start a new business or initiative as the celebration Waving to some long-time neighbors, across the way, hearing
coincides with the hindu new Year. diwali symbolizes the them gardening, and, later, getting dinner ready… hearing the
spiritual victory of light over darkness, good over evil and sound of dinner plates being arranged on a table, i realized, was
knowledge over ignorance. To our neighbors here in the Shores, much the same.
i wish you a diwali that brings happiness, prosperity and joy to
nature’s vibes were about the same, too. e branches on trees
you and all your family.
were hardly moving, that balmy afternoon.
on Sunday, November 8, casa circulo cultural will present
even large birds that, this time of year, hunt for small fish in the
Dia de los Muertos, the day of the dead on courthouse Square
lagoons, were kicking back for the moment, on the highest
in downtown Redwood city. e day of the dead is traditionally
branches of tall, old trees. ey were looking calm and graceful,
celebrated in Mexico on november 2nd. on november 8,
however… i could see their long necks and heads pivoting.
courthouse Square is transformed into a living play, where
ere must have been fish in the water.
musicians, dancers, artists, family altars and much more are on
display. Sugar skulls, marigolds and more decorate courthouse e two big, old pine trees, down the way, that, years ago, had
Square, bringing it to life. catrinas will be walking around and branches that formed a heart, still had what’s become a hint of a
greeting the community, and a procession will walk through heart, just a hint, now, as the trees have grown taller.
downtown Redwood city in the evening. Papel picado adorns the e hummingbirds were hovering over late summer blossoms,
Food court area with an array of traditional foods, and vendor the crows were up in trees, and at the top of chimneys on
booths will line the streets. What started as a modest celebration neighbors’ homes. e canada Geese were whooping it up,
of the Mexican culture has grown and evolved into one of maybe doing their pre-flight checks, before heading off for other
Redwood city’s largest celebrations of diversity and culture. parts, at this time of year. of course, you think they’re going to
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- migrate, but many seem to prefer sticking around, and foraging
for whatever berries, and such, drop from trees, this time of year.
Speaking of our community and the upcoming release of detailed
2020 census data, the re-districting committees will be hard at Just a few doors down from our long-time neighbors, new
work over the new few weeks analyzing voting age populations, neighbors were settling in the homes they’d bought, this past
reviewing input from communities of interest and other factors summer, maybe feeling what my family and i were feeling when
in determining how district election boundaries may need to we were settling in our place. at excitement getting to know
change. is not only affects city council elections in Redwood your home, your new neighbors, your new neighborhood, your
city, but it will also affect district boundaries for the San Mateo new community.
county Board of Supervisor, and election districts for congress, ey’re about our age — our new neighbors — when we first
assembly, state senate, the San Mateo community college moved here. Maybe they’re already feeling the vibes.
district, the Sequoia Union high School district, and many
other district elections. For those that love data, this is your time! (After a career in corporate communication, Harvey
radin wrote books and articles about public opinion
For the rest of us, i encourage you to pay attention to how and Pr. His articles have been published in Business
district lines may change. once they are approved, the new insider, American Banker, talking Biz News and the
district election boundaries will be in place until 2031. Pagosa Daily Post. You can reach out to him by email at

