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โครงการประเมินทักษะภาษาอังกฤษระดับประเทศ ครั้งที่ 1

ประจาปี การศึกษา 2562

วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ (ระดับประถมศึกษาตอนต้ น, ป.1–ป.3)
สอบวันอาทิตย์ ที่ 21 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2562 เวลา 10.00 - 12.00 น.
ชื่อ – นามสกุล _______________________________ เลขที่นงั่ สอบ _______________________________
สถานที่สอบ _______________________________ ห้องสอบ _______________________________

กรุณาอ่านคาอธิบาย ก่อนลงมือทาข้ อสอบ

1. ข้อสอบชุดนี้ มีท้ งั หมด 17 หน้า จานวน 100 ข้อ (ข้อ 1–100) คะแนนเต็ม 100 คะแนน
2. ก่อนลงมือทาข้อสอบ ให้เขียนชื่อ – นามสกุล เลขที่นงั่ สอบ สถานที่สอบและห้องสอบ ลงในกระดาษ
แผ่นนี้ดว้ ยปากกา พร้อมกับระบาย รหัสประจาตัว ลงในกระดาษคาตอบให้ถูกต้อง ด้วยดินสอดาเบอร์
2B (หากไม่ระบายหรื อระบายผิด กระดาษคาตอบของท่านจะไม่ได้รับการตรวจให้คะแนน)
3. การตอบคาถามให้เลือกคาตอบที่ถูกต้องเหมาะสมเพียงคาตอบเดียวเท่านั้น โดยใช้ดินสอดาเบอร์ 2B
ระบายวงกลมตัวเลือกในกระดาษคาตอบให้เต็มวงและเข้ มทึบ
ตัวอย่าง ถ้าตัวเลือก  ถูกต้อง ให้ระบายดังนี้
  ⚫  
4. ในกรณีต้องการเปลี่ยนตัวเลือกใหม่ ต้องลบรอยระบายในวงกลมตัวเลือกเดิมให้สะอาดหมดรอยดา
เสี ยก่อน แล้วจึงระบายวงกลมตัวเลือกใหม่
5. เมื่อหมดเวลาสอบ ให้ส่งเฉพาะกระดาษคาตอบเท่านั้น ส่ วนข้อสอบให้ผเู ้ ข้าสอบนากลับไปได้
6. ให้นกั เรี ยนตั้งใจทาข้อสอบด้วยความรู ้ความสามารถ เพราะเพียงได้ คะแนนผ่านเกณฑ์ ประเมิน
มาตรฐานร้ อยละ 50 ขึน้ ไป จะได้รับใบประกาศเกียรติบตั ร
7. ไม่ อนุญาตให้ผเู ้ ข้าสอบ ออกจากห้องสอบก่อนเวลาสอบผ่านไป 1 ชัว่ โมง 30 นาที ยกเว้นมีเหตุอนั ควร
page 1

PART I: Speaking (Items 1-25)

Situational Dialogues (Items 1-10)

Directions: Read the situations and choose the most appropriate answer for each

1. You meet a new friend for the first time. What should you say to him/her?
1. Is this your first time? 2. How do you do?
3. Are you my friend? 4. Who is your new friend?

2. It is time to go to school. You wake up so late. What should your mother say?
1. Hurry up! 2. Wake up!
3. Go to school! 4. Get out!

3. You don’t know the way to the temple. What should you say?
1. Where will I go? 2. What will you do?
3. What is the temple? 4. Where is the temple?

4. School finishes at 4 p.m. It is time to say goodbye to your friends. What should you say?
1. Good evening. 2. It’s 4 o’clock.
3. See you tomorrow. 4. I am your friend.

5. You talk to your friends too loudly in the library. What should your teacher say to you?
1. Quiet, please. 2. Talk to your friends.
3. Close the book, please. 4. Show me the library.

6. You want to know the price of a toy. What should you say?
1. How much is it? 2. Do you know that toy?
3. How do you know the price? 4. Does it have the price?

