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. a EDUCACION i.czes. [7] HIDALGO STATE SUPERIOR TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF THE WEST SUBJECE: ENGLISH 1 STUDENT'S NAME: IMMAEL PEREZ PifiA GROUP AND SEMESTER: 1€ PLACE AND DATE 7TH DEMARCATION, 42700 MUXQUIAHUALA, H6O. NOVEMBER 09, 2091. Learn to describe a town SRO old houses G Pisce i ates Look at the pictures of Ghadames and Esperanza Base. Which place is... ? ‘nod cly + ina ht country = ina cold county Oh Grekerees ” peence oes fh Read about the two places and check your answers in 18. 4. ¢.% ORR s Gn lt GAG Vm ' ERS GE SemSnces abolt BradameSE) oF? Esperanza Base (EB)? 1s aay cold here 2 ‘Ouro fis very tin suet 5 ts sosmal-you never gt est” 3 The men and woman dot abays walk ogethe “The sehooe smal, bu i very e000” hadames is a beautiful old city in Libya. There are lots of old houses, shops and cafés - so what's different? Ghadames is in the Sahara. It's yery hot in the day (sometimes 55°C). The houses have very thiok walls and they're always cool. In the old town there are streets for men and children and there are different streets (on the roofs of the houses) for women. Now, there's a new town with new houses and flats, but in summer lots of people go to live in the old houses because they aren't hot. { Q® Do you think Ghadames and Esperanza Base are nice places to live? Why / Why not? a few, lots of a few houses fots of houses -speranza Base is Argentinian and it’s in Antarctica. I IMAI h It's cold in summer (0°C) and very cold in winter - Z a (10°C). There are homes for about 100 people there. there is / there are: positive There are ten families with children, there's 2 school ‘and there are two teachers. There's also a bank and 4 hospital There are a few cars, but there's only one road = i's 1.5 km long! | @ Complete the sentences. Check your answers in | the texts in 1b. Singular, There "4S a new town /a school Piural: “NEC. are lols of old houses / two teachers. b Pronunciation Listen and write the sentences. How many wor rein each? enyeseutgnces, How many words ar there in ec}, Niue cre ofeui cols bere ster conyare Om Now go to Grammar Focus 5A on 6.120 1 Write two true sentences about your street. ao use there's or there are. Peresacor eTrere ve ofeus \ovs € OB Tell a partner your sentences in 2d. uNiT 5% EIVOCABULARY Places in a town 4 ©EED Match the words in the box with the places in pictures af, Listen and check. bw places in 3a are these? “My daughter goes there every day from 8:00 to 4:00.’ school ‘We go there for dinner every Saturday night.’ cex boy on? “Voften drink coffee there with my friends.’ cae “You're in room 305. Here's your key.’ byte) “They nave tut and vegetables and ao nouspapers and magaines’ Soe ‘Vd like £500, please.” bs canbe café shop restaurant school bank hotel © BD Now go to Vocabulary Focus 5A on p.148 Sound and spelling /u:/ and /al 1 ©EEA Listen and practi these sounds, 1! schgel 2 Ja idneh 2 ©XBIEI What sound do the marked letters have in the words in the box? Listen and add the words tothe sound groups below. Russia food new two who mather umbrella beautiful sometimes ‘Sound 1 Al Sound 2 Jal [ scheot lunch ==25 Listen to a conversation about places in a town. Look at the ‘map and match 1-5 with the words in the box. cokshop café bank restaurant food shop b @BEN Listen again, Are the sentences tue or EE false? 1 There are lots of shops in New Steet. False, 2 Nice people work in the bookshop. wut, 3 The calé is italian. True. 4 The colfee and cakes in the café aren't good. § Ase. 5 It a Chinese restaurant eve] © The restaurant is cheap Co's ¢ Cl What is the same about the town on the map and your town? OL0 STREET EASPEAKING @ Think of a street in the town where you are now. Make notes. Use words from this lesson, There'sa... Thereare... it’sin... Wenear b Qh describe your street, but don't Say its name. Do other students know the name of the street?

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