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โครงการประเมินทักษะภาษาอังกฤษระดับประเทศ ครั้งที่ 1

ประจาปี การศึกษา 2562

วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ (ระดับมัธยมศึกษาตอนต้ น, ม.1–ม.3)
สอบวันอาทิตย์ ที่ 21 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2562 เวลา 10.00 - 12.00 น.
ชื่อ – นามสกุล _______________________________ เลขที่นงั่ สอบ _______________________________
สถานที่สอบ _______________________________ ห้องสอบ _______________________________

กรุณาอ่านคาอธิบาย ก่อนลงมือทาข้ อสอบ

1. ข้อสอบชุดนี้ มีท้ งั หมด 21 หน้า จานวน 100 ข้อ (ข้อ 1–100) คะแนนเต็ม 100 คะแนน
2. ก่อนลงมือทาข้อสอบ ให้เขียนชื่อ – นามสกุล เลขที่นงั่ สอบ สถานที่สอบและห้องสอบ ลงในกระดาษ
แผ่นนี้ดว้ ยปากกา พร้อมกับระบาย รหัสประจาตัว ลงในกระดาษคาตอบให้ถูกต้อง ด้วยดินสอดาเบอร์
2B (หากไม่ระบายหรื อระบายผิด กระดาษคาตอบของท่านจะไม่ได้รับการตรวจให้คะแนน)
3. การตอบคาถามให้เลือกคาตอบที่ถูกต้องเหมาะสมเพียงคาตอบเดียวเท่านั้น โดยใช้ดินสอดาเบอร์ 2B
ระบายวงกลมตัวเลือกในกระดาษคาตอบให้เต็มวงและเข้ มทึบ
ตัวอย่าง ถ้าตัวเลือก  ถูกต้อง ให้ระบายดังนี้
  ⚫  
4. ในกรณีต้องการเปลี่ยนตัวเลือกใหม่ ต้องลบรอยระบายในวงกลมตัวเลือกเดิมให้สะอาดหมดรอยดา
เสี ยก่อน แล้วจึงระบายวงกลมตัวเลือกใหม่
5. เมื่อหมดเวลาสอบ ให้ส่งเฉพาะกระดาษคาตอบเท่านั้น ส่ วนข้อสอบให้ผเู ้ ข้าสอบนากลับไปได้
6. ให้นกั เรี ยนตั้งใจทาข้อสอบด้วยความรู ้ความสามารถ เพราะเพียงได้ คะแนนผ่านเกณฑ์ ประเมิน
มาตรฐานร้ อยละ 50 ขึน้ ไป จะได้รับใบประกาศเกียรติบตั ร
7. ไม่ อนุญาตให้ผเู ้ ข้าสอบ ออกจากห้องสอบก่อนเวลาสอบผ่านไป 1 ชัว่ โมง 30 นาที ยกเว้นมีเหตุอนั ควร
page 1

PART I: Speaking and Conversation (Items 1-25)

Situational dialogues (Items 1-5)

Directions: Read the situation and choose the best answer.

1. Situation: Danai looks upset today. When his friend, Tonmai, asked him what was
wrong, Danai replied that his grandmother was ill. Tonmai then said:
1. Please forgive me. 2. I hope you get better soon.
3. I’m sorry to hear that. 4. Is there anything else I can do?
5. That’s really nice of you.

2. Situation: Pakpoom recently moved to a new apartment. When Lyla meets him at the
school cafeteria, she asked:
1. How about playing tennis later? 2. How are you doing at school?
3. How many chairs are there? 4. How do you like your new place?
5. How would you like your tea?

3. Situation: Mali got on the bus to Siam Square One. She was unsure where to get off
so she asked the driver:
1. Is this the right bus for Siam Square One?
2. Can I take bus no. 192 to Siam Square One?
3. Should I change busses to Siam Square One?
4. How much does it cost to go to Siam Square One?
5. Can you tell me when we get to Siam Square One?

4. Situation: There is a long holiday coming next week. When a friend asks if Pradtana
is looking forward to the holiday, she answers:
1. Yes, I’m really excited about it. 2. I’m going to Korea.
3. The weather is lovely. 4. I like her very much.
5. Why don’t you go to beach?