7. Your aunt gives you some cookies. What should you say to her?
1. Throw them away. 2. You’re welcome.
3. These are cookies. 4. Thank you very much.

8. You break your friend’s glass. What should you say?

1. Great. 2. Good job.
3. I’m sorry. 4. I didn’t do that.

9. A teacher wants you to clean the classroom. What should your teacher say?
1. Go to the classroom. 2. Close the door.
3. Clean your shoes. 4. Sweep the floor.
page 2

10. You get a high score on the final exam. What will your parents say?
1. Forget it! 2. Excuse me.
3. Well done! 4. That’s too bad.

Conversations (Items 11-20)

Directions: Complete the dialogue with the best answer.

11. A: What do you do?

B: __________
1. I am a seller. 2. I do my homework.
3. I like swimming. 4. I want to play football.

12. A: How can I go to the hospital?

B: __________
1. I am a doctor. 2. I can go to the hospital.
3. You can go there by bus. 4. The doctor can go to the hospital.

13. A: When will you go to the bank?

B: __________
1. I’ll go there at twelve. 2. I’ll see my brother at the bank.
3. The bank is open till 7.00 pm. 4. The bank is at 9 Robert Street.

14. A: __________
B: Yes, I can.
1. Can you bark? 2. Can you ride a bicycle?
3. Did you go to the zoo? 4. Did you climb the mountain?

15. A: __________
B: I’d like to eat some pizza.
1. Would you like to eat? 2. Would you like some pizza?
3. What would you like to eat? 4. What kind of pizza would you like?

16. A: __________
B: I am going to the mountain.
1. Where are you going? 2. Where is the mountain?
3. Where did you go? 4. Where were you on the mountain?

17. A: What would you like to do in your free time?

B: __________
1. I like biscuits. 2. I go to school.
3. I have free time. 4. I’d like to read books.
page 3

18. A: __________
B: No, I will go home.
1. Do you like home? 2. Will you go home?
3. Will you go to the café? 4. Do you have the café?

19. A: Whose bag is this?

B: __________
1. It’s black. 2. It’s mine.
3. This bag is big. 4. This is a bag.

20. A: __________
B: I got twenty.
1. What time is it? 2. How old are you?
3. When will you go school? 4. How many pens do you have?

Conversations (Items 21-25)

Directions: Read the conversations and answer the questions.

21. George: I’m so hungry. What do we have in the refrigerator?

Lin: Nothing. Let’s go out.

Where are they going?

1. A library 2. A market
3. A plant 4. A kitchen

22. Jenny: Where did you go last weekend?

Joy: I went to the sea with my family. The weather was so bad.

How did Joy feel about the trip?

1. Sad 2. Jealous
3. Cheerful 4. Lovely

23. Dale: Would you like chicken or fish, sir?

Chip: Chicken, please.

What is Dale’s job?

1. A pilot 2. A janitor
3. A waiter 4. A fisherman
page 4

24. Jane: I found something behind the bush. It is really cute.

Jim: Can you tell me what it looks like?
Jane: It has long fur, four legs, and one tail.

What did Jane find?

1. A fruit 2. A person
3. An object 4. An animal

25. Martin: I like to play the piano, but my mom wants me to play the guitar.
Michael: I like guitar too. In fact, I can play many things. I grew up in a musical
family. James, my brother can play the flute very well.
Martin: Great! Pam, my sister can play the flute well, too. Can you teach me to
play the guitar?
Michael: Of course. I’ll ask Tim to join us.

Whose father is a musician?

1. James’ 2. Tim’s
3. Martin’s 4. Pam’s

PART II: Grammar and Structure (Items 26-50)

Sentence Completion (Items 26-50)

Directions: Choose the correct answer for each item.

26. Joy and Jane go home together every day. ___________ are close friends.
1. I 2. They
3. We 4. You

27. My father buys ______________pencils for me.

1. any 2. a lot
3. many 4. much

28. I always do my homework ___________ home.

1. under 2. in
3. on 4. at

29. ‘________ you have school today?’ ‘No. It’s school break now.’
1. Do 2. Are
3. Is 4. Does
page 5

30. _____________ new students in the classroom.

