CQI-9 3er - Edición

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AIAG» cars ‘Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment The catayst for pook performance Version 3, Issued 10/2011 ABOUT AIAG Purpose Statement Founded in 1982, AIAG is a globally recognized organization where OEMs and suppliers unite to address and resolve issues affecting the worldwide automotive supply chain. AIAG's goals are to reduce cost and complexity through collaboration; improve product quality, health, safety and the environment; and Optimize speed to market throughout the supply chain. AIAG Organization AIAG is made up of a board of directors, an executive director, executives on loan from member companies, associate directors, a full-time staff, and volunteers serving on project teams. Directors, department managers, and program managers plan, direct and coordinate the association's activities Under the direction of the executive director. AIAG Projects Volunteer committees focus on business processes or supporting technologies and methodologies. They conduct research and develop, publish, and provide training on standards, conventions, standard business practices, white papers, and guidelines in the areas of automatic identification, CAD/CAM, ED\electronic commerce, continuous quality improvement, health focus, materials and project management, occupational health & safety, returnable containers and packaging systems, transportation/customs and truck & heavy equipment, ‘AIAG PUBLICATIONS ‘An AIAG publication reflects @ consensus of those substantially concerned wit its scope and provisions. An AIAG publication is intended as a guide to aid the manufacturer, the consumer, and the public. The existence of {an AIAG publication does not in any respect preclude anyone from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not conforming to the publication. CAUTIONARY NOTICE AIAG publications are subject to periodic review and users are cautioned to obtain the latest editions. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE Recognizing that this AIAG publication may not cover ail circumstances, AIAG has established a maintenance ‘Procedure. Please refer to the Maintenance Request Form at the back of this document to submit @ request. Published by Automotive industry Action Group 26200 Lahser Road, Suite 200 ‘Southfield, Michigan 48033 Phone: (248) 358-2570 + Fax: (248) 358-3253 APPROVAL STATUS The AIAG Quality Steering Committee and designated stakeholders approved this document for publication in October 2011. AIAG COPYRIGHT AND TRADEMARK NOTICE: The Automotive industry Action Group copyrights the contents ofall published materials unless otherwise indicated. Copyright is not Claimed as to any part of an original work prepared by a U.S. or state govemment officer or employee as part ofthe person’s official duties. All rights are preserved by AIAG, and content may not be altered or disseminated, published, or transferred in part of such Content. The information is not to be sold in part or whole to anyone within your organization or to another company. Copyright intringement is violation of federal law subject to criminal and civil penalties. AIAG and the Automotive Industry Action Group are registered service marks of the Automotive Industry Action Group. ©2011 Automotive Industry Action Group ISBN 9 781 60534 2368 cal-9 ‘Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment Version 3, Issued 10/2011 AIAG The catalyst for peak performace AIAG care Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment The catayst for paok performance Version 3, Issued 10/2011 FOREWORD Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) committees are made up of volunteers from member companies in the automotive industry. The work of preparing process audits is done by AIAG technical committees. The main task of technical committees is to prepare automotive standards and system requirements, Draft documents adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the Steering Committee for review and consensus approval. Publication of the documents requires approval by the Quality Steering Committee. The Quality Steering Committee would like to acknowledge and thank the following individuals and their companies who have contributed time and effort to the development of this document. Philip Mikula (CQI-9 Chairperson) ~ TRW Automotive, Ine. Dean Higdon ~ Acument Global Technologies North America Pete Batche ~ Akebono Brake Corporation, North America Stefan Bruder ~ Bodycote Warmebehandlung GmbH Madhu Chatterjee ~ Bodycote Thermal Processing, North America Rick Howell ~Chrysler Group LLC, North America Darrell Rydzewski ~ Controls Service, Inc. Virender Choudhri — Delphi Corporation Stephen Toltesi ~ Eaton Corporation Suranjeeta Dhar ~ Ford Motor Company Peter Schiefer — Ford Motor Company, Germany Medina Kaknjo — Ford Motor Company Rick Metcalf — General Motors Company, North America David Paluch — General Motors Company, North America Werner Schwan ~ Robert Bosch GmbH Germany Jeff Martin — ZF Friedrichshafen, AG Luiz Tubino ~ LTC Desenvolvimento Empresarial LTDA, Brasil Kevin Bauer ~ Keystone Powdered Metal Company Delbert Clubine, Advance Heat Treat Corporation cal-9 ‘Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment Version 3, Issued 10/2011 CHANGES TO CQI-9 3°° EDITION The Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment, 3” edition contains some new requirements, changed requirements, and clarifications that the supply organization will need to consider in making its self-assessment. This 3" edition is a collaborative work of OEM, Tier | suppliers, heat treat suppliers, and calibration companies that service the heat treat industry. Below is a summary of the important changes in this 3" edition. 1. Three new Process Tables have been added: ‘© Low Pressure Carburizing © Sinter Hardening Ton (Plasma) Nitriding 2. The format and layout of the Process Tables have been improved to facilitate the heat treat system assessment. 