On The Use of Directional Criteria

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On the Use of Directional Wave Criteria

Article  in  Journal of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering · September 2004

DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-950X(2004)130:5(272)

43 1,689

1 author:

George Forristall
Forristall Ocean Engineering, Inc.


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Use of Directional Wave Criteria
George Z. Forristall1

Abstract: Directional wave statistics can be used to optimize the design of offshore structures which are not symmetrical. Unfortunately
there does not appear to be any consensus on how directional design criteria should be developed or used. Using simple examples, we
show that commonly used methods are unconservative. In order to preserve the reliability given by designing to omnidirectional criteria,
the product of the probabilities of nonexceedance from all of the direction bands must equal the omnidirectional probability. We suggest
a simple method for assuring consistency between omnidirectional and directional criteria.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-950X共2004兲130:5共1兲
CE Database subject headings: Ocean environments; Random waves; Offshore structures; Design criteria.

Introduction extreme wave height from the NW will always be less than 共or at
most equal to兲 20 m. The lower directional wave heights are not a
Offshore structures are usually designed for the worst environ- problem as long as the reliability of the structure is calculated by

mental conditions that are expected to occur in 50 or 100 years. combining the probabilities of the structure that exceed a limit
Design to a 100-year criteria along with safety factors from stan- state from all directions.
dard design codes has been shown to yield probabilities of failure A problem does arise if the ‘‘100-year’’ directional wave

on the order of 10⫺5 – 10⫺4 per year 共van de Graaf et al. 1994兲. heights in sectors are used as design criteria without checking on
Estimation of 100-year criteria from hindcast or measured wave the overall reliability of the structure. The reliability of a structure
data is regularly accomplished using extreme value statistics, as designed to directional criteria specified in that way will be less

described in detail by Tucker and Pitt 共2001兲. than if the omnidirectional criteria had been used. Some designers
Designers now regularly ask for directional wave statistics as attempt to cure this problem by increasing the wave height in the

well as omnidirectional criteria. The directional criteria can be worst sector to match the omnidirectional criteria, and increasing
used to optimize the design of a structure which is not symmetri- all of the other directional values by the same ratio. Unfortu-
cal. Sufficient sources of directional wave data both from mea- nately, the reliability of a structure designed in this way is still
surements 共Allender et al. 1989兲 and hindcasts 共Komen et al.

lower than if the omnidirectional criteria had been used.

1994兲 now exist to make reasonable estimates of directional ex- The use of directional criteria is analogous to the use of sea-
tremes possible. Despite this interest, there seems to be little lit- sonal criteria for a mobile jack-up rig and is somewhat easier to

erature on the subject of how directional criteria should be calcu- understand in the latter case. If we divide the climate in the North
lated and used. From private conversations with practitioners, it Sea into summer and winter seasons, the summer criteria are al-
has become obvious to the writer that there are considerable dif- ways significantly lower than the winter criteria which are similar

ferences of opinion on how directional criteria should be speci- to the all-year criteria. If the deck is left at the level specified by
fied. This paper is intended to stimulate a discussion of this issue the all-year criteria throughout the year, essentially all of the risk
by presenting the writer’s views, and illustrating them with sim- of a wave hitting the deck is in the winter. The overall risk would

plified examples. be the same if the rig were only used during the winter using the
Clearly, the probability of a particular high wave height being winter criteria. But if the deck height is lowered during the sum-
exceeded in one direction is always less than the probability that mer to try to take advantage of the lower summer criteria, the

the same wave height is exceeded from all directions 共i.e., omni- overall risk is increased since there would then be some risk of a
directionally兲. For example, if the omnidirectional 100-year wave wave hitting the deck in the summer.
height at a particular location has been calculated as 20 m, the For directional criteria, we can best illustrate this concept by

probability that this wave height will approach from any particu- considering two examples. These examples are made much sim-
lar directional sector 共say NW兲 is always less than or equal to the pler than a real extreme value analysis in order to isolate the
probability that it will approach from all directions combined. The problem of finding directional criteria.
reciprocal argument would state that in a 100-year period, the

Two Equal Sectors with Equal Distributions of Wave

Shell International Exploration and Production, Postbus 62, 2280 AB Height in Each Sector
Rijswijk, The Netherlands. E-mail: g.forristall@shell.com