5. Situation: Minnie is enjoying dinner with her family. Towards the end of the meal,
the waiter approaches and asks if they would like some dessert. Minnie
1. Please forget it. 2. It’s delicious.
3. No, thanks. I’m full. 4. That’s very kind of you.
5. Fish and chips for me please.
page 2

Conversation (Items 6-25)

Directions: Complete the dialogues with the best answer for each blank.

6. Charlie: Lucy! Lucy! I just got a scholarship to study in the US for a year!
Lucy: _____________________. That’s so exciting. When are you leaving?
1. I’m sorry to hear that! 2. Congratulations!
3. Good to see you! 4. Get well soon!
5. It serves you right!

7. Passenger 1: ___________________________. It’s really hot in here.

Passenger 2: Not at all. Let me do it for you.
1. Can you open the window, please? 2. Why aren’t you sweating?
3. Do you mind if I open the window? 4. Are we there yet?
5. Is there any air-conditioning in here?

8. Salesperson: Good morning. How may I help you?

Laura: Hi. The skirt in your display window is lovely._______________?
Salesperson: Sorry. I’m afraid that is the last one. We have one in another colour, if
you’re interested.
1. Don’t you agree? 2. Do you take credit cards?
3. Can I have it gift wrapped? 4. Do you have one in size 12?
5. Is there a discount?

9. Server: Today’s lunch special is French beef stew.

Customer: ____________________. I’ll have that with a glass of red wine, please.
1. What is it? 2. That’s awful.
3. It’s unbelievable! 4. No problem.
5. That sounds great.

10. Guest: Hi! I would like to check in, please.

Hotel Receptionist: ____________________. Just let me finish checking this
gentleman in first.
1. Right away, ma’am. 2. I will be with you in a moment.
3. What is your name? 4. How about tomorrow?
5. I can carry the luggage for you.

11. Father: ____________________?

Michael: I fell down the stairs at school. I think I sprained my right ankle.
1. What’s wrong with your leg? 2. Did you get new shoes?
3. How are you doing? 4. Is that a new dance?
5. Do you love school?
page 3

12. Jake: I’m hungry. I’m going to the canteen. _________________?

Jordan: Yes, I do. I haven’t had breakfast yet.
1. Do you want to come with me? 2. Don’t you like desserts?
3. Did you go there? 4. Don’t you see that?
5. Do you come to school early every day?

13 A: Ouch! My foot!
B: Are you all right?
A: Yes, I’m all right.
B: I’m very sorry.
A: ____________________.
1. It’s your problem. 2. Never mind.
3. There you go 4. See you
5. My pleasure

14. Student 1: I failed the midterm math test again!

Student 2: Sorry to hear that. Do you want to get some ice-cream to cheer you up?
Student 1: _______________________.
1. That’s great news. 2. That’s understandable.
3. That’s dangerous. 4. That sounds awful.
5. That’s a good idea.

15. Foreign friend: Eating street food in Thailand is so much fun. What is that?
Thai student: It’s deep-fried silkworm. Would you like to try some?
Foreign friend: _________________________. I’m not brave enough to eat insects
yet. Shall we move on to another cart?
1. Maybe next time. 2. That’ll be great.
3. I’d love that. 4. It’s not that bad.
5. I hope it will be all right.

Conversation 1: Family Movie Night

Mother: I have a surprise for you.

Greg: 16. ________________________
Mother: We are going to the movie theatre tonight and you two can choose the movie.
Greg: Hooray! I want to see the new X-Men movie!
Lisa: 17. ______________________, Greg. They always fight and I get scared.
Mother: Your sister is too young for an action movie, Greg. Lisa, 18. ________________?
Lisa: I want to see “the Secret Life of Pets”. The animals look so cute and fluffy.
Greg: Not again. You always choose girly movie. 19. _____________________
Lisa: You love adventures and magic, right? How about Aladdin?
Greg: Well…. 20. ___________________. I heard that the computer effects are amazing.
Mother: OK, we’re going to see Aladdin. So everybody’s happy?
Greg and Lisa: Yes!
page 4

16. 1. What is it? 2. I don’t care.

3. I’m sorry. 4. We’re going to be late!
5. Who is going?

17. 1. I love it 2. I don’t mind

3. That’s interesting 4. I’m sure
5. I don’t want to see it

18. 1. what do you want to do 2. what do you want to see

3. what do you do 4. what is going on
5. what will happen

19. 1. I’d love to see that. 2. Let’s go.