1. There is 2. There are
3. Is there 4. Are there

31. ‘____________ cooks dinner for you?’ ‘My mother.’

1. Who 2. Where
3. What 4. How

32. Everyone likes my sister. She ________ very beautiful.

1. are 2. am
3. is 4. be

33. My brother likes playing with Legos in _________ bedroom.

1. he 2. its
3. it 4. his

34. I always go home with Jenny. Her house is ____________ my apartment.

1. in 2. on
3. near 4. under

35. Sam ___________ come to school today because he is very sick.

1. cannot 2. can
3. is not 4. is

36. ‘______________ is your uncle?’ ‘He is in the toilet.’

1. What 2. Where
3. How 4. Which

37. My brother always _________ TV until midnight.

1. watching 2. watchs
3. watch 4. watches

38. ‘___________ any money in the pocketbook? I want to buy some sweets.’
1. Is there 2. Are there
3. There is 3. There are

39. My teacher says that she ____________ a puppy for a pet.

1. has 2. have
3. is 4. are

40. Every man in this world has two _____________.

1. foots 2. foot
3. feet 4. feets
page 6

41. Yesterday, my father and I __________ at the cinema.

1. is 2. am
3. was 4. were

42. My parents will not buy me __________ crayons if I do not do my homework.

1. some 2. any
3. much 4. a lot

43. Children ___________ drink milk. Milk is good for their health.
1. should 2. will
3. like 4. want

44. After dinner, my sister and I wash the dishes by ____________ every time.
1. we 2. ourselves
3. our 4. us

45. ‘____________ last night?’ ‘I drank two cups of peppermint tea.’

1. What did you 2. What did he
3. What did you drink 4. What did he drink

46. At the zoo, we can look at the animals ___________ give them food.
1. but 2. because
3. for 4. and

47. ‘_____________is it?’ ‘It’s 10 o’clock.’

1. What time 2. How many
3. When time 4. How much

48. ‘Do you like your friends?’ ‘Yes, I like them. They _________ great.’
1. can 2. have
3. are 4. do

49. I am _____________ a book now.

1. read 2. reading
3. readed 4. red

50. ‘Can you see _________ cats in my room? They are very cute.’
1. this 2. that
3. those 4. these
page 7

PART III: Vocabulary (Items 51-70)

Odd One Out (Items 51-60)

Directions: Choose the odd one out.

51. 1. truck 2. van

3. ship 4. train

52. 1. sausage 2. bank

3. drugstore 4. bakery

53. 1. grandpa 2. grandmother

3. grandparent 4. granddaughter

54. 1. musician 2. postman

3. artist 4. sharpener

55. 1. living room 2. roof

3. kitchen 4. bathroom

56. 1. round 2. thin

3. thirsty 4. long

57. 1. move 2. slide

3. clap 4. hop

58. 1. cabbage 2. carrot

3. cucumber 4. chess

59. 1. false 2. correct

3. right 4. true

60. 1. knee 2. body

3. shoulder 4. thumb
page 8

Sentence Completion (Items 61 – 70)

Directions: Choose the correct answer.

61. I cannot see the whiteboard. I sit ____________ the tallest boy in class.
1. in front of 2. near
3. behind 4. between

62. Nobody can find him. He is hiding ____________ a big box.

1. on 2. in
3. next to 4. across

63. She often wears a pink t-shirt. Pink is her ____________ color.
1. favorite 2. easy
3. difficult 4. hard

64. He didn’t have breakfast. He must be very ____________ now.

1. lazy 2. hungry
3. angry 4. dirty

65. What a beautiful day. I want to ____________ near the lake.

1. set a fire 2. mop the floor
3. clean the dishes 4. have a picnic

66. She cannot write. She just broke her right ____________.
1. eye 2. head
3. arm 4. leg

67. He missed that bus. He is very ____________.

1. late 2. early
3. fast 4. slowly

68. We are brothers, but we look ____________.

1. similar 2. different
3. nice 4. same

69. Mom loves flowers. She ____________ roses and tulips in the garden.
1. buys 2. pulls
3. grows 4. puts

70. It is going to rain. Bring ____________ with you when you go out.
1. a scooter 2. an umbrella
3. pants 4. socks
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PART IV: Reading (Items 71 – 100)

