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Bughao, Maria Angelika A.

February 15, 2020

BSN - 1B Mrs. Cerina Joy M. Alarca

Florence Nightingale Movie


The movie is about the true story of Florence Nightingale and how she handle her

struggles and problems in reaching her goals before and after she became a nurse. In the movie,

Florence Nightingale was the one narrating or telling her story. She mention about her life as a

daughter, her struggles in telling and explaining to her parents about her calling as she

believed that God gave her a a mission to serve him and other people, pursuing her calling was

not easy for her to do as her parents strictly object or prohibited her ambition. Her decision in

life also affects her love life, as she let go of her one true love for the sake of her calling and

her mission to serve God and other people. As she decided to become a nurse, Sydney Herbert

the secretary of war wrote to her and ask for help, because a lot of soldiers are dying and the

medical personnel are lacking. Because of the war, Florence Nightingale can now showcase

her skills in helping and caring for the wounded soldiers. As they came in Scutari hospital

Florence Nightingale saw how dirty and unhygienic the place is that causes an increase rate of

death in soldiers. Florence Nightingale also got the chance to meet in person the royal majesty

Queen Victoria and talk about the Crimean war and her plan of action in solving the problem.

Florence Nightingale continue to serve and she created new standards for the design

management of hospitals.

This movie was so inspiring for me as a student nurse. I felt the struggles that Florence

Nightingale experienced and I am so amazed on how she deal or over come all of it. I admire

her perseverance, strong affirm towards her ambition in life, strong faith towards God and

herself and having a kind heart towards other people. But, I was so disappointed to Florence

Nightingale’s parents as they don’t support the ambition of their daughter.I felt the sadness

that Florence Nightingale show in the movie, when she was being misunderstood and being

lock in a place where she cannot truly express herself and there is no freedom at all and she
cannot decide on her own as her parents always interrupt or change her decisions. This

situation shows me the importance of having perseverance or being a fighter through all the

challenges that I have or I will have in future. Although I felt hesitated and scared, I will fight

for my ambitions like Florence Nightingale do, as long as I’m happy and I don’t hurt anyone’s

feeling I will continue to do what I want.

The only good thing that I observed in the movie is that Florence Nightingale’s team are

all focus and they showcase their teamwork to help and care for the soldiers, even though some

medical personnel there treat them as a regular assistant that can only do wash clothes. The

bad thing that I observed was the hospital where the soldiers are being treated. There is no

sunlight and air passing through the place. Lack of water, medication and food supplies that is

needed for the soldiers to live. I also observed the lack of materials and equipment that is

needed in treating the soldiers. Bloods and dead soldiers are scattered everywhere in the

hospital. Lastly, the lack of medical personnel that is needed for the soldiers to be treated,

that’s why Sydney Herbert wrote to Florence Nightingale to ask for some help. All of this

observations will affect the healing environment that supports the inherent healing capacity of

the soldiers.

I believe that health care plans and standards will surely stimulate and support the healing

capacity of the soldiers. Also, an effective healing environment will facilitate or help in quick

recovery of a patients. These ideas are from Florence Nightingale environmental theory,

providing suitable environment for patients include proper ventilation, heat, noise, free from

bad odors and with appropriate lighting which she used in the movie. With the help of this

ideas, the patients will have a proper health care medications and this will also avoid stress to

the patient. Clean facilities will lead to better outcomes not only for the hospital, but for the

patients itself.
Therefore I conclude, Patients healing process will based on how the nurse plan and care

for his or her health. Also, the environment of the patient should be included in health care

plan as this will also affect the health status of the patient. Cooperation and good relationship

between the nurse and patient will give a better result. Teamwork toward the doctor and the

nurses in doing health care plan and action will give a great effect on the patient’s status.

In the movie, I conclude that happiness are found through yourself, follow what your heart

wants and don’t let anybody to control you because if you do, at the end of the day you will be

the one who will sacrifice and accept all the consequences.

Some of the action plans that medical personnel can do are to observed, be attentive and

be responsible to your patients, understand and comply to their needs. Do routine clean - ups

not only on the patients room, but also to your nurses area. Cooperate and communicate well

to the patient to be able to build a good relationship and trust. Lastly, build a good relationship

to other medical personnel, so that you can be able to have teamwork toward caring for your


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