3. I want to watch something else. 4. I’ll buy the popcorn.
5. I can’t wait to see it.

20. 1. I don’t want to watch Aladdin 2. Aladdin is for babies

3. Aladdin seems boring 4. Aladdin sounds fun
5. That is a terrible idea

Conversation 2: Getting a train ticket

Kim: Hello. Could you tell me when the next train to London is?
Staff: The next train is in 15 minutes.
Kim: 21. ____________________________
Staff: Of course. Would you like a one-way or a return ticket?
Kim: A return ticket, please. 22. _______________________
Staff: That’ll be 28 pounds. Are you going to take the bus and the underground?
Kim: 23. ____________ I’m going to many places today. Public transport is the cheapest way.
Staff: You should get a travel card. It is a return ticket with unlimited use of the bus and
underground. It’s only 34 pounds. 24. _____________________________
Kim: Yes, I would! One travel card, please. 25. _____________________________
Staff: That’ll be 34 pounds. The train leaves from platform 11.
Kim: Thank you very much!

21. 1. Can you say that again?

2. Can you tell me where is the platform?
3. Can I see the ticket, please?
4. Can I get a ticket for that train, please?
5. Can I take another train?
page 5

22. 1. Who will go with me? 2. How will I find the train?
3. Where can I get on the train? 4. How much will it be?
5. Will someone help me with the luggage?

23. 1. No, I’m not. 2. Yes, I am.

3. Yes, I will. 4. No, I won’t.
5. Of course not.

24. 1. Would you like one? 2. Will you come back today?
3. Will you travel with any luggage? 4. Would you let me know?
5. Would you mind going to the next counter?

25. 1. I’ll see you soon. 2. I love the idea.

3. Thank you for the recommendation! 4. I’d better go now.
5. Long time no see.

PART II: Grammar and Structure (Items 26-50)

Sentence Completion (Items 26-35)

Directions: Read each sentence and choose the alternative that BEST completes it.

26. I wouldn’t _________ able to afford it even if it had been for sale.
1. have had 2. have been
3. had had 4. had been
5. has been

27. The figures for December are more or less _________ the figures for November.
1. same 2. similar
3. as same as 4. the similar as
5. the same as

28. If I'd studied harder at school, I _________ to university.

1. would go 2. have gone
3. have been 4. would have gone
5. would have been

29. Where _________ live if you could live anywhere in the world?
1. were you 2. are you
3. do you 4. will you
5. would you
page 6

30. I haven’t seen _________ the film to really form an opinion.

1. enough 2. much
3. much to 4. enough to
5. enough of

31. _________ having all the necessary qualifications, they didn’t offer me the job.
1. Despite 2. Although
3. Despite of 4. However
5. Even though

32. You promised to give me that report yesterday and you _________ haven’t finished it.
1. still 2. yet
3. already 4. just
5. may

33. It’ll be nice if you do but you _________ come with me if you don’t want to.
1. mustn’t 2. can’t
3. haven’t 4. don’t have to
5. shouldn’t

34. The hall _________ this week, so our class will be in a different room.
1. painted 2. is painted
3. was painted 4. is being painted
5. was being painted

35. They’ve gone away for a few days, _________?

1. had they 2. are they
3. aren’t they 4. have they
5. haven’t they
page 7

Cloze (Items 36-40)

Directions: Read the text below and select the best word choices to complete it.

Fitness experts are now telling us that cycling is one of the best forms of exercise. As well as
making you stronger and more energetic, cycling also helps improve your breathing. Not only
does correct breathing help your lungs to develop, but it is also good for your general well-being.
But for cycling to have the right 36. ________ on the body, you should cycle as often as you can
because the more you practice, the better the results 37. ________ be.

For people who are not accustomed to doing exercise, cycling is a great start. It also has
other advantages. 38. __________ it is an outdoor sport, it allows you to spend time in the open
air, and the idea of being able to escape from the noise and traffic of the city is very attractive to
many people. In countries like Germany and Holland where cycling is extremely popular, special
cycling lanes 39. __________ along the side of the road. This not only gives the cyclist more
freedom, but it also prevents accidents, which are often caused by impatient drivers 40.
_________ can't wait to overtake a slow cyclist.