Picture-Sentence Matching (Items 71 – 80)

Directions: Choose the sentence that matches the picture.

71. Where can you see this sign?

1. Near a fire station

2. In a hot place
3. On the kitchen door
4. On a cup of hot coffee

72. What do you do when you see this sign?

1. You must eat with spoon.

2. You must drink from a cup.
3. You must not eat and drink.
4. You must not use black fork and knife.
page 10

73. Look at the sign. Which of the following is correct?

1. There are 130 cars on the road.

2. For truck, there are 100 kilometers to go.
3. The car speed cannot be over 130 kilometers.
4. The truck weight cannot be over 100 kilogram.

74. When a driver sees this sign, what should he do?

1. He should drive slowly.

2. He should play with slow children.
3. He should watch kids’ football match.
4. He should slowly go to see children play.

75. Where can you see this sign?

1. On a plane 2. At the airport

3. At a Thai market 4. At a bag shop
page 11

76. What is TRUE about the picture?

1. The woman is cleaning a knife.

2. The woman is cutting vegetables.
3. The girl is holding a knife.
4. The girl is chopping tomatoes.

77. Look at the picture. What is happening to the man?

1. He is sitting in a car. 2. He is pushing a car.

3. He drives very fast. 4. His car does not work.

78. Look at the picture. What is the boy doing?

1. He is eating candy. 2. He is brushing the teeth.

3. He is crying. 4. He is visiting the dentist.
page 12

79. Look at the picture. What is TRUE about the woman?

1. She is feeding the dolphins.

2. She is swimming with the dolphins.
3. She is riding the dolphins.
4. She is looking for the dolphins.

80. Look at the picture. What does the man sitting in front of the class want to do?

1. Ask questions. 2. Copy his friend answers.

3. Sharp his pencil. 4. Take off his shirt.
page 13

Short passages (Items 81 – 100)

Directions: Read the email and answer the questions.

Hi Kate!
How are you? I miss you and Bangkok very much. I want you to be here with me in London.
Yesterday was my first day at school. Everyone is quite friendly. My school is huge. There are
about 2,500 students. Mr. Perlman asked Jessica, a lovely girl in my class, to take me round the
school and I made some new friends. I study 4 subjects this term: math, English, music, and
history. As you may guess, math is my favorite, and history is the most difficult one. In two
weeks, I will have a quiz on English history. Please wish me luck.
I bought a Buckingham Palace magnet for you and I hope you like it.
Please come and visit me this summer!

81. What should be the ‘subject’ of Pim’s email?

1. My family in London 2. Visit me this summer
3. My school in London 4. I love you very much

82. Where is Kate?

1. In Bangkok 2. In London
3. At a huge school 4. At the Buckingham Palace

83. Who are “Mr. Perlman” and “Jessica”?

1. Pim’s new friends
2. Pim’s stepfather and her friend
3. Pim’s boyfriend and her roommate
4. Pim’s teacher and her classmate
page 14

84. What subject should Pim study harder now?

1. math 2. history
3. English 4. music

85. Which of the following is true?

1. Pim’s school is in London.
2. Pim is quite poor at mathematic.
3. Kate is very good at English history.
4. Kate agreed to visit Pim this summer.

Directions: Read the following texts and choose the best answer for each question.