Suppose the omnidirectional cumulative distribution function

Note. Discussion open until February 1, 2005. Separate discussions
must be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by 共CDF兲 of H s is given by the Weibull distribution,
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing F 共 h 兲 ⫽1⫺expb ⫺ 共 h/2兲 1.25c (1)
Editor. The manuscript for this technical note was submitted for review

and possible publication on July 15, 2003; approved on February 23, For simplicity, assume that the de-correlation time scale of the
2004. This technical note is part of the Journal of Waterway, Port, waves is 3 h so the arrival rate is r⫽(365.25* 8)⫽2,920 per year.
Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 130, No. 5, September 1, 2004. The probability P 共year, omni兲 that the maximum H s in 1 year is

©ASCE, ISSN 0733-950X/2004/5-1– 4/$18.00. less than h is then given by


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P 共 year,omni兲 ⫽ 关 F 共 h 兲兴 r ⬇exp兵 ⫺r 关 1⫺F 共 h 兲兴 其 (2) 1

F共 h 兲⫽ 关 N共 h 兲 ⫹S共 h 兲兴 (9)
where the approximation is very good for F(h) close to 1. Setting 2
P⫽1 – 0.01 to get the 100-year wave height yields As before, assume that there are 2,920 independent values of
h 共 100 years,omni兲 ⫽15.16 (3) significant wave height per year. Then the 100-year, omnidirec-
tional wave height is given by
If we use this criterion to design a very simple and precise struc-
0.99⫽exp兵 ⫺2,920关 1⫺F 共 h 兲兴 其
ture that will fail when H s reaches 15.16 m, then the probability (10)
of failure of this structure is clearly also 0.01 per year. which can be solved to give
Now suppose that the wave environment is uniform from all
directions, but we analyze the waves in the directional sectors h 共 omni兲 ⫽14.65 (11)
0°–180° and 180°–360°. Since there are only half as many waves
The 100-year wave heights for the north and south sectors are
in each of these sectors, the arrival rate is now r⫽1,460 per year. found in a similar way, but with only 1,460 waves per year. Those
Then the probability that the waves in one of the sectors are less solutions are
than 15.16 m in 1 year is
h 共 north兲 ⫽14.49 (12)
P 共 year,sector兲 ⫽exp兵 ⫺1,460关 1⫺F 共 15.16兲兴 其 ⫽0.9950 (4)
h 共 south兲 ⫽13.04 (13)
The probability that our structure will not fail in 1 year is the
If we use these values, we discover just as in the last example that
probability that it will not fail due to a wave from sector 1 times
the probability that it will not fail due to a wave from sector 2, or the probability of reaching the design limit in 1 year is

P 共 survival兲 ⫽ P 共 y,s 兲 2 ⫽ 共 0.9950兲 2 ⫽0.99 (5) 共 0.99兲 2 ⫽0.9801 (14)

which is just the same as when we did the analysis on an omni- If we ratio up to match the worst sector with the omnidirectional

directional basis. If we, however, calculate the 100-year return criteria,

interval waves in each sector from Eq. 共2兲 using r⫽1,460, we h 共 north兲 ⫽14.65 (15)
find that
h 共 south兲 ⫽13.185 (16)

h 共 100 years,sector兲 ⫽14.50 (6)

The probability of reaching the design limit in 1 year is then
Now suppose we design a structure that will fail when H s
⫽14.50 from either sector. The probability that this structure will 共 0.9915兲 2 ⫽0.9832 (17)

survive in 1 year can again be calculated from Eqs. 共4兲 and 共5兲, which means that the probability of reaching the design limit is
and is 共0.99*0.99兲⫽0.98. There is now twice the opportunity for

still greater than 0.01 per year.

waves to exceed this value as in the omnidirectional case and it
would be twice as likely to fail as the structure designed from the
100-year omnidirectional criteria. Directional Criteria Must Be Consistent

In practice, of course, this would not be done but the example with the Desired Reliability
serves to illustrate the potential problem. The point of this ex-

ample is that while it is perfectly rational to calculate the reliabil- We should again emphasize that there is no problem with using
ity of a structure from wave statistics in directional sectors, it distributions which have been calculated by directional sectors to
would be incorrect and unconservative to design a structure for calculate the reliability of a structure. The only difficulty arises