36. 1. effect 2. affect

3. effecting 4. affecting
5. effective

37. 1. to 2. are
3. will 4. does
5. have

38. 1. However 2. Because

3. As a result 4. Moreover
5. In order to

39. 1. is building 2. are built

3. have built 4. to be built
5. build

40. 1. where 2. which

3. why 4. whom
5. who
page 8

Error Identification (Items 41-50)

Directions: Choose the INCORRECT underlined part for each of the following.

41. Krati says that he has to stop to travel abroad because of his money situation.
1 2 3 4 5

42. The teacher regrets informing her students that some of them does not pass the test.
1 2 3 4 5

43. If you would’ve told me, I would have given you my honest advice immediately.
1 2 3 4 5

44. The four students talked between themselves about the possible answers on the exam.
1 2 3 4 5

45. These are the most cheapest concert tickets I have seen in my life.
1 2 3 4 5

46. I’m a little afraid to complete this project by my own, without the support of my
1 2 3 4 5

47. Charlee told me that he had never been in that restaurant before.
1 2 3 4 5

48. Could you please tell me how can I get in touch with Mr. Yoo?
1 2 3 4 5

49. We’re not sure she is all the qualifications for this position.
1 2 3 4 5

50. Last summer, my mom didn’t let me spent a single night at my classmate’s house.
1 2 3 4 5
page 9

PART III: Vocabulary (Items 51-70)

Sentence Completion (Items 51-60)

Directions: Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.

51. Dinosaurs ____________ from the face of the earth millions of years ago because of
food shortages.
1. grew 2. located
3. dived 4. vanished
5. lived

52. Wat Phra Kaew is one of the most famous architectural ___________________ of
1. categories 2. symbols
3. technologies 4. sceneries
5. playgrounds

53. I waited for my friend at the cinema for an hour, but she didn’t ________________.
1. hang up 2. focus on
3. give away 4. act out
5. show up

54. Turmeric is a(n) _________ Southern Thai herb that is often used in Southern dishes.
1. variety 2. warm
3. unique 4. mild
5. irregular

55. The villagers in Khao Lak were told to ____________ their homes as soon as they heard
the tsunami warning signal.
1. abandon 2. defend
3. establish 4. fasten
5. improve

56. The teacher always tells her students “You cannot succeed in life __________
you work hard”
1. although 2. but
3. unless 4. and
5. because
page 10

57. One reason that Thai people are proud of King Rama 9 is that he is _________ in
many areas of art and sport.
1. talented 2. responsible
3. specific 4. luxurious
5. proper

58. The early __________of Phuket’s tourism industry opened the island’s first three-star
hotel during the 1970s.
1. pedestrians 2. pioneers
3. accountants 4. specialists
5. candidates

59. When traveling, it is important to learn how locals _________ each other in order to
create a meaningful connection.
1. dance 2. criticize
3. greet 4. overlook
5. expect

60. Since it usually rains in July, tourists are advised to check the __________ forecast
before talking boat trips.
1. celebration 2. invention
3. extracurricular 4. weather
5. accommodation

Synonym (Items 61-65)

Directions: Choose the synonym of the underlined word.

61. The film that we saw yesterday told an incredible story of survival.
1. reliable 2. realistic
3. usual 4. unbelievable
5. violent

62. A great number of car accidents in Thailand are the result of drivers not driving
1. easily 2. cautiously
3. firmly 4. especially
5. completely

63. In order to stay dry, you should take your umbrella to work every day.
1. hang 2. make
3. bring 4. join
5. send
page 11

64. Many of the world's richest countries are also the world's smallest.
1. nations 2. provinces
3. planets 4. governments
5. continents

65. My nephew has grown up so much that I can hardly recognize him.
1. persuade 2. replace
3. participate 4. separate
5. remember

Antonym (Items 66-70)

Directions: Choose the antonym of the underlined word.

66. Single-use plastic pollution has become a major global problem in recent years.
1. local 2. regular
3. international 4. secret
5. universal

67. The secretary arrived late for the meeting because of bad traffic.
1. entered 2. departed
3. traveled 4. delayed
5. hurried

68. The managers at our company had a long argument about which workers to hire.
1. meeting 2. network
3. agreement 4. conference
5. disagreement

69. Many people are optimistic about the country’s economy after last month’s election.
1. confident 2. certain
3. pessimistic 4. positive
5. enthusiastic

70. Having studied English since kindergarten, students at this school can produce
complicated sentences correctly.
1. competitive 2. difficult
3. complex 4. mixed
5. simple
page 12

PART IV: Reading (Items 71-100)

Signs (Items 71-75)

Directions: Choose the best answer for each question.