Page 14 November 2021 e PILOT

e PILOT November 2021 Page 15
Astrophotography in the Shores e Rotary Club of Belmont & Redwood Shores
by Kumar Srinivasan musings by Jack murray
one of the most popular questions i get asked about my When i walked into my first Rotary meeting back in 2012, i really
astrophotography is, “How do you manage to take such amazing didn’t know what to expect. My sponsor, Belmont chief of Police
pictures of the night sky despite all the light pollution here?” it comes don Mattei (father of my daughter’s friend from immaculate Heart
down to a combination of three factors (not necessarily in order): School), hadn’t clued me in about much. he just said be yourself.
(1) Long-exposure image acquisition, (2) Light-pollution filters, e first thing i saw was a big room with a lot of people i had never
especially for imaging nebulae, and (3) image processing. met before. e second thing was a guy named Jim McGovern.
our eyes are fantastically evolved for seeing in the daytime but not ough Jim passed away in 2020, his daughter Sylvia (also a Rotary
so much in the dark (after all, isn’t that why our civilization pours member) has kept McGovern insurance as successful as ever.
out billions of lumens into the night sky, thus leading to light Jim had been the president of both the Belmont Junior chamber
pollution?). And, they are even more poorly adapted to seeing color of commerce and the Belmont chamber of commerce, as well as
in the dark. But cameras have no such limitation! e principle the only two-term president of the Belmont Rotary club. Jim
of astrophotography is simple: gather more of the signal (light from received the highest honor given to a Rotarian “e service above
the astronomical object) and less of the noise (the background sky self” award. e name of the award says it all about Jim. he was
including atmospheric and equipment distortions). in other words, named citizen of the Year two times for the city of Belmont. And,
get as high a Signal-to-noise ratio (SnR) as possible. e best way he was a trickster! he greeted me with a big smile and a welcome
to do this is through long-exposure imaging. By keeping the handshake that didn’t ache for too long. he and his pal John
camera (and telescope) pointed on an astronomical object for Rossetti latched onto me so i wasn’t sure whether i should ditch
several hours (at a minimum), we can gather a lot of the light signal! my sponsor or what to do. don assured me that this kind of big
But of course, to do this, the camera has be attached on a mount welcome was quite normal, so i followed his cue, sat down, and
that can track the motion of the sky (the rotation of the earth!). began to ease into Rotary.
For long-exposure astrophotography, you need a rock-solid mount “SERviCE aBOvE SElF” is the motto for all Rotary clubs, and our
and it is not without reason that it is often stated that the single goal as e Rotary club of Belmont & Redwood Shores is to fulfill
most important (and most expensive!) piece of equipment in this mission. our members are constantly creating innovative
astrophotography is the mount! projects ranging from community fundraising to rewarding young
ere are many more details about image acquisition, filters, and individuals with scholarships. rough the Gretchen Ross Teacher
noise reduction than i have space for in this article (maybe another Mini-Grant Program, we support innovative teaching opportunities
time!). But i want to leave you with this last piece about image which can’t be funded otherwise, provide college scholarships for
processing. if you’re wondering, what is the big deal about image local young people with academic excellence but less means, donate
processing in astrophotography, i’d like you to take a look at the reconditioned hospital operating room equipment and supplies for
two images below. e one on the left is a raw (unprocessed) areas across the world, and, in memory of Jim McGovern, provide
photo of the Andromeda galaxy after image acquisition. But look assistance for Alzheimer’s Awareness funding.
to the photo on the right to see what image processing can do! But all these good works also include quite a bit of fun. McGovern
is step is called “stretching” and if you are blown away by what and Rossetti were inseparable pals, but one day upon arriving home
stretching can do, you are not alone! how is this possible? it’s from vacation at Lake Tahoe and exhausted from the five-hour
because the night sky is really dark and all the interesting drive, John was surprised to find a cord of wood stacked in front of
astronomical data (aka nebulae and galaxies) in the raw image is his front door, blocking entry. And, of course, to soften the prank
in the bottom 2-5% of the brightness histogram. Stretching Jim had left a nice bottle of wine sitting right next to all the wood.
remaps the data in a nonlinear way so that the bottom 2-5% now John didn’t have to guess who had left the wood or the wine!
occupies half the brightness range and the not so useful upper 5%
Mixing fun and good works is a hallmark of Rotary. earlier this
to 100% is compressed into the other half. Simply put, this is
year, we joined RScA for the Shores cleanup project, having a
what stretching does and is why we have to process images!
great time together, and now we’re looking forward to our next gift
More information is on my website clear skies! of a re-conditioned car for a veteran in need. While many of our
programs need funding and our members are very generous, the
entire community gets together to help us out at our annual Rotary
lobster Fest, which will be on February 5, 2022, at Belmont’s
Twin Pines community center. it is great fun!
ere is a complete new england style lobster
dinner, including (of course) a full lobster for
everyone, tables of goodies for bidding and a grand
Kumar Srinivasan is an engineering technologist specializing auction. every dime collected helps us support our mission. it will
in magnetic data storage. while he was peripatetic during be grand time, a release from so much negativity, excellent dining,
his youthful years, he is happy to report back to the galactic and a great opportunity to help those that we help through college
Federation that his cosmic address is now firmly entrenched scholarships, teacher grants, veterans and many more. Be TheRe!
in redwood Shores on Planet earth.
Page 16 November 2021 e PILOT
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e PILOT November 2021 Page 17