3. References to AMS 2750D have been removed and replaced with AIAG CQI-9 specific requirements. 4, Frequency for SAT and Instrument Calibration have been changed. The requirement in the 3° Edition allows the heat treater to choose one of the two following options: Option 1: Quarterly SAT (Probe Method A or B) or Monthly SAT (Comparative Method), and Quarterly Control Instrument Calibration (single-point or multi-point calibration). Option 2: Quarterly SAT (Method A only) and Semi-Annual Control Instrument Calibration (multi-point calibration; 1-point calibration not allowed with semi- annual frequency). 5. The 3" Edition allows two options for the frequency for calibrating oxygen probe controllers (used in carbon-bearing atmospheres): © Quarterly (single-point calibration or multi-point calibration is allowed) © Semi-annual (multi-point calibration method; single-point calibration is not allowed) 6. Frequency for checking the quench oil cooling curve was changed to semi-annual (2™ Edition required quarterly frequency checks). 7. The temperatures given in °C and “F were harmonized. That is, the direct conversion from °C to °F is not used but rather the common tolerances for °C and °F were used. For example, the TUS tolerance for carburizing furnaces is + 15 °C (+ 25°F). Questions 1.20, 3.20, and 3.21 were added to the CQI-9 Heat Treat System Assessment. Question 1.11 was modified. This question addresses re-processing procedures. 10. Question 3.7 ~ The oxygen probe controller (carbon controller) shall control the carbon potential +/- 0.05%. 11. Question 3.12 was modified. This question addresses the proper height of the workload on a continuous belt furnace. AIAG 2» cai Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment The catalyst pook performance Version 3, issued 1072011 TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘ABOUT AIAG. 0S Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment Version 3, Issued 10/2011 cal-9 -30- cal-9 Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment Version 3. Issued 10/2011 ‘The catayt fr pak performance Section 3: Equipment qWuoulssessy Wo)shg yeed) Jeo} :ss@2014 [e!2eds, I Orr ro SS The catalyst for peak performance AIAG» ‘Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment Version 3. Issued 10/2011 cal-9 Jonvoo eqdeouse snonuuos pus agswome 9 poyonce Jove pornos og yous sowed nosoure poi} ‘9 com nay poe ou 6 soos pacn oe yar owns Avadoud. §9°¢ won20s 4 peaL2806) eum pu sc}2/000B ay poweu ow ‘Buroqucu pun onuco ns apnea ‘ou soe owes pue Lops Aees204 108) ‘sempcor au 10 um co 04 4 poyods ea uonouny dons qa] "PARA Bae sem URE | OE | jwunbo soca! oY onsen womy | Komersnes sow aMo3f00 hopes sou0pig an arepouysp2en| eH sopeees {VIN = quoUIssessy Weys{g Jealy JOH :sse00Iq |eIDeds 32. cal-9 Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment Version 3. Issued 10/2011 The cata for peak performance ee od ee Jvepouun spoon] em | A sourpna aanetao, souepine pue swwowenbos ‘eau wearer, = 1b JWOWSS9Ssy WHO}5/S Jea1] WOH :sSeI01g [eIDeds, The catayyst for pesk performance Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment Version 3, Issued 10/2011 sp senpornl Anum we | psu un comesyraa om oy ap nog a sZeonieojou mipean heopaedecnee| "Se occa a] HE ropa fue tora nove jamie] gna alan ye og Juuso sodas ayo pe ed anane| "ODUM OC ‘eoge ya por oun tind re xa Houoc| os pres ma 30809 208 87 sousppa annosao juowissassy weyshg 18911 Yeo} :sse2014 [eID0dg 34 cal-9 Version 3, Issued 10/2011 we ae ‘Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment oversees [wn ‘ouapna nn>s90 ‘howernes en juowssassy wiyshg year) Jeo} :SS9D0N¢ JwID0ds, Tre catayst or peak performance The catayst for peak performance Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment cal-9 Version 3. Issued 102071 poyoanco pow ors ‘Arenewoine 298s GxyouonD vaervese, {uuojno peavoiine oy) Ka parordde Aeayoods| snewoyne wos ypuenb =] gC sean powoye st Suneuenb enue on uasade ‘ayeweyne ue 09 pee wos Youend 44 puny subsp goo a axauay pawnbos 3 etiojno og wo frasdde eBu0yo Ouveou3 | suru yovond uy +) pe yo Bureau oo; 20} 109, suoyate jee -] 100 © one syns 04 8000) 24 pe 0 Buoy oo 1601 P00 woh wowadeveu yo # ney regs 9} YK UA} ‘omevesaida sawsorane pazuoyne fa pero nejgertecoe 9 noqonnbo 0 soquou ABrou9 uy | ed (suerte Guraecs] oy soup 1 aun a (210 weopy '9BEH0%) wu] 'Afsoun sont vows erie y “pouyex] ‘| aupeus tee oj ogue oeube owe oj ed 0 KB,000 ou] OF janeo sy00 004 ou e209} epmjonicn B99) 5, ved yove yo Busosod ou i juowssossy woyshg ery JeeH :ss9001d [eI98dg 36- cal-9 Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment Version 3, Issued 10/2011 The catayst for peek pertormence pape | (ozzy ‘xis youn pa one ou Davee} ue voqaedsa bos op ges ovo oj dres soo wns oped ys res eu Sad om ee wauissossy wejehs weal JOH :ss9901 jeIoads 37- = AIAG Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment Version 3. Issued 10/2011 The catalyst for peak performance -38- AIAG 2a cas Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment The catalyst for paok performance Version 3, issued 10/2011 3.1 Thermocouples 3.1.1 Application of Thermocouples: Thermocouples shall be selected as appropriate for their intended use. Where a process is to be controlled, consideration shall be given to variables that can have pact upon thermocouple performance such as, but not limited to, atmosphere, temperature, electrical interference, etc. Guidelines established for recommended temperature ranges or upper temperature limits for thermocouples in publications such as ASTM E230, IEC 60584-1, or other national standards or by the thermocouple manufacturer should be adhered to. All thermocouples shall comply with Tables 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.1.4 and 3.1.5 requirements. Extension wire shall not be spliced. Only compensated jacks, plugs, connectors and terminal strips may be used. 3.1.2 Calibration of Thermocouples: Thermocouples shall be calibrated traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or other national institute of calibration, such as PTB (Germany). A grace period of 2 weeks is allowed for all calibrations. Thermocouples shall be calibrated in the temperature range in which they will be employed and prior to first use. Calibration temperature intervals shall not exceed 150°C or 250°F. Refer to Tables 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, and 3.1.4 for appropriate thermocouple calibration and replacement requirements. Calibration certificates shall include the following detail: the actual test temperature reading, the nominal test temperature, the corresponding correction factor for each calibration temperature test point, the provider of the calibration data, and the calibration method used. The interpolation of correction factor values between calibration test points is allowed. No determinations shall be made concerning values either above the highest calibration temperature or below the lowest calibration temperature. Extemal sources providing calibrations shall be accredited to ISO/IEC17025 or other national equivalent. Internal sources providing calibrations shall do so in accordance with the intent of ISO/IEC17025 or other national equivalent. Records shall be kept of training and qualifications for internal personnel performing calibrations. Thermocouples may be individually calibrated or made from calibrated rolls provided that both ends of the roll are sampled and the accuracy requirements established in Tables 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, and 3.1.4 are satisfied. 3.1.3 Reuse of Thermocouples: The date that any thermocouple is placed in service shall be documented. Requirements are indicated within 3.1 and Table 3.1.5. A “use” for thermocouples is defined as one cycle of heating and cooling of the thermocouple (see glossary). See Table 3.1.5 for maximum number of uses of a thermocouple. -39- = AIAG 2a Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment Version 3, ssued 10/2011 The catalyst for poak pertormanco Damaged expendable or non-expendable base metal SAT and TUS thermocouples shall not be reused, For reuse of Type K and Type E test thermocouples, the depth of insertion shall be equal to, or greater than, the depth of insertion of any previous use. AIAG 2 cats : Heat Treat System Assessment peek performance Version 3, ssued 10/2011 Table3.1.1 C: ration and Replacement Requirements for Thermocouples Used for Control, Monitoring and Recording. ACen Ca Nacy Ue MOTTO TYPE (1) Bau Loaw esl Og ACCURACY a7 REQUIRED Base Metal Types | 2 760°C (1400°F) | Calibrate before first use. | Primary or | + 1.1°C (+ 2.0°F) (K.NJ.E) Replace Annually (2,3,5) | Secondary | or Standard. | +0.4% Base Metal Types. | < 760°C (1400°F) | Calibrate before Hist use, | primary or | #1.1°C (#2.0°F) (KNJ.E) le, 35) si Secondary | 5 gag - Standard. Primary or £ 1.1°C (4 2.0°F) Noble Metal Types Calibrate before firstuse. | Secondary | or 2 760°C (1400°F) | RS) | esis Every Two Years | Seems” | Oy gag 1. Non-Expendable Thermocouples shall be replaced whenever needed, e.g. failed SAT, or damaged thermocouple; however, thermocouples shall be replaced minimally as stated above. Base metal thermocouples shall not be recalibrated. Nobel metal thermocouples Type B, R, and S may be reca Does not apply to Load Sensing Thermocouples. See Tables brated in lieu of replacement. 1.4 and 3.1.5 4l cake AIAG 2 Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment Version 3, Issued 10/2011 The catalyst for peak performance Table 3.1.2 ~ Calibration and Replacement Requirements for Thermocouples Used for Primary and Secondary Standards a, Aaa es See eas | Bocduen | . _ | is greater | _ - ote Seay aaa ma lemmas [rae [aor baes | ‘Standard (2) Noble Metal Thermocouple | Recalibrate each —_| Standard. or | om coy, [mm Vie Veto | een, ‘Latoazon | | roars | 1 1 -42- 1 A primary standard thermocouple together with a primary standard instrument shall be used to calibrate secondary standard thermocouples. 2. Use is limited to the calibration of temperature uniformity, system accuracy, controlling, recording, monitoring, and load thermocouples. 3. A Type R or S noble metal thermocouple calibrated against a NIST (or equivalent) reference standard, No error permitted. 4, Base metal thermocouples shall not be recalibrated. AIAG 2m ous Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment Tho cata or poak performance Version 3, ssued 10/2011 Table 3.1.3 — Calibration and Replacement Requirements for Thermocouples Used for Temperature Uniformity Survey (TUS) and System Accuracy Test (Sat) THERMOCOUPLE Cea CaN) Co aera oes Og Xe Y oa ies eta) Types B,R andS | Temperature Uniformity | Before first use. Replace or | Primary or £1.1°C (20°F) or Noble Metal Surveys Recalibrate every 2 years, ‘Secondary 204% | Standard Types 8, R and $ Before first use. Replace or | Primary or | £1.19 (£ 20°F) or Noble Metal SAT—Probe Method | Recalibrate every 2 years, Secondary 204% _ Standard. Types B, R and S SAT ~ Comparative | Before first use. Replace or | Primary or | £1.1°C (£2.0°F) or Noble Metal Method Recalibrate per Table 3.1.1 | Secondary 204% I Standard. Base Metal Temperature Uniformity | Before first use. Replace per | Primary or £1.1°C (£2.0°F) or Surveys Table 3.1.5 (1) ‘Secondary 204% el fot Standard. Base Metal Vaart easel Before frst use. Replace per | Primary or £1.1°C (£2.0°F) or ‘SAT—Probe Method | Table 3.1.5 (1) ‘Secondary £04% | : on enna Standard. Primary or Base Metal SAT ~ Comparative | Before fist use. Replace per £1.1°C (£2.0°F) or ‘Secondary 9 Method Table 3.1.1 (1) sua 204% 1 Base metal thermocouples shall not be recalibrated. -43- gous AIAG 2 Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment Version 3, Issued 10/2011 The catalyst for peak performance Table 3.1.4- Calibration and Replacement Requirements for Thermocouple Used for Load Sensing Bouse ae ey Ue CALIBRATED OU) aaa age IRON ad ST (Nitiw7t REQUIRED Types B, Rand S | Before first use. Replace or comes £1.1°C (£2.0°F) or Noble Metal Recalibrate every six (6) ‘months Suniad | +0.4% | Before frst use. Replace per