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ental more than just the Mental health is

health absence of mental fundamental to our
is an disorders or collective and
integral disabilities. individual ability as
and essential humans to think,
component of Mental health is a emote, interact with
health. The WHO state of well-being in each other, earn a
constitution states: which an individual living and enjoy life.
"Health is a state of realizes his or her On this basis, the
complete physical, own abilities, can promotion,
mental and social cope with the protection and
well-being and not normal stresses of restoration of mental
merely the absence life, can work health can be
of disease or productively and is regarded as a vital
infirmity." An able to make a concern of
important contribution to his or individuals,
implication of this her community. communities and
definition is that societies throughout
mental health is the world.

“Mental health care and treatment”

1) treatment of antidepressant psychosocial

depression with medicines; support; taxation
psychological of alcoholic
3) treatment of beverages and
2) treatment and, psychosis with restriction of their
for moderate to antipsychotic availability and
severe cases, medicines and marketing

uring the Covid-19 Pandemic Various problems
which not only has an effect on that have occurred
physical health, but also affects due to COVID-19
a person's mental health. are considered a
new source of stress
for the community.

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