by monique Seibel
Your intrepid columnist was not present at the Pajaro dunes
weekend at the end of September, but RSTc president nicola
Tidwell provided the following highlights—especially, she said,
for our new members so that they can plan to join us next year.
For the Pajaro “away weekend” the club reserves condos right on
the beach, typically at the end of September or first weekend in
october. We usually have 25 or 30 people, and we share the cost
of the condos and the food. is year the crowd was a bit smaller
given the pandemic but from all the stories shared, this was a
fantastic year. Robin and Steve
George took the lead and planned
the entire weekend and Karen
Brodersen planned a fantastic tennis
tournament for that Saturday.
Multiple sources commented on the
great matches, great points, and then
a men's doubles match at the end
that was awesome to watch.
congrats to the winners of the Pajaro
tennis tournament, Steve George and
Micki carter (shown in photo).
one of the traditions at Pajaro is the Saturday night cioppino
dinner prepared by RSTc’s various culinary stars. is year’s
dinner featured Micki carter’s family recipe for the base (prepared
with her homegrown tomatoes). e other chef of the evening
was Steve George. Many thanks to Steve and Robin George for
coordinating nightly dinners and getting the lunch sandwiches
for the tournament. We look forward to our 2022 weekend and
sharing in all it takes to coordinate such a fun getaway.
e last event of 2021 will be the november 13th tournament.
To see the complete schedule of RSTc activities through
november, as well as how to join and how to register for
tournaments and open plays, go to Let’s play tennis!

Page 18 November 2021 e PILOT

e PILOT November 2021 Page 19
it’s elementAry Little Free Library
DaN DEguaRa by Nathan Chan, eagle Scout
Candidate from troop 61 in
Spotlight on Local Funding in BRSSD redwood Shores
As you know, our Belmont-Redwood Shores schools are at the have you seen the new Little
heart of our community. e 2021-22 school year has been off to Free Library at Marlin Park?
a great start, with students receiving an excellent education in core Last month, i completed my
academic subjects from highly qualified teachers. Students leave eagle Scout Project, which was
the Belmont-Redwood Shores School district (BRSSd) ready for to design, build and install two
success in high school, college and beyond. Little Free Libraries for
despite the successes of the district, BRSSd faces funding Redwood city Parks. My goal for this project is to promote the
challenges. currently, our district’s per-student funding is below love of reading, provide convenient access to books and encourage
the state average and among the lowest in the county. To make up community building. With the generous donations and dedicated
for this gap, our schools have relied on locally-controlled parcel tax volunteers from Troop 61, St. Mark church, friends, and families,
funding, through Measures R and K, to provide additional funding my vision was realized on october 3, 2021. ank you to
that protects core academic programs and keeps teachers in the everyone involved, your contribution is very much appreciated!
classroom. As seen in this graph, local revenue helps bring our one of these two libraries was installed right in our backyard at
per-student funding closer to surrounding districts in the county. Marlin Park outside the toddler play structure area. is library is
stocked with books for multi-age groups, from elementary to high
school. You can find different genres including some old classics
and new favorites. i invite all of you to stop by and check it out.
Growing up in Redwood Shores, i came to appreciate the caring
and vibrant community we have. i hope that everyone will enjoy
this library and bring books to share, so it can be a self- sustaining
Little Free Library for years to come.
Lastly, a special ThAnK YoU to Mr. chris Beth, director of
Redwood city Parks, Recreation & community Services for his
support on this project, and Mr. Jay Patel, my eagle Project coach
for his guidance throughout my endeavor.
Measures R and K provide $3.6 million annually to help close the
funding gap, but funding from these measures is set to expire soon.
Without this funding, our schools face deep cuts that impact
students in every classroom. SamTrans to Reduce Shores Route 260
Route 260 would be shortened to run between Ralston Avenue at
Meeting the Challenge cipriani Boulevard and San carlos caltrain via Bridge Parkway in
To address these challenges, the district is exploring a potential Redwood Shores. e shortened route would better connect
renewal measure to continue providing our schools with locally- caltrain riders with jobs in Redwood Shores and would remove
controlled funding for academic programs and teachers. We value fixed route service in Redwood Shores east of Bridge Parkway.
the Belmont-Redwood Shores community as a partner in exploring Some riders on Marine Parkway would need to walk up to 10
ways to maintain local funding, and we want your feedback. minutes to the nearest stop for service.
Please visit or scan the QR code School service on Routes 60 and 67 would continue to be available
printed here to take our survey about school at all current stops in Redwood Shores.
priorities, and feel free to reach out at Route 260 would operate every 30 minutes on weekdays during with any comments the peak periods and every 60 minutes during the midday,
or questions. ank you for your continued evenings, and all day on the weekends.
support of our schools.
hours of service would not change. e new Route 260 would
receive new Sunday service.
Note: rSCA takes no position on this tax measure. visit for more information.
Page 20 November 2021 e PILOT
Welcome to this beautiful waterfront property with breathtaking views of
the Redwood Shores lagoon and tons of natural light! Feel relaxed the
moment you arrive home. Conveniently located on the ground level, this
one bedroom, one bathroom home offers a cozy and tranquil atmosphere,
with a remodeled kitchen and custom flooring and window treatments.
NAOMI GABLE HERNANDEZ Savor the gorgeous water views from your private balcony which wraps
Real Estate Professional around the living area with fireplace and the bedroom. Fully equipped
LICENSE # 01363496 with in-unit laundry and a one car detached garage plus additional
permitted parking. The Lighthouse Cove community includes a pool, hot
650.867.4388 tub, boat dock, boat storage and clubhouse and is conveniently located near the town's amenities, the Bay Trail and open greenbelt space. 38 Cape Hatteras Court | Offered at $899,260