100-year waves calculated by a directional sector without check- when we try to find design criteria for the sectors which will lead
ing its overall reliability. to the desired reliability.
If we design to an omnidirectional criterion when the real
Two Sectors with Unequal Distributions of Wave

ocean has preferred directions, we get the benefit that it is ex-

Height in Each Sector
tremely unlikely that the structure will fail from the milder direc-
One practice that is commonly used in deriving directional crite- tions. When we design right up to the directional criteria as in the

ria is to increase the design height in the most severe sector so example above, the structure is equally likely to fail due to waves
that it matches the omnidirectional criteria. The design heights for from either direction and in this case is twice as likely to fail as if
the other sectors are typically increased by the ratio of h 共omni兲/h designed using omnidirectional criteria.
共worst sector兲. This procedure still leads to a design which is less There is an infinite number of combinations of criteria which

reliable in the sense that the probability that a structure will reach could be used to derive the same level of reliability as the omni-
its design yield limit is still greater than 0.01 per year. The first directional case but, say, we want an equal probability of failure
example cannot be used to demonstrate this fact since increasing from the two directions, then the probability of reaching the de-

the directional criteria in uniform sectors will simply reproduce sign limit from either sector must be (0.99) 1/2⫽0.9950. Using this
the omnidirectional criteria. So consider a slightly more compli- with the directional probabilities leads to
cated example in which the CDF, given waves from the north, is
h 共 north兲 ⫽15.16

N共 h 兲 ⫽1⫺expb ⫺ 共 h/2兲 1.25c (7)
h 共 south兲 ⫽13.64 (19)
and the CDF, given waves from the south, is
This leads to the somewhat controversial result that the criteria
S共 h 兲 ⫽1⫺expb ⫺ 共 h/1.8 兲 1.25c (8)

which should be used from the worst sector are now higher than
Then suppose that half of the waves come from the south and half the omnidirectional criteria. This must be done to compensate for
from the north. The CDF for a wave from any direction 共the the fact that failure due to waves from the mild sector has now

omnidirectional CDF兲 is then become possible. There may still be benefit from using directional


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Table 1. Parameters of Weibull Distributions Fit to Directional Table 3. Directional Wave Heights from Table 2 Factored so that the
Sectors 100-Year Wave Height from the Worst Sector is Equal to the Omnidirec-
␣ ␴ tional Wave Height
Sector Number of observations
Omni 42,124 1.45 3.35 Sector Factored H s F(H s )
0– 45 3,816 1.66 2.84 Omni 19.19 0.99
45–90 1,237 2.64 3.38 0– 45 11.79 0.9936
90–135 967 3.04 3.66 45–90 7.99 0.9947
135–180 1,412 3.11 3.52 90–135 7.69 0.9953
180–225 6,479 1.68 3.55 135–180 7.36 0.9952
225–270 16,158 1.59 4.00 180–225 14.95 0.9938
270–315 7,785 1.44 3.34 225–270 19.19 0.9938
315–360 4,290 1.36 2.78 270–315 18.76 0.9931
315–360 15.79 0.9938

criteria, since making the criteria slightly higher in one direction

is compensated by reducing it by a larger factor in the mild di- 1⫺ 共 0.99兲 8 ⫽0.0773 (22)
rection. which has a return period of 12.9 years.

If we follow the practice of increasing the 100-year wave

height in the worst sector to match the omnidirectional wave
Realistic Example height and ratio of all of the other sectors by the same factor, the
result is the wave heights listed in the second column of Table 3.
For a realistic example of how we believe directional criteria

The third column in Table 3 gives the probability of nonex-

should be calculated and used, we consider a data set of waves ceedance of the factored wave heights for each sector, calculated
hindcast for a location in the northeast Atlantic. Waves heights from Eq. 共20兲 and the parameters in Table 1. The probability that
from each of eight directional sectors were fit using two- the listed wave heights in at least one of the directional sectors

parameter Weibull distributions, will be exceeded in 1 year is given by

F 共 h 兲 ⫽1⫺expb ⫺ 共 h/␴ 兲 ␣ c (20)
兿 F i ⫽1⫺0.9542⫽0.0458

1⫺ (23)
The omnidirectional data were fit to a similar distribution. The
resulting parameters are listed in Table 1 along with the number which is a return period of 21.9 years. Factoring the directional

of observations in each sector. wave heights has increased the reliability of the design, but it
The wave height which is expected to be exceeded once in 100 remains less reliable than a structure designed to the omnidirec-
years in sector i is given by tional criteria. The loss of reliability is inevitable, since a structure

0.99⫽exp兵 ⫺2,920f i 关 1⫺F i 共 h 兲兴 其 (21) designed to the criteria in Table 3 will be weaker in almost all
directions than a structure designed to the omnidirectional crite-
where f i ⫽fraction of wave observations in that sector. Solving