Primary or - = Base Metal Table 3.1.5 Recalibration Secondary way Peer) - ___| prohibited. (1) __| Standard. . - 1 Base metal thermocouples shall not be recalibrated, Table 3.1.5 — Allowable Number of Uses for Thermocouples in Specific Applications lg=yM Le) Blea AS SaaS a) Temperature Uniformity Surveys / | Expendable Base Metal | {ST 5 980°C (1800°F) 15 Expendable Base Metal aeesme Uniformity Surveys / |”, agoec (1800°F) 1 Expendable Base Metal | Control (1) : All : 1 Expendable Base Metal Monitor/Record/Load Sensing (4) > 650°C. crz00'ry | 1 | Expendable Base Metal Monitor/Record/Load Sensing (4) 650°C (1200°F) | 30 ‘Temperature Uniformity Surveys, SAT and Load Sensing '$ 980°C (1800°F) 180 (2,3) Thermocouples (5) Non-expendable Base Metal 44 Non-expendable Base Metal Temperature Uniformity Surveys, SAT and Load Sensing > 980°C (1800°F) 90 (2,3) | Thermocouples (5) 1 Includes Load Sensing Thermocouples used as a Control Thermocouple. 2. When a non-expendable base metal thermocouple is used above 980°C (1800°F), the maximum total number of uses is 90 uses which shall include any previous or subsequent temperature readings taken with the subject thermocouple. 3 In the absence of documentation of the number of uses for non-expendable base metal thermocouple used for TUS and SAT, then the thermocouples shall be replaced after 6 months. 4. Expendable base metal thermocouples for load sensing, are allowed more than one use if thermocouple shows no visual degradation. Documentation is required to show compliance. 5 Non-expendable base metal thermocouples for load sensing, are allowed more than one use if thermocouple shows no visual degradation. Documentation is required to show compliance. AIAG a cals ‘Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment The cata for peak performance ‘Version 3, Issued 10/2011 3.2 Instrumentation 3.2.1 General Instrumentation Requirements: Instrumentation shall be selected as appropriate for their intended use and shall meet or exceed the accuracy requirements indicated in Table 3.2.1. All instrumentation calibrations shall be traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or national or intemational standard, Extemal sources providing calibrations shall be accredited to ISO/IEC17025 or other national equivalent. Internal sources providing calibrations shall do so in accordance with the intent of ISO/EC17025 or other national equivalent. Records shall be kept of training and qualifications for internal personnel performing calibrations. Calibration frequencies and accuracies are specified in the applicable Process Tables and in the Instrumentation Table 3.2.1. A grace period of 2 weeks is allowed for all calibrations. The temperature for each control zone shall be recorded by a recording instrument. 32141 Recorder shall be operating during the entire time that product is in the furnace and print intervals/sample rates shall not exceed five (5) minutes for analog recorders and two (2) minutes for digital recorders. Process record shall be legible. 3.2.2 Readal ity and Resolution: The following represent minimally acceptable requirements: Test instruments shall be digital and have a minimum readability of 1.0°C or 1.0°F. At least one controlling, monitoring, or recording instrument for each furnace or oven zone shall have a minimum readability of 1.0°C or 1.0°F for digital instruments or 2.0°C or 4.0°F for analog recorders. Temperature resolution requirements for digital and/or analog furnace chart recorders shall comply with the following: * 55°C maximum per centimeter of chart paper * — 5°C maximum per chart line increment * 250° maximum per inch of chart paper 10°F maximum per chart line increment 3.2.3 Offsets: The use of offsets is generally discouraged, however when used, a documented procedure shall exist which at a minimum describes when their use is permitted, how to perform manual and electronic offsets, how to document the basis for the offset (calibration, SAT or TUS), how to account for the offset when performing calibrations, SAT’s or TUS’s and how to reintroduce any intentional offsets. The procedure shall also indicate who has the authority to approve the use of offsets and how this approval is documented. Offset or bias applied to the instrumentation calibration shall not exceed 2.0°C or 4.0°F. -45- cate AIAG Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment a Version 3. Issued 10/2011 The catalyst for peak performance 3.2.4 Calibration: Calibration of control, monitoring, and recording instruments shall be performed to the manufacturer's instructions; however calibration may be performed as described in For the calibration of control, monitoring or recording instruments on furnaces that are in operation and running at typical operating temperatures, a single point calibration is acceptable (parallel reading of thermocouple input). For furnaces with a load in process, the furnace temperature shall remain within processing tolerance. 3.2.42 For each channel or group of channels in use that can be altered or adjusted, a calibration shall be required. 3.2.43 Calibration Frequency of the control, monitoring, and recording instruments shall be one of the ‘wo options listed below: 3243.1 Option 1; Quarterly (single-point or multi-point calibration; see Glossary for definitions) 3243.2 Option 2: the frequency may be semi-annual provided that the SAT is performed quarterly per Probe Method A (per employed for the instrument calibra 4.1) AND the multi-point calibration is nm 3.2.5. Calibration Records: Calibration status and results shall be reported as follows. A calibration label shall be affixed to the instrumentation device, or in the case of panel mounted control, monitoring or recording instrumentation, on the device or as near as practical to the device(s) to indicate its (their) most recent successfull calibration. The label(s) at a shall include: . Date the calibration was performed. Due date of the next calibration. Technician who performed the calibration (initials are acceptable) Serial