71. If you see this sign on the classroom door, what should you do?

1. Bring food inside the room 2. Drink a lot of water

3. Finish the food before entering 4. Turn off your mobile phone
5. Ask your friend to buy snack for you

72. What does this sign tell you to do?

1. Turn off the light before leaving 2. Carry a flashlight

3. Leave the door open 4. Lock the door
5. Do not touch the switch

73. What can be understood from this sign?

1. The gate shouldn’t be closed. 2. The gate is locked.

3. There is a security guard at the gate 4. The gate can be opened.
5. You cannot enter the property.
page 13

74. Where would this sign most likely be found?

1. At the airport. 2. In the hospital.

3. In the library. 4. At a shopping mall.
5. At a hotel.

75. Which of the following products fit the information stated on the sign?

1. Newspapers 2. Old clothes

3. Old computers 4. Cereal boxes
5. Soda cans
page 14

Short news (Items 76-100)

Passage 1 (Items 76-79)

The Moon is a satellite of the Earth. It is about the quarter size of the Earth. It goes
around the Earth in approximately one month. It is about 384,000 kilometers away
from the Earth. There is no air or atmosphere, so there is no life on the Moon. It has
about 13 and a half days of daylight and 13 and a half nights of darkness.
5 Temperatures on the Moon are 120 °C during the lunar day and -150 °C during the
lunar night. Because there is no air or atmosphere, there is also no sound as sound
waves travel through air. So, The Moon is very silent.

76. Why there is no life on the moon?

1. Because it is so far away. 2. Because it is too small.
3. Because there is no atmosphere or air. 4. Because it is filled with darkness.
5. Because it has only 13.5 days of daylight.

77. Which of the followings is NOT true according to the text?

1. The Moon goes around the Earth.
2. The Moon is bigger than the Earth.
3. The Moon is hotter than the Earth in daytime.
4. The Moon is colder than the Earth at nighttime.
5. It takes one month for the Moon to go around the Earth.

78. Which of the following options CANNOT complete the sentence "Because there is no
air or atmosphere on the Moon, __________________."?
1. it is a satellite of the earth 2. there is no life
3. we cannot live on it. 4. there is no sound
5. it is very silent.

79. Where would you most likely find this text?

1. In a travel brochure 2. In a newspaper
3. In an English grammar book 4. In a science textbook
5. In a fitness magazine
page 15

Passage 2 (Items 80-84)

Singapore is a small-but-prosperous island nation, both a city and a

country, located on the southern tip of Peninsular Malaysia in Southeast Asia.
Singapore is home to the world’s best airport, some of Asia’s most fabulous
architecture and a delicious food scene that borrows from its neighbors’ top
5 cooking traditions, Singapore offers a complete travel experience when
compared to its’ small size.

The small island offers a diverse variety of activities that tourists can choose
from. Singapore’s different, distinct neighborhoods represent different aspects of
the national experience: Homelands for different ethnic identities, ancient shops
10 stand along with hipster outlets (Joo Chiat and Tiong Bahru), hotel and shopping
mall hotspots housing the world’s most premium brands (Orchard Road), and a
skyline straight out of the Jetsons rising from a former British colonial port
(Marina Bay and its landmarks like the Marina Bay Sands and the Singapore

15 Singapore’s wide-ranging food reflects the multicultural mix of the

Singaporean people. Indian biryani stands, Western food booths and noodle stalls
can be found in most places. Breakfast of roti kaya at a Singapore top hawker is
also a must try for tourists.

80. Which of the following statements about Singapore is NOT true?

1. It is a city. 2. It is a country.
3. It is in Asia. 4. It is an island.
5. It is a peninsula.

81. Based on the text, in Singapore you can find ___________.

1. beautiful beaches 2. five star hotels
3. wonderful buildings 4. the world’s best MRT station
5. colorful markets

82. If a tourist wants to buy brand name products, he/she should go to__________.
1. Joo Chiat outlet 2. Orchard Road
3. Tiong Bahru stall 4. Singapore flyer
5. Marina Bay Sand

83. The word “ancient” (line 9) can be replaced by __________.

1. modern 2. craft
3. historic 4. expensive
5. popular

84. Singaporean food __________.

1. consists of mainly roti 2. is very hot and spicy.
3. consists of mainly rice. 4. is a mixture of other Asian dishes
5. consists of mainly noodles.
page 16