Eq. 共21兲 for each sector and the omnidirectional 100-year wave The simplest way to produce directional criteria which give
height gives the values in Table 2. Because of imperfections in the same reliability as the omnidirectional criteria is to make the
extreme value fits to real data, 兺 f i 关 1⫺F i (h) 兴 is not precisely probabilities from each direction equal with their product equal to

equal to the omnidirectional probability of exceeding h. The dif- 0.99. The probability of nonexceedance in each direction is thus
ference is, however, very small. equal to 0.998 744, which essentially gives a return period of 800
As for the simple examples, the directional 100-year values in years. Most extreme value software can easily be set to make this

every sector are less than the omnidirectional 100 year wave calculation. The results are given in Table 4.
height. In each directional sector, the listed wave heights have a We see that the directional wave heights for two of the sectors
probability of 1 in 100 of being exceeded in 1 year. The probabil- are higher than the omnidirectional wave height, as they must be

ity that the listed wave height in at least one directional sector to maintain the reliability of a structure. By construction, the
will be exceeded in 1 year is thus

Table 4. Consistent Directional Wave Heights are Calculated so that

Table 2. Wave Heights Which are Exceeded with a 100-Year Return Return Period for Waves in Eight Sectors are Calculated with Return
Period in Each Directional Sector Period of 800 Years

Sector 100-year H s Sector Directional H s

Omni 19.19 Omni 19.19
0– 45 11.51 0– 45 12.87

45–90 7.79 45–90 8.43

90–135 7.50 90–135 8.04
135–180 7.18 135–180 7.67
180–225 14.59 180–225 16.21

225–270 18.72 225–270 20.75

270–315 18.30 270–315 20.83

315–360 15.40 315–360 17.63


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probability that the wave heights in at least one of the directional case, if there are n direction bands and we want the criteria for a
sectors will be exceeded in 1 year is now 1⫺0.99⫽0.01, the same y year return period, the wave height in each band must be ex-
as the omnidirectional probability. ceeded at the ny level.
It is very difficult to design a structure which exactly matches
a directional wave height distribution. Some adjustment of the
Conclusions and Recommendations directional criteria so that failure from waves in one directional
band is more probable than another may thus result in a more
The design of an offshore structure which is stronger in one di- optimal structure. Such changes are permissible as long as they
rection than another may benefit from the use of directional wave result in the same overall reliability. Indeed, the final judge of a
criteria. But unless the meaning of directional criteria is carefully set of directional criteria must be a check on the reliability of the
understood, the resulting structure may be less reliable than a structure which is designed from it.
structure designed using an omnidirectional wave height. We hope that this technical note will stimulate discussion of
Cumulative distribution functions of waves from various di- the issues we have raised and welcome any comments.
rectional bands can be estimated easily enough by sorting the
available wave height data into direction bins. If the strength of a
structure in each direction is known, then the probability of sur- Acknowledgments
vival of the structure due to waves from each direction band can
be calculated from the probability distribution function of the The ideas presented in this paper are the result of many conver-

wave heights in that direction band. The total probability of sur- sations with colleagues, particularly Chris Shaw, Chris Graham,
vival of the structure is then obtained by multiplying the prob- Kevin Ewans and Michael Vogel. Many years ago, many of the
ability of survival from all directions. There is no controversy same ideas were developed by Bob Haring, Jim Bole and Bob
about how such a reliability calculation should be made using Stacy in informal documents discussed at Exploration and Pro-
directional wave height probability density functions. duction Forum meetings.

The problem arises when directional criteria must be specified

for a given return period. If we naively calculate the wave height References
with a 100-year wave return period in each direction band, then

the 100-year wave height in one of the direction bands will be Allender, J., Audunson, T., Bjerken, S., Krogstad, H., Steinbakke, P.,
exceeded with a return period much less than 100 years. This has Vartdal, L., Borgman, L., and Graham, C. 共1989兲. ‘‘The WADIC
been amply demonstrated by the examples in this paper. If the project: A comprehensive field evaluation of directional wave instru-

directional wave heights are factored up so that the wave height in mentation.’’ Ocean Eng., 16, 505–536.
the worst direction band equals the omnidirectional wave height, Komen, G. J., Cavaleri, L., Donelan, M., Hasselmann, K., Hasselmann,
S., and Janssen, P. A. E. M. 共1994兲. Dynamics and modeling of ocean

the result is still unconservative compared to the omnidirectional

waves, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.
wave height.
Tucker, M. J., and Pitt, E. G. 共2001兲. Waves in ocean engineering,
In order to preserve the reliability given by designing to the Elsevier, Amsterdam.

omnidirectional wave height, the product of the probabilities of van de Graaf, J. W., Tromans, P. S., and Efthymiou, M. 共1994兲. ‘‘The
nonexceedance from all of the direction bands must equal the reliability of offshore structures and its dependence on design code
omnidirectional probability. The simplest way to do this is to and environment.’’ Proc., Offshore Technical Conf., OTC 7382, 105–

make the probabilities in all of the direction bands equal. In this 118.


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