number of instrument 3.252 Instrumentation calibration results shall be documented. The instrument calibration report or certificate shall include the following information: Fumace or unit identification number Make, model and serial number of instrument calibrated (not applicable to PLC controlling devices). Standard or test instrument used during calibration. Method of calibration. Ambient temperature and humidity Required accuracy. Initial and final values at each calibration point (if no adjustment is made then the final value will equal the initial value). Initial and corrected offseU/bias values (if no adjustment is made then the corrected offset/bias value will equal the initial value). ‘Statement of acceptance Any limitations or restrictions of the calibration Date the calibration was performed. Due date of next calibration. Technician who performed the calibration. AIAG cats Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment The catat ker paok portance Version 3, lseued 10/2011 © Signature of the technician who performed the calibration. * Calibration company if not performed in-house. + Sign-off by responsible person in the heat treat organization. 3.2.6 Electronic Records: When using a system that creates electronic records the system shall create write-once, read-only electronic records that cannot be altered without detection. -47- “8h syuownasuy updo 410 Burowwons (40) 000 ono swuawnasuy swoudnbo Cupooee fussonoid feuuoun Jo anjeiodwr xn 40 BusoWON Syyonvon pue ‘Suipioces ‘Buunseas opawwin | (4e0'P3) 0002 ¥ ono stonins joyunainyesadway pe 1 Koemo3e rwoungeu twojs4s jo soueWNojed ‘uoneageo YwaLINASU puepues so) Burpioaa 0 Buoy "Buss ope Avopuooeg 10 feu 2, eigened snLivs og Sujpiooe 0 ‘Buuoyow ‘Buyjomuoo pue “I08Ue5 peor s106008 38) Kanne Avuojuneunezodo} | seees6 8 oAaKoUM 1uorennba so Siosues 9} Aoeunaae worsAs “suounasut | “BuIpee. 0 %500 sou prepues 389) pay o UogesqesAes09e 01 Pa 20 (46603) 0:20 prepuers ewe a ayewonUrDd Asepu000S sosues pue Arewd pue sive propues vepuooes Jo vonesare9 Kore0ge 20lat03) 9.5007 | pIEPUEIS €ov8:0/%5 oe fr prepueis puepuers fevoneN eoueioas prepueis neo prepuers Keund orpemun | NZOSIW01SINId | wejeAMbe 40 1SIN oe a6ey0n 100827 s5v0j08 er eE TT) Pee Dona) Fey CENT) TCT gonad Deon AZ) aba AdAL PETC) PETC) SINFNAMINOAY NOLLVAGITVS LNAWAMLSNI ~ PTE ATAVL AR HOOT 1 FHI OL, <= OvIV 1402/01 panss) ‘¢ voIsion, juowssossy wa}shs ead) Ja} :SSe204q [e/90dS 6109 AIAG 2m cai Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment The cata for peak performance Version 3, Issued 10/2011 3.3 System Accuracy Test (SAT) 3.3.1 The SAT shall be made in accordance with 3.3, and the System Accuracy Test Table 3.3.1 requirements. 3.3.2 The SAT shall be performed using a test thermocouple conforming to the requirements of Thermocouple Table 3.1.3 coupled with a test instrument meeting the requirements of Instrumentation Table 3.2.1 3.3.3. A new SAT shall be performed after any maintenance that could affect the SAT accuracy, e.g., the replacement of the lead wire, control thermocouple, or the replacement of the control instrument, 3.34 The SAT shall be performed while the furnace is operating at a typical operating temperature using either the Probe Method (Section or Section or the Comparative Method (Section 33.43). Probe Method A: 334.11 Probe Method A is a check between the uncorrected reading of the control temperature system (control instrument, leadwire, and thermocouple) and the corrected reading of a test temperature system (test instrument and test thermocouple). See Illustration 3.4.1 The tip (measuring junction) of the test thermocouple shall be no further than SO mm (2 inches) from the tip (measuring junction) of the control thermocouple. Existing furnaces that have physical limitations preventing compliance to the 50 mm tip-to-tip distance shall be reviewed and approved by the assessor. 334.13 The temperature indication of the control instrument connected to the control thermocouple shall be within +/- 5°C (or +/- 10°F) of the corrected temperature indication of the test thermocouple on a test instrument. After insertion of the test thermocouple, allow sufficient time to achieve equilibrium between the test thermocouple and the control thermocouple. 334.14 If the calculated SAT difference exceeds 5°C (10°F) the appropriate corrective action shall be taken before commencing with additional thermal processing. Control thermocouples failing to meet the requirements shall be replaced. A new SAT shall be conducted on the replacement thermocouple. Actions taken shall be documented. ‘Note that when using Probe Method A, any electronic offset value introduced into the control instrument for the purpose of centering a TUS result shall be included in the SAT difference calculations. 334.15 SAT frequency shall be quarterly. ~49- ome AIAG 2 Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment Version 3, Issued 10/2011 ‘The catalyst for peak performance Example of Probe Method ' Ove mp Thermocouple Controt Thermocouple —~ (A) Control instrument Part or Raw Material Chart Record Furnace Thermocouple Furnace Wall Work Zone (8) Test Instrument Lead Wire EXAMPLE OF ACCEPTABLE SYSTEM ACCURACY TEST (SAT) PROBE METHOD - A Cos Mag Rissa ile Mcsos Sees Sree gm ATs Cal ey eu a Sonat ae oul) Bec Se Nt a cy Cy thes diggs orc one) ro Co) er) 901.5°C (1652°F) (1655°F) +40.1°C 901.1°C -1.4°C (1.0°F) (+0.2°F) (1654.2°F) (-2.2°F) -50- a ee ee ee oe AIAG a cats Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment The catalyst for peak performance Version 3. ssued 10/2011 Probe Method B: 334.21 The Probe Method B is a comparison between the uncorrected reading of the control temperature thermocouple indicated on a test instrument and the corrected reading of a test temperature system (test instrument and test thermocouple). See Illustration 3.4.2 33.422 The tip (measuring junction) of the test thermocouple shall be no further than 50 mm (2 inches) from the tip (measuring junction) of the control thermocouple. Existing furnaces that have physical limitations preventing compliance to the 50 mm tip-to-tip distance shall be reviewed and approved by the assessor. 