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Depp Breath

Definition :

The deep breath is a breathing exercise that consisted of abdominal (diagpragma) and pursed

Objectives :

1. To improve Alveolar inflation maximum

2. To Improve respiratory muscle relaxation
3. To Eliminate or avoid the pattern of muscle activity breathing which is not useful and
4. To Decrease the frequency of respiratory
5. To Eliminate anxiety

Indications :

For patient/client with COPD or the client with the healing phase after thoracic surgery.

Contra indications :

Patients with cardiovascular abnormality syste, such as hypotension, hypertension, acute

myocardial miocard, arrhythmias and heart failure. Patients with neurological surgery will
increase intra-cranial pressure.

Preparation or Implementation :

Preparation of patients :

 Introducing of nurse.
 Constructing a trust relationship
 Telling visitors / family to leave the room
 Explaining the purpose
 Explain the procedure to be performed
 Preparing patient in a comfortable position (sitting or lying on your back)
 Deciding duration to be used (the contract)
Preparation of equipment : -

A. Pre-interaction phase
Washing hands
B. Orientation phase
1. Greeting, call the client with a nickname which is favored
2. Introdcing nurse’s name.
3. Explaining procedure and purpose of the action to the client or family
4. Explaining about confidentiality
C. Stage of work
1. Set a comfortable position for a client with a half-sitting position in bed or chair
or lying position (lying down) in bed with a pillow.
2. Flexion knee clients to relax the abdominal muscles.
3. Place one or two hands on the abdomen, just below the ribs.
4. Inhale deeply through your nose, keep your mouth closed. Count to 3 for
5. Concentration and feel the movement of the abdomen rise as far as possible,
remain in a relaxed condition and prevent the arch in your back. If there is
difficulty raising the abdomen, take a breath with a fast, powerful and breath with
the nose.
6. Exhale the air through his lips, like blowing and strong expiratory slowly and thus
shaped the sound of the blast without making cheek to be balloon. Pursed lip
breathing technique is to cause resistance in the pulmonary air expenditure,
improve the bronchi (main airway), and minimize the collapse of a narrow
airway, a problem common in people with lung disease obstruktip.
7. Concentration and lower abdomen and feel the abdomen when expiratory muscle
contraction. Count to 7 during expiration.
8. Use this exercise whenever feeling short of breath and increase gradually over 5-
10 minutes, 4 times a day. Regular exercise will help breathing without effort.
This exercise can be done in the upright sitting position, standing and walking.

D. Termination phase
1. Ask the patient what dose he feell after the action
2. Summing up the results of procedures performed
3. Contracts for further action
4. Give reincforcement according to the client's ability

E. Documentation stage
Write down all the action on the nursing notes

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