Text 1

Three male workers came back to their old apartment after a long, tiring
day. They lived together in the same room on the 40th floor. Unfortunately,
the lift didn’t work, so they had to walk to their room. One man had an idea
that each of them should tell an interesting story to make time pass more
5 quickly. They all agreed. Then the first person told a story. After that, the
second one narrated his story. By then, they were on the 28th floor. It was
the third man’s turn. He said, “I’d like to tell you a sad but interesting story.
I left the room key in my car.” His words left the other two men speechless.

86. What is the best title of the story?

1. The 40th floor 2. An interesting story
3. An old apartment 4. The first person’s story

87. What happened when the three men reached the 28th floor?
1. The second man began his story.
2. One man knew that he forgot the key.
3. The third man did not want to tell a story.
4. All of the men knew that they lost their key.

88. What does ‘narrated’ (Line 6) mean?

1. told 2. agreed .
3. left 4. turned

89. What is the relationship among these three men?

1. classmates 2. bell boy and hotel guests
3. roommates 4. employer and employees
page 15

90. At the end of the story, why couldn’t the two men say anything?
1. They were shocked that their room was not locked.
2. They were upset that the lift at their apartment did not work.
3. They were upset that the third men’s story was not interesting.
4. They were shocked that they needed to walk downstairs to get the key.

Text 2

To me, learning to play a musical instrument is an adventure. You

might feel afraid to try it, but it is as exciting as traveling to a new place, and
the only equipment you need is a guitar, a drum, a piano or in my case – a
saxophone. While playing, I feel like I experience something new and learn a
5 lot from it. When I started, my goal was to play this amazing instrument
well enough to play for my family. Now, I’m making progress with the help
of my music teacher. She thinks I am getting better every week! I think I can
reach my goal soon, and then I will play my father’s best-loved song Just the
way you are for him at his birthday party.

91. What is the topic of this story?

1. My music teacher
2. My musical career
3. My first play at a birthday party
4. My learning to play an instrument

92. For the writer, why is playing a musical instrument an adventure?

1. Because he feels afraid
2. Because he loves traveling to a new place
3. Because he sees new things and learns from them
4. Because he wants to play his musical instrument for his family

93. What is this ‘amazing instrument’ (Line 5)?

1. The guitar 2. The drum
3. The piano 4. The saxophone

94. Which phrase in the passage has the same meaning as ‘making progress’ (Line 6)?
1. Getting better 2. Learning to play
3. Helping my teacher 4. Experiencing something new
page 16

95. What was the writer’s goal when he began to play the musical instrument?
1. Playing so well
2. Playing for his family
3. Playing the song Just the way you are
4. Playing at his own birthday party

Text 3

Bangkok has a problem with obesity (more than 60% of people living
there are fat). Bad news is Bangkok shoppers always buy unhealthy food. A
survey of 2 million people in Bangkok showed that 44 % of them have the
same bad eating habits that they had four years ago. The survey also found
5 that shoppers who have a very healthy diet start to buy junk food such as
frozen pizza and instant noodles. Why? Many people believe this is because
healthy food is expensive. Is it true? The survey showed that high-income
office workers in Bangkok choose unhealthy ready meals because they do not
have time to cook. It’s their work that affects their food choice, not their

96. What is this passage mainly about?

1. Popular ready meal
2. Bangkokians’ bad eating habit
3. Thai people’s food choice
4. Bad food in Bangkok four years ago

97. What does ‘obesity’ (Line 1) mean?

1. Being fat 2. Loving unhealthy food
3. Living in Bangkok 4. Buying ready-made meal

98. How did people in Bangkok eat four years ago?

1. They ate junk food.
2. They chose expensive meals.
3. They ate healthy food.
4. They prepared food themselves.

99. From the passage, who may buy frozen pizza?

1. Roberto, an Italian teacher
2. Pete, an unhealthy and thin musician
3. Wit, a busy and rich engineer
4. Anne, a student living in a condominium
page 17

100. Why does Bangkokians’ eating habit become unhealthy?

1. They do not have much money.
2. They do not know how to cook.
3. They think heathy food is expensive.
4. They work hard and have no time.

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