33.423 After insertion of the test thermocouple sufficient time shall be allowed to achieve equilibrium between the test thermocouple and the control thermocouple under test. 334.24 The uncorrected reading of the control thermocouple connected to a test instrument shall be recorded at the highest point in its temperature cycle. Immediately following, the test instrument shall be connected to the test thermocouple. The corrected reading of the test temperature system shall be recorded at the highest point in its temperature cycle, 33.425 If the calculated SAT difference between the uncorrected reading of the control temperature thermocouple indicated on the test instrument and the corrected reading of the test temperature system (test instrument and test thermocouple) exceeds +5°C (+10°F) the control temperature thermocouple shall be replaced and any other appropriate corrective actions shall be taken before commencing with additional thermal processing. All actions taken shall be documented. 33.426 SAT frequency shall be quarterly gals AIAG 2m Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment Version 3. issued 10/2011 The catalyst for peok performance Example of Probe Method "B" Controt ‘Thermocouple = Control Instrument Over-Temp Protection Part or Raw Material Test Furnace Sf Wall Work Zone ls C om resi Thermocouple Furnace K__ecment Lead Wire (A) Test Instrument EXAMPLE OF ACCEPTABLE SYSTEM ACCURACY TEST (SAT) PROBE METHOD - B Coe a arte gh og tau Ey Matias saya Seat mT Bad Deas Pati fchrot aa Aare aI LO aha poe lea eeu ea a Ra ) AN ee OuC) ee a ) er) go0°c |__(1652°F) 901.5°C (1655°F) +0.1°C 901.1°C (+0.2°F) (1654.2°F) Note: Test Instrument A and Test Instrument B are typically the same test instrument. AIAG» cats ‘Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment The cata or peak performance Version 3, Issued 10/2011 Comparative Method: 33.43. The Comparative Method is a comparison between the uncorrected reading of the control temperature system (control instrument, leadwire and thermocouple) and the uncorrected reading of any other permanently installed monitoring system (instrument, leadwire and thermocouple) in the same work zone, such as an over temperature control system. See Mlustration 3.4.3 33432 ‘The temperature difference (delta) between the control system (control instrument, leadwire and thermocouple) reading and the reading of any other permanently installed monitoring system, at the time of the most recent conforming instrument calibration test, shall be established (e.g., the control temperature system indicates 600°C and the over temperature control system indicates 605°C; the delta between these two devices is +5°C). 3.3433 This established delta shall not differ by more than +/-1°C (or +/-2°F) when checked at a typical operating temperature. It is strongly recommended that the comparative check be performed at or near the original comparison test temperature. See example below for calculation of delta, 33434 If both devices have their respective thermocouples in the same protection tube they shall be of a different type (e.g., Type K with Type N, Type R with Type S). This is to prevent false readings due to similar degradation rate. 33.435 Corrective actions shall be taken to correct a failed SAT before commencing with additional thermal processing. A new delta shall be established after any maintenance that could affect the SAT accuracy, e.g., the replacement of the lead wire, thermocouple, control instrument, or calibration adjustment for either the control temperature device or temperature monitoring system. Actions taken shall be documented. See Table 3.1.3, SAT Comparative Method for the resident thermocouple replacement schedule. 3343.7 SAT frequency shall be monthly. “53 cal-9 The catalyst for pook performance Example of Comparative Method Contro! ‘Thermocouple (AD) Control instrument - Over-Temp a | = Part or Raw Material Chart Recorder Resident herm (B,E) Resident Thermocouple Thermocouple Monitor Furnace Furnace Wall Work Zone Note 1: It is recommended that the comparative check be perform: the time of instrument calibration (See A & B temperatur at or near the initial temperature at ‘example below). Note 2: Resident thermocouple and over-temp thermocouple may be the same thermocouple EXAMPLE OF ACCEPTABLE SYSTEM ACCURACY TEST (SAT) COMPARATI E METHOD eer encery nm i arr a a Ro Asa Prien aT La oe ; bases BE Toasts MONTHLY ele as ory sod Crag é oUt Tag ray “ @) 4 bt c) Orr) 600°C 605°C +c | 606°C 610°C (1112°F) (1121°F) (+9°F) (1123°F) (1130°F) Deviation from the initial delta D-C AIAG a cars Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment The catalyst for pack performance Version 3, Issued 10/2011 335 ‘System Accuracy Test Records shall include the following: Identification of the thermocouple being tested Identification of the test thermocouple Identification of the test instrument Date and time of day of the test Observed control instrument reading Observed test instrument reading Test thermocouple and test instrument correction factors Corrected test instrument reading Calculated system accuracy test difference Indication of test acceptance or failure Identification of technician performing the test Extemal calibration company if applicable Sign-off by responsible person in the heat treat organization -55- cal-9 Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment Version 3, issued 10/2011 AIAG The catalyst for peak performance TABLE 3.3.1 SYSTEM ACCURACY TEST REQUIREMENTS, METHOD Probe Method BN nos ata Types B, Rand S Noble Metal Types K, N, J and € Base Metal GETS ANN Giolla load Quarterly PS Nees ALLOWED £5.0°C (+ 10.0°F) (1.3) Comparative Method Types 8, Rand S Noble Metal Types K.N,J and E Base Metal Monthly £1.0°C (£20) (2,3) 1. Maximum value of the Calculated SAT difference (see and 2. Maximum deviation from initial delta (see Total offseU/bias assigned to the correction