e PILOT November 2021 Page 21

Redwood Shores The Rotary Club of Belmont and Redwood
Certified Public Accountant
Shores invites all interested Shorebirds to our

Providing tax preparation and planning,

weekly luncheons at noon every Monday at
Divino in Belmont (in person or on Zoom).
accounting and bookkeeping services
Call Kerman at 650-291-4219
Interesting speakers and new friendships!
To learn more, just email:

Vedic Astrology Discussion group REDWOOD SHORES, BELMONT,

Join our ongoing group
20% OFF for
contact: Vijay mani (Van Available) 650-921-2038

High Quality Family Day Care

private, flexible hours, any age, homemade meals, Redwood Shores Perspective on the
organic/green products, excellent references Redwood City Redistricting Mapping
over 20 years experience in redwood Shores
Call Nina at 650-595-2862 Redwood Shores community Association (RScA) has been

Redwood Shores Handyman

following the discussions about council districts for future
elections. We recall from the last distrcit formation process that

No job too small, can do almost anything.

district maps are required to:

Redwood Shores Resident

Call Scott 650-464-3276
Comply with Federal laws, including :
• equal population – this is an overriding consideration

or email
• compliance with Federal voting Rights Act: no dilution of
voting strength of protected class groups, and where reasonably
possible to make a majority protected class group
Mathematics Teacher/Tutor in addition, maps must comply with the California voting
Matthew T. Lazar, Ph.D.
Rights act (cvRA), including:
Resident of Redwood Shores for over 20 years! • Topography and Geography • cohesiveness, contiguity, integrity, and compactness
Call or text Matt at 650-208-5303 • communities of interest; established neighborhoods,
commercial/business districts, school enrollment
When we look at these parameters, it is our conclusion that
Redwood Shores still fits all of the requirements perfectly. e
Shores is population balanced (at 12,800 according to the data
included on the map at right, still approximately 1,000 different
from previously drawn districts), is contiguous, is served by the
Belmont-Redwood Shores School district, all of our high school
age youth attend carlmont, and our children participate in
Belmont sports leagues.
InvisibleSun Energy Consulting (Authorized SunPower Dealer)
Considering solar power for your home?
note: RScA again recommends that Shores residents submit
Call/Text Sal Miranda @ 415-505-4726 (Redwood Shores local)
feedback to the committee indicating the preference to keep
Email: Redwood Shores as ONE district, not to be divided or
Website: somehow merged with other areas of Redwood city, to best serve
Helping folks go solar since 2009! our unique community interests.

Page 22 November 2021 e PILOT

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