Passage 3 (Items 85-89)

Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4

19.00 The One Show 19.00 Life after my 19.00 Top Gear 19.00 World News Today
Brother’s Murder
The One Show team The team sets out to end the The latest news, exploring
bring viewers the stories Thirteen years after her chaos that snowfall brings to the day’s events from a
that matter from across brother was stabbed and Britain every year. global perspective.
the country. murdered, Channel must
write a letter for the
murderer’s parole. A
brutally honest document
about grief and the effects of

19.30 Waterloo Road 19.30 Earth’s Great Rivers 19.30 Born to be Wild

Sambuca enlists Lauren Documentary revealing the We meet the amateur

and Finn’s help to track animals and landscapes of naturalist who has turned
her father down in the greatest river on Earth. his garden into a lizard
Blackpool. From transparent lagoons to empire.
pink dolphins, the Amazon
hides spectacular secrets.

20.00 BBC News 20.00 Great Movie Mistakes 20.00 Explosions: How
and Regional News We Shook the World
Robert Webb uncovers the
The latest national and mistakes in Hollywood’s Engineer Jem Stansfield
international news biggest blockbusters. investigates the science of
stories from the BBC, explosions.
followed by the weather.
20.30 In with the Flynns 20.30 Supermarket Secrets 20.30 Cannabis: 20.30 Hidcote: A Garden
What’s the Harm? for All Seasons
Liam and Caroline work Gregg and Nikki look at
extra shifts, but who is how technology is Exploring the world The story behind Hidcote,
looking after the kids? transforming the way we of organised crime the most influential
shop for food. This week, linked to the supply English garden of the 20th.
Gregg documents new of cannabis in the UK.
vegan meals designed to
taste like meat.

21.00 The Apprentice 21.00 Wonderland 21.00 Kill Bill: Vol 2 21.00 Recap: World News
Lord Sugar instructs the Film which climbs aboard The assassin, The Bride,
teams to build junk with four families as they concludes her ruthless quest A recap of today news,
collection businesses. take to the road. for revenge against her exploring the day’s events
nemesis. from a global perspective.
page 17

85. Who would find this extract useful?

1. A TV reporter
2. An average TV viewer
3. A television program director
4. Anyone who loves watching documentaries
5. A student studying media and communication

86. If you enjoy watching documentaries, which channels might be best for you?
1. Channel 1 and Channel 2 2. Channel 2 and Channel 3
3. Channel 2 and Channel 4 4. Channel 3 and Channel 4
5. Channel 4 and Channel 1

87. If you miss the news at 19.00, on which channel and at which time can you next catch
the next news broadcast?
1. Channel 1 at 20:00 2. Channel 4 at 20:30
3. Channel 2 at 20:30 4. Channel 3 at 21:00
5. Channel 4 at 21:00

88. If you’re interested in gardening, what programme might you look out for?
1. Hidcote 2. Top Gear
3. Wonderland 4. Waterloo Road
5. Earth’s Great Rivers

89. On which channel and at which time can you see the weather forecast?
1. Channel 1 at 20:00 2. Channel 4 at 19:00
3. Channel 2 at 20:30 4. Channel 3 at 20:00
5. Channel 4 at 20:00
page 18

Passage 4 (Items 90-94)

12th June 2019 - Twenty-two years after the release of the first Harry Potter
book “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer Stone”, J.K. Rowling’s magical world has
never stopped charming her audience, children and adults alike. Recently,
Harry Potter fans around the world were over the moon when some news
5 reported that she will write more Harry Potter books. However, their happiness
did not last very long.

The news started when J. K. Rowling’s website announced that four Harry
Potter themed eBooks, “Harry Potter: A History of Magic”, will be released.
News websites quickly reported it to the excited fans and some reporters added
10 that J.K. Rowling would be writing those books. Although the books are based
on J.K. Rowling materials in Harry Potter series, they will be produced and
published by Pottermore Publishing, which is a Harry Potter fan-based
publishing house.

With more than 500 million copies sold worldwide, Harry Potter is considered
15 the best-selling book series in the history and has been translated into as many
as 75 languages. The series has been made into movies, which created gross
income of more than 7.7 billion dollars. The sequel play, “Harry Potter and the
Cursed Child”, is now showing in London and Melbourne. The prequel movie
series, “Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them”, is continuing. With a vast
20 fan base, no wonder why so many fans were very happy with the news, which
sadly was not true.