of a SAT error shall not exceed 2.0°C (4.0°F). This permissible offset/bias is separate from offset/bias assignable to a Calibration error or TUS. -56- AIAG cats Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment The cata for poak performance Version 3. ssued 10/2011 3.4 Temperature Uniformity Surveys (TUS) 34.1 General TUS Requirements: Temperature uniformity characteristics, qualified work zones, and operating temperature ranges of furnaces or ovens are validated by performing a TUS. The TUS shall be performed in accordance with the appropriate Process Table and the requirements of this section, Any furnace modification or repair that could alter the temperature uniformity characteristics of the furnace shall result in a temperature uniformity survey being performed prior to the furnace system being used for processing. See “Furnace Modifications” and “Furnace Repairs” in the Glossary for further guidance. All furnace modifications or repairs shall be documented and include the determination made by the responsible authority within the organization as to whether these modifications or repairs could alter the temperature uniformity characteristics of the furnace. TUS Test Temperatures: If the operating temperature range of the qualified work zone is equal to or less than 170°C (305°) then only one temperature within the operating temperature range is required to be tested. If the operating temperature range of the qualified work zone is greater than 170°C (305°F) then the minimum and maximum temperatures of the operating temperature range shall be tested. For aluminum heat treating, a tighter temperature range is given in Process Table C, C2.4. 34.14 TUS Furnace Parameters: When performing any temperature uniformity survey the furnace system parameters during the test shall replicate the furnace system parameters during normal production. If atmospheres used during production present safety risks or could affect the accuracy of test thermocouples during a TUS an atmosphere of air or inert gas may be used. The TUS may be performed with an empty furnace. If the furnace is empty then the thermocouples shall be attached to a fixture to insure required test locations are securely held. If the TUS is performed with a loaded furnace the load shall replicate typical operations and the thermocouples shall be attached to or buried in the load, Use of Heat Sinks: If the TUS is performed without a load the TUS test thermocouples may be attached to or inserted into heat sinks, however the heat sink shall represent the typical section size of the heat treated product. In addition, the heat sink shall possess similar heat transfer characteristics of the material that is typically processed in the furnace under test. Furnace Vacuum Level during TUS: The furnace vacuum shall be run at the lowest set point employed in normal production but need not be less than 1 micron Hg (1 x 10° Torr, or 1.3 x 107 millibar) when performing a TUS. 3.4.2 Continuous and Semi-Continuous Furnaces i cals AIAG 2a ‘Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment Version 3, Issued 10/2011 ‘Tho catalyst for peak performance TUS Methods: Continuous and semi-continuous furnaces shall be surveyed so that the volume defined as the qualified work zone is tested. TUS test sensors shall be arranged either three dimensionally (Volumetric Method) or in a plane (Plane Method). Number and Location of TUS Thermocouples Method: Shall be used with continuous pusher furnaces. See Table 3.4.1 for number of TUS thermocouples. See Figure 3.4.1 for the location of the TUS thermocouples. Method: Shall be used for continuous furnaces where the product is continuously moving through the furnace, e.g,, belt furnaces. See Table 3.4.2 for number of thermocouples. Refer to table 3.4.2 for the location of the TUS thermocouples. 3.4.3. TUS Data Collection: TUS test thermocouples shall be traversed through the furnace at a traverse speed typically used in production and representing all test locations as required in Table 3.4.1 and Figure 3.4.1 or Table 3.4.2 as appropriate. Data collection shall begin when the TUS test thermocouples are loaded into the furnace. All temperature data generated by the TUS test thermocouples shall be recorded automatically at least every thirty seconds. The process record for furnace zone temperature shall be compared to the TUS data to ensure compliance to TUS requirements. Manual data collection is not allowed. TUS data collected shall clearly show the soak period achieved so that the responsible Quality Assurance organization can determine compliance with internal process specifications defining suitable soak time. 3.44 Furnaces Other Than Continuous or Semi-Continuous Number of TUS Thermocouples: The required number of TUS thermocouples shall be in accordance with the TUS Test Thermocouple Table 3.4.1. Location of TUS Thermocouples: See Figure 3.4.1 for the typical location of thermocouples in rectangular and cylindrical shaped furnaces. For furnace work zone volumes greater than 8.5m’ (300ft*), the thermocouple locations shall be similar to the example in Figure 3.4.1 and the additional thermocouples shall be located to best represent the qualified work zone. TUS Data Collection: Data collection shall begin when the TUS thermocouples are loaded into the furnace. All temperature data generated by the TUS thermocouples and recorded on the process record for furnace zone temperature shall be recorded automatically at a frequency of at least one set of readings ‘every two minutes for the duration of the survey. Manual data collection is not allowed. The process record for furnace zone temperature shall be compared to the TUS data to ensure compliance to TUS requirements. the furnace temperature control achieves set point temperature, displaying a normal control cycling around set point, and the TUS test thermocouples have stabilized, then the ‘TUS data collection shall continue for an additional thirty minutes minimum. -58- AIAG cals Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment The cata for poak performance Version 3, Issued 10/2011 3.4.5. Alternative TUS Testing Methods: Design characteristics of certain furnaces may prevent the traversing or insertion of TUS test thermocouples through or into the furnace work zone(s). In such instances it is incumbent upon the Heat Treater to develop acceptable alternative methods to provide objective evidence that temperature uniformity characteristics of the thermal processing equipment meet the requirements of the applicable Process Tables and satisfy the intent of this document. The alternative approach taken shall be reviewed and approved by the customer. 3.45.1 Property Surveys: In the event an acceptable alternative TUS testing method cannot be developed employing traversing or insertion of TUS test thermocouples through or into the furnace work zone(8), property surveys shall be accepted as objective evidence of thermal processing capabilities, Initial property surveys of the selected product shall analyze those characteristics that are sensitive to variations in process temperatures and shall establish baseline data against which monthly product property trends shall be performed. If possible the selected product is processed frequently. The normal process size range shall be represented in the selected product. When a two-step process is under review, the second step can be run on the samples independent from the remainder of the lot. If the furnace qualified operating temperature range is equal to or less than 170°C (305°F), the highest and lowest operating temperatures shall be represented by the product property survey. If the furnace qualified operating temperature range is greater than 170°C (305°F), the product property surveys shall include an intermediate temperature in addition to the highest and lowest operating temperatures. At least five product property surveys shall be performed at each survey temperature. Samples for product property surveys shall be taken from the extremes and center of the load. Monthly property survey trends shall include selected characteristics of heat-treated product analyzed by an appropriate statistical technique. Trends shall be examined monthly with defined control limits. Processing will be halted if any property trend exhibits a shift beyond assigned control limits until the cause of the shift is corrected. 3.4.6 Permissible TUS Test Thermocouple Failures: The permissible TUS test thermocouple failure rate is defined below: ‘When using 3 to 9 thermocouples (0 failures are permitted When using 10 to 16 thermocouples 1 failure is permitted When using greater than 16 thermocouples | Less than or equal to 10% failures A temporary condition such as a short or loose connection where normal temperature readout is restored shall not be considered a failed TUS test thermocouple. No corer position failures of a TUS test thermocouple are allowed. 3.4.7. TUS Pass/Fail Requirements: A temperature uniformity survey shall be acceptable if all previous requirements are met including the following: -59- cal-9 Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment AIAG. Version 3. Issued 10/2011 The catalyst for poak performance All readings of all TUS thermocouples and control thermocouples are within the respective temperature tolerance requirements shown in the applicable Process Table during the defined soak period and the upper temperature tolerance was not exceeded at any time. The time required achieving recovery, stabilization or recurrent temperature pattern did not exceed the time limit specified in any applicable process specifications. TUS is run for the minimum required time. The organization’s internal process specification defining suitable soak time was met. Internal process specification shall define suitable soak time at temperature requirements. Reaction to TUS Failures: If the temperature uniformity tolerance is not within the established limits in the applicable Process Table, the cause of the deviation shall be determined and documented. The equipment shall not be used for additional processing until the cause has been corrected and the TUS has been performed successfully. 348 meeting the requirements of Table 3.2.1 3.4, temperatures of the operating temperature range shall be resurveyed. TUS Instrumentation: TUS’s shall be performed using independent test instrumentation Instrument Calibration Requirements and independent test thermocouples meeting the requirements of Table 3.1.3 — Thermocouples. ‘Compensation for known deviations in the test instrumentation shall be made by electronic or mathematical corrections. 34.9 report: wee. TUS Report: The items listed below shall be included in the temperature uniformity survey Furnace identification name or number. Method of TUS. Survey test temperature(s). TUS thermocouple quantity and location identification including a detailed diagram in three dimensional space, or detailed description or photograph(s) of any load, rack or set-up. TUS thermocouple calibration report to include correction factors. Survey test instrument calibration report to include calibration data and correction factors for each adjustable channel or input. Corrected readings of all TUS thermocouples at each survey temperature. Readings shall be identified as corrected or uncorrected. Any limitations or restrictions of the TUS. Testing company identification (if not performed in-house). Name & Signature of the technician performing the TUS. Survey start / stop time and start / stop date. ‘The data collection period or soak period as applicable shall be identified. Survey test instrument identification number. 1 If the correction takes the form of adjusting (offsetting) the control instrument, and if the Qualified Operating Temperature Range does not exceed 170°C (305°F) a resurvey is not required, but the adjustment shall not exceed the limits of 2°C or 4°F. If the Qualified Operating Temperature Range exceeds 170°C (305°F) then the minimum and maximum

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