90. What year was the first Harry Potter book released?
1. 1922 2. 1983
3. 1997 4. 1972
5. 2011

91. What made Harry Potter fans think that J.K. Rowling was writing new Harry Potter
1. J.K. Rowling announced that she would write more books.
2. Pottermore Publishing announced their work with J.K. Rowling.
3. Some news reporters misunderstood the announcement.
4. The first Harry Potter book was going to be re-released.
5. New Harry Potter movie will be released soon.
page 19

92. Who is responsible for the production of the new book series?
1. J.K. Rowling is going to publish the books by herself.
2. Bloomsbury will be publishing the new book series.
3. A publishing house in London and Melbourne will be responsible for the
4. Pottermore Publishing will be publishing the Harry Potter books.
5. A movie production company will produce the books.

93. Which of these following has the closest meaning to “over the moon” in paragraph 1?
1. happy 2. sad
3. far away 4. unreal
5. magical

94. What is the name of the new book series?

1. Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them
2. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer Stone
3. Harry Potter: A History of Magic
4. Quidditch through the ages
5. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Passage 5 (Items 95-100)

Whether you’re travelling to the islands or the mountains of Thailand, you’re likely to
spend at least one night in its capital city on the way. Bangkok might be noisy and the
traffic is very congested, but it’s also an exciting city with plenty of things to see and
do. Why not make it a longer stay?

Where to stay
5 Khao San Road was a famous travelers’ spot even before Leonardo di Caprio’s
character is the film The Beach stayed there. But it’s noisy, not very pretty, and not
very Thai. For something more authentic, Phra Kanong offers an alternative place to
stay, with its fantastic street markets where everyday Bangkok people eat, work, and
live. It’s not as convenient for the main tourist sites, but it has a Skytrain station so
10 you can be at the Grand Palace in 30 minutes.

Bangkok's traffic can be a nightmare. Sure, you can easily take a taxi – if you want to
spend hours stuck in traffic jams – but there are two much better ways to get around
the city. To explore the temples and historical sites, catch an express boat river taxi or
a longtail boat along the Chao Phraya river and the canals. For the modern part of the
15 city, the Skytrain is a fast, cheap way to travel from the river to the shopping malls
and nightlife of Sukhumvit, as well as the famous Chatuchak street market.
page 20

Where to eat
The simple answer is: everywhere! Thai street food is among the best in the world,
and for around $5 you can eat a filling and delicious meal. Some food stands have
little plastic seats where you can sit and eat while they cook the same dish over and
20 over, like fried chicken over rice or Pad Thai noodles. You can also head to
Chinatown – Yaowarat Street – and choose whatever looks most interesting from the
many excellent Chinese and Thai restaurants and food stands.

What to do
After you've seen the main sites like the Giant Buddha at the temple of Wat Pho and
the spectacular Grand Palace, and shopped at Chatuchak market, check out the snake
25 farm and watch the live snake show. You can even touch a snake yourself if you

95. Which of the following Bangkok landmarks that you might see in the film The
1. Yaowarat Street 2. Chao Phraya
3. Phra Kanong 4. Khao San Road
5. Wat Pho

96. What would be an appropriate heading for Paragraph 3 (Line 14)?

1. How to order food 2. How to get around
3. How to take a taxi 4. How to go shopping
5. How to dress to the temples

97. Sarah is a visiting Bangkok from Belgium. Where would she most likely go for food
after reading the text?
1. Sukhumvit 2. Chatuchak Street Market
3. Chinatown 4. Chao Phraya
5. Wat Pho

98. What can be inferred about the writer of this text?

1. The writer is a local person of Bangkok.
2. The writer does not like Thai food.
3. The writer lives in the Sukhumvit area.
4. The writer thinks Bangkok’s traffic is bad.
5. The writer is not scared of snakes.
page 21

99. The word “alternative” (line 9) is closest in meaning to __________.

1. exciting 2. opposite
3. different 4. overwhelming
5. exclusive

100. Which of the following is NOT a must-see tourist attraction recommended in the
1. Grand Palace 2. Wat Pho
3. Chatuchak market 4. Snake Farm
5